About: Echo parakeet

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The echo parakeet (Psittacula eques) is a species of parrot endemic to the Mascarene Islands of Mauritius and formerly Réunion. It is the only living native parrot of the Mascarene Islands; all others have become extinct due to human activity. Two subspecies have been recognised, the extinct Réunion parakeet (for a long time known only from descriptions and illustrations) and the living echo parakeet, sometimes known as the Mauritius parakeet. The relationship between the two populations was historically unclear, but a 2015 DNA study determined them to be subspecies of the same species by comparing the DNA of echo parakeets with a single skin thought to be from a Réunion parakeet, but it has also been suggested they did not constitute different subspecies. As it was named first, the binomi

Property Value
  • La cotorra de l'illa de Maurici (Psittacula echo) és una espècie d'ocell de la família dels psitàcids (Psittacidae) que habita matolls i boscos de l'illa de Maurici, a l'Índic. (ca)
  • The echo parakeet (Psittacula eques) is a species of parrot endemic to the Mascarene Islands of Mauritius and formerly Réunion. It is the only living native parrot of the Mascarene Islands; all others have become extinct due to human activity. Two subspecies have been recognised, the extinct Réunion parakeet (for a long time known only from descriptions and illustrations) and the living echo parakeet, sometimes known as the Mauritius parakeet. The relationship between the two populations was historically unclear, but a 2015 DNA study determined them to be subspecies of the same species by comparing the DNA of echo parakeets with a single skin thought to be from a Réunion parakeet, but it has also been suggested they did not constitute different subspecies. As it was named first, the binomial name of the Réunion parakeet is used for the species; the Réunion subspecies thereby became P. eques eques, while the Mauritius subspecies became P. eques echo. Their closest relative was the extinct Newton's parakeet of Rodrigues, and the three are grouped among the subspecies of the rose-ringed parakeet (from which they diverged) of Asia and Africa. The echo parakeet is 34–42 cm (13–17 in) long, weighs 167–193 g (5.9–6.8 oz), and its wingspan is 49–54 cm (19–21 in). It is generally green (the female is darker overall) and has two collars on the neck; the male has one black and one pink collar, and the female has one green and one indistinct black collar. The upper bill of the male is red and the lower blackish brown; the female's upper bill is black. The skin around the eyes is orange and the feet are grey. Juveniles have a red-orange bill, which turns black after they fledge, and immature birds are similar to the female. The Réunion parakeet had a complete pink collar around the neck, whereas it tapers out at the back in the Mauritius subspecies. The related rose-ringed parakeet which has been introduced to Mauritius is similar, though slightly different in colouration and smaller. The echo parakeet has a wide range of vocalisations, the most common sounding like "chaa-chaa, chaa-chaa". As the species is limited to forests with native vegetation, it is largely restricted to the Black River Gorges National Park in the southwest of Mauritius. It is arboreal and keeps to the canopy, where it feeds and rests. It nests in natural cavities in old trees, and clutches usually consist of two to four white eggs. The female incubates the eggs, while the male feeds her, and the young are brooded by the female. Not all pairs are strictly monogamous, as breeding between females and "auxiliary males" is known to occur. The echo parakeet mainly feeds on the fruits and leaves of native plants, though it has been observed to feed on introduced plants. The Réunion parakeet probably went extinct due to hunting and deforestation, and was last reported in 1732. The echo parakeet was also hunted by early visitors to Mauritius and due to destruction and alteration of its native habitat, its numbers declined throughout the 20th century, reaching as few as eight to 12 in the 1980s, when it was referred to as "the world's rarest parrot". An intensive effort of captive breeding beginning in the 1990s saved the bird from extinction; the species was downgraded from critically endangered to endangered in 2007, and the population had reached 750 birds by 2019, whereafter it was classified as vulnerable. (en)
