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Charles Eaton, OBE, AFC (21 December 1895 – 12 November 1979) was a senior officer and aviator in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), and later served as a diplomat. Born in London, he joined the British Army upon the outbreak of World War I and saw action on the Western Front before transferring to the Royal Flying Corps in 1917. Posted as a bomber pilot to No. 206 Squadron, he was twice captured by German forces, and twice escaped. Eaton left the military in 1920 and worked in India until moving to Australia in 1923. Two years later he joined the RAAF, serving initially as an instructor at No. 1 Flying Training School. Between 1929 and 1931, he was chosen to lead three expeditions to search for lost aircraft in Central Australia, gaining national attention and earning the Air Force Cr

Property Value
  • Charles Moth Eaton (* 21. Dezember 1895 in Lambeth, London, Vereinigtes Königreich; † 12. November 1979 in Frankston, Victoria, Australien) war ein britisch-australischer Offizier und Pilot und späterer Diplomat. (de)
  • Charles Eaton, OBE, AFC (21 December 1895 – 12 November 1979) was a senior officer and aviator in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), and later served as a diplomat. Born in London, he joined the British Army upon the outbreak of World War I and saw action on the Western Front before transferring to the Royal Flying Corps in 1917. Posted as a bomber pilot to No. 206 Squadron, he was twice captured by German forces, and twice escaped. Eaton left the military in 1920 and worked in India until moving to Australia in 1923. Two years later he joined the RAAF, serving initially as an instructor at No. 1 Flying Training School. Between 1929 and 1931, he was chosen to lead three expeditions to search for lost aircraft in Central Australia, gaining national attention and earning the Air Force Cross for his "zeal and devotion to duty". In 1939, on the eve of World War II, Eaton became the inaugural commanding officer of No. 12 (General Purpose) Squadron at the newly established RAAF Station Darwin in Northern Australia. He was promoted group captain in 1940, and appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire the following year. In 1943, he took command of No. 79 Wing at Batchelor, Northern Territory, and was mentioned in despatches during operations in the South West Pacific. Retiring from the RAAF in December 1945, Eaton took up diplomatic posts in the Dutch East Indies, heading a United Nations commission as Consul-General during the Indonesian National Revolution. He returned to Australia in 1950, and served in Canberra for a further two years. Popularly known as "Moth" Eaton, he was a farmer in later life, and died in 1979 aged 83. He is commemorated by several memorials in the Northern Territory. (en)
  • Charles Eaton est un aviateur, diplomate et officier supérieur de la Force aérienne royale australienne (RAAF), né le 21 décembre 1895 à Londres et mort le 12 novembre 1979 dans la Ville de Frankston. Il s'enrôle dans la British Army au début de la Première Guerre mondiale et combat sur le front de l'Ouest, avant d'être muté au Royal Flying Corps en 1917. Affecté comme pilote de bombardier au 206e Escadron, il est capturé à deux reprises par les forces allemandes mais parvient à chaque fois à s'échapper. Eaton quitte l'armée en 1920 et travaille en Inde jusqu'à son départ pour l'Australie en 1923. Deux ans plus tard, il intègre la RAAF en tant qu'instructeur à la No. 1 Flying Training School RAAF. Entre 1929 et 1931, il est désigné pour diriger trois expéditions visant à retrouver des aéronefs disparus dans la région d'Alice Springs. Après le succès de ces opérations, il est décoré de l'Air Force Cross pour son « zèle et son dévouement à son devoir ». Il s'attire dès lors la sympathie du peuple australien. En 1939, à la veille de la seconde Guerre mondiale, Eaton est chargé du commandement du 12e Escadron, crée lors de l'établissement de la Base aérienne de Darwin. Il est promu group captain en 1940 et nommé officier de l'Ordre de l'Empire britannique l'année suivante. En 1943, il devient commandant de la 79e Escadre de la RAAF à Batchelor, dans le Territoire du nord, période durant laquelle il obtient une citation militaire. Après sa retraite de la RAAF en décembre 1945, Eaton se reconvertit dans la diplomatie et obtient un poste de consul général dans les Indes orientales néerlandaises. Il est à la tête d'une commission spéciale des Nations unies durant la révolution nationale indonésienne. En 1950, il retourne en Australie et travaille durant deux ans dans le Ministère des affaires étrangères à Canberra. Il devient par la suite agriculteur jusqu'à son décès en 1979, à l'âge de 83 ans. Dans le Territoire du nord, plusieurs monuments commémoratifs sont dédiés à la mémoire de Charles Eaton. (fr)
