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Admiral of Portugal Amiral de Portugal Адмирал флота (Португалия) Almirante de Portugal
Адмирал флота (порт. Almirante da Armada) или Адмирал Португалии (порт. Almirante De Portugal) — высшее военно-морское звание в Военно-морских силах Португалии. Соответствует званию «Маршал Португалии» в СВ Португалии и в ВВС Португалии. Является «пятизвёздным» званием (по применяемой в НАТО кодировке — OF-10). Следует за званием «Адмирал» и является высшим званием для военнослужащих Военно-морских сил. В широком смысле, Адмирал Португалии — название нескольких командных должностей в Вооружённых силах Португалии. Almirante de Portugal ou Almirante do Reino era um alto cargo e um título da Coroa de Portugal. O cargo foi criado pelo Rei D. Dinis, no século XIII com a função de exercer o comando da Armada Real. Para primeiro titular do cargo foi nomeado o genovês Manuel Pessanha. Mais tarde ao cargo de Almirante de Portugal, deixou de estar ligada uma função efectiva de comando naval. Passou a ser um título meramente honorífico e hereditário, detido pelos condes de Resende desde o início do século XVIII. The high office of Admiral of the Kingdom of Portugal (Portuguese: Almirante do Reino de Portugal) as the head of the Portuguese navy was created by King Denis of Portugal in 1317 (or 1322) for the Genoese nobleman and naval officer Manuel Pessanha (Emanuele Pessagno). Although there is evidence that such a title existed before (e.g. Afonso I appointed his half-brother Fuas Roupinho to the title in 1184), it seems to have been of only a temporary character, for fleets assembled in times of war. The exception was perhaps Nuno Fernandes Cogominho who seems to have been appointed admiral by King Denis in 1307, and still had that title at his death in 1316, although the conditions are unclear. Nonetheless, Manuel Pessanha was the first person known to hold the title of Almirante-mor (Chief Adm Amiral de Portugal ou Amiral du Royaume (en portugais : Almirante de Portugal ou Almirante do Reino) était une haute fonction et un titre de la Couronne du Portugal. Le poste a été créé par le roi Denis Ier au XIIIe siècle afin d’exercer la fonction de commandement de la Marine portugaise. Le premier titulaire du poste a été le Génois Manuel Pessanha. Par après, cette appellation a cessé d'être une fonction effective de commandement naval et est devenu un titre purement honorifique et héréditaire, tenu par les comtes de Resende depuis le début du XVIIIe siècle.
dbc:1317_establishments_in_Europe dbc:Maritime_history_of_Portugal dbc:14th-century_establishments_in_Portugal
dbr:Battle_of_Aljubarrota dbr:Spain dbr:Álvaro_Vaz_de_Almada,_1st_Count_of_Avranches dbr:Carlos_(II)_Pessanha dbr:Christopher_Columbus dbr:Carlos_Pessanha dbr:Count_of_Barcelos dbr:Gonçalo_Tenreiro dbr:Nuno_Vaz_de_Castelo_Branco dbr:Denis_of_Portugal dbr:Count_of_Avranches dbr:Afonso_Furtado_de_Mendonça dbr:Portuguese_India dbr:Count_of_Resende dbr:Constable_of_Portugal dbr:João_de_Azevedo dbr:Marshal_of_Portugal dbr:Afonso_I_of_Portugal dbr:Count_of_Vila_Real dbr:Dowry dbr:Bartolomeu_Pessanha dbr:Vasco_da_Gama dbr:João_Afonso_Telo_de_Menezes dbr:Manuel_(II)_Pessanha dbr:Lusitania dbr:Count_of_Viana_do_Alentejo dbr:Pedro_de_Menezes,_1st_Count_of_Vila_Real dbr:John_I_of_Portugal dbr:Galley dbr:Marquês_de_Castro dbc:1317_establishments_in_Europe dbr:Ferdinand_I_of_Portugal dbr:Portuguese_navy dbr:Pedro_de_Albuquerque dbr:Count_of_Ourém dbr:Republic_of_Genoa dbc:Maritime_history_of_Portugal dbr:Rui_de_Mello_da_Cunha dbr:John_II_of_Portugal dbr:Lopo_Vaz_de_Azevedo dbr:Lopo_Vaz_de_Castelo-Branco dbr:António_de_Azevedo dbr:Lopo_Vaz_de_Castelo_Branco dbr:Catholic_monarchs dbr:Lopo_de_Azevedo dbr:Manuel_I_of_Portugal dbr:Portuguese_language dbr:Manuel_Pessanha dbc:14th-century_establishments_in_Portugal dbr:Order_of_Aviz dbr:Counts_of_Vidigueira dbr:4th_Portuguese_India_Armada_(Gama,_1502) dbr:Lançarote_Pessanha dbr:Lançarote_da_Cunha