  • Der Mauritiussittich (Alexandrinus eques, veraltet: Psittacula eques) ist die einzige noch rezente Art der Papageien, die endemisch auf Mauritius im südlichen Indischen Ozean vorkommt. Alle anderen lokalen Papageienarten sind durch menschlichen Einfluss ausgestorben. Er ist nah verwandt mit dem ausgestorbenen Réunion-Halsbandsittich der Insel Réunion, der lange als eigene Art betrachtet wurde. Eine DNA-Analyse ergab 2015, dass es sich wahrscheinlich um eine Unterart handelte. (de)
  • Psittacula eques generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Psittacidae familian sailkatua dago. (eu)
  • La cotorra de Mauricio (Psittacula eques)​ es una especie de ave psitaciforme de la familia Psittaculidae endémica de la isla africana de Mauricio. Se encuentra en peligro de extinción, ya que población salvaje no llega a los 100 ejemplares. (es)
  • Psittacula eques est une espèce de perruches constituée de deux sous-espèces. La première est la Perruche de Maurice (Psittacula eques echo), qui est endémique de l'île Maurice, dite aussi Perruche à collier ou localement gros cateau vert. La seconde est Psittacula eques eques, aujourd'hui éteinte, et qui était endémique de La Réunion. Autrefois, ces deux sous-espèces étaient considérées comme des espèces distinctes (respectivement P. eques et P. echo). Psittacula eques est la seule espèce encore existante du genre Psittacula parmi celles qui peuplaient les Mascareignes (îles du Sud de l'océan Indien près de Madagascar). L'espèce, réduite à une quinzaine d'individus, a fait l'objet, à partir de 1993, d'un programme intensif d'élevage et de relâchage dans le parc national des gorges de Rivière Noire, ce qui a permis de porter sa population à 190 individus en 2003. En 2010, sa population est estimée à environ 300 individus. (fr)
  • Parkit echo atau parkit Mauritius (Psittacula eques), adalah sebuah bayan endemik dari Mauritius di selatan Samudra Hindia. Ini adalah satu-satunya bayan yang masih ada dari Kepulauan Mascarene; spesies lainnya punah akibat kegiatan manusia. (in)
  • Il parrocchetto di Mauritius (Psittacula eques (Boddaert, 1783)) è un uccello della famiglia degli Psittaculidi, endemico delle isole Mascarene. (it)
  • De mauritiusparkiet (Psittacula eques) is een vogel uit de familie Psittaculidae (papegaaien van de Oude Wereld). Het is een endemische vogelsoort van de eilanden Mauritius en Réunion, beide in de Indische Oceaan ten oosten van Madagaskar. De nominaat P. e. eques (réunionparkiet) van het eiland Réunion is uitgestorven, de ondersoort P. e. echo op Mauritius is een bedreigde soort. Deze wordt ook wel als een soort (Psittacula echo) opgevat. In 1783 werd de soort door de Nederlandse natuurvorser Pieter Boddaert benoemd als Psittacus eques, op basis van een prent van de vogel, een ingekleurde gravure door , welke dus de type-illustratie is. De soortaanduiding betekent "ridder" in het Latijn en verwijst naar de kleuren van het uniform van Franse cavaleristen. (nl)
  • Mauritiusparakit (Psittacula eques) är en fågel i familjen östpapegojor inom ordningen papegojfåglar. (sv)
  • Psittacula eques é uma espécie extinta de ave da família Psittacidae. Endêmica da ilha Reunião, parte das ilhas Mascarenhas, no oeste do oceano Índico. Alguns autores consideram a população da ilha de Reunião coespecífica com a da Maurício, enquanto outros pesquisadores tratam-nas como duas espécies distintas. (pt)
  • Маврикийский ожереловый попугай (лат. Psittacula eques) — вид птиц из семейства Psittaculidae. Известно два подвида: вымерший номинативный подвид (Psittacula eques eques) с Реюньона и маврикийский кольчатый попугай (Psittacula eques echo) с Маврикия. Подвидами одного вида они были признаны по итогам исследования 2008 года. Эндемик Маскаренских островов, на которых является единственным невымершим видом попугаев. (ru)
  • 迴聲鸚鵡(学名:Psittacula eques)是南印度洋近馬達加斯加島嶼上唯一生存的原生鸚鵡屬物种。 (zh)
  • 2677123 (xsd:integer)
  • 77740 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1120711455 (xsd:integer)
  • left (en)
  • Illustration of a green parrot on a branch (en)
  • (en)
  • Copies of a plate of P. eques, depicting a male of the extinct Réunion parakeet, by François-Nicolas Martinet, 1770–1783. While the plate has been considered the type illustration of the species, major differences between hand-coloured copies mean it may not be adequate for this purpose (en)
  • Psittacula (en)
  • P. eques.jpg (en)
  • Psittacula eques type illustration variant.jpg (en)
  • Photo of a green parrot sitting by a birdfeeder (en)
  • Female by a feeding hopper (en)
  • Echo parakeet (en)
  • Echo parakeet range.png (en)
  • Map showing the location of Mauritius, and island in the Indian Ocean (en)
  • Current range in Mauritius (en)
  • eques (en)
  • VU (en)
  • CITES_A1 (en)
  • CITES (en)
  • IUCN3.1 (en)
  • * P. e. eques * P. e. echo (en)
  • Subspecies (en)
  • (en)
