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The Lemnian Athena, or Athena Lemnia, was a classical Greek statue of the goddess Athena. According to geographer Pausanias (1.28.2), the original bronze cast was created by the sculptor Phidias circa 450–440 BCE, for Athenians living on the island of Lemnos to dedicate on the Acropolis of Athens. The sculptures concerned are: Furtwängler's identification of the original Athena Lemnia with the Dresden statues and Palagi head was based upon study of an engraved gem and by interpretation of the following passages from contemporary reports by Pausanias, Lucian, and Himerius:

Property Value
  • L'Atena Lèmnia era una estàtua de bronze realitzada per Fídies al segle v aC i que va estar situada a l'Acròpoli d'Atenes. (ca)
  • Η Αθηνά της Λήμνου είναι, χαμένο σήμερα, άγαλμα, έργο του Φειδία και αριστούργημα της γλυπτικής τέχνης της αρχαίας Ελλάδας. Η ταύτισή του, από τον Γερμανό αρχαιολόγο Άντολφ Φουρτβένγκλερ (Adolf Furtwängler), με δυο όμοια αγάλματα που προήλθαν από συναρμολόγηση θραυσμάτων ρωμαϊκών αντιγράφων που έκανε ο ίδιος το 1891, δεν έχει γίνει αποδεκτή από τους ειδικούς. (el)
  • Athena Lemnia ist die Bezeichnung für eine Athena-Statue des Phidias. Der Bildhauer schuf nach häufig vertretener Auffassung die Bronzestatue der Göttin um 450/440 v. Chr. für die Kolonisten, die von Athen nach Lemnos zogen. (de)
  • Atenea Lemnia era una estatua de bronce, realizada por Fidias en el siglo V a. C. y que fue situada en la Acrópolis de Atenas. (es)
  • The Lemnian Athena, or Athena Lemnia, was a classical Greek statue of the goddess Athena. According to geographer Pausanias (1.28.2), the original bronze cast was created by the sculptor Phidias circa 450–440 BCE, for Athenians living on the island of Lemnos to dedicate on the Acropolis of Athens. It is unclear whether any copies survived. In 1891, German archaeologist Adolf Furtwängler reconstructed two virtually identical Roman marble statues which he claimed were copies of the original, and identified two Roman marble copies of the head alone. These completed statues were recreated by joining a poorly preserved marble head (kept at Dresden) and a plaster cast of a similar Roman marble head, from the collection of Pelagio Palagi in Bologna, to a pair of identical bodies in Dresden. However, both reconstructions and attributions have been disputed; see below. The sculptures concerned are: * Two full reconstructions (A and B) in the Staatliche Museum, Albertinum, Dresden, with bodies purchased in 1728 from the Chigi collection, Rome, Italy. * The Palagi head at the Archaeological Museum of Bologna, Italy. * A further head of this type, found at Pozzuoli is conserved in the Archaeological Museum of the Campi Phlegraei. As reconstructed, the completed statues are pastiches of two Roman marbles, one for the head and the other for the body. In them, Athena wears an unusual, cross-slung aegis decorated with the Gorgon's head. She is bare-headed, without a shield, holding her helmet out in her extended right hand, and with her left grasping her spear near the top of the shaft. Furtwängler's identification of the original Athena Lemnia with the Dresden statues and Palagi head was based upon study of an engraved gem and by interpretation of the following passages from contemporary reports by Pausanias, Lucian, and Himerius: * Pausanias 1.28.2:[On the Acropolis] there are also two other dedications, a statue of Pericles, son of Xanthippus, and the most worth seeing of the works of Phidias, the statue of Athena called the Lemnian after those who dedicated it. * Lucian, Imagines 4 and 6:(4) Lykinos: "Of all the works of Phidias, which one do you praise most highly?"Polystratos: "Which if not the Lemnia, on which he thought fit to inscribe his name? Or the Amazon leaning on her spear?...