  • Charles Eaton, OBE, (21 Desember 1895 – 12 November 1979) adalah seorang perwira senior dan penerbang dalam Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Australia (bahasa Inggris: Royal Australian Air Force, RAAF), yang kemudian menjabat sebagai diplomat. Lahir di London, ia bergabung dengan Angkatan Darat Britania Raya setelah Perang Dunia I pecah dan bertugas di Front Barat sebelum ditransfer ke pada 1917. (in)
  • チャールズ・イートン (1895年12月21日 – 1979年11月12日)は、元オーストラリア空軍の士官、パイロット。後に外交官として貢献した。ロンドンに生まれ、第一次世界大戦の勃発によりイギリス陸軍に入隊し、1917年にイギリス陸軍航空隊に移る前に西部戦線に参戦した。第206飛行隊の爆撃機パイロットとして配属され、二度ドイツ軍に捕まったが二度脱走した。1920年に軍を離れ、1923年にオーストラリアに移るまでインドで働いた。2年後、オーストラリア空軍に入隊し第1飛行訓練学校の教官として貢献した。1929年から1931年の間に、オーストラリア中央部で行方不明となった航空機を探索するため3度遠征の主導者に選ばれ、国民の関心を集めた、そして彼の「義務に熱意と献身」により空軍十字章を獲得した。 (ja)
  • Charles Eaton (21 de Dezembro de 1895 – 12 de Novembro de 1979) foi um aviador australiano da Real Força Aérea Australiana (RAAF) que mais tarde serviu como diplomata. Nascido em Londres, ele juntou-se ao Exército Britânico depois do despoletar da Primeira Guerra Mundial, e prestou serviço na Frente Ocidental antes de ser transferido para o Royal Flying Corps em 1917. Colocado como piloto de bombardeiros no Esquadrão N.º 206, foi duas vezes capturado pelas forças alemãs, e em ambas as vezes conseguiu escapar. Eaton deixou as forças armadas em 1920 e trabalhou na Índia até se mudar para a Austrália em 1923. Dois anos mais tarde juntou-se à RAAF, servindo inicialmente como instrutor na Escola de Treino de Voo N.º 1. Entre 1929 e 1931 foi escolhido para liderar três expedições de busca e salvamento a aeronaves perdidas no centro do continente australiano, ganhando atenção a nível nacional e sendo condecorado com a Cruz da Força Aérea pelo "zelo e devoção à missão". Em 1939, nas vésperas da Segunda Guerra Mundial, Eaton tornou-se comandante do Esquadrão N.º 12 na recém-estabelecida Estação de Darwin, no Território do Norte. Promovido a Capitão de grupo no ano seguinte, foi nomeado Oficial da Ordem do Império Britânico em 1942. Posteriormente, em Batchelor, assumiu o comando da Asa N.º 79, em 1943, e foi mencionado em despachos durante as operações aéreas no Sudoeste do Pacífico. Com o final da guerra, Eaton saiu da RAAF em Dezembro de 1945 e iniciou uma carreira diplomática, passando por postos diplomáticos em Dili, em Timor Português, nas Índias Orientais Holandesas e liderando uma comissão das Nações Unidos como cônsul-geral durante a Revolução na Indonésia. Regressando à Austrália em 1950, continuou a carreira por mais dois anos em Camberra. Conhecido como "Moth" Eaton, foi um agricultor na parte tardia da sua vida, e faleceu em 1979 com 83 anos. Está mencionado em diversos memoriais no Território do Norte. (pt)
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia
  • No. 12 Squadron(1939–40)
  • No. 2 SFTS(1941–42)
  • No. 21 Squadron(1937–38)
  • No. 72 Wing(1943)
  • No. 79 Wing(1943–44)
  • RAAF Station Ascot Vale(1942–43)
  • RAAF Station Darwin(1940–41)
  • Southern Area Command(1945)
  • 1914-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 25529736 (xsd:integer)
  • 39059 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1114702309 (xsd:integer)
  • Australia (en)
  • United Kingdom (en)
  • (en)
  • Head-and-shoulders portrait of man in dark military uniform with ribbons and pilot's wings on chest (en)
  • (en)
  • Officer of the Order of the British Empire (en)
  • Air Force Cross (en)
  • Commander of the Order of Orange-Nassau (en)
  • Mentioned in Despatches (en)
  • World War I (en)
  • World War II (en)
  • (en)
  • : New Guinea campaign (en)
  • : North-Western Area Campaign (en)
  • : South West Pacific theatre (en)
  • : Western Front (en)
  • 1895-12-21 (xsd:date)
  • Lambeth, London, England (en)
  • British Army (en)
  • Royal Air Force (en)
  • Royal Australian Air Force (en)
  • (en)