  • Palaeornis echo (Newton & Newton, 1876) (en)
  • Psittacula krameri echo (Peters, 1937) (en)
  • Psittacus eques (Boddaert, 1783) (en)
  • Psittica torquata (Latham, 1822) (en)
  • 300 (xsd:integer)
  • La cotorra de l'illa de Maurici (Psittacula echo) és una espècie d'ocell de la família dels psitàcids (Psittacidae) que habita matolls i boscos de l'illa de Maurici, a l'Índic. (ca)
  • Der Mauritiussittich (Alexandrinus eques, veraltet: Psittacula eques) ist die einzige noch rezente Art der Papageien, die endemisch auf Mauritius im südlichen Indischen Ozean vorkommt. Alle anderen lokalen Papageienarten sind durch menschlichen Einfluss ausgestorben. Er ist nah verwandt mit dem ausgestorbenen Réunion-Halsbandsittich der Insel Réunion, der lange als eigene Art betrachtet wurde. Eine DNA-Analyse ergab 2015, dass es sich wahrscheinlich um eine Unterart handelte. (de)
  • Psittacula eques generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Psittacidae familian sailkatua dago. (eu)
  • La cotorra de Mauricio (Psittacula eques)​ es una especie de ave psitaciforme de la familia Psittaculidae endémica de la isla africana de Mauricio. Se encuentra en peligro de extinción, ya que población salvaje no llega a los 100 ejemplares. (es)
  • Parkit echo atau parkit Mauritius (Psittacula eques), adalah sebuah bayan endemik dari Mauritius di selatan Samudra Hindia. Ini adalah satu-satunya bayan yang masih ada dari Kepulauan Mascarene; spesies lainnya punah akibat kegiatan manusia. (in)
  • Il parrocchetto di Mauritius (Psittacula eques (Boddaert, 1783)) è un uccello della famiglia degli Psittaculidi, endemico delle isole Mascarene. (it)
  • Mauritiusparakit (Psittacula eques) är en fågel i familjen östpapegojor inom ordningen papegojfåglar. (sv)
  • Psittacula eques é uma espécie extinta de ave da família Psittacidae. Endêmica da ilha Reunião, parte das ilhas Mascarenhas, no oeste do oceano Índico. Alguns autores consideram a população da ilha de Reunião coespecífica com a da Maurício, enquanto outros pesquisadores tratam-nas como duas espécies distintas. (pt)
  • Маврикийский ожереловый попугай (лат. Psittacula eques) — вид птиц из семейства Psittaculidae. Известно два подвида: вымерший номинативный подвид (Psittacula eques eques) с Реюньона и маврикийский кольчатый попугай (Psittacula eques echo) с Маврикия. Подвидами одного вида они были признаны по итогам исследования 2008 года. Эндемик Маскаренских островов, на которых является единственным невымершим видом попугаев. (ru)
  • 迴聲鸚鵡(学名:Psittacula eques)是南印度洋近馬達加斯加島嶼上唯一生存的原生鸚鵡屬物种。 (zh)
  • The echo parakeet (Psittacula eques) is a species of parrot endemic to the Mascarene Islands of Mauritius and formerly Réunion. It is the only living native parrot of the Mascarene Islands; all others have become extinct due to human activity. Two subspecies have been recognised, the extinct Réunion parakeet (for a long time known only from descriptions and illustrations) and the living echo parakeet, sometimes known as the Mauritius parakeet. The relationship between the two populations was historically unclear, but a 2015 DNA study determined them to be subspecies of the same species by comparing the DNA of echo parakeets with a single skin thought to be from a Réunion parakeet, but it has also been suggested they did not constitute different subspecies. As it was named first, the binomi (en)
  • Psittacula eques est une espèce de perruches constituée de deux sous-espèces. La première est la Perruche de Maurice (Psittacula eques echo), qui est endémique de l'île Maurice, dite aussi Perruche à collier ou localement gros cateau vert. La seconde est Psittacula eques eques, aujourd'hui éteinte, et qui était endémique de La Réunion. Autrefois, ces deux sous-espèces étaient considérées comme des espèces distinctes (respectivement P. eques et P. echo). (fr)
  • De mauritiusparkiet (Psittacula eques) is een vogel uit de familie Psittaculidae (papegaaien van de Oude Wereld). Het is een endemische vogelsoort van de eilanden Mauritius en Réunion, beide in de Indische Oceaan ten oosten van Madagaskar. De nominaat P. e. eques (réunionparkiet) van het eiland Réunion is uitgestorven, de ondersoort P. e. echo op Mauritius is een bedreigde soort. Deze wordt ook wel als een soort (Psittacula echo) opgevat. (nl)
  • Cotorra de l'illa de Maurici (ca)
  • Echo parakeet (en)
  • Mauritiussittich (de)
  • Psittacula eques (es)
  • Psittacula eques (eu)
  • Parkit echo (in)
  • Psittacula eques (fr)
  • Psittacula eques (it)
  • Mauritiusparkiet (nl)
  • Periquito-de-reunião (pt)
  • Mauritiusparakit (sv)
  • Маврикийский ожереловый попугай (ru)
  • 迴聲鸚鵡 (zh)
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