An Entity of Type: artwork, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

Arabic miniatures (Arabic: ٱلْمُنَمْنَمَات ٱلْعَرَبِيَّة, Al-Munamnamāt al-ʿArabīyyah) are small paintings on paper, usually book or manuscript illustrations but also sometimes separate artworks that occupy entire pages. The earliest example dates from around 690 AD, with a flourishing of the art from between 1000 and 1200 AD in the Abbasid caliphate. The art form went through several stages of evolution while witnessing the fall and rise of several Islamic caliphates. Arab miniaturists absorbed Chinese and Persian influences brought by the Mongol destructions, and at last, got totally assimilated and subsequently disappeared due to the Ottoman occupation of the Arab world. Nearly all forms of Islamic miniatures (Persian miniatures, Ottoman miniatures and Mughal miniatures) owe their exist

Property Value
  • Les miniatures àrabs són petites pintures fetes sobre paper, generalment il·lustracions per a llibres o manuscrits, però de vegades també obres d'art separades. Les més antigues daten aproximadament del 1000 dC, amb un creixement de la forma d'art a partir del 1200 dC. Entre els artistes de miniatures àrabs hi ha , que va il·lustrar el seu propi Llibre de Coneixement de Dispositius Mecànics Enginyosos. (ca)
  • الْمُنَمْنَمَات الْعَرَبِيَّة هي لوحات صغيرة على ورق الرق أو الورق العادي، وعادةً ما تكون رسومًا توضيحية للكتب أو المخطوطات، ولكنها أيضًا في بعض الأحيان أعمال فنية منفصلة تشمل صفحات كاملة. يعود أقدم نموذج لهذا الفنّ إلى حوالي 690 بعد الميلاد، مع ازدهار الفن بين عامي 1000 و1200. مرّ الشكل الفني بعدّة مراحل من التطور أثناء تلقيه التأثير الفارسي بسبب تفاعل الفنانين بين إيران والمناطق العربية، وخاصتا في بلاد الرافدون (العراق). تناول الرسامون العرب الرسومات الصينيّة الذي جلبتها الغزوات المغوليّة، وفي النهاية تم مزجهم بالكامل بالاشكال الغير العربية واختف هذا الفن عند العرب لاحقًا بسبب الاحتلال العثماني للعالم العربي. النوع العربي لهذا الفنّ أصل جميع أشكال المنمنمات الإسلامية (المنمنمات الفارسية والمنمنمات العثمانية والمنمنمات المغولية)، حيث كانت طبقَة النبلاء العرب أول من طالب بإنتاج المخطوطات المزخرفة في الخلافة، ولم ينتشر هذا الفنّ خارج العالم العربي إلّا بعد القرن الرابع عشر. ومن بين فناني المنمنمات العربية إسماعيل الجزري، الذي رسم كتابه الخاص عن معرفة الأجهزة الميكانيكية المبتكرة. (ar)
  • Arabic miniatures (Arabic: ٱلْمُنَمْنَمَات ٱلْعَرَبِيَّة, Al-Munamnamāt al-ʿArabīyyah) are small paintings on paper, usually book or manuscript illustrations but also sometimes separate artworks that occupy entire pages. The earliest example dates from around 690 AD, with a flourishing of the art from between 1000 and 1200 AD in the Abbasid caliphate. The art form went through several stages of evolution while witnessing the fall and rise of several Islamic caliphates. Arab miniaturists absorbed Chinese and Persian influences brought by the Mongol destructions, and at last, got totally assimilated and subsequently disappeared due to the Ottoman occupation of the Arab world. Nearly all forms of Islamic miniatures (Persian miniatures, Ottoman miniatures and Mughal miniatures) owe their existences to Arabic miniatures, as Arab patrons were the first to demand the production of illuminated manuscripts in the Caliphate, it wasn't until the 14th century that the artistic skill reached the non-Arab regions of the Caliphate. Despite the considerable changes in Arabic miniature style and technique, even during their last decades, the early Umayyad Arab influence could still be noticed. Arabic miniature artists include Ismail al-Jazari, who illustrated his own Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices, and the Abbasid artist, Yahya Al-Wasiti, who probably lived in Baghdad in the late Abbasid era (12th to 13th-centuries), was one of the pre-eminent exponents of the Baghdad school. In 1236-1237, he is known to have transcribed and illustrated the book, Maqamat (also known as the Assemblies or the Sessions), a series of anecdotes of social satire written by Al-Hariri of Basra. The narrative concerns the travels of a middle-aged man as he uses his charm and eloquence to swindle his way across the Arabic world. With most surviving Arabic manuscripts in western museums, Arabic miniatures occupy very little space in modern Arab culture. (en)