(6) From the Knidia the sculptor [of Panthea] will take only the head, ... allowing the hair, forehead, and that lovely brow-line to remain just as Praxiteles made them, and the liquid yet clear and winsome gaze of the eyes shall stay as Praxiteles conceived it. But he will take the curve of the cheeks and the fore part of the face from Alkamenes' [Aphrodite] in the Gardens, plus her hands, graceful wrists, and supple, tapering fingers. But the facial contour, its softness, and her well-proportioned nose will be supplied by the Lemnian Athena of Phidias, who will also furnish the meeting of the lips and the neck, taken from the Amazon." * Himerios, Oratio 68.4 (Colonna):Phidias did not always make images of Zeus, nor did he always cast Athena armed into bronze, but turned his art to the other gods and adorned the Maiden's cheeks with a rosy blush, so that in place of her helmet this should cover the goddess's beauty.Wikimedia Commons has media related to Athena Lemnia. Furtwängler's logic has been disputed. "Hartswick has shown that the Palagi head in Bologna cannot have come from Dresden statue B, that the gems Furtwängler employed could be post-antique, and that the sources are impossibly vague." (Stewart) Some of Hartwick's own conclusions have been disputed in turn, i.e., that the head of Dresden A is alien and the entire Palagi type is Hadrianic. Stewart remarks, "So while the type remains intact and looks Phidian, Furtwängler's further hypotheses concerning its identity and date (451-448) remain unproven." (en)
  • Athéna Lemnia est une statue représentant la déesse grecque Athéna ; la statue originale en bronze a été créée par le sculpteur Phidias vers 450-440 avant J.-C comme statue votive offerte pour l'acropole d'Athènes par les colons athéniens qui s'étaient installés sur l'île de Lemnos. On ignore si des copies en ont survécu. En 1891, l'archéologue allemand Adolf Furtwängler a reconstitué deux statues à partir de marbres romains qui, selon lui, étaient des copies de l'original, et identifié deux copies romaines en marbre de la tête seule ; ces reconstructions et ces attributions ont été contestées. (fr)
  • L'Athena Lemnia (detta "La Bella") era una delle tre statue nell'Acropoli di Atene dedicate alla dea della saggezza Atena realizzate da Fidia nel V secolo a.C.. Si ergeva su un piedistallo all'aperto ed era considerata la più bella opera dello scultore, il quale, era talmente fiero della sua creazione tanto da aver inciso su di essa il proprio nome. (it)
  • Atena Lemnia – brązowy posąg przedstawiający boginię Atenę dłuta Fidiasza. Rzeźba, stojąca na ateńskim Akropolu, została wykonana ok. 450 roku p.n.e. na zamówienie mieszkańców wyspy Lemnos. Znana jest ze wzmianek autorów antycznych: Pauzaniasza, Pliniusza Starszego, Lukiana, Eliusza Arystydesa i Himeriosa. Przedstawiała boginię odzianą w peplos, z egidą, lewą ręką wspartą o włócznię i spoglądającą na trzymany w prawej dłoni hełm. Pomnik nie zachował się do czasów współczesnych, pozostała po nim jedynie baza w pobliżu Propylejów. Pod koniec XIX wieku Adolf Furtwängler zaproponował rekonstrukcję rzeźby, wykonaną w oparciu o fragmentarycznie zachowane kopie: tors z Albertinum w Dreźnie i głowę znajdującą się w Museo Civico w Bolonii. Wizja Furtwänglera spotkała się jednak z krytyką, kwestionowano jej dokładność. (pl)
  • Athena Lemnia var en antik staty föreställande gudinnan Athena. Skulpturen gjordes enligt traditionen av Fidias på beställning av Atens kolonister på Lemnos. Originalstatyn finns inte bevarad, men en omdebatterad rekonstruktion (i två exemplar) gjordes av arkeologen Adolf Furtwängler. (sv)
