About: Kiyohara clan

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The Kiyohara clan (清原氏, Kiyohara-shi) was a powerful clan of the far north of Japan during the Heian period, descended from Prince Toneri, son of Emperor Tenmu (631–686). (9th century) had two sons: the elder was the ancestor of the samurai branch family of Dewa Province; the younger of the kuge (court nobles) branch of the clan. The position of Governor of Dewa province was passed down within the family; the Kiyohara are particularly known for their involvement in the Zenkunen and Gosannen Wars of the 11th century.

Property Value
  • The Kiyohara clan (清原氏, Kiyohara-shi) was a powerful clan of the far north of Japan during the Heian period, descended from Prince Toneri, son of Emperor Tenmu (631–686). (9th century) had two sons: the elder was the ancestor of the samurai branch family of Dewa Province; the younger of the kuge (court nobles) branch of the clan. The position of Governor of Dewa province was passed down within the family; the Kiyohara are particularly known for their involvement in the Zenkunen and Gosannen Wars of the 11th century. The Early Nine Year's War (前九年合戦, Zenkunen kassen) erupted in 1051, when Minamoto no Yoriyoshi and his son Yoshiie arrived in the north, from Kyoto, as agents of the Imperial court. They were there to put an end to a conflict between the Governor of Mutsu Province (which bordered the Kiyohara's Dewa) and the Chinjufu-shōgun (Defender of the North), Abe no Yoritoki. The Kiyohara Governor of Dewa contributed warriors to the Minamoto effort, and aided in their victory over the Abe clan, which was achieved in 1063. The Kiyohara then took over the administration of Mutsu, along with Dewa. Within the next twenty years, quarrels and conflicts arose within the family over differing interests arising from intermarriage with different warrior families. , Iehira and , heads of branches of the family, created such a disturbance that Minamoto no Yoshiie, who had taken the formerly Abe post of Defender of the North, felt it necessary to interfere in the conflict. In 1083, he was appointed Governor of Mutsu, and arrived in the north to attempt to resolve the situation peaceably; he soon was forced to resort to gathering his own troops. After much fighting, the violence came to an end; Iehira and his uncle had been killed, the other Kiyohara leaders surrendered. Control of both Dewa and Mutsu then passed to Fujiwara no Kiyohira, an ally of Yoshiie. The kuge branch continued their legacy of scholarship, spawning writers, scholars, poets and artists. The descendants possessed hereditarily the office of daigeki. (1122–1189), son of the Daigeki , was governor of Etchū Province and excelled in law, literature and history. The clan's Kyoto mansion, along with all the books and scrolls contained within, was destroyed in the Ōnin War of the late 15th century. (en)
  • Le clan Kiyohara (清原氏, Kiyohara-shi) est un puissant clan de la région de Tōhoku durant l'époque de Heian. Il descend du prince Toneri, fils de l'empereur Temmu (631-686). Kiyohara no Fusanori (IXe siècle) a deux fils : l'ainé est l'ancêtre de la branche familiale de samouraïs de la province de Dewa ; le cadet est l'ancêtre de la branche kuge (nobles de cour) du clan. La position de gouverneur de la province se transmet de génération en génération dans la famille. Les Kiyohara sont particulièrement connus pour leur engagement dans les guerres de Zenkunen et Gosannen au XIe siècle. La première guerre de neuf ans (前九年合戦, Zenkunen