An Entity of Type: agent, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

The Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) is a collegiate athletic conference located in the eastern United States. Headquartered in Greensboro, North Carolina, the ACC's fifteen member universities compete in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)'s Division I. ACC football teams compete in the NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision. The ACC sponsors competition in twenty-five sports with many of its member institutions held in high regard nationally. Current members of the conference are Boston College, Clemson University, Duke University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Florida State University, North Carolina State University, Syracuse University, the University of Louisville, the University of Miami, the University of North Carolina, the University of Notre Dame, the Univer

Property Value
  • تجمع ساحل الأطلسي (ACC) هو دوري رياضي للجامعات بالولايات المتحدة. تأسس في عام 1953 في نورث كارولاينا، يضم هذا الدوري 23 رياضة للجامعات الإثني عشر الأعضاء في التجمع.ويعتبر تجمع ساحل الأطلسي (ACC) واحد من ستة تجمعات رياضية تسمى بتجمعات القوة، كما أن أشهر ألعابها هو دوري كرة السلة للرجال الخاص بها. (ar)
  • Die Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) ist eine der ältesten Ligen in der NCAA Division I im US-amerikanischen Universitätssport. Sie wurde 1953, ein Jahr vor der Ivy League, gegründet. Ihr gehören 15 Universitäten an, die in 20 verschiedenen Sportarten, davon am bedeutendsten ist der College Football, gegeneinander antreten. Dabei nehmen die University of Notre Dame im Football und die Syracuse University im Baseball nicht an der ACC teil. (de)
  • The Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) is a collegiate athletic conference located in the eastern United States. Headquartered in Greensboro, North Carolina, the ACC's fifteen member universities compete in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)'s Division I. ACC football teams compete in the NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision. The ACC sponsors competition in twenty-five sports with many of its member institutions held in high regard nationally. Current members of the conference are Boston College, Clemson University, Duke University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Florida State University, North Carolina State University, Syracuse University, the University of Louisville, the University of Miami, the University of North Carolina, the University of Notre Dame, the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Virginia, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, and Wake Forest University. ACC teams and athletes have claimed dozens of national championships in multiple sports throughout the conference's history. Generally, the ACC's top athletes and teams in any particular sport in a given year are considered to be among the top collegiate competitors in the nation. Additionally, the conference enjoys extensive media coverage. With the advent of the College Football Playoff in 2014, the ACC is one of the "Power Five" conferences with a contractual tie-in to a New Year's Six bowl game in the sport of football. The ACC was founded on May 8, 1953, by seven universities located in the South Atlantic States, with the University of Virginia joining in early December 1953 to bring the membership to eight. The loss of South Carolina in 1971 dropped membership to seven, while the addition of Georgia Tech in 1979 for non-football sports and 1983 for football brought it back to eight, and Florida State's arrival in 1991 for non-football sports and 1992 for football increased the membership to nine. Since 2000, with the widespread reorganization of the NCAA, seven additional schools have joined, and one original member (Maryland) has left to bring it to the current membership of 15 schools. The additions in recent years extended the conference's footprint into the Northeast and Midwest. ACC member universities represent a range of private and public universities of various enrollment sizes, all of which participate in the Atlantic Coast Conference Academic Consortium whose purpose is to "enrich the educational missions, especially the undergraduate student experiences, of member universities". (en)
  • Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) (euskaraz: «Atlantikoko Kostaldeko Konferentzia») NCAAko lehen mailako konferentzia bat da. 1953ko ekainak 14an sortua, ACC 20 kiroletan parte hartzen duten 15 kidez osatua dago. Konferentzia honetan praktikatzen diren kirolak beisbola, saskibaloia, futbol amerikarra, , belar hockeya, golfa, lacrossea, arraunketa, softbola, igeriketa eta jauziak, atletismoa,, boleibola eta borroka dira. (eu)
  • La Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) (español: Conferencia de la Costa Atlántica) es una conferencia de la División I de la NCAA. Fundada el 14 de junio de 1953, la ACC está formada por 15 miembros. (es)
  • L'Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) est une organisation sportive créé en 1953 et affiliée à la Division 1 de la NCAA. La conférence regroupe 15 universités situées dans l'est des États-Unis. Actuellement, quinze disciplines sportives y sont subsidiées, 13 pratiquées par des équipes féminines et 12 par des équipes masculines. Les équipes de football américain évoluent au sein de la NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) mais celle de Notre Dame ne fait pas partie de l'ACC puisqu'elle a le statut d'équipe indépendante. (fr)
  • アトランティック・コースト・カンファレンス(Atlantic Coast Conference, ACC)は、1953年に創設されたアメリカ合衆国ののカンファレンスのひとつ。大西洋岸の12校で構成されている。NCAAのDivision I (アメリカンフットボールはDivision I-A)、のメンバーで、フットボールやバスケットボールなど20種目の競技を行っている。 (ja)
  • Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) - jedna z konferencji wchodzących w skład NCAA Division I, najwyższej klasy rozgrywkowej w ramach systemu międzyuczelnianych zawodów sportowych NCAA. W jej skład wchodzi dwanaście uczelni z siedmiu stanów, przy czym najliczniej reprezentowana jest Karolina Północna, gdzie mają swoje siedziby cztery szkoły członkowskie. Po dwie pochodzą z Florydy i Wirginii, a po jednej z Massachusetts, Maryland, Karoliny Południowej i Georgii. Osiem uczelni ma status szkół publicznych, trzy są świeckimi uniwersytetami prywatnymi, a jedna to kolegium jezuickie z uprawnieniami uniwersytetu. Biura konferencji znajdują się Greensboro w Karolinie Północnej. (pl)
  • La Atlantic Coast Conference (comunemente conosciuta con l'acronimo ACC) è considerata una delle più importanti conference dello sport universitario negli Stati Uniti d'America: è fra le sei cosiddette major conferences NCAA. Geograficamente raccoglie una serie di prestigiosi atenei situati nella zona sud-orientale degli USA, ai quali si è recentemente aggiunto il Boston College, che è stato invitato a farne parte per ragioni economiche legate al football americano.Tradizionalmente la ACC è considerata una grande potenza nella pallacanestro, dove storiche sono le rivalità fra tre delle maggiori università della Carolina del Nord: University of North Carolina, North Carolina State University e Duke University. (it)
  • A Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) (português: Conferência da Costa Atlântica) é uma conferência da Divisão I da NCAA . Fundada em 14 de junho de 1953, a ACC é composta por 15 membros. (pt)
  • Конференция атлантического побережья (англ. Atlantic Coast Conference) — спортивная студенческая лига в США, входящая в 1-й Дивизион NCAA. На данный момент в конференции состоят 15 университетских команд, соревнующиеся в 25 видах спорта. Входит в 6 сильнейших конференций американского студенческого спорта. (ru)