  • La miniature arabe désigne l'art d'illustrer les livres dans le monde arabe. Après quelques rares créations au XIe siècle, cet art se développe pleinement en Al-Andalus, en Égypte et en Irak à la fin du XIIe siècle mais surtout au cours du XIIIe siècle et développe un style propre. La miniature arabe disparait rapidement et presque totalement à la fin du XIVe siècle avec l'extension de l'empire ottoman dans cette région du monde. (fr)
  • Per miniatura araba si intendono piccoli dipinti su carta, di solito illustrazioni di libri o manoscritti, ma a volte anche opere d'arte a sé stanti. La prima, della quale si ha notizia, venne prodotta intorno all'anno 1000, ma la tecnica si sviluppò poi fiorentemente intorno al 1200. Tra gli artisti arabi di questo denere di arte si ricorda Ismail al-Jazari, che illustrò il suo Libro della conoscenza dei geniali dispositivi meccanici. (it)
  • 56169720 (xsd:integer)
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  • horizontal (en)
  • Folios from the codex TIEM ŞE 321 : Folio 33v and Folio 57v. (en)
  • Al-Jazari elephant clock, water device and a page from a codex about zoology. (en)
  • Examples from Mamluk codices. (en)
  • Examples from the Fustat fragments (en)
  • Folios from the Codex B. L. Or. 2165. (en)
  • Folios from the Codex Parisino-Petropolitanus. (en)
  • Pages from the Birmingham Quran manuscript. (en)
  • Pages from the Topkapi Mus'haf. (en)
  • Pages from the Uthman Qur'an. (en)
  • Various examples of early Umayyad paintings in Qusayr 'Amra. Examples of Abbasid Figural paintings from Samarra. Examples of Fatimid art. (en)
  • Double page display of two full pictures in the "Great Umayyad Qur'an" of a courtyard mosque and a prayer hall consisting of four naves with a two-storey elevation and a transept leading off the mihrab. mosque. Fragments of the extant folios showing Sūrah al-Fātiḥah and Sūrah al-Nās. (en)
  • Various examples of pages from Arabic illuminated manuscripts. (en)
  • Pages from the “Qur'ān Of ʿUthmān” At The Turkish and Islamic Art Museum, Istanbul, Turkey, second image reads: کٮٮه عٮماں ٮں عڡاں ڡى سںه ٮلٮىں . (en)
  • Folios from codex Marcel 13 : Arabe 330c, f. 18r, Marcel 13, f. 15r and Marcel 13, f. 3r. (en)
  • Book of Fixed Stars; Constellation of Draco, sagittarius and Ursa Major , 1009 AD (en)
  • Bowl with hare, Egypt, Fatimid period, 11th century AD, earthenware with overglaze luster painting - Cincinnati Art Museum - DSC04163.JPG (en)
  • Left half of frontispiece of the "Great Umayyad Qur'an" .jpg (en)
  • A Mamluk Training with a Lance.jpeg (en)
  • Al-Jazari Automata Elephant-Clock 1315.jpg (en)
  • Al-jazari water device.jpg (en)
  • Arabic-Manuscript-zoology.jpg (en)
  • Arabischer Maler um 730 001.jpg (en)
  • Birmingham Quran manuscript.jpg (en)
  • Birmingham Quran.jpg (en)
  • Book of the Fixed Stars Auv0062 draco.jpg (en)
  • Book of the Fixed Stars Auv0280 Sagittarius.jpg (en)
  • British Museum Harem wall painting fragments 1.jpg (en)
  • Codex B. L. Or. 2165 01.jpg (en)
  • Codex B. L. Or. 2165 02.jpg (en)
  • Codex B. L. Or. 2165 03.jpg (en)
  • Codex Marcel 13.jpg (en)
  • Codex Marcel 14.jpg (en)
  • Codex Marcel 15.jpg (en)
  • Codex Parisino-Petropolitanus 01.jpg (en)
  • Codex Parisino-Petropolitanus 02.jpg (en)
  • Codex TIEM ŞE 321.jpg (en)
  • Codex TIEM ŞE 322.jpg (en)
  • Dog and reflection.jpg (en)
  • Fatimid Ms court scene-large.jpg (en)
  • Hare-Fustat-Fatimid.jpg (en)
  • Irakischer Maler von 1287 001.jpg (en)
  • Jordan Qusair Amra 2013 0449.jpg (en)
  • Kitab al-Aghani 01.jpg (en)
  • Lion-Fustat-Fatimid.jpg (en)
  • Maler der Geschichte von Bayâd und Riyâd 002.jpg (en)
  • Maqamat hariri.jpg (en)
  • Page of TIEM Inv. No. 457.jpg (en)
  • Page of TIEM Inv. No. 458.jpg (en)
  • Page of TIEM Inv. No. 459.jpg (en)
  • Seated drinker, Fatimid art.jpg (en)
  • Syrischer Maler um 1310 001.jpg (en)
  • The ‘Uthman Qur'an - 2 - Kufic.jpg (en)
  • The ‘Uthman Qur'an - 3 - Kufic.jpg (en)
  • The ‘Uthman Qur'an - Kufic.jpg (en)
  • Topkapi 92.8-93.6.png (en)
  • Topkapi 93.6-94-95.4.png (en)
  • Topkapi mushaf Arab ornament.jpg (en)
  • Umayyad fresco of Prince Walid bin Yazid.jpg (en)
