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The Kingdom of God (and its related form the Kingdom of Heaven in the Gospel of Matthew) is one of the key elements of the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament. Drawing on Old Testament teachings, the Christian characterization of the relationship between God and humanity inherently involves the notion of the Kingship of God. The Old Testament refers to "God the Judge of all" and the notion that all humans will eventually "be judged" is an essential element of Christian teachings. Building on a number of New Testament passages, the Nicene Creed indicates that the task of judgment is assigned to Jesus.

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  • ملكوت الله (باليونانية Βασιλεία τοῦ Θεοῦ - Basileia tou Theou- بالآرامية ܡܠܟܘܬܐ ܕܐܠܗܐ ملكوثو دالوهو)، هو مفهوم أساسي من مفاهيم المسيحية وهو المحور الرئيسي لرسالة يوحنا المعمدان ويسوع المسيح في الإنجيل. ترد عبارة ملكوت الله أو ملكوت السموات في العهد الجديد أكثر من مئة مرة وقد شرحها يسوع مرارا مستخدما الأمثلة. في إنجيلي مرقس ولوقا تستعمل عبارة ملكوت الله، أما في إنجيل متى نجد عبارة رديفة تستخدم بدلا عنها وهي ملكوت السموات (Βασιλεία τῶν Οὐρανῶν) وذلك بحسب رأي باحثي الكتاب المقدس أن إنجيل متى كتب بيد إنسان يهودي وجه إنجيله لليهود لذلك وحفاظا على عاداتهم تحاشى الكاتب ذكر اسم الله دلالة على الخنوع والخضوع لعظمة الرب، مفضلا استعمال ملكوت السموات والتي جاءت متوافقة مع سياق المعنى. ويختلف علماء اللاهوت حول معنى بشارة المسيح بالملكوت، فقسم منهم يذهب إلى أن يسوع كان ينادي بها كحدث متوقع حدوثه في المستقبل، وقسم آخر يعتقد بأن الملكوت كان قد جاء فعلا إلى الإنسان بشخص المسيح. أما اللاهوت الأرثوذكسي فيقول بأن ملكوت السموات ليس هو السماء كما يتخيل البعض بل هو دائرة حكم الله على الأرض والسماء، أي هو نطاق سلطان الله الذي يشمل بطبيعة الحال كل ما في الوجود، وبحسب الإيمان المسيحي فإن السماء أو العالم الروحي تعترف بحكم الله وتخضع له، أما الأرض أو العالم المادي فهي ولوقت محدود بحاجة لمعرفة سر الله لتخضع له وتعترف بملكه، وهذه هي مهمة الكنيسة أن تعلن السر الذي استلمته من المسيح ورسله لكل الخليقة، وهو أن ملك الله سيحل قريبا على العالم ليكون الله الكل في الكل (أفسس 1: 23) (1كورنثوس 15: 28)وذلك مع قدوم اليوم الأخير. وبشكل عام إن الإيمان بمسألة الملك الإلهي كانت فكرة مشتركة بين جميع أديان الشرق القديم. (ar)
  • The Kingdom of God (and its related form the Kingdom of Heaven in the Gospel of Matthew) is one of the key elements of the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament. Drawing on Old Testament teachings, the Christian characterization of the relationship between God and humanity inherently involves the notion of the Kingship of God. The Old Testament refers to "God the Judge of all" and the notion that all humans will eventually "be judged" is an essential element of Christian teachings. Building on a number of New Testament passages, the Nicene Creed indicates that the task of judgment is assigned to Jesus. The New Testament is written against the backdrop of Second Temple Judaism. The view of the kingdom developed during that time included the restoration of Israel to a Davidic Kingdom and the intervention of God in history via the Danielic Son of Man. The coming of the kingdom of God involved God finally taking back the reins of history, which he had allowed to slacken as pagan Empires had ruled the nations. Most Jewish sources imagine a restoration of Israel and either a destruction of the nations or a gathering of the nations to obedience to the One True God. Jesus stands firmly in this tradition. His association of his own person and ministry with the "coming of the kingdom" indicates that he perceives that God's great intervention in history has arrived and that he is the agent of that intervention. However, in the Parable of the Mustard Seed, Jesus seems to indicate that his own view on how the kingdom of God arrives differs from the Jewish traditions of his time. It is commonly believed that this multiple-attested parable suggests that the growth of the kingdom of God is characterized by a gradual process rather than an event, and that it starts small like a seed and gradually grows into a large firmly rooted tree. His suffering and death, however, seem to cast doubt upon this (how could God's appointed king be killed?) but his resurrection affirms his claim with the ultimate proof of only God having resurrection power over death. The claim includes his exaltation to the right hand of God establishes him as "king." Jesus' predictions of