| - Juan Polo de Ondegardo y Zárate (¿Valladolid?, Corona de Castilla, ca. 1500 - La Plata del corregimiento de Potosí, Virreinato del Perú, 4 de noviembre de 1575) era un cronista, encomendero y funcionario virreinal español que fue nombrado segundo corregidor de Charcas o de Potosí desde 1549 a 1550 y posteriormente como corregidor del Cuzco de 1558 hasta 1560. (es)
- Polo de Ondegardo y Zárate (Valladolid, ... – La Plata, 24 novembre 1575) è stato un giurista, storico e funzionario spagnolo nonché uno dei più autorevoli investigatori sulla civiltà inca. Firma del licenciado Polo de Ondegardo. (it)
- Хуа́н По́ло де Ондега́рдо или Хуа́н По́ло де Ондега́рдо-и-Са́рате (исп. Juan Polo de Ondegardo y Zárate; около 1500 года, Вальядолид, Испания — 24 ноября 1575, Ла Плата, Аргентина) — испанский колониальный чиновник, юрист и хронист в Перу, Боливии и Аргентине, автор исторических произведений об Империи Инков. Первый европеец, обнаруживший мумии инков. Возглавлял испанскую колониальную администрацию в городе Куско — столице бывшей Империи Инков. (ru)
- Polo Ondegardo (Valladolid circa 1520 - Ciudad Rica de La Plata 1575) was a Spanish colonial jurist, civil servant, businessman and thinker who proposed an intellectual and political vision of profound influence in the earliest troubled stage of the contact between the Hispanic and the American Indigenous world. He was born in Valladolid, when the city was the capital of the kingdom of Castile, to a prominent noble family that had strong ties to the royal family. He spent his entire adult life in South America in what is now Peru and Bolivia. He was involved in the political and economic management of the Spanish colony and based on his good knowledge of the laws as licenciado (licentiate) acquired a deep knowledge and practical experience of the Native Americans in the southern Andes, bei (en)