- Mather Byles (Boston, Massachusetts), 26 de marzo de 1706-idem, 5 de julio de 1788) fue un clérigo activo en la Norteamérica británica. Byles descendía, por parte de madre, del reverendo John Cotton y del ministro puritano Richard Mather, y era nieto de y sobrino de Cotton Mather. De joven, Byles coincidió con el poeta Alexander Pope y el teólogo Isaac Watts. Byles se graduó en la Universidad de Harvard en 1725, y en 1733 llegó a ser pastor de la Hollis Street Church (Iglesia de la calle Hollis) en Boston. Era muy valorado entre el clero de la provincia, y llegó a ser popular por lo bien que escribía y leía sus sermones. Habitualmente Byles compartía sátiras y parodias con el humorista y poeta . Byles publicó un libro en verso Poems on Various Occasions (Poemas para ocasiones diversas) en 1744. En 1773, fue elegido para examinar los escritos de Phillis Wheatley —la primera escritora afroamericana en publicar un libro en Estados Unidos— y determinar si realmente la mujer negra era la autora del libro de poemas propuesto. (Él y el resto del comité decidieron que sí lo era.) En el momento de producirse la Revolución de las Trece Colonias, Byles fue franco y honesto en su apoyo a la causa real, por lo que después de la evacuación británica de Boston, su conexión con la iglesia fue disuelta. Sin embargo, permaneció en Boston, y posteriormente (1777) fue arrestado, juzgado y sentenciado a deportación. Esta sentencia fue más tarde cambiada por la de prisionero en su propia casa. Pronto fue puesto en libertad, pero nunca continuó su oficio de pastor. Byles es popular por ser el autor del siguiente dicho: Which is better - to be ruled by one tyrant three thousand miles away or by three thousand tyrants one mile away? (¿Qué es mejor? - ¿ser gobernado por un tirano a tres mil millas de aquí o por tres mil tiranos a una milla de aquí?). Esta expresión aparece, un poco variada, en la película El patriota (2000) de Mel Gibson. Byles murió en Boston el 5 de julio de 1788, a los 82 años. Además de muchos sermones, publicó el libro A Poem on the Death of George I (Un poema a la muerte de Jorge I) (1727). (es)
- Mather Byles (born 26 March 1706, Boston, Massachusetts – 5 July 1788), was an American clergyman active in British North America. Byles was descended, on his mother's side, from John Cotton and Richard Mather and was a grandson of Increase Mather and nephew of Cotton Mather. As a young man, he corresponded with Alexander Pope and Isaac Watts. Byles graduated at Harvard University in 1725, received his A.M. degree there in 1728 and in 1733 he became pastor of the Hollis Street Church (Congregational), Boston. In 1765 he received a degree of Doctor of Divinity from the University of Aberdeen Scotland Byles held a high rank among the clergy of the province and was noted for his scholarly and well-written sermons, as well as his ready wit. He often exchanged poetic satires and parodies with another Boston wit of that time, Joseph Green. At state funerals, he was often a picked to give the sermon. He published a book of verse, Poems on Various Occasions in 1744 (see 1744 in poetry). In 1773, he was chosen to be one of the eminent Boston literary intellectuals to examine Phillis Wheatley in order to determine if the black woman was actually the author of a proposed book of poems. (He and the rest of the panel determined that she was.) At the outbreak of the American Revolution, Byles was outspoken in his advocacy of the royal cause, and after the British evacuation of Boston his connection with his church was dissolved. Byles remained in Boston, however, and subsequently (1777) was arrested, tried and sentenced to deportation. This sentence was later changed to imprisonment in his own house. (He called the sentry stationed outside the house his "Observe-a-Tory".) He was soon released, but never resumed his pastorate. He is known for saying "Which is better - to be ruled by one tyrant three thousand miles away or by three thousand tyrants one mile away?" A variation of the quote is spoken by Mel Gibson in The Patriot. Byles died in Boston on 5 July 1788, aged 82. Besides many sermons Byles published A Poem on the Death of George I (1727). (en)
- Mather Byles (Boston, Massachusetts), 26 de marzo de 1706-idem, 5 de julio de 1788) fue un clérigo activo en la Norteamérica británica. Byles descendía, por parte de madre, del reverendo John Cotton y del ministro puritano Richard Mather, y era nieto de y sobrino de Cotton Mather. De joven, Byles coincidió con el poeta Alexander Pope y el teólogo Isaac Watts. Byles murió en Boston el 5 de julio de 1788, a los 82 años. Además de muchos sermones, publicó el libro A Poem on the Death of George I (Un poema a la muerte de Jorge I) (1727). (es)
- Mather Byles (born 26 March 1706, Boston, Massachusetts – 5 July 1788), was an American clergyman active in British North America. Byles was descended, on his mother's side, from John Cotton and Richard Mather and was a grandson of Increase Mather and nephew of Cotton Mather. As a young man, he corresponded with Alexander Pope and Isaac Watts. At the outbreak of the American Revolution, Byles was outspoken in his advocacy of the royal cause, and after the British evacuation of Boston his connection with his church was dissolved. Byles died in Boston on 5 July 1788, aged 82. (en)