his return make it clear that God's kingdom is not yet fully realized according to inaugurated eschatology but in the meantime the good news that forgiveness of sins is available through his name is to be proclaimed to the nations. Thus the mission of the Church begins and fills the time between the initial coming of the Kingdom, and its ultimate consummation with the Final Judgment. Christian interpretations or usage of the term "kingdom of God" regularly make use of this historical framework and are often consistent with the Jewish hope of a Messiah, the person, and ministry of Jesus Christ, his death and resurrection, his return, and the rise of the Church in history. A question characteristic to the central theme of most interpretations is whether the "kingdom of God" has been instituted because of the appearance of Jesus Christ or whether it is yet to be instituted; whether this kingdom is present, future or is omnipresent simultaneously in both the present and future existence. The term "kingdom of God" has been used to mean Christian lifestyle, a method of world evangelization, the rediscovery of charismatic gifts and many other things. Others relate it not to our present or future earthly situation but to the world to come. The interpretation of the phrase is often based on the theological leanings of the scholar-interpreter. A number of theological interpretations of the term the Kingdom of God have thus appeared in its eschatological context, e.g., apocalyptic, realized or Inaugurated eschatologies, yet no consensus has emerged among scholars. (en)
  • Kerajaan Allah atau Kerajaan Surga (istilah di dalam Injil Matius) merupakan inti pengajaran Yesus Kristus sebagaimana dicatat di dalam Injil Sinoptik. Meskipun demikian, tidak berarti ketiga injil menampilkan gambaran Kerajaan Allah yang sama. Ada perbedaan-perbedaan yang menjadi ciri khas masing-masing Injil. (in)
  • 기독교에서 하나님 나라, 또는 하느님의 나라(Kingdom of God in Christianity)는 마태오의 복음서에는 하늘나라로 표현되어있다. 신약성경에서 예수의 가르침들 가운데 중요한 하나이다. 이 사상은 구약성경에서 시작하여, 하느님과 인간의 관계를 보여주는 기독교적인 특징으로 하느님의 통치 개념을 포함하고 있다. 구약은 모든 사람들의 심판자 하느님이라고 언급하며, 모든 인간들은 궁국적으로 심판을 받을 것이다라는 개념은 기독교 가르침 가운데서 매우 중요한 요소이다. 신약성경의 많은 본문들로 작성된 니케아 신경은 심판의 임무가 예수에게 부여된 것으로 보여준다. (ko)
  • 37825334 (xsd:integer)
  • 20375 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1115029586 (xsd:integer)
  • Kerajaan Allah atau Kerajaan Surga (istilah di dalam Injil Matius) merupakan inti pengajaran Yesus Kristus sebagaimana dicatat di dalam Injil Sinoptik. Meskipun demikian, tidak berarti ketiga injil menampilkan gambaran Kerajaan Allah yang sama. Ada perbedaan-perbedaan yang menjadi ciri khas masing-masing Injil. (in)
  • 기독교에서 하나님 나라, 또는 하느님의 나라(Kingdom of God in Christianity)는 마태오의 복음서에는 하늘나라로 표현되어있다. 신약성경에서 예수의 가르침들 가운데 중요한 하나이다. 이 사상은 구약성경에서 시작하여, 하느님과 인간의 관계를 보여주는 기독교적인 특징으로 하느님의 통치 개념을 포함하고 있다. 구약은 모든 사람들의 심판자 하느님이라고 언급하며, 모든 인간들은 궁국적으로 심판을 받을 것이다라는 개념은 기독교 가르침 가운데서 매우 중요한 요소이다. 신약성경의 많은 본문들로 작성된 니케아 신경은 심판의 임무가 예수에게 부여된 것으로 보여준다. (ko)
  • ملكوت الله (باليونانية Βασιλεία τοῦ Θεοῦ - Basileia tou Theou- بالآرامية ܡܠܟܘܬܐ ܕܐܠܗܐ ملكوثو دالوهو)، هو مفهوم أساسي من مفاهيم المسيحية وهو المحور الرئيسي لرسالة يوحنا المعمدان ويسوع المسيح في الإنجيل. ترد عبارة ملكوت الله أو ملكوت السموات في العهد الجديد أكثر من مئة مرة وقد شرحها يسوع مرارا مستخدما الأمثلة. ويختلف علماء اللاهوت حول معنى بشارة المسيح بالملكوت، فقسم منهم يذهب إلى أن يسوع كان ينادي بها كحدث متوقع حدوثه في المستقبل، وقسم آخر يعتقد بأن الملكوت كان قد جاء فعلا إلى الإنسان بشخص المسيح. وبشكل عام إن الإيمان بمسألة الملك الإلهي كانت فكرة مشتركة بين جميع أديان الشرق القديم. (ar)
  • The Kingdom of God (and its related form the Kingdom of Heaven in the Gospel of Matthew) is one of the key elements of the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament. Drawing on Old Testament teachings, the Christian characterization of the relationship between God and humanity inherently involves the notion of the Kingship of God. The Old Testament refers to "God the Judge of all" and the notion that all humans will eventually "be judged" is an essential element of Christian teachings. Building on a number of New Testament passages, the Nicene Creed indicates that the task of judgment is assigned to Jesus. (en)
  • ملكوت الله (مسيحية) (ar)
  • Regne de Déu (cristianisme) (ca)
  • Kerajaan Allah (in)
  • Kingdom of God (Christianity) (en)
  • 하나님 나라 (기독교) (ko)
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