  • 大西洋沿岸联盟(Atlantic Coast Conference - ACC) 是由美国東海岸15所大学组成的一個体育竞技联盟。成立于1953年。它隸屬於NCAA第一級體育競技聯盟。此联盟的籃球、棒球和美式足球皆非常有名。 其成員包括: 波士顿學院、克萊門森大學、杜克大学、佛羅里達州立大學、喬治亞理工學院、路易斯維爾大學、邁阿密大學、北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校、北卡羅來納州立大學、聖母大學、匹茲堡大學、雪城大學、弗吉尼亞大學、弗吉尼亞理工學院及維克弗斯特大學。 (zh)
  • 1953-05-08 (xsd:date)
  • 1953-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 15
  • 78023 (xsd:integer)
  • 165451 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124920073 (xsd:integer)
  • 10 (xsd:integer)
  • Location of ACC members: (en)
  • #013CA6 (en)
  • August 2022 (en)
  • right (en)
  • #FFFFFF (en)
  • 1953-05-08 (xsd:date)
  • ms (en)
  • mns (en)
  • wns (en)
  • 525 (xsd:integer)
  • Boston College (en)
  • Georgia Tech (en)
  • Miami (en)
  • Pittsburgh (en)
  • Syracuse (en)
  • Virginia (en)
  • Virginia Tech (en)
  • Duke (en)
  • Notre Dame (en)
  • UNC (en)
  • Clemson (en)
  • Florida State (en)
  • NC State (en)
  • Wake Forest (en)
  • Louisville (en)
  • black (en)
  • bottom (en)
  • left (en)
  • right (en)
  • top (en)
  • Atlantic Coast Conference logo.svg (en)
  • 250 (xsd:integer)
  • 225 (xsd:integer)
  • Blue pog.svg (en)
  • Purple pog.svg (en)
  • Yellow pog.svg (en)
  • 14 (xsd:integer)
  • Atlantic Coast Conference (en)
  • Clemson (en)
  • NonNCAA (en)
  • not_ncaa (en)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • unclear when this happened and how it compares to other Southern colleges, much less Northern colleges (en)
  • * South ** South Atlantic ** East South Central * Northeast ** Mid-Atlantic ** New England * Midwest ** East North Central (en)
  • 2021-02-01 (xsd:date)
  • 28 (xsd:integer)
  • 15 (xsd:integer)
  • Atlantic Coast Conference (en)
  • 425 (xsd:integer)
  • 14 (xsd:integer)
  • 5 (xsd:integer)
  • 34.8 -79.6
  • تجمع ساحل الأطلسي (ACC) هو دوري رياضي للجامعات بالولايات المتحدة. تأسس في عام 1953 في نورث كارولاينا، يضم هذا الدوري 23 رياضة للجامعات الإثني عشر الأعضاء في التجمع.ويعتبر تجمع ساحل الأطلسي (ACC) واحد من ستة تجمعات رياضية تسمى بتجمعات القوة، كما أن أشهر ألعابها هو دوري كرة السلة للرجال الخاص بها. (ar)
  • Die Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) ist eine der ältesten Ligen in der NCAA Division I im US-amerikanischen Universitätssport. Sie wurde 1953, ein Jahr vor der Ivy League, gegründet. Ihr gehören 15 Universitäten an, die in 20 verschiedenen Sportarten, davon am bedeutendsten ist der College Football, gegeneinander antreten. Dabei nehmen die University of Notre Dame im Football und die Syracuse University im Baseball nicht an der ACC teil. (de)
  • Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) (euskaraz: «Atlantikoko Kostaldeko Konferentzia») NCAAko lehen mailako konferentzia bat da. 1953ko ekainak 14an sortua, ACC 20 kiroletan parte hartzen duten 15 kidez osatua dago. Konferentzia honetan praktikatzen diren kirolak beisbola, saskibaloia, futbol amerikarra, , belar hockeya, golfa, lacrossea, arraunketa, softbola, igeriketa eta jauziak, atletismoa,, boleibola eta borroka dira. (eu)
  • La Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) (español: Conferencia de la Costa Atlántica) es una conferencia de la División I de la NCAA. Fundada el 14 de junio de 1953, la ACC está formada por 15 miembros. (es)
  • L'Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) est une organisation sportive créé en 1953 et affiliée à la Division 1 de la NCAA. La conférence regroupe 15 universités situées dans l'est des États-Unis. Actuellement, quinze disciplines sportives y sont subsidiées, 13 pratiquées par des équipes féminines et 12 par des équipes masculines. Les équipes de football américain évoluent au sein de la NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) mais celle de Notre Dame ne fait pas partie de l'ACC puisqu'elle a le statut d'équipe indépendante. (fr)
  • アトランティック・コースト・カンファレンス(Atlantic Coast Conference, ACC)は、1953年に創設されたアメリカ合衆国ののカンファレンスのひとつ。大西洋岸の12校で構成されている。NCAAのDivision I (アメリカンフットボールはDivision I-A)、のメンバーで、フットボールやバスケットボールなど20種目の競技を行っている。 (ja)
  • Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) - jedna z konferencji wchodzących w skład NCAA Division I, najwyższej klasy rozgrywkowej w ramach systemu międzyuczelnianych zawodów sportowych NCAA. W jej skład wchodzi dwanaście uczelni z siedmiu stanów, przy czym najliczniej reprezentowana jest Karolina Północna, gdzie mają swoje siedziby cztery szkoły członkowskie. Po dwie pochodzą z Florydy i Wirginii, a po jednej z Massachusetts, Maryland, Karoliny Południowej i Georgii. Osiem uczelni ma status szkół publicznych, trzy są świeckimi uniwersytetami prywatnymi, a jedna to kolegium jezuickie z uprawnieniami uniwersytetu. Biura konferencji znajdują się Greensboro w Karolinie Północnej. (pl)
  • La Atlantic Coast Conference (comunemente conosciuta con l'acronimo ACC) è considerata una delle più importanti conference dello sport universitario negli Stati Uniti d'America: è fra le sei cosiddette major conferences NCAA. Geograficamente raccoglie una serie di prestigiosi atenei situati nella zona sud-orientale degli USA, ai quali si è recentemente aggiunto il Boston College, che è stato invitato a farne parte per ragioni economiche legate al football americano.Tradizionalmente la ACC è considerata una grande potenza nella pallacanestro, dove storiche sono le rivalità fra tre delle maggiori università della Carolina del Nord: University of North Carolina, North Carolina State University e Duke University. (it)
  • A Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) (português: Conferência da Costa Atlântica) é uma conferência da Divisão I da NCAA . Fundada em 14 de junho de 1953, a ACC é composta por 15 membros. (pt)
  • Конференция атлантического побережья (англ. Atlantic Coast Conference) — спортивная студенческая лига в США, входящая в 1-й Дивизион NCAA. На данный момент в конференции состоят 15 университетских команд, соревнующиеся в 25 видах спорта. Входит в 6 сильнейших конференций американского студенческого спорта. (ru)
  • 大西洋沿岸联盟(Atlantic Coast Conference - ACC) 是由美国東海岸15所大学组成的一個体育竞技联盟。成立于1953年。它隸屬於NCAA第一級體育競技聯盟。此联盟的籃球、棒球和美式足球皆非常有名。 其成員包括: 波士顿學院、克萊門森大學、杜克大学、佛羅里達州立大學、喬治亞理工學院、路易斯維爾大學、邁阿密大學、北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校、北卡羅來納州立大學、聖母大學、匹茲堡大學、雪城大學、弗吉尼亞大學、弗吉尼亞理工學院及維克弗斯特大學。 (zh)
  • The Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) is a collegiate athletic conference located in the eastern United States. Headquartered in Greensboro, North Carolina, the ACC's fifteen member universities compete in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)'s Division I. ACC football teams compete in the NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision. The ACC sponsors competition in twenty-five sports with many of its member institutions held in high regard nationally. Current members of the conference are Boston College, Clemson University, Duke University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Florida State University, North Carolina State University, Syracuse University, the University of Louisville, the University of Miami, the University of North Carolina, the University of Notre Dame, the Univer (en)
  • Atlantic Coast Conference (en)
  • تجمع ساحل الأطلسي (ar)
  • Atlantic Coast Conference (de)
  • Atlantic Coast Conference (es)
  • Atlantic Coast Conference (eu)
  • Atlantic Coast Conference (it)
  • Atlantic Coast Conference (fr)
  • アトランティック・コースト・カンファレンス (ja)
  • Atlantic Coast Conference (pl)
  • Конференция атлантического побережья (ru)
  • Atlantic Coast Conference (pt)
  • 大西洋沿岸联盟 (zh)
  • POINT(-79.599998474121 34.799999237061)
  • 34.799999 (xsd:float)
  • -79.599998 (xsd:float)
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