An Entity of Type: agent, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

Journey Beyond is the business name (together with more than a dozen other related names) of Experience Australia Group Pty Ltd, a private equity-owned company known mainly for operating Australian interstate experiential tourism trains (The Ghan, the Indian Pacific, The Overland, and the Great Southern). As of December 2021, the company was a diversified tourism business based in Adelaide, South Australia, with interests in cruise and air tourism in addition to rail. In January 2022, the United States travel company the acquired the business from Quadrant Private Equity, which had owned it since 2016.

Property Value
  • Great Southern Railway (GSR) ist ein Eisenbahnverkehrsunternehmen in Australien, das dort eine Reihe von Fernzügen für den touristischen Markt auf Strecken des Normalspurnetzes betreibt. Dazu gehören: * Indian Pacific (Sydney-Adelaide-Perth) * The Ghan (Adelaide-Alice Springs-Darwin (Northern Territory)) * The Overland (Melbourne-Adelaide) * (unterschiedliche Routen, acht bis zehn Mal im Jahr) Die Gesellschaft entstand mit der Privatisierung der Bahngesellschaft Australian National 1997 von der die Great Southern Railway den Betrieb der drei erstgenannten Züge übernahm und den The Southern Spirit 2008 neu einrichtete. Während der Wagenpark, mit dem die Züge gefahren werden, der Great Southern Railway gehört, werden die Lokomotiven bei der Eisenbahngesellschaft Pacific National angemietet. Muttergesellschaft der Great Southern Railway ist Serco Asia Pacific. (de)
  • Journey Beyond is the business name (together with more than a dozen other related names) of Experience Australia Group Pty Ltd, a private equity-owned company known mainly for operating Australian interstate experiential tourism trains (The Ghan, the Indian Pacific, The Overland, and the Great Southern). As of December 2021, the company was a diversified tourism business based in Adelaide, South Australia, with interests in cruise and air tourism in addition to rail. In January 2022, the United States travel company the acquired the business from Quadrant Private Equity, which had owned it since 2016. (en)
  • La Great Southern Railway (GSR), filiale de la société britannique Serco, est une entreprise de tourisme et un exploitant de transport ferroviaire en Australie. GSR exploite les trains de voyageurs inter-états destinés au marché touristique: * L'Indian Pacific (Sydney-Adélaïde-Perth) * The Ghan (Adélaïde-Alice Springs-Darwin) * L'Overland (Melbourne-Adelaïde) * L' (différents itinéraires à partir de novembre 2008) Le Ghan, Indian Pacific et Overland ont été exploités jusqu'en 1997 par les chemins de fer nationaux australiens. Entreprises gouvernementales, elles ont toujours été en déficit aussi le gouvernement fédéral a vendu ses transports passagers et marchandises en 1997. Great Southern Railway est un consortium de Macquarie Bank, Serco Plc, et GB Railways. GSR a repris l'exploitation de l'Indian Pacific, du Ghan et des trains de voyageurs Overland et les exploite en faisant des profits depuis lors. Les coûts ont été réduits grâce à une renégociation des salaires et des conditions de travail et en prolongeant la ligne du Ghan, qui allait à l'origine d'Adélaïde à Alice Springs, de sorte qu'il y a une fois par semaine un départ de Sydney et un de Melbourne. Avec l'achèvement de la voie ferrée entre Alice Springs et Darwin, le Ghan va maintenant d'Adélaïde à Darwin. Alors que la GSR possède le parc de wagons, fournit les motrices. L'Esprit du Sud est un service de trains de luxe, de croisière, lancé par la Great Southern Railway le 17 juin 2008, avec la croisière inaugurale 25 novembre 2008. * Portail du chemin de fer * Portail de l’Australie * Portail des entreprises (fr)
  • ジャーニービヨンド事業で知られるJourney Beyond Rail Expeditions社 は、オーストラリアの鉄道会社。 (ja)
  • 그레이트 서던 레일(영어: Great Southern Rail, GSR)은 오스트레일리아의 공공 철도 시스템을 운영하는 국영철도이다. 1997년에 오스트레일리아 철도 기업의 민영화 일환으로 설립된 기업으로 알레그로 펀드(영어: Allegro Funds)의 계열사에 속한다. (ko)
  • Journey Beyond Rail Expeditions of Journey Beyond is een Australisch spoorwegbedrijf. Het legt luxueuze langeafstandstreinen in tussen de verschillende Australische staten. Journey Beyond werd op 1 november 1997 onder de naam Great Southern Railway (GSR) opgericht. Sinds 2016 is het in handen van Quadrant Private Equity. (nl)
  • Great Southern Railway (GSR) - australijski przewoźnik kolejowy będący operatorem trzech głównych połączeń transkontynentalnych w południowej części tego kraju: * Indian Pacific: Sydney - Adelaide - Perth * The Ghan: Adelaide-Alice Springs - Darwin * The Overland: Melbourne - Adelaide Ponadto do firmy należy luksusowy pociąg turystyczny , jeżdżący na różnych trasach. Firma powstała w 1997 po tym, jak konsorcjum złożone z firm , i wygrało przetarg na zakup połączeń kolejowych obsługiwanych dotąd przez państwową firmę Australian National Railways. Od tego czasu struktura własnościowa GSR zmieniała się i aktualnie firma należy w całości do brytyjskiej grupy . Tabor GSR składa się wyłącznie z wagonów. Operatorem ciągnących je lokomotyw jest przewoźnik towarowy . (pl)
  • La Great Southern Railway (GSR), di proprietà della Asia Pacific, è un tour operator e una compagnia ferroviaria operante in Australia. La GSR è finalizzata al trasporto di turisti attraverso gli stati australiani: * Indian Pacific (Sydney-Adelaide-Perth) * The Ