The Christmas Offensive took place during the Second Italo-Ethiopian War. The Ethiopian offensive was more of a counteroffensive to an ever-slowing Italian offensive which started the war.
The Christmas Offensive took place during the Second Italo-Ethiopian War. The Ethiopian offensive was more of a counteroffensive to an ever-slowing Italian offensive which started the war. (en)
L’offensiva etiope di Natale fu un conflitto armato che avvenne durante la guerra di Etiopia e rappresentò la controffensiva che le truppe etiopi misero in atto in risposta alla offensiva di De Bono nel Tigré e alla seguente conquista di Macallè. (it)
Het Kerstoffensief was een Ethiopische tegenaanval in de Tweede Italiaans-Ethiopische Oorlog na de Invasie van Ethiopië vanaf 15 december 1935. De Ethiopiërs waren talrijker en bezaten terreinvoordeel en bevochten met succes Italiaanse tanks en dreven de beter bewapende Italianen terug, totdat de Italiaanse luchtmacht mosterdgas inzette. (nl)