  • «Афина Лемния», Лемносская Афина — бронзовая статуя богини Афины, созданная знаменитым греческим скульптором Фидием в 450—440 гг. до н. э. Не сохранилась, известна по копиям. Согласно Павсанию, скульптура была изготовлена гражданами Афин, жившими на острове Лемнос, с целью преподнесения в дар родному городу, благодаря чему и получила такое прозвание. Вероятно, стояла где-то неподалёку от Пропилей. (ru)
  • A Atena Lêmnia foi uma estátua representando a deusa Atena criada pelo escultor grego Fídias. O original foi criado pouco depois de 451 a.C. por encomenda de colonos gregos estabelecidos na ilha de Lemnos, e foi ereto na Acrópole de Atenas como um ex-voto. Este original foi perdido, mas sobrevivem cabeças e estátuas incompletas romanas em mármore que se acredita serem cópias do original. Não se sabe ao certo em que material o original foi criado, pois nenhuma das referências antigas sobre a Atena o menciona, mas geralmente se pensa que foi o bronze. Também se acredita que a obra foi instalada entre a Atena Promacos e o Propileu. É possível que Fídias tenha apenas criado um modelo em pequenas dimensões e encarregado a execução da obra final a . A Atena Lêmnia foi muito louvada na Antiguidade. Pausânias disse que era a mais bela das obras de Fídias, e Aristides de Atenas afirmou que ela e outras obras do escultor "eram a expressão material de uma maestria técnica insuperável e ofereciam um prazer estético sem igual para o observador". Em tempos modernos as supostas cópias romanas foram reproduzidas muitas vezes em mármore, gesso e bronze, sendo um modelo formal muito apreciado. O primeiro a identificar peças romanas como cópias da Atena Lêmnia foi Adolf Furtwängler, que estudando uma cabeça e três estátuas incompletas de coleções de Dresden e Cassel, e uma cabeça do , em 1891 reconstruiu um protótipo conjetural quase completo. A cabeça de Dresden imediatamente foi aceita pela maioria dos especialistas do fim do século XIX como a melhor candidata para ser uma cópia do original perdido, assim continua na opinião geral da crítica moderna, mas ainda subsistem algumas dúvidas, pois seu estilo não parece inteiramente congruente com o estilo que se supõe ter sido desenvolvido por Fídias na época de criação do original, e não existem referências de que aquele modelo de cabeça foi cultivado em Atenas naquele período, mas é consistente com o modelo principal de cabeça feminina encontrado no frontão do Templo de Zeus em Olímpia, onde Fídias instalou sua estátua de Zeus monumental. A reconstrução de Furtwängler, embora não tenha se tornado uma unanimidade entre a crítica moderna, tem permanecido amplamente aceita e tem figurado em muitas publicações. Uma outra candidata é a chamada , encontrada na Acrópole e muito copiada posteriormente, e que desde o século XIX tem sido fortemente associada com Fídias. Se a Atena Médici é uma cópia autêntica, pensa-se que o original deve ter sido um acrólito e não uma estátua de bronze, conforme proposto por em 1908. (pt)
  • 勒姆尼亞的雅典娜(Lemnian Athena)是一尊雅典娜雕像。這座雕像據傳製作與西元前450年至440年,是由生活在利姆諾斯島的雅典人獻給雅典衛城。 (zh)
  • 8049275 (xsd:integer)
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  • L'Atena Lèmnia era una estàtua de bronze realitzada per Fídies al segle v aC i que va estar situada a l'Acròpoli d'Atenes. (ca)
  • Η Αθηνά της Λήμνου είναι, χαμένο σήμερα, άγαλμα, έργο του Φειδία και αριστούργημα της γλυπτικής τέχνης της αρχαίας Ελλάδας. Η ταύτισή του, από τον Γερμανό αρχαιολόγο Άντολφ Φουρτβένγκλερ (Adolf Furtwängler), με δυο όμοια αγάλματα που προήλθαν από συναρμολόγηση θραυσμάτων ρωμαϊκών αντιγράφων που έκανε ο ίδιος το 1891, δεν έχει γίνει αποδεκτή από τους ειδικούς. (el)
