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The United States has 154 protected areas known as national forests, covering 188,336,179 acres (762,169 km2; 294,275 sq mi). National forests are managed by the U.S. Forest Service, an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The first national forest was established as the Yellowstone Park Timber and Land Reserve on March 30, 1891, then in the Department of the Interior. In 1897, the Organic Act provided purposes for which forest reserves could be established, including to reserve a supply of timber, protect the forest from development, and secure water supplies. With the Forest Reserve Act of 1891, the president of the United States is given the power to set aside forest reserves in the public domain. With the Transfer Act of 1905, forest reserves became part of the U.S. Department

Property Value
  • Aquesta llista de boscos nacionals dels Estats Units comprèn 154 àrees protegides, conegudes com a "boscos nacionals" (National Forests), que cobreixen més de 762.000 quilòmetres quadrats. El sistema de boscos nacionals és gestionat pel (U.S. Forest Service o USFS), una agència del Departament d'Agricultura dels Estats Units. (ca)
  • يوجد في الولايات المتحدة 154 منطقة محمية تُعرف ، تغطي 188,336,179 أكر (762,169 كـم2؛ 294,275 ميل2). تدار الغابات الوطنية من قبل دائرة الغابات الأمريكية، وهي وكالة تابعة لوزارة الزراعة الأمريكية. اُنشئ أول غابة وطنية باسم في 30 مارس 1891، ثم في وزارة الداخلية. في عام 1897، نص الأغراض التي يمكن من أجلها إنشاء محميات غابات، بما في ذلك الاحتفاظ بمخزون من الأخشاب، وحماية الغابة من التنمية، وتأمين إمدادات المياه. مع ، يُمنح رئيس الولايات المتحدة سلطة وضع محميات الغابات جانباً في المجال العام. مع ، أصبحت محميات الغابات جزءًا من وزارة الزراعة الأمريكية في خدمة الغابات الأمريكية المنشأة حديثًا. (ar)
  • The United States has 154 protected areas known as national forests, covering 188,336,179 acres (762,169 km2; 294,275 sq mi). National forests are managed by the U.S. Forest Service, an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The first national forest was established as the Yellowstone Park Timber and Land Reserve on March 30, 1891, then in the Department of the Interior. In 1897, the Organic Act provided purposes for which forest reserves could be established, including to reserve a supply of timber, protect the forest from development, and secure water supplies. With the Forest Reserve Act of 1891, the president of the United States is given the power to set aside forest reserves in the public domain. With the Transfer Act of 1905, forest reserves became part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the newly created U.S. Forest Service. By 1907, President Theodore Roosevelt had more than doubled the forest-reserve acreage, and Congress responded by limiting the president's ability to proclaim new reserves. The National Forest System underwent a major reorganization in 1908, and in 1911 Congress authorized new additions to the system under the authority of the Weeks Act. The management goals provided by the Organic Act were expanded upon by the Multiple-Use Sustained-Yield Act of 1960 to include "outdoor recreation, range, timber, watershed, and wildlife and fish purposes" as well as for the establishment of wilderness areas. As of September 30, 2014, the Forest Service manages a total of 192,922,127 acres (780,728.15 km2), 188,336,179 acres (762,169.48 km2) of which are national forests. The additional land areas include 20 national grasslands, 59 purchase units, 19 research and