  • Umayyad mushaf 01.jpg (en)
  • Umayyad mushaf 02.jpg (en)
  • Umayyad mushaf 03.jpg (en)
  • Yahyâ ibn Mahmûd al-Wâsitî 005.jpg (en)
  • Luster bowl, Fatimid, 11th cent.; Museum of Islamic Art, Cairo .jpg (en)
  • Four horsemen taking part in a contest. From 'Manual on the Arts of Horsemanship' by al-Aqsara'i .jpg (en)
  • Stucco frieze of a camel from Samarra, Iraq, 9th century CE. Pergamon Museum.jpg (en)
  • Stucco wall painting of a man from Samarra, Iraq, 9th century CE. Pergamon Museum.jpg (en)
  • Folio from a Sulwan al-Muta by Ibn Zafar; verso- The Tale of the Bear and the M... - Google Art Project.jpg (en)
  • Folio from a Sulwan al-Muta by Ibn Zafar; verso- the Boar and the Horse - Google Art Project.jpg (en)
  • Khalili Collection Hajj and Arts of Pilgrimage kfq 0060.jpg (en)
  • Al Sufi - Book of Fixed Stars - Ursa Major - Bodleian Library - Marsh 144.jpg (en)
  • 2 (xsd:integer)
  • 3 (xsd:integer)
  • 400 (xsd:integer)
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  • 550 (xsd:integer)
  • Les miniatures àrabs són petites pintures fetes sobre paper, generalment il·lustracions per a llibres o manuscrits, però de vegades també obres d'art separades. Les més antigues daten aproximadament del 1000 dC, amb un creixement de la forma d'art a partir del 1200 dC. Entre els artistes de miniatures àrabs hi ha , que va il·lustrar el seu propi Llibre de Coneixement de Dispositius Mecànics Enginyosos. (ca)
  • La miniature arabe désigne l'art d'illustrer les livres dans le monde arabe. Après quelques rares créations au XIe siècle, cet art se développe pleinement en Al-Andalus, en Égypte et en Irak à la fin du XIIe siècle mais surtout au cours du XIIIe siècle et développe un style propre. La miniature arabe disparait rapidement et presque totalement à la fin du XIVe siècle avec l'extension de l'empire ottoman dans cette région du monde. (fr)
  • Per miniatura araba si intendono piccoli dipinti su carta, di solito illustrazioni di libri o manoscritti, ma a volte anche opere d'arte a sé stanti. La prima, della quale si ha notizia, venne prodotta intorno all'anno 1000, ma la tecnica si sviluppò poi fiorentemente intorno al 1200. Tra gli artisti arabi di questo denere di arte si ricorda Ismail al-Jazari, che illustrò il suo Libro della conoscenza dei geniali dispositivi meccanici. (it)
  • الْمُنَمْنَمَات الْعَرَبِيَّة هي لوحات صغيرة على ورق الرق أو الورق العادي، وعادةً ما تكون رسومًا توضيحية للكتب أو المخطوطات، ولكنها أيضًا في بعض الأحيان أعمال فنية منفصلة تشمل صفحات كاملة. يعود أقدم نموذج لهذا الفنّ إلى حوالي 690 بعد الميلاد، مع ازدهار الفن بين عامي 1000 و1200. مرّ الشكل الفني بعدّة مراحل من التطور أثناء تلقيه التأثير الفارسي بسبب تفاعل الفنانين بين إيران والمناطق العربية، وخاصتا في بلاد الرافدون (العراق). تناول الرسامون العرب الرسومات الصينيّة الذي جلبتها الغزوات المغوليّة، وفي النهاية تم مزجهم بالكامل بالاشكال الغير العربية واختف هذا الفن عند العرب لاحقًا بسبب الاحتلال العثماني للعالم العربي. النوع العربي لهذا الفنّ أصل جميع أشكال المنمنمات الإسلامية (المنمنمات الفارسية والمنمنمات العثمانية والمنمنمات المغولية)، حيث كانت طبقَة النبلاء العرب أول من طالب بإنتاج المخطوطات ا (ar)
  • Arabic miniatures (Arabic: ٱلْمُنَمْنَمَات ٱلْعَرَبِيَّة, Al-Munamnamāt al-ʿArabīyyah) are small paintings on paper, usually book or manuscript illustrations but also sometimes separate artworks that occupy entire pages. The earliest example dates from around 690 AD, with a flourishing of the art from between 1000 and 1200 AD in the Abbasid caliphate. The art form went through several stages of evolution while witnessing the fall and rise of several Islamic caliphates. Arab miniaturists absorbed Chinese and Persian influences brought by the Mongol destructions, and at last, got totally assimilated and subsequently disappeared due to the Ottoman occupation of the Arab world. Nearly all forms of Islamic miniatures (Persian miniatures, Ottoman miniatures and Mughal miniatures) owe their exist (en)
  • منمنمات عربية (ar)
  • Miniatura àrab (ca)
  • Arabic miniature (en)
  • Miniature arabe (fr)
  • Miniatura araba (it)
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is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
is rdfs:seeAlso of
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