  • Group Captain Eaton commanding RAAF Southern Area, 1945 (en)
  • (en)
  • No. 12 Squadron (en)
  • No. 2 SFTS (en)
  • No. 21 Squadron (en)
  • No. 72 Wing (en)
  • No. 79 Wing (en)
  • RAAF Station Ascot Vale (en)
  • RAAF Station Darwin (en)
  • Southern Area Command (en)
  • 1979-11-12 (xsd:date)
  • Frankston, Victoria, Australia (en)
  • 220 (xsd:integer)
  • Diplomat (en)
  • Charles Eaton (en)
  • "Moth" (en)
  • 1914 (xsd:integer)
  • 1925 (xsd:integer)
  • (en)
  • London Regiment (en)
  • (en)
  • No. 1 Aircraft Depot (en)
  • No. 1 FTS (en)
  • No. 1 Squadron RAF (en)
  • No. 110 Squadron RFC (en)
  • No. 206 Squadron RAF (en)
  • Charles Moth Eaton (* 21. Dezember 1895 in Lambeth, London, Vereinigtes Königreich; † 12. November 1979 in Frankston, Victoria, Australien) war ein britisch-australischer Offizier und Pilot und späterer Diplomat. (de)
  • Charles Eaton, OBE, (21 Desember 1895 – 12 November 1979) adalah seorang perwira senior dan penerbang dalam Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Australia (bahasa Inggris: Royal Australian Air Force, RAAF), yang kemudian menjabat sebagai diplomat. Lahir di London, ia bergabung dengan Angkatan Darat Britania Raya setelah Perang Dunia I pecah dan bertugas di Front Barat sebelum ditransfer ke pada 1917. (in)
  • チャールズ・イートン (1895年12月21日 – 1979年11月12日)は、元オーストラリア空軍の士官、パイロット。後に外交官として貢献した。ロンドンに生まれ、第一次世界大戦の勃発によりイギリス陸軍に入隊し、1917年にイギリス陸軍航空隊に移る前に西部戦線に参戦した。第206飛行隊の爆撃機パイロットとして配属され、二度ドイツ軍に捕まったが二度脱走した。1920年に軍を離れ、1923年にオーストラリアに移るまでインドで働いた。2年後、オーストラリア空軍に入隊し第1飛行訓練学校の教官として貢献した。1929年から1931年の間に、オーストラリア中央部で行方不明となった航空機を探索するため3度遠征の主導者に選ばれ、国民の関心を集めた、そして彼の「義務に熱意と献身」により空軍十字章を獲得した。 (ja)
  • Charles Eaton, OBE, AFC (21 December 1895 – 12 November 1979) was a senior officer and aviator in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), and later served as a diplomat. Born in London, he joined the British Army upon the outbreak of World War I and saw action on the Western Front before transferring to the Royal Flying Corps in 1917. Posted as a bomber pilot to No. 206 Squadron, he was twice captured by German forces, and twice escaped. Eaton left the military in 1920 and worked in India until moving to Australia in 1923. Two years later he joined the RAAF, serving initially as an instructor at No. 1 Flying Training School. Between 1929 and 1931, he was chosen to lead three expeditions to search for lost aircraft in Central Australia, gaining national attention and earning the Air Force Cr (en)
  • Charles Eaton est un aviateur, diplomate et officier supérieur de la Force aérienne royale australienne (RAAF), né le 21 décembre 1895 à Londres et mort le 12 novembre 1979 dans la Ville de Frankston. Il s'enrôle dans la British Army au début de la Première Guerre mondiale et combat sur le front de l'Ouest, avant d'être muté au Royal Flying Corps en 1917. Affecté comme pilote de bombardier au 206e Escadron, il est capturé à deux reprises par les forces allemandes mais parvient à chaque fois à s'échapper. Eaton quitte l'armée en 1920 et travaille en Inde jusqu'à son départ pour l'Australie en 1923. Deux ans plus tard, il intègre la RAAF en tant qu'instructeur à la No. 1 Flying Training School RAAF. Entre 1929 et 1931, il est désigné pour diriger trois expéditions visant à retrouver des aéro (fr)
  • Charles Eaton (21 de Dezembro de 1895 – 12 de Novembro de 1979) foi um aviador australiano da Real Força Aérea Australiana (RAAF) que mais tarde serviu como diplomata. Nascido em Londres, ele juntou-se ao Exército Britânico depois do despoletar da Primeira Guerra Mundial, e prestou serviço na Frente Ocidental antes de ser transferido para o Royal Flying Corps em 1917. Colocado como piloto de bombardeiros no Esquadrão N.º 206, foi duas vezes capturado pelas forças alemãs, e em ambas as vezes conseguiu escapar. Eaton deixou as forças armadas em 1920 e trabalhou na Índia até se mudar para a Austrália em 1923. Dois anos mais tarde juntou-se à RAAF, servindo inicialmente como instrutor na Escola de Treino de Voo N.º 1. Entre 1929 e 1931 foi escolhido para liderar três expedições de busca e salv (pt)
  • Charles Eaton (Offizier) (de)
  • Charles Eaton (RAAF officer) (en)
  • Charles Eaton (perwira RAAF) (in)
  • Charles Eaton (fr)
  • チャールズ・イートン (王立オーストラリア空軍士官) (ja)
  • Charles Eaton (pt)
  • Charles Eaton (en)
  • "Moth" (en)
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