- Abdullah Çatlı (1 June 1956 – 3 November 1996) was a Turkish secret government agent, as well as a contract killer for the National Intelligence Organization (MİT). He led the Grey Wolves, the youth branch of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), during the 1970s. His death in the Susurluk car crash, while travelling in a car with state officials, revealed the depth of the state's complicity in organized crime in what became known as the Susurluk scandal. He was a hitman for the state, and was involved in the killings of suspected members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA). (en)
- Abdullah Çatlı (* 1. Juni 1956 in Nevşehir; † 3. November 1996 in Balıkesir) war eine umstrittene Figur, die mit politischen Morden der paramilitärischen Organisation der Grauen Wölfe in Verbindung gebracht wird. Er wurde wegen Drogenhandels rechtskräftig verurteilt. (de)
- Abdullah Çatlı (né à Nevşehir en Anatolie centrale le 1er juin 1956 et mort à Susurluk le 3 novembre 1996), est un membre actif des Loups gris. Inculpé par la justice turque à plusieurs reprises, notamment pour des meurtres perpétrés sur le sol turc ou à l'étranger (France, Suisse, etc.) contre des millitants du PKK ou encore de l'ASALA (une organisation clandestine nationaliste arménienne, considérée comme terroriste), il était également un agent du MIT (Millî İstihbarat Teşkilatı), les services de renseignement turcs. (fr)
- Abdullah Çatlı (Nevşehir, 1º giugno 1956 – , 3 novembre 1996) è stato un criminale e terrorista turco. Figura di spicco nel mondo della criminalità organizzata turca, fu principalmente un trafficante di droga e assassino su contratto per la controguerriglia, guidando inoltre il gruppo terrorista dei "Lupi grigi", considerati il ramo giovanile del partito ultranazionalista Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi. La sua morte a Susurluk in un incidente automobilistico, nel quale rimase ucciso anche un ufficiale di polizia, rivelò la complicità dello Stato con il crimine organizzato. (it)
- Абдулла Чатлы (тур. Abdullah Çatlı; 1 июня 1956, Невшехир — 3 ноября 1996, Сусурлук) — турецкий активист, националистический политик. Член движения Серые волки, оперативник турецкого подразделения международной сети Гладио. Секретный агент турецкой разведслужбы. Организатор и участник серии операций против коммунистов, левых оппозиционеров, курдов. (ru)
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- MİT agent, espionage (en)
- Nevşehir Kaldırım Cemetery (en)
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- Abdullah Çatlı (1 June 1956 – 3 November 1996) was a Turkish secret government agent, as well as a contract killer for the National Intelligence Organization (MİT). He led the Grey Wolves, the youth branch of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), during the 1970s. His death in the Susurluk car crash, while travelling in a car with state officials, revealed the depth of the state's complicity in organized crime in what became known as the Susurluk scandal. He was a hitman for the state, and was involved in the killings of suspected members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA). (en)
- Abdullah Çatlı (* 1. Juni 1956 in Nevşehir; † 3. November 1996 in Balıkesir) war eine umstrittene Figur, die mit politischen Morden der paramilitärischen Organisation der Grauen Wölfe in Verbindung gebracht wird. Er wurde wegen Drogenhandels rechtskräftig verurteilt. (de)
- Abdullah Çatlı (né à Nevşehir en Anatolie centrale le 1er juin 1956 et mort à Susurluk le 3 novembre 1996), est un membre actif des Loups gris. Inculpé par la justice turque à plusieurs reprises, notamment pour des meurtres perpétrés sur le sol turc ou à l'étranger (France, Suisse, etc.) contre des millitants du PKK ou encore de l'ASALA (une organisation clandestine nationaliste arménienne, considérée comme terroriste), il était également un agent du MIT (Millî İstihbarat Teşkilatı), les services de renseignement turcs. (fr)
- Abdullah Çatlı (Nevşehir, 1º giugno 1956 – , 3 novembre 1996) è stato un criminale e terrorista turco. Figura di spicco nel mondo della criminalità organizzata turca, fu principalmente un trafficante di droga e assassino su contratto per la controguerriglia, guidando inoltre il gruppo terrorista dei "Lupi grigi", considerati il ramo giovanile del partito ultranazionalista Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi. La sua morte a Susurluk in un incidente automobilistico, nel quale rimase ucciso anche un ufficiale di polizia, rivelò la complicità dello Stato con il crimine organizzato. (it)
- Абдулла Чатлы (тур. Abdullah Çatlı; 1 июня 1956, Невшехир — 3 ноября 1996, Сусурлук) — турецкий активист, националистический политик. Член движения Серые волки, оперативник турецкого подразделения международной сети Гладио. Секретный агент турецкой разведслужбы. Организатор и участник серии операций против коммунистов, левых оппозиционеров, курдов. (ru)
- Abdullah Çatlı (en)
- Abdullah Çatlı (de)
- Abdullah Çatlı (it)
- Abdullah Çatlı (fr)
- Чатлы, Абдулла (ru)
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