n10:books%3Fid=PpsfAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA313%23v=onepage&q&f=false n10:books%3Fid=PdJcFaXfANIC&pg=PA139%23v=onepage&q&f=false n10:books%3Fid=rzOdjjzm6AQC&lpg=PA133&pg=PA135%23v=onepage&q&f=false n10:books%3Fid=gftWAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA5%23v=onepage&q&f=false
dbpedia-fr:Amiral_de_Portugal dbpedia-pt:Almirante_de_Portugal wikidata:Q4683736 n12:4M3RQ freebase:m.0g9sx7y yago-res:Admiral_of_Portugal dbpedia-ru:Адмирал_флота_(Португалия)
The high office of Admiral of the Kingdom of Portugal (Portuguese: Almirante do Reino de Portugal) as the head of the Portuguese navy was created by King Denis of Portugal in 1317 (or 1322) for the Genoese nobleman and naval officer Manuel Pessanha (Emanuele Pessagno). Although there is evidence that such a title existed before (e.g. Afonso I appointed his half-brother Fuas Roupinho to the title in 1184), it seems to have been of only a temporary character, for fleets assembled in times of war. The exception was perhaps Nuno Fernandes Cogominho who seems to have been appointed admiral by King Denis in 1307, and still had that title at his death in 1316, although the conditions are unclear. Nonetheless, Manuel Pessanha was the first person known to hold the title of Almirante-mor (Chief Admiral) as a permanent office for a permanent fleet. All the king's galleys were under his jurisdiction. The conditions of the Pessanha's title stipulated that he must maintain a corps of at least 20 Genoese naval officers at all times and was obliged to serve the king in military service on land as well as sea. The office of Almirante-mor became a hereditary benefice in the Pessanha family - passing successively through his sons Carlos, Bertolomeu and Lançarote. After the disastrous handling of the Portuguese fleet in the blockade of Seville in 1369, Pessanha's son temporarily lost the admiral title to João Afonso Telo de Menezes (Count of Barcelos), but was later restored by King Ferdinand of Portugal. The title then passed on through Lançarote's sons Manuel II and then Carlos II, the last of the male line. Carlos II had no male heirs, but only two daughters (Genebra & Brites) and a niece (Catarina, daughter of his late brother Antonio, who had died at Aljubarrota). In 1433, the title of Admiral went as dowry in the marriage of Genebra Pereira (daughter of Carlos II Pessanha) to D. Pedro de Menezes. After Menezes death in 1437, the title was passed on to his nephew Lançarote da Cunha (the young son of Carlos II Pessanha's other daughter, Brites Pereira), but the office was de facto exercised by Brites's husband, . Being pre-deceased by his son, Rui de Mello was appointed admiral de jure in 1453. After Mello's death in 1467, the title passed to , king's chamberlain and son of Catarina Pessanha, who in turn passed in on to his own son , c.1476. After the treason and assassination of Lopo Vaz de Castelo Branco, John II of Portugal handed the title to in 1483. But Albuquerque himself fell into intrigues and was soon deprived of the position. In 1485, John II gave the title of admiral to , a knight of the Order of Aviz (and a relative of the Pessanhas), and made it hereditary in the Azevedo family. That line having lost male issue by 1646, it was passed via female lines to D. Luis de Portugal, Count of Vimioso, and then after his death in 1660, it passed on by female line to the house of Castro (Counts of Resende). Around 1373 (exact date uncertain), the King created the