History Bites is a television series on the History Television network that ran from 1998 to 2004. Created by Rick Green, History Bites explored what would be on television if the medium had been around for the last 5,000 years of human history.
History Bites is a television series on the History Television network that ran from 1998 to 2004. Created by Rick Green, History Bites explored what would be on television if the medium had been around for the last 5,000 years of human history. Typically, a significant historical event was chosen and mock news, sports and entertainment programming was created around it. Each episode included several segments of Green offering historical background of the episode's chosen era and otherwise showed frequent shifts from one comedy sketch to another (as well as returning to certain sketches repeatedly) representing a channel-surfing viewer who never watched any one sketch for more than a few minutes at a time. Furthermore, the theme of the series is about debunking misplaced nostalgia about historical periods by illustrating their often absurd injustices and brutal realities to modern sensibilities. (en)
History Bites is a television series on the History Television network that ran from 1998 to 2004. Created by Rick Green, History Bites explored what would be on television if the medium had been around for the last 5,000 years of human history. (en)