experimental areas, five land utilization projects and 37 other areas. The National Forest System has an extensive and complicated history of reorganization, so while there are currently 154 named national forests, many of these are managed together as either a single forest or separate forests. There is at least one national forest in all but ten states: Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, North Dakota, and Rhode Island (although Kansas and North Dakota have national grasslands). In addition, Puerto Rico contains El Yunque National Forest, the only tropical U.S. rainforest. Alaska has the most national forest land, with 21.9 million acres (8.9 million ha), followed by California (20.8 million acres, 8.4 million ha) and Idaho (20.4 million acres, 8.3 million ha). Idaho also has the greatest percent of its land in national forests, with 38.2 percent, followed by Oregon (24.7 percent) and Colorado (20.9 percent). On maps, national forests in the west generally show the true extent of their area, but those in the east often only show purchase districts, within which usually only a minority of the land is owned by the Forest Service. (en)
  • Ceci est la liste des forêts nationales aux États-Unis. (fr)
  • Gli Stati Uniti d'America hanno 155 aree protette denominate foreste nazionali che coprono 761.999 km² (188.293.938 acri). Le foreste nazionali sono gestite dal Servizio forestale degli Stati Uniti (United States Forest Service), un'agenzia del Dipartimento dell'Agricoltura degli Stati Uniti. La prima foresta nazionale fu istituita nella il 30 marzo 1891, allora presso il Dipartimento degli Interni. Nel 1897, la Legge organica (Organic Act) stabilì le finalità per le quali potevano essere istituite le riserve forestali, tra cui proteggere le foreste, garantire le riserve idriche e fornire legname. Con la Legge sulle riserve forestali (Forest Reserve Act) del 1891, al Presidente degli Stati Uniti fu dato il potere di trasferire riserve forestali al settore pubblico. Con la Legge di trasferimento (Transfer Act) del 1905, le riserve forestali divennero parte del Dipartimento dell'Agricoltura degli Stati Uniti nell'ambito del Servizio forestale degli Stati Uniti (U.S. Forest Service) appena creato. Verso il 1907 il presidente Theodore Roosevelt più che raddoppiò la superficie delle riserve forestali, e il Congresso rispose limitando il potere del Presidente di proclamare nuove riserve. Il Sistema delle foreste nazionali (National Forest System) subì una profonda riorganizzazione nel 1908, e nel 1911 il Congresso autorizzò nuove aggiunte al sistema in base alla Legge Weeks (Weeks Act). Gli obiettivi della gestione stabiliti dalla Legge organica furono ampliati dalla Legge sulle produzioni intensive a uso multiplo (Multiple-Use Sustained-Yield Act) del 1960, per includere "finalità di svago all'aria aperta, di pascolo, di produzione di legname, di deflusso delle acque e di tutela della fauna selvatica e ittica" nonché per l'istituzione di riserve naturali. Al 30 settembre 2012, il Servizio forestale gestiva un totale di 780.949,17 km² (192.976.743 acri), di cui 761.998,53 km² (188.293.938 acri) erano foreste nazionali. Le aree terriere aggiuntive includono 20 , 59 unità di acquisto, 19 aree di ricerca e sperimentali, cinque progetti di utilizzo della terra, 37 altre aree e una , . Il National Forest System ha una lunga e complicata storia di riorganizzazioni, perciò, sebbene attualmente vi siano 155 aree denominate ufficialmente "foreste nazionali", molte di queste sono gestite insieme o come un'unica foresta o come foreste separate. C'è almeno una foresta nazionale in tutti gli stati federali degli Stati Uniti, tranne in dieci di essi: Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nord Dakota, New Jersey e Rhode Island. In aggiunta, la è a Porto Rico. L'Alaska ha la maggiore estensione di foreste nazionali con 8,9 milioni ha (21,9 milioni di acri), seguita dalla California (8,4 milioni ha, 20,8 milioni di acri) e dall'Idaho (8,3 milioni ha, 20,4 milioni di acri). L'Idaho ha anche la maggiore percentuale di territorio destinato a foreste nazionali con il 38,2%, seguito dall'Oregon con il 24,7% e dal Colorado con il 20,9%. Sulle mappe, le foreste nazionali all'ovest mostrano generalmente la vera estensione della loro area, ma quelle all'est spesso mostrano solo i distretti di acquisto, all'interno dei quali soltanto una minoranza della terra è di proprietà del Servizio forestale. (it)
  • Het National Forest System van de Verenigde Staten is de verzameling van eigendommen in het bezit of beheer van de U.S. Forest Service, een federaal agentschap onder het ministerie van Landbouw. Als enige Amerikaans overheidsagentschap staat de Forest Service in voor het beheer van National Forests en National Grasslands. Er zijn 155 National Forests, goed voor een totale oppervlakte van 761.999 km², alsook 20 graslandgebieden (National Grasslands). Daarnaast beheert de Forest Service 59 aankoopgebieden, 19 onderzoeks- en experimentele gebieden, 5 bodemgebruikprojecten, één National Preserve en 37 andere eenheden. Omdat het systeem van de National Forests gecompliceerd is door een lange geschiedenis van verwervingen en herorganisaties, zijn veel van de bossen niet aaneengesloten of worden verschillende bossen samen beheerd. (nl)
  • 美国境内共拥有154座国家森林,总面积188,336,179英畝(762,169.48平方公里)。这些国家森林均由美国农业部下属的美国国家森林局管控。 1891年3月3日通过的《森林保护法》赋予了美国总统设立森林保护区的权力。1891年3月30日,黄石公园林地保护区成为首座设立的国家森林,由内政部接手管理。随后,1897年出台的《组织法》确立了森林保护区设立的意义——保护森林、保护水资源和提供木材。1905年《移交法》通过,森林保护区正式归属美国农业部成立的新部门——美国国家森林局管辖。 1907年,美国总统西奥多·罗斯福将国家森林的范围扩大至原先的两倍以上,因而美国国会开始限制总统设立新森林保护区的权力。国家森林系统在1908年进行了大规模的重组。1911年,国会根据新通过的《维克斯法》对森林系统进一步管控。《》将《组织法》中规定的森林的用途扩大,将“户外休闲”与“山脉、林业、流域和野生动物保护”囊括在内,并为设立严格自然保护区打下了基础。 截至2014年9月30日,森林局管理着面积192,922,127英畝(780,728.15平方公里)的土地,其中有188,336,179英畝(762,169.48平方公里)是国家森林。整个国家森林系统前后的沿革变化繁多复杂,故虽然目前有154座冠名“国家森林”的林地,许多森林要么被多合一联合管理,要么被拆成了几个区域分开管理。 除了以下十个州外,美国的每个州均拥有国家森林:康涅狄格州、特拉华州、夏威夷州、艾奥瓦州、堪萨斯州、马里兰州、马萨诸塞州、北达科他州、新泽西州和罗得岛州(但堪萨斯州和北达科他州有国家草原)。此外,波多黎各境内建立有云盖国家森林。阿拉斯加州境内的国家森林面积最大(2.19 × 107英畝(89,000平方公里)),其次是加利福尼亚州(2.08 × 107英畝(84,000平方公里))和爱达荷州(2.04 × 107英畝(83,000平方公里))。爱达荷州的国家森林面积占比也是最高的(38.2%),其次是俄勒冈州(24.7%)和科罗拉多州(20.9%)。地图上美国西部的国家森林多为其真实大小,而东部的森林绝大的部分都是购买区,只有少部分在森林局的管理之下。 (zh)
  • 165263 (xsd:integer)
  • 118036 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1123083980 (xsd:integer)
  • Aquesta llista de boscos nacionals dels Estats Units comprèn 154 àrees protegides, conegudes com a "boscos nacionals" (National Forests), que cobreixen més de 762.000 quilòmetres quadrats. El sistema de boscos nacionals és gestionat pel (U.S. Forest Service o USFS), una agència del Departament d'Agricultura dels Estats Units. (ca)
  • يوجد في الولايات المتحدة 154 منطقة محمية تُعرف ، تغطي 188,336,179 أكر (762,169 كـم2؛ 294,275 ميل2). تدار الغابات الوطنية من قبل دائرة الغابات الأمريكية، وهي وكالة تابعة لوزارة الزراعة الأمريكية. اُنشئ أول غابة وطنية باسم في 30 مارس 1891، ثم في وزارة الداخلية. في عام 1897، نص الأغراض التي يمكن من أجلها إنشاء محميات غابات، بما في ذلك الاحتفاظ بمخزون من الأخشاب، وحماية الغابة من التنمية، وتأمين إمدادات المياه. مع ، يُمنح رئيس الولايات المتحدة سلطة وضع محميات الغابات جانباً في المجال العام. مع ، أصبحت محميات الغابات جزءًا من وزارة الزراعة الأمريكية في خدمة الغابات الأمريكية المنشأة حديثًا. (ar)
  • Ceci est la liste des forêts nationales aux États-Unis. (fr)
  • The United States has 154 protected areas known as national forests, covering 188,336,179 acres (762,169 km2; 294,275 sq mi). National forests are managed by the U.S. Forest Service, an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The first national forest was established as the Yellowstone Park Timber and Land Reserve on March 30, 1891, then in the Department of the Interior. In 1897, the Organic Act provided purposes for which forest reserves could be established, including to reserve a supply of timber, protect the forest from development, and secure water supplies. With the Forest Reserve Act of 1891, the president of the United States is given the power to set aside forest reserves in the public domain. With the Transfer Act of 1905, forest reserves became part of the U.S. Department (en)
  • Gli Stati Uniti d'America hanno 155 aree protette denominate foreste nazionali che coprono 761.999 km² (188.293.938 acri). Le foreste nazionali sono gestite dal Servizio forestale degli Stati Uniti (United States Forest Service), un'agenzia del Dipartimento dell'Agricoltura degli Stati Uniti. La prima foresta nazionale fu istituita nella il 30 marzo 1891, allora presso il Dipartimento degli Interni. Nel 1897, la Legge organica (Organic Act) stabilì le finalità per le quali potevano essere istituite le riserve forestali, tra cui proteggere le foreste, garantire le riserve idriche e fornire legname. Con la Legge sulle riserve forestali (Forest Reserve Act) del 1891, al Presidente degli Stati Uniti fu dato il potere di trasferire riserve forestali al settore pubblico. Con la Legge di trasfer (it)
  • Het National Forest System van de Verenigde Staten is de verzameling van eigendommen in het bezit of beheer van de U.S. Forest Service, een federaal agentschap onder het ministerie van Landbouw. Als enige Amerikaans overheidsagentschap staat de Forest Service in voor het beheer van National Forests en National Grasslands. Er zijn 155 National Forests, goed voor een totale oppervlakte van 761.999 km², alsook 20 graslandgebieden (National Grasslands). Daarnaast beheert de Forest Service 59 aankoopgebieden, 19 onderzoeks- en experimentele gebieden, 5 bodemgebruikprojecten, één National Preserve en 37 andere eenheden. (nl)
  • 美国境内共拥有154座国家森林,总面积188,336,179英畝(762,169.48平方公里)。这些国家森林均由美国农业部下属的美国国家森林局管控。 1891年3月3日通过的《森林保护法》赋予了美国总统设立森林保护区的权力。1891年3月30日,黄石公园林地保护区成为首座设立的国家森林,由内政部接手管理。随后,1897年出台的《组织法》确立了森林保护区设立的意义——保护森林、保护水资源和提供木材。1905年《移交法》通过,森林保护区正式归属美国农业部成立的新部门——美国国家森林局管辖。 1907年,美国总统西奥多·罗斯福将国家森林的范围扩大至原先的两倍以上,因而美国国会开始限制总统设立新森林保护区的权力。国家森林系统在1908年进行了大规模的重组。1911年,国会根据新通过的《维克斯法》对森林系统进一步管控。《》将《组织法》中规定的森林的用途扩大,将“户外休闲”与“山脉、林业、流域和野生动物保护”囊括在内,并为设立严格自然保护区打下了基础。 截至2014年9月30日,森林局管理着面积192,922,127英畝(780,728.15平方公里)的土地,其中有188,336,179英畝(762,169.48平方公里)是国家森林。整个国家森林系统前后的沿革变化繁多复杂,故虽然目前有154座冠名“国家森林”的林地,许多森林要么被多合一联合管理,要么被拆成了几个区域分开管理。 (zh)
  • قائمة الغابات الوطنية للولايات المتحدة (ar)
  • Llista de boscos nacionals dels Estats Units (ca)
  • Foreste nazionali degli Stati Uniti d'America (it)
  • Liste des forêts nationales aux États-Unis (fr)
  • List of national forests of the United States (en)
  • Lijst van gebieden in het National Forest System van de Verenigde Staten (nl)
  • 美国国家森林列表 (zh)
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