kassen) éclate en 1051 quand Minamoto no Yoriyoshi et son fils, Yoshiie, arrivent au nord du pays en provenance de Kyoto comme agents de la cour impériale. Ils se rendent dans la région afin de mettre un terme au conflit qui oppose le gouverneur de la province de Mutsu (qui longe la partie de la province Dewa des Kiyohara) et le Chinjufu-shōgun (« défenseur du Nord »), Abe no Yoritoki. Le gouverneur Kiyohara de Dewa a envoyé des guerriers pour soutenir l'entreprise des Minamoto et a ainsi aidé à leur victoire sur le clan Abe en 1063. Les Kiyohara prennent alors le contrôle des administrations de Mutsu et de Dewa. Dans les vingt années qui suivent, querelles et conflits surviennent dans la famille relativement aux intérêts divergents nés des mariages croisés entre différentes familles de guerriers. Kiyohara no Masahira, Kiyohara no Iehira et Kiyohara no Narihira, chefs des branches de la famille, créent de tels désordres que Minamoto no Yoshiie, qui a pris l'ancien poste de défenseur du Nord que détenaient les Abe, estime nécessaire d'intervenir dans le conflit. En 1083, il est nommé gouverneur de la province de Mutsu et arrive au nord pour essayer de résoudre pacifiquement la situation. Il est rapidement contraint de recourir à ses troupes. Après beaucoup de combats, la violence prend fin. Iehira et son oncle Kiyohara no Takahira sont tués et les autres chefs Kiyohara se rendent. Le contrôle des deux régions, Dewa et Mutsu, passe alors aux mains de Fujiwara no Kiyohira, un allié de Yoshiie. La branche kuge perpétue sa tradition d'études, produisant des écrivains, des savants, des poètes et des artistes. Les descendants possèdent de façon héréditaire le poste de daigeki. Kiyohara no Yorinari (1122-1189), fils du daigeki Kiyohara no Suketada, est gouverneur de la province d'Etchu et excelle en matière de droit, de littérature et d'histoire. La résidence du clan à Kyoto est détruite avec tous les livres et les rouleaux qu'elle contient durant la guerre d'Ōnin à la fin du XVe siècle. (fr)
  • 皇別清原氏(きよはらうじ)は、平安時代、8世紀末から9世紀後半にかけて臣籍降下した100人以上の皇族に対して下賜された氏。略称は清氏(せいし)。 政治家・学者として大成した右大臣清原夏野(繁野王)を初め、天武天皇皇子舎人親王の後胤が多い。特に天武五世孫の清原有雄(有雄王)を氏祖とする一流が著名で、中古三十六歌仙の一人清原深養父、その孫の三十六歌仙及び「梨壺の五人」の一人清原元輔、そしてその娘の女流作家で『枕草子』を著した清少納言らを輩出した。なお、明経道を家学として明治維新後に華族を多数輩出した広澄流清原氏は同名の別氏族である。 (ja)
  • A família Kiyohara (清原氏 Kiyohara-shi?) foi um poderoso clã do norte do Japão durante o Período Heian. Seus membros eram descendente do Príncipe Toneri, o quinto filho do Imperador Tenmu (631-686). (século IX) tinha dois filhos: o mais velho foi o ancestral do ramo samurai da família na província de Dewa; o mais novo originou os kuge (nobres da corte) do clã. O posto de governador de Dewa ficou nas mãos da família; os Kiyohara são particularmente conhecidos pelo envolvimento nas guerras Zenkunen e Gosannen do século XI A Guerra dos Primeiros Nove Anos (前九年合戦 Zenkunen kassen?) estourou em 1051, quando Minamoto no Yoriyoshi e seu filho Yoshiie chegaram ao norte, de Kyoto, como agentes da Corte Imperial. Estavam lá para dar um fim no conflito entre o governador da província de Mutsu (vizinha da província de Dewa dos Kiyohara) e o Chinjufu shogun (Defensor do Norte), Abe no Yoritoki. Os Kiyohara governadores de Dewa contribuíram com guerreiros para os Minamoto e ajudaram na vitória contra o clã Abe em 1063. Então os Kiyohara tomaram a administração de Mutsu, juntamente com Dewa. Nos seguintes vinte anos, surgiram conflitos internos na família sobre diferentes interesses em casamentos com outras famílias guerreiras. , e , chefes de