This page contains a list of characters in the animated television series Gargoyles, its non-canon season titled Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles, and the spinoff comic books Gargoyles (SLG comic) and Gargoyles: Bad Guys.
This page contains a list of characters in the animated television series Gargoyles, its non-canon season titled Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles, and the spinoff comic books Gargoyles (SLG comic) and Gargoyles: Bad Guys. (en)
Questo è l'elenco dettagliato dei personaggi della serie animata realizzata dalla Disney Gargoyles andata in onda dal 1994 al 1997. (it)
This page contains a list of characters in the animated television series Gargoyles, its non-canon season titled Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles, and the spinoff comic books Gargoyles (SLG comic) and Gargoyles: Bad Guys. (en)
Questo è l'elenco dettagliato dei personaggi della serie animata realizzata dalla Disney Gargoyles andata in onda dal 1994 al 1997. (it)