office of captain-major of the fleet (capitão-mor da frota), initially a complementary position, covering the command of the alto-bordo ('high-sided',or sail-powered) ships of the fleet, leaving the Admiral exclusively in charge of the oar-powered galleys. The first capitão-mor was . During the reign of John I of Portugal, Tenreiro was succeeded Afonso Furtado de Mendonça (appointment date uncertain) and, in 1423, by Álvaro Vaz de Almada (Count of Avranches). The letter appointing Avranches designates a more extensive capitão-mor, covering the royal galleys and infringing on the traditional jurisdiction of the almirante-mor, thus suggesting that by this time, the title of almirante had become purely honorific, and the de facto high naval command had been absconded by the capitão-mor. However, the letter appointing Ruy de Mello da Cunha as 'admiral' in 1453 temporarily restored his authority, including the 'alto-bordo' ships. In 1460, the admiral was deprived of his jurisdiction over arraes (fishing boats), which were passed to local councils. The title of 'Admiral' was made more specific with the establishment in 1502 of the Admiral of the Indies (Almirante das Indias), a second, separate Portuguese admiral title for the East Indies. Back in 1492, Christopher Columbus had been granted the ornate title of 'Admiral of the Ocean Sea' by the Catholic monarchs of Spain. Evidently, King Manuel I of Portugal felt that if the Spanish had an admiral sailing around, then surely Portuguese should have one too. So, in January 1502, just before the departure on the 4th India Armada, Manuel I bestowed upon the fleet captain Vasco da Gama the overwrought title of Almirante dos mares de Arabia, Persia, India e de todo o Oriente ("Admiral of the Seas of Arabia, Persia, India and all the Orient" - or 'Admiral of the Indies' for short). The original 'Admiral' title became thereafter referred to narrowly as Admiral of the "Lusitanian Sea" (mar lusitano) (or simply, "Admiral of Portugal"). The Admiral of the Indies title remained hereditary with Gama's descendants, the Counts of Vidigueira. Amiral de Portugal ou Amiral du Royaume (en portugais : Almirante de Portugal ou Almirante do Reino) était une haute fonction et un titre de la Couronne du Portugal. Le poste a été créé par le roi Denis Ier au XIIIe siècle afin d’exercer la fonction de commandement de la Marine portugaise. Le premier titulaire du poste a été le Génois Manuel Pessanha. Par après, cette appellation a cessé d'être une fonction effective de commandement naval et est devenu un titre purement honorifique et héréditaire, tenu par les comtes de Resende depuis le début du XVIIIe siècle. Almirante de Portugal ou Almirante do Reino era um alto cargo e um título da Coroa de Portugal. O cargo foi criado pelo Rei D. Dinis, no século XIII com a função de exercer o comando da Armada Real. Para primeiro titular do cargo foi nomeado o genovês Manuel Pessanha. Mais tarde ao cargo de Almirante de Portugal, deixou de estar ligada uma função efectiva de comando naval. Passou a ser um título meramente honorífico e hereditário, detido pelos condes de Resende desde o início do século XVIII. Адмирал флота (порт. Almirante da Armada) или Адмирал Португалии (порт. Almirante De Portugal) — высшее военно-морское звание в Военно-морских силах Португалии. Соответствует званию «Маршал Португалии» в СВ Португалии и в ВВС Португалии. Является «пятизвёздным» званием (по применяемой в НАТО кодировке — OF-10). Следует за званием «Адмирал» и является высшим званием для военнослужащих Военно-морских сил. В широком смысле, Адмирал Португалии — название нескольких командных должностей в Вооружённых силах Португалии.
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