ramos do clã, causaram uma briga tão grande que Minamoto no Yoshiie, que recebera o posto anteriormente dos Abe de Defensor do Norte, viu a necessidade de interferir no conflito. Em 1083, ele foi nomeado governador de Mutsu, e foi ao norte para tentar resolver a situação pacificamente; ele logo acabou obrigado a usar tropas. Depois de muita luta, a violência chegou ao fim; Iehira e seu tio foram mortos, os outros líderes Kiyohara se renderam. O controle de Mutsu e Dewa passou para Fujiwara no Kiyohira, um aliado de Yoshiie. O ramo kuge continuou seu legado de estudos, produzindo escritores, acadêmicos, poetas e artistas. Os descendentes recebiam hereditariamente o posto de daigeki. (1122-1189), filho do Daigeki , foi governador da província de Etchu e estudioso de direito, literatura e história. A mansão do clã em Kyoto, junto com todos os seus livros e pergaminhos dentro, foi destruída na do final do século XV. (pt)
  • 清原氏是对平安时代8世纪末到9世纪后期降为臣籍的100多个皇族所赐的真人及朝臣姓氏,简称清氏。 出羽清原氏是日本平安時代東北地方一個有力氏族,他們是蝦夷人但自稱是天武天皇皇子舍人親王後裔。他們曾在前九年之役協助源賴義平定安倍氏,但後因家族内鬨在後三年之役被源義家所滅,領地被奥州藤原氏控制。 (zh)
  • 7365254 (xsd:integer)
  • 3832 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1037908898 (xsd:integer)
  • Iehira Kiyohara (en)
  • Masahira Kiyohara (en)
  • Narihira Kiyohara (en)
  • 8 (xsd:integer)
  • 清原氏 (en)
  • 皇別清原氏(きよはらうじ)は、平安時代、8世紀末から9世紀後半にかけて臣籍降下した100人以上の皇族に対して下賜された氏。略称は清氏(せいし)。 政治家・学者として大成した右大臣清原夏野(繁野王)を初め、天武天皇皇子舎人親王の後胤が多い。特に天武五世孫の清原有雄(有雄王)を氏祖とする一流が著名で、中古三十六歌仙の一人清原深養父、その孫の三十六歌仙及び「梨壺の五人」の一人清原元輔、そしてその娘の女流作家で『枕草子』を著した清少納言らを輩出した。なお、明経道を家学として明治維新後に華族を多数輩出した広澄流清原氏は同名の別氏族である。 (ja)
  • 清原氏是对平安时代8世纪末到9世纪后期降为臣籍的100多个皇族所赐的真人及朝臣姓氏,简称清氏。 出羽清原氏是日本平安時代東北地方一個有力氏族,他們是蝦夷人但自稱是天武天皇皇子舍人親王後裔。他們曾在前九年之役協助源賴義平定安倍氏,但後因家族内鬨在後三年之役被源義家所滅,領地被奥州藤原氏控制。 (zh)
  • The Kiyohara clan (清原氏, Kiyohara-shi) was a powerful clan of the far north of Japan during the Heian period, descended from Prince Toneri, son of Emperor Tenmu (631–686). (9th century) had two sons: the elder was the ancestor of the samurai branch family of Dewa Province; the younger of the kuge (court nobles) branch of the clan. The position of Governor of Dewa province was passed down within the family; the Kiyohara are particularly known for their involvement in the Zenkunen and Gosannen Wars of the 11th century. (en)
  • Le clan Kiyohara (清原氏, Kiyohara-shi) est un puissant clan de la région de Tōhoku durant l'époque de Heian. Il descend du prince Toneri, fils de l'empereur Temmu (631-686). Kiyohara no Fusanori (IXe siècle) a deux fils : l'ainé est l'ancêtre de la branche familiale de samouraïs de la province de Dewa ; le cadet est l'ancêtre de la branche kuge (nobles de cour) du clan. La position de gouverneur de la province se transmet de génération en génération dans la famille. Les Kiyohara sont particulièrement connus pour leur engagement dans les guerres de Zenkunen et Gosannen au XIe siècle. (fr)
  • A família Kiyohara (清原氏 Kiyohara-shi?) foi um poderoso clã do norte do Japão durante o Período Heian. Seus membros eram descendente do Príncipe Toneri, o quinto filho do Imperador Tenmu (631-686). (século IX) tinha dois filhos: o mais velho foi o ancestral do ramo samurai da família na província de Dewa; o mais novo originou os kuge (nobres da corte) do clã. O posto de governador de Dewa ficou nas mãos da família; os Kiyohara são particularmente conhecidos pelo envolvimento nas guerras Zenkunen e Gosannen do século XI (pt)
  • Clan Kiyohara (fr)
  • Kiyohara clan (en)
  • 清原氏 (ja)
  • Clã Kiyohara (pt)
  • 清原氏 (zh)
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