  • Athena Lemnia ist die Bezeichnung für eine Athena-Statue des Phidias. Der Bildhauer schuf nach häufig vertretener Auffassung die Bronzestatue der Göttin um 450/440 v. Chr. für die Kolonisten, die von Athen nach Lemnos zogen. (de)
  • Atenea Lemnia era una estatua de bronce, realizada por Fidias en el siglo V a. C. y que fue situada en la Acrópolis de Atenas. (es)
  • L'Athena Lemnia (detta "La Bella") era una delle tre statue nell'Acropoli di Atene dedicate alla dea della saggezza Atena realizzate da Fidia nel V secolo a.C.. Si ergeva su un piedistallo all'aperto ed era considerata la più bella opera dello scultore, il quale, era talmente fiero della sua creazione tanto da aver inciso su di essa il proprio nome. (it)
  • Athena Lemnia var en antik staty föreställande gudinnan Athena. Skulpturen gjordes enligt traditionen av Fidias på beställning av Atens kolonister på Lemnos. Originalstatyn finns inte bevarad, men en omdebatterad rekonstruktion (i två exemplar) gjordes av arkeologen Adolf Furtwängler. (sv)
  • «Афина Лемния», Лемносская Афина — бронзовая статуя богини Афины, созданная знаменитым греческим скульптором Фидием в 450—440 гг. до н. э. Не сохранилась, известна по копиям. Согласно Павсанию, скульптура была изготовлена гражданами Афин, жившими на острове Лемнос, с целью преподнесения в дар родному городу, благодаря чему и получила такое прозвание. Вероятно, стояла где-то неподалёку от Пропилей. (ru)
  • 勒姆尼亞的雅典娜(Lemnian Athena)是一尊雅典娜雕像。這座雕像據傳製作與西元前450年至440年,是由生活在利姆諾斯島的雅典人獻給雅典衛城。 (zh)
  • The Lemnian Athena, or Athena Lemnia, was a classical Greek statue of the goddess Athena. According to geographer Pausanias (1.28.2), the original bronze cast was created by the sculptor Phidias circa 450–440 BCE, for Athenians living on the island of Lemnos to dedicate on the Acropolis of Athens. The sculptures concerned are: Furtwängler's identification of the original Athena Lemnia with the Dresden statues and Palagi head was based upon study of an engraved gem and by interpretation of the following passages from contemporary reports by Pausanias, Lucian, and Himerius: (en)
  • Athéna Lemnia est une statue représentant la déesse grecque Athéna ; la statue originale en bronze a été créée par le sculpteur Phidias vers 450-440 avant J.-C comme statue votive offerte pour l'acropole d'Athènes par les colons athéniens qui s'étaient installés sur l'île de Lemnos. (fr)
  • Atena Lemnia – brązowy posąg przedstawiający boginię Atenę dłuta Fidiasza. Rzeźba, stojąca na ateńskim Akropolu, została wykonana ok. 450 roku p.n.e. na zamówienie mieszkańców wyspy Lemnos. Znana jest ze wzmianek autorów antycznych: Pauzaniasza, Pliniusza Starszego, Lukiana, Eliusza Arystydesa i Himeriosa. Przedstawiała boginię odzianą w peplos, z egidą, lewą ręką wspartą o włócznię i spoglądającą na trzymany w prawej dłoni hełm. Pomnik nie zachował się do czasów współczesnych, pozostała po nim jedynie baza w pobliżu Propylejów. (pl)
  • A Atena Lêmnia foi uma estátua representando a deusa Atena criada pelo escultor grego Fídias. O original foi criado pouco depois de 451 a.C. por encomenda de colonos gregos estabelecidos na ilha de Lemnos, e foi ereto na Acrópole de Atenas como um ex-voto. Este original foi perdido, mas sobrevivem cabeças e estátuas incompletas romanas em mármore que se acredita serem cópias do original. (pt)
  • Atena Lèmnia (ca)
  • Athena Lemnia (de)
  • Αθηνά της Λήμνου (el)
  • Atenea Lemnia (es)
  • Athéna Lemnia (fr)
  • Lemnian Athena (en)
  • Athena Lemnia (it)
  • Atena Lemnia (pl)
  • Atena Lêmnia (pt)
  • Афина Лемния (ru)
  • Athena Lemnia (sv)
  • 勒姆尼亞的雅典娜 (zh)
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