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- Westmount je městská část města Montréal na ostrově téhož jména v kanadské provincii Québec. Podle sčítání obyvatel z roku 2011 zde žilo 19 931 lidí. Nachází se zde dvě vysoké školy: veřejná a soukromá . Sídlí zde ragbyový tým založený již v roce 1876. (cs)
- Westmount és una ciutat de l'aglomeració de Mont-real, dins la província canadenca del Quebec. El seu terme municipal constitueix un enclavament de només 4,02 km² dins la ciutat de Mont-real. Situat al flanc oest del mont Royal, Westmount es troba molt a prop del centre de Mont-real. (ca)
- ويسمونت، كيبك (بالإنجليزية: Westmount) هي مدينة كندية تقع في مقاطعة كيبك. تبلغ مساحة هذه المدينة 4.0243 (كم²)، ويبلغ عدد سكانها 20494 نسمة حسب إحصاء سنة 2006 م، بينما كان يسكنها 19727 نسمة في سنة 2001 م. تحتل هذه المدينة المرتبة رقم 184 بين مدن كندا حسب عدد السكان والمرتبة رقم 50 في المقاطعة. النمو سكاني في هذه المدينة يقدر بـ(3.9). (ar)
- Westmount [wɛst.maʊnt] estas kanada urbo situanta en aglomeraĵo de Montrealo (Kebekio). Plimulto de enloĝantoj de Westmount parolas la anglan lingvon. (eo)
- Westmount ist eine Stadt im Südwesten der kanadischen Provinz Québec. Sie liegt auf der Île de Montréal und bildet eine Enklave im Stadtgebiet von Montreal. Die Gemeinde hat eine Fläche von 4,04 km² und zählt 20.312 Einwohner (Stand: 2016). (de)
- Westmount Quebeceko udalerri bat da, Kanadan. Montréal eskualdean kokatuta dago, eta horren barruan dagoen konderriko eskualde udalerria da..2011ko zentsoaren arabera 19,931 biztanle zituen 4.02 kilometro koadroko azaleran. (eu)
- Westmount es una ciudad de la aglomeración de Montreal, en la provincia canadiense del Quebec. Es una de las ciudades que conforman la Comunidad metropolitana de Montreal y a su vez, hace parte de la aglomeración de Montreal y de la región administrativa de Montreal. Su término municipal constituye un enclave de solo 4,02 km² dentro de la ciudad de Montreal. Situada en el flanco oeste del monte Royal, Westmount se encuentra muy cerca del centro de Montreal. (es)
- Westmount (/wɛst.maʊnt/) est une ville du Québec, au Canada, enclavée dans la ville de Montréal. Située sur le versant Ouest du mont Royal, cette municipalité majoritairement anglophone où le revenu moyen des familles est 3,6 fois plus élevé qu'à Montréal, réunit une population d'environ 20 000 personnes sur une superficie de 4,02 km2. On y retrouve des écoles, une aréna, une piscine, un bibliothèque publique et un certain nombre de parcs, tels que le Parc Westmount, le parc King George, et le . Historiquement, la communauté de Westmount était aisée et majoritairement anglophone, ayant été à une époque, la communauté la plus riche du Canada. Elle compétitionne maintenant pour ce titre avec plusieurs autres communautés : des communautés de Vancouver, telles que Shaughnessy et Kerrisdale et des communautés de Toronto, telles que Lawrence Park, Forest Hill, Rosedale, et The Bridle Path.[réf. nécessaire] (fr)
- Westmount is an affluent municipality on the Island of Montreal, in southwestern Quebec, Canada. It is an enclave of the city of Montreal, with a population of 19,658 as of the 2021 Canadian census. Westmount is home to schools, an arena, a pool, a public library and a number of parks, including Westmount Park, (also known as Murray Hill Park) and Westmount Summit. The city operates its own electricity distribution company Westmount Light & Power (Hydro-Westmount). The city is also the location of two Canadian Forces Primary Reserve units: The Royal Montreal Regiment and 34th Signals Regiment. Traditionally, the community of Westmount has been a wealthy and predominantly anglophone enclave, having been at one point the richest community in Canada. It is now the most affluent neighbourhood in Canada outside of Toronto and Vancouver. (en)
- ウエストマウント(Westmount)は、カナダのケベック州のにある都市。モントリオール市に囲まれた独立した自治体となっている。2016年の統計で人口は20,312人、面積は4.04 平方キロメートルと非常に小さな自治体である。 (ja)
- Westmount is een stad (ville) in de Canadese provincie Quebec en telt 20.494 inwoners (2006).Het is een stad omgeven door en in het zuidwesten van Montreal. (nl)
- Westmount – miasto w Kanadzie, w prowincji Quebec, w regionie Montreal. Leży w obszarze metropolitarnym Montrealu, jest ponadto enklawą na obszarze tego miasta. (pl)
- Westmount è un'enclave della città di Montréal, classificata come quartiere autonomo. Si trova nella zona ovest della città (West Side) ed ha una popolazione di 21 000 abitanti. Da sempre è uno dei quartieri più ricchi del Canada e di tutto il Nord America. Grattacieli di Westmount Square (it)
- Уэстма́унт (англ. Westmount) — город в юго-западной части провинции Квебек в Канаде на острове Монреаль, англоязычный анклав в городе Монреале; население — 20 494 человек; площадь — 4,02 км², плотность населения — 5092,56 чел./км², по этому показателю является вторым по величине в Канаде (после Нотр-Дам-дез-Анж, Квебек) (Статистическая служба Канады, 2006). Уэстмаунт является престижным жилым районом, в котором находятся школы, спортивная арена, бассейн, публичная библиотека и несколько парков, включая парк Уэстмаунт и парк короля Георга (также известный как парк Мюррей-Хилл). В городе также находится расположение трех подразделений канадских вооружённых сил: 34-й сапёрный полк, Королевский полк Монреаля и 712-й коммуникационный эскадрон. (ru)
- Westmount är en ort och kommun i Kanada. Den ligger i regionen Montréal och provinsen Québec, i den sydöstra delen av landet, 160 km öster om huvudstaden Ottawa. (sv)
- Westmount (Ville de Westmount) é uma cidade do Canadá, localizada na província de Quebec, na Ilha de Montreal. Westmount fora fundida à cidade de Montreal em 2002. Porém, através de um referendo realizado em 2004, os habitantes de Westmount decidiram pela fissão da comunidade. Westmount voltou a ser uma cidade por si própria em 1 de janeiro de 2006. Sua área é de 4,02 km², e sua população, do censo nacional de 2001, é de 19 727 habitantes. (pt)
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- Robur meum civium fides (Latinfor: "My strength is the faithfulness of my citizens")
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- There is an apparent contradiction between 2 authoritative sources. (en)
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- 1874 (xsd:integer)
- 2006-01-01 (xsd:date)
- Founded (en)
- Constituted (en)
- Upper Westmount and Westmount Summit seen from King George Park. (en)
- Carte localisation Île de Montréal - Westmont.svg (en)
- Blason ville ca Westmount.svg (en)
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- Location on the Island of Montreal (en)
- Robur meum civium fides (en)
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- (en)
- City of Westmount (en)
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- Canada Southern Quebec (en)
- Location in southern Quebec (en)
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- Westmount je městská část města Montréal na ostrově téhož jména v kanadské provincii Québec. Podle sčítání obyvatel z roku 2011 zde žilo 19 931 lidí. Nachází se zde dvě vysoké školy: veřejná a soukromá . Sídlí zde ragbyový tým založený již v roce 1876. (cs)
- Westmount és una ciutat de l'aglomeració de Mont-real, dins la província canadenca del Quebec. El seu terme municipal constitueix un enclavament de només 4,02 km² dins la ciutat de Mont-real. Situat al flanc oest del mont Royal, Westmount es troba molt a prop del centre de Mont-real. (ca)
- ويسمونت، كيبك (بالإنجليزية: Westmount) هي مدينة كندية تقع في مقاطعة كيبك. تبلغ مساحة هذه المدينة 4.0243 (كم²)، ويبلغ عدد سكانها 20494 نسمة حسب إحصاء سنة 2006 م، بينما كان يسكنها 19727 نسمة في سنة 2001 م. تحتل هذه المدينة المرتبة رقم 184 بين مدن كندا حسب عدد السكان والمرتبة رقم 50 في المقاطعة. النمو سكاني في هذه المدينة يقدر بـ(3.9). (ar)
- Westmount [wɛst.maʊnt] estas kanada urbo situanta en aglomeraĵo de Montrealo (Kebekio). Plimulto de enloĝantoj de Westmount parolas la anglan lingvon. (eo)
- Westmount ist eine Stadt im Südwesten der kanadischen Provinz Québec. Sie liegt auf der Île de Montréal und bildet eine Enklave im Stadtgebiet von Montreal. Die Gemeinde hat eine Fläche von 4,04 km² und zählt 20.312 Einwohner (Stand: 2016). (de)
- Westmount Quebeceko udalerri bat da, Kanadan. Montréal eskualdean kokatuta dago, eta horren barruan dagoen konderriko eskualde udalerria da..2011ko zentsoaren arabera 19,931 biztanle zituen 4.02 kilometro koadroko azaleran. (eu)
- Westmount es una ciudad de la aglomeración de Montreal, en la provincia canadiense del Quebec. Es una de las ciudades que conforman la Comunidad metropolitana de Montreal y a su vez, hace parte de la aglomeración de Montreal y de la región administrativa de Montreal. Su término municipal constituye un enclave de solo 4,02 km² dentro de la ciudad de Montreal. Situada en el flanco oeste del monte Royal, Westmount se encuentra muy cerca del centro de Montreal. (es)
- ウエストマウント(Westmount)は、カナダのケベック州のにある都市。モントリオール市に囲まれた独立した自治体となっている。2016年の統計で人口は20,312人、面積は4.04 平方キロメートルと非常に小さな自治体である。 (ja)
- Westmount is een stad (ville) in de Canadese provincie Quebec en telt 20.494 inwoners (2006).Het is een stad omgeven door en in het zuidwesten van Montreal. (nl)
- Westmount – miasto w Kanadzie, w prowincji Quebec, w regionie Montreal. Leży w obszarze metropolitarnym Montrealu, jest ponadto enklawą na obszarze tego miasta. (pl)
- Westmount è un'enclave della città di Montréal, classificata come quartiere autonomo. Si trova nella zona ovest della città (West Side) ed ha una popolazione di 21 000 abitanti. Da sempre è uno dei quartieri più ricchi del Canada e di tutto il Nord America. Grattacieli di Westmount Square (it)
- Westmount är en ort och kommun i Kanada. Den ligger i regionen Montréal och provinsen Québec, i den sydöstra delen av landet, 160 km öster om huvudstaden Ottawa. (sv)
- Westmount (Ville de Westmount) é uma cidade do Canadá, localizada na província de Quebec, na Ilha de Montreal. Westmount fora fundida à cidade de Montreal em 2002. Porém, através de um referendo realizado em 2004, os habitantes de Westmount decidiram pela fissão da comunidade. Westmount voltou a ser uma cidade por si própria em 1 de janeiro de 2006. Sua área é de 4,02 km², e sua população, do censo nacional de 2001, é de 19 727 habitantes. (pt)
- Westmount (/wɛst.maʊnt/) est une ville du Québec, au Canada, enclavée dans la ville de Montréal. Située sur le versant Ouest du mont Royal, cette municipalité majoritairement anglophone où le revenu moyen des familles est 3,6 fois plus élevé qu'à Montréal, réunit une population d'environ 20 000 personnes sur une superficie de 4,02 km2. On y retrouve des écoles, une aréna, une piscine, un bibliothèque publique et un certain nombre de parcs, tels que le Parc Westmount, le parc King George, et le . (fr)
- Westmount is an affluent municipality on the Island of Montreal, in southwestern Quebec, Canada. It is an enclave of the city of Montreal, with a population of 19,658 as of the 2021 Canadian census. Westmount is home to schools, an arena, a pool, a public library and a number of parks, including Westmount Park, (also known as Murray Hill Park) and Westmount Summit. The city operates its own electricity distribution company Westmount Light & Power (Hydro-Westmount). The city is also the location of two Canadian Forces Primary Reserve units: The Royal Montreal Regiment and 34th Signals Regiment. (en)
- Уэстма́унт (англ. Westmount) — город в юго-западной части провинции Квебек в Канаде на острове Монреаль, англоязычный анклав в городе Монреале; население — 20 494 человек; площадь — 4,02 км², плотность населения — 5092,56 чел./км², по этому показателю является вторым по величине в Канаде (после Нотр-Дам-дез-Анж, Квебек) (Статистическая служба Канады, 2006). (ru)
- Westmount, Quebec (en)
- ويسماونت (كيبك) (ar)
- Westmount (ca)
- Westmount (cs)
- Westmount (de)
- Westmount (eo)
- Westmount (es)
- Westmount (Quebec) (eu)
- Westmount (it)
- Westmount (fr)
- ウエストマウント (ケベック州) (ja)
- Westmount (nl)
- Westmount (Quebec) (pl)
- Westmount (pt)
- Westmount (sv)
- Уэстмаунт (ru)
- freebase:Westmount, Quebec
- geodata:Westmount, Quebec
- lgdt:Westmount, Quebec
- http://viaf.org/viaf/159128835
- yago-res:Westmount, Quebec
- http://d-nb.info/gnd/5206912-6
- http://musicbrainz.org/area/3f504d54-c40c-487d-bc16-c1990eac887f
- wikidata:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-af:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-ar:Westmount, Quebec
- http://azb.dbpedia.org/resource/وزتمونت،_کوبک
- dbpedia-bg:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-ca:Westmount, Quebec
- http://ceb.dbpedia.org/resource/Westmount_(lungsod)
- dbpedia-cs:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-de:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-eo:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-es:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-et:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-eu:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-fa:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-fr:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-hr:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-it:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-ja:Westmount, Quebec
- http://mg.dbpedia.org/resource/Westmount
- dbpedia-nl:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-no:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-pl:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-pt:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-ru:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-sh:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-simple:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-sr:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-sv:Westmount, Quebec
- dbpedia-tr:Westmount, Quebec
- https://global.dbpedia.org/id/Pc2E
- POINT(-73.599998474121 45.483333587646)
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- Westmount (en)
- City of Westmount (en)
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- dbr:Canadian_Military_Engineers
- dbr:Caroline_Mulroney
- dbr:Caroline_Rhea
- dbr:Quebec_Games
- dbr:Quebec_Route_136_(Montreal)
- dbr:Quebec_Route_138
- dbr:Robert_Smeaton_White
- dbr:Roslyn_Elementary_School
- dbr:Royal_Montreal_Regiment
- dbr:Samuel_Edward_Dawson
- dbr:English-speaking_Quebecers
- dbr:List_of_cities_surrounded_by_another_city
- dbr:List_of_college_sports_team_nicknames_in_North_America
- dbr:List_of_colleges_in_Canada
- dbr:List_of_colleges_in_Quebec
- dbr:List_of_communities_in_Quebec
- dbr:List_of_first_women_mayors_(20th_century)
- dbr:List_of_former_Amtrak_stations
- dbr:Natural_Born_Killers_copycat_crimes
- dbr:Montreal_Westmount
- dbr:2021_Quebec_municipal_elections
- dbr:Big_Boy_Restaurants
- dbr:Billy_(Black_Christmas)
- dbr:Black_Christmas_(1974_film)
- dbr:David_Azrieli
- dbr:David_O'Keefe_(historian)
- dbr:De_Maisonneuve_Boulevard
- dbr:Death_and_state_funeral_of_Elizabeth_II
- dbr:Demographics_of_Montreal
- dbr:Alfred_Laberge
- dbr:Alfred_Leduc
- dbr:Annabel_Soutar
- dbr:April_1964
- dbr:Area_codes_514_and_438
- dbr:Hurtubise_House
- dbr:Hydro-Québec
- dbr:Joseph_Cassidy_(priest)
- dbr:Julian_Cleveland_Smith
- dbr:Julius_Scriver
- dbr:List_of_Canadian_census_areas_demographic_extremes
- dbr:List_of_Columbia_University_people_in_politics,_military_and_law
- dbr:List_of_deaths_due_to_COVID-19
- dbr:List_of_enclaves_and_exclaves
- dbr:List_of_municipalities_in_Quebec
- dbr:Patrick_Clark_(bishop)
- dbr:Paul_Almond
- dbr:Peter_Trent
- dbr:René_Lépine
- dbr:Rimouski
- dbr:Robert_L._Carroll
- dbr:Underground_City,_Montreal
- dbr:Urban_agglomeration_of_Montreal
- dbr:Vendôme_station
- dbr:Victoria_Hall_(Westmount,_Quebec)
- dbr:Victoria_Village,_Westmount
- dbr:Ville-Marie,_Montreal
- dbr:Vincenzo_Guzzo
- dbr:Deaths_in_March_2011
- dbr:J._Aird_Nesbitt
- dbr:J._Pascal's_Hardware_and_Furniture
- dbr:List_of_armouries_in_Canada
- dbr:Louis-Philippe_Hébert
- dbr:Robert_Findlay
- dbr:Royal_Canadian_Infantry_Corps
- dbr:Liberal_Party_of_Canada_candidates_in_the_2011_Canadian_federal_election
- dbr:List_of_historic_places_in_Montreal
- dbr:List_of_ice_hockey_teams_in_Quebec
- dbr:List_of_museums_in_Montreal
- dbr:List_of_neighbourhoods_in_Montreal
- dbr:List_of_people_from_Montreal
- dbr:List_of_places_with_eruvin
- dbr:List_of_postal_codes_of_Canada:_H
- dbr:List_of_regional_county_municipalities_and_equivalent_territories_in_Quebec
- dbr:Notre-Dame-de-Grâce—Westmount
- dbr:1978_Macdonald_Brier
- dbr:1978_Macdonald_Lassies_Championship
- dbr:Congregation_Shaar_Hashomayim
- dbr:Cooper_Smeaton
- dbr:Matthew_Hutchinson
- dbr:May_Cutler
- dbr:McGill_University
- dbr:Réseau_du_sport_étudiant_du_Québec
- dbr:Saint-Henri,_Montreal
- dbr:Saint_Catherine_Street
- dbr:Municipal_history_of_Quebec
- dbr:RNC_Media
- dbr:Church_of_Saint-Léon-de-Westmount
- dbr:Claude_Jodoin
- dbr:Frank_H._Schwarz
- dbr:Frank_Patrick_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Geography_of_Montreal
- dbr:George_Burnett_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Grant_LeMarquand
- dbr:Greaves_Adventist_Academy
- dbr:Miss_Edgar's_and_Miss_Cramp's_School
- dbr:Montreal
- dbr:Montreal_Arena
- dbr:Montreal_Catholic_School_Commission
- dbr:Montreal_Hoshuko_School
- dbr:Montreal_Metro
- dbr:Mount_Royal
- dbr:The_Study
- dbr:Theodore_Fairhurst
- dbr:Millionaires'_Mile
- dbr:René_Lévesque_Boulevard
- dbr:1946_Macdonald_Brier
- dbr:1952_Macdonald_Brier
- dbr:1953_Macdonald_Brier
- dbr:1963_Macdonald_Brier
- dbr:1970_Canadian_Ladies_Curling_Association_Championship
- dbr:1972_Montreal_Museum_of_Fine_Arts_robbery
- dbr:1973_Macdonald_Brier
- dbr:1973_Macdonald_Lassies_Championship
- dbr:1975_Macdonald_Lassies_Championship
- dbr:1977_Macdonald_Lassies_Championship
- dbr:2010_Winter_Olympics_torch_relay_route
- dbr:2011_in_Canada
- dbr:2013_Quebec_municipal_elections
- dbr:Leonard_Cohen
- dbr:Les_Cours_Mont-Royal
- dbr:Lester_Patrick
- dbr:Liberal_Party_of_Canada_candidates_in_the_2015_Canadian_federal_election
- dbr:Lizanne_Murphy
- dbr:Lorne_Webster
- dbr:Louis-Joseph_Gauthier
- dbr:Louis-Philippe_Gélinas
- dbr:Louis_Bloomfield
- dbr:Ludwig_Mies_van_der_Rohe
- dbr:Mabel_May
- dbr:Maggie_Shaddick
- dbr:Snowdon,_Montreal
- dbr:Street_name
- dbr:Commission_scolaire_de_Montréal
- dbr:Édouard-Charles_St-Père
- dbr:Francine_Allard
- dbr:Paul_Cowan_(filmmaker)
- dbr:Westmount—Ville-Marie
- dbr:2001_Montreal_municipal_election
- dbr:2002–2006_municipal_reorganization_of_Montreal
- dbr:1972_Macdonald_Lassies_Championship
- dbr:Auguste-Réal_Angers
- dbr:CIBC_Tower
- dbr:Adelbert_Edward_Hanna
- dbr:Cathy's_Curse
- dbr:Tobias_Oriwol
- dbr:Tobie_Steinhouse
- dbr:Tom_Daly_(filmmaker)
- dbr:Tornadoes_of_2006
- dbr:Tsukihime
- dbr:W._R._Granger
- dbr:Westmount_City_Hall
- dbr:Westmount_High_School
- dbr:Westmount_Park
- dbr:Westmount_Public_Library
- dbr:Westmount_Rugby_Club
- dbr:Westmount_Square
- dbr:Westmount_Summit
- dbr:Westmount_station
- dbr:Westmount–Saint-Louis
- dbr:William_Douw_Lighthall
- dbr:William_Joseph_Poupore
- dbr:William_Owens_(Canadian_politician)
- dbr:City_of_Westmount
- dbr:Jewish_population_by_city
- dbr:Lawrence_Garvie
- dbr:List_of_Anglo-Quebecer_communities
- dbr:List_of_COVID-19_deaths_in_North_America
- dbr:List_of_Columbia_University_Graduate_School_of_Journalism_people
- dbr:34_Canadian_Brigade_Group
- dbr:2009_Quebec_municipal_elections
- dbr:Alexis_Nihon_Complex
- dbr:Alain_Montpetit
- dbr:Côte-Saint-Luc_Road
- dbr:Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce
- dbr:Daniel_Borsuk
- dbr:Downtown_Montreal
- dbr:Ernest_Choquette
- dbr:Francis_Edward_Gilman
- dbr:Anglican_Diocese_of_Montreal
- dbr:Brian_McConnell
- dbr:Notre-Dame-de-Grâce
- dbr:History_of_the_Jews_in_Montreal
- dbr:Joseph_Kruger
- dbr:Judicial_districts_of_Quebec
- dbr:Lee_Tobin
- dbr:List_of_Freedom_of_the_City_recipients_(military)
- dbr:List_of_McGill_University_people
- dbr:List_of_National_Historic_Sites_of_Canada_in_Montreal
- dbr:List_of_National_Hockey_League_arenas
- dbr:List_of_Orthodox_Jewish_communities_in_Canada
- dbr:List_of_Selwyn_House_School_people
- dbr:Raymond_Chabot_Grant_Thornton
- dbr:Marianne_McKenna
- dbr:2000–2006_municipal_reorganization_in_Quebec
- dbr:2004_Quebec_municipal_referendums
- dbr:Greene_Avenue_(Montreal)
- dbr:Gustave_Biéler
- dbr:HMCS_Westmount
- dbr:Henry_Petty-Fitzmaurice,_5th_Marquess_of_Lansdowne
- dbr:History_of_Montreal
- dbr:Atwater_Library
- dbr:Island_of_Montreal
- dbr:Jack_Pierce_(oilman)
- dbr:James_Kewley_Ward
- dbr:Jay_Aspin
- dbr:Jean_Charest
- dbr:Jehane_Benoît
- dbr:The_Kiss_(1988_film)
- dbr:Jill_Britton
- dbr:2017_Quebec_municipal_elections
- dbr:Ariel_Helwani
- dbr:Arnold_Heeney
- dbr:Arthur_Deane_Nesbitt
- dbr:Arthur_James_Nesbitt
- dbr:Asian_Canadians
- dbr:Atwater_Avenue
- dbr:Atwater_station
- dbr:A_Ballet_of_Lepers
- dbr:Charles_Drury
- dbr:Jessica_Mulroney
- dbr:Joan_Dougherty
- dbr:John_Bryson_(RAF_officer)
- dbr:John_McLean_(explorer)
- dbr:Kamala_Harris
- dbr:Keep_It_in_the_Family_(film)
- dbr:Kells_Academy
- dbr:Kenneth_Farmer
- dbr:Kevin_Reeves_(ice_hockey)
- dbr:Le_Plateau-Mont-Royal
- dbr:Le_Sud-Ouest
- dbr:Georges_Bossé
- dbr:Herb_LaFontaine
- dbr:Holy_Trinity_Serbian_Orthodox_Church_(Montreal)
- dbr:The_Apprenticeship_of_Duddy_Kravitz_(novel)
- dbr:Tundra_Books
- dbr:Westmount
- dbr:Westmount_(provincial_electoral_district)
- dbr:Reaction:_A_Portrait_of_a_Society_in_Crisis
- dbr:Dick_Pound
- dbr:Don_Getty
- dbr:Douglas_Shearer
- dbr:Manix_Auriantal
- dbr:Marc_Garneau
- dbr:Marc_Miller_(politician)
- dbr:March_for_Our_Lives
- dbr:Marianopolis_College
- dbr:Boroughs_of_Montreal
- dbr:Boroughs_of_Montreal_during_the_COVID-19_pandemic
- dbr:Pierre_McGuire
- dbr:Pink_Line_(Montreal_Metro)
- dbr:Sprague_Cleghorn
- dbr:St._George's_Anglican_Church_(Montreal)
- dbr:Index_of_Canada-related_articles
- dbr:Kitchener,_Ontario
- dbr:Metro_Inc.
- dbr:Michael_James_Walsh
- dbr:Michael_Pitfield
- dbr:Mila_Mulroney
- dbr:Milton_Park,_Montreal
- dbr:Browns_Shoes
- dbr:Olivier_Guimond
- dbr:Canadian_Accredited_Independent_Schools
- dbr:Rachel_Kohl_Finegold
- dbr:Rachelle_Lefevre
- dbr:Record_of_Lodoss_War
- dbr:Sean_Devine_(playwright)
- dbr:Selwyn_House_School
- dbr:Shaughnessy_Village
- dbr:Sherbrooke_Street
- dbr:Witchblade_(2006_TV_series)
- dbr:Richard_Margolese
- dbr:Ulmus_rubra
- dbr:September_1913_(month)
- dbr:Villa_Sainte-Marcelline
- dbr:Gwethalyn_Graham
- dbr:List_of_shopping_centres_in_Montreal
- dbr:List_of_tallest_buildings_in_Quebec
- dbr:List_of_towns_in_Quebec
- dbr:Lynn_Verge
- dbr:October_1923
- dbr:Mannequin_Challenge
- dbr:September_1934
- dbr:Urban_agglomerations_in_Quebec
- dbr:Nora_Collyer
- dbr:Philip_J._Turner
- dbr:Outline_of_the_Canadian_Armed_Forces_at_the_end_of_the_Cold_War
- dbr:Westmount_District
- dbr:Wesmount
is dbp:birthPlace
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