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Mathew Charles "Matt" Lamb (5 January 1948 – 7 November 1976) was a Canadian spree killer who, in 1967, avoided Canada's then-mandatory death penalty for capital murder by being found not guilty by reason of insanity. Abandoned by his teenage mother soon after his birth in Windsor, Ontario, Lamb had an abusive upbringing at the hands of his step-grandfather, leading him to become emotionally detached from his relatives and peers. He developed violent tendencies that manifested themselves in his physical assault of a police officer at the age of 16 in February 1964, and his engaging in a brief shoot-out with law enforcement ten months later. After this latter incident he spent 14 months, starting in April 1965, at Kingston Penitentiary, a maximum security prison in eastern Ontario.

Property Value
  • ماثيو تشارلز «مات» لامب (من 5 يناير عام 1948 وحتى 7 نوفمبر عام 1976). تجنب ماثيو في عام 1967 عقوبة الإعدام الإلزامية التي فرضتها كندا في ذلك الوقت على جريمة القتل العمد، إذ وُجد أنه غير مذنب بدعوى الجنون. تخلت والدته المراهقة عنه مباشرةً بعد أن أنجبته في وندسور (أونتاريو)، وعانى لامب من تربية جده (من غير نسبه) المسيئة، الأمر الذي أدى إلى انفصاله عاطفيًا عن أقاربه وزملاءه. طور لامب ميولًا عنيفةً تجلت في هجومه على ضابط شرطة وهو في سن السادسة عشر في 16 فبراير عام 1964، وفي مشاركته لحدث تبادل إطلاق ناري لفترة وجيزة، وعُوقب على ذلك وفق القانون بعد مضي عشرة أشهر. أمضى لامب بعد هذه الحادثة الأخيرة أربعة عشر شهرًا في إصلاحية كينغستون ابتداءً من أبريل عام 1965، وهي سجن شديد الحراسة في شرق أونتاريو. أخذ لامب بندقية من منزل عمه وذهب في جولة لإطلاق النار حول حي شرق وندسور بعد سبعة عشر يومًا من إطلاق سراحه من السجن في يونيو عام 1966، الأمر الذي أسفر عن مقتل اثنين من الغرباء وإصابة اثنين آخرين، وُجهت إليه تهمة القتل العمد، والتي دعت بدورها إلى عقوبة الإعدام الإلزامية بموجب القانون الجنائي التابع لتلك الحقبة، لكنه تجنب هذا المصير عندما وجدت المحكمة في يناير عام 1967 أنه لم يكن عاقلًا في وقت الحادث. أُرسل لفترة محددة إلى مصحة للأمراض النفسية. أظهر لامب شفاءً عميقًا على مدار السنوات الست التي قضاها تحت الرعاية في منشأة أوك ريدج بنيتنجويشين التابعة لمركز الرعاية الصحية العقلية، الأمر الذي دفع لجنة مؤلفة من خمسة أشخاص مستقلين إلى تقديم توصية إلى المجلس التنفيذي في أونتاريو للإفراج عنه، تنص على أن لامب لم يعد يمثل خطرًا على المجتمع. وافق المجلس على إطلاق سراح لامب في أوائل عام 1973، وذلك بشرط أن يقضي عامًا واحدًا من العمل والعيش تحت إشراف إليوت باركر، أحد كبار الأطباء النفسيين في أوك ريدج. واصل لامب تحسنه، وأصبح عاملًا مُنتجًا في مزرعة باركر، وكسب ثقة أسرته. انضم بتشجيع من الطبيب باركر إلى الجيش الروديسي في أواخر عام 1973 وقاتل في صف حكومة روديسيا غير المعترف بها (زيمبابوي الحديثة) لبقية حياته. بدأ لامب خدمته في مشاة روديسيا الخفيفة، وفاز بمكان في وحدة الخدمة الجوية الخاصة في الكراك عام 1975، ونُقل إلى فوجه السابق بعد مرور عام على تعيينه الأول. قُتل لامب أثناء خدمته في 7 نوفمبر عام 1976 بعد وقت قصير من ترقيته إلى عريف بنيران صديقة من أحد حلفائه. تلقى لامب ما أسمته مجلة نيوزويك «جنازة الأبطال» في العاصمة الروديسية، سالزبوري، قبل أن يُعاد رماده إلى وندسور ويُدفن من قبل أقرباءه. (ar)
  • Mathew Charles "Matt" Lamb (5 January 1948 – 7 November 1976) was a Canadian spree killer who, in 1967, avoided Canada's then-mandatory death penalty for capital murder by being found not guilty by reason of insanity. Abandoned by his teenage mother soon after his birth in Windsor, Ontario, Lamb had an abusive upbringing at the hands of his step-grandfather, leading him to become emotionally detached from his relatives and peers. He developed violent tendencies that manifested themselves in his physical assault of a police officer at the age of 16 in February 1964, and his engaging in a brief shoot-out with law enforcement ten months later. After this latter incident he spent 14 months, starting in April 1965, at Kingston Penitentiary, a maximum security prison in eastern Ontario. Seventeen days after his release from jail in June 1966, Lamb took a shotgun from his uncle's house and went on a shooting spree around his East Windsor neighborhood, killing two strangers and wounding two others. He was charged with capital murder, which under the era's Criminal Code called for a mandatory death penalty, but he avoided this fate when the court found, in January 1967, that he had not been sane at the time of the incident. He was committed for an indefinite time in a psychiatric unit. Over the course of six years in care at Penetanguishene Mental Health Centre's Oak Ridge facility he displayed a profound recovery, prompting an independent five-man committee to recommend to the Executive Council of Ontario that he be released, saying that he was no longer a danger to society. The Council approved Lamb's release in early 1973 on the condition that he spend a year living and working under the supervision of one of Oak Ridge's top psychiatrists, Elliot Barker. Lamb continued to show improvement, becoming a productive laborer on Barker's farm and earning the trust of the doctor's family. With Barker's encouragement, Lamb joined the Rhodesian Army in late 1973 and fought for the unrecognised government of Rhodesia (modern-day Zimbabwe) for the rest of his life. He started his service in the Rhodesian Light Infantry, and won a place in the crack Special Air Service unit in 1975, but was granted a transfer back to his former regiment a year later. Soon after he was promoted to lance-corporal, Lamb was killed in action on 7 November 1976 by friendly fire from one of his allies. He received what Newsweek called "a hero's funeral" in the Rhodesian capital, Salisbury, before his ashes were returned to Windsor and buried by his relatives. (en)
  • Мэттью Чарльз «Мэтт» Лэмб (англ. Mathew Charles «Matt» Lamb; 5 января 1948, Уинсор, Онтарио, Канада — 7 ноября 1976, близ , Маникаленд, Родезия) — канадский убийца, впоследствии родезийский военнослужащий, младший капрал Родезийской армии. (ru)
  • 1948-01-05 (xsd:date)
  • 1948-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 1976-11-07 (xsd:date)
  • 1976-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 33949468 (xsd:integer)
  • 72606 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1117421265 (xsd:integer)
  • left (en)
  • right (en)
  • A formative black-and-white photograph of a young, confident-looking soldier. He wears a military-issue shirt and a dark-coloured beret, marked with insignia. He smiles into the camera. (en)
  • 1948-01-05 (xsd:date)
  • Windsor, Ontario, Canada (en)
  • Lamb in the Rhodesian Light Infantry, 1974 (en)
  • 20 (xsd:integer)
  • Found not guilty by reason of insanity and committed to indefinite psychiatric care. Released in 1973 (en)
  • 1976-11-07 (xsd:date)
  • (en)
  • Mutema Tribal Trust Lands, Manicaland, Rhodesia (en)
  • Acquittal of capital murder because of insanity in 1967, thus avoiding Canada's mandatory death penalty (en)
  • Mathew Charles Lamb (en)
  • He [Lamb] was one of Elliott [Barker]'s ... I wouldn't want to say 'all-stars', but he had about as cold a personality as psychopaths have and he really seemed to warm up and benefit from the program. (en)
  • ... his comrades gave him a hero's funeral. Back home in Windsor, Ont., however, Lamb was anything but a hero... (en)
  • ... Would slick con artists have a field day in striving to be classified as insane and not criminally responsible? Would the shrewd psychopathic criminal have a much easier time in the hospital for the mentally ill than in a federal penitentiary? ... (en)
  • ... Here was a young teenager who had a glaring defect in his capacity to feel or appreciate what he was doing. Here was a young teenager living in a fantasy or dream world, unconnected with reality. Here was a teenager who was insane at the time of the shootings. (en)
  • When Matt Lamb was released into the community he had a better mental health clearance than you or I. (en)
  • He did not really appear to be deeply concerned as to what would happen to him as a result of the charge against him even though he faced the death penalty if convicted of capital murder. He seemed quite prepared to let justice take its course. (en)
  • ... we isolated him at his own request because he was afraid of what he might do. Lamb had two totally different personalities. When he was in his proper state of mind, he was a fellow you couldn't help but like. But he could be vicious. (en)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • 0001-01-20 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-11-10 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-11-27 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 0001-12-13 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • (Dr Gary Maier, a psychiatrist at Penetanguishene during Lamb's time there, talks to author Jon Ronson) (en)
  • (Eugene Duchesne QC counters Nosanchuk's closing statement) (en)
  • (Justice Saul Nosanchuk describes his first interview with Lamb) (en)
  • 30.0
  • 33.0
  • 35.0
  • Мэттью Чарльз «Мэтт» Лэмб (англ. Mathew Charles «Matt» Lamb; 5 января 1948, Уинсор, Онтарио, Канада — 7 ноября 1976, близ , Маникаленд, Родезия) — канадский убийца, впоследствии родезийский военнослужащий, младший капрал Родезийской армии. (ru)
  • ماثيو تشارلز «مات» لامب (من 5 يناير عام 1948 وحتى 7 نوفمبر عام 1976). تجنب ماثيو في عام 1967 عقوبة الإعدام الإلزامية التي فرضتها كندا في ذلك الوقت على جريمة القتل العمد، إذ وُجد أنه غير مذنب بدعوى الجنون. تخلت والدته المراهقة عنه مباشرةً بعد أن أنجبته في وندسور (أونتاريو)، وعانى لامب من تربية جده (من غير نسبه) المسيئة، الأمر الذي أدى إلى انفصاله عاطفيًا عن أقاربه وزملاءه. طور لامب ميولًا عنيفةً تجلت في هجومه على ضابط شرطة وهو في سن السادسة عشر في 16 فبراير عام 1964، وفي مشاركته لحدث تبادل إطلاق ناري لفترة وجيزة، وعُوقب على ذلك وفق القانون بعد مضي عشرة أشهر. أمضى لامب بعد هذه الحادثة الأخيرة أربعة عشر شهرًا في إصلاحية كينغستون ابتداءً من أبريل عام 1965، وهي سجن شديد الحراسة في شرق أونتاريو. (ar)
  • Mathew Charles "Matt" Lamb (5 January 1948 – 7 November 1976) was a Canadian spree killer who, in 1967, avoided Canada's then-mandatory death penalty for capital murder by being found not guilty by reason of insanity. Abandoned by his teenage mother soon after his birth in Windsor, Ontario, Lamb had an abusive upbringing at the hands of his step-grandfather, leading him to become emotionally detached from his relatives and peers. He developed violent tendencies that manifested themselves in his physical assault of a police officer at the age of 16 in February 1964, and his engaging in a brief shoot-out with law enforcement ten months later. After this latter incident he spent 14 months, starting in April 1965, at Kingston Penitentiary, a maximum security prison in eastern Ontario. (en)
  • ماثيو تشارلز لامب (ar)
  • Mathew Charles Lamb (en)
  • Лэмб, Мэттью Чарльз (ru)
  • Mathew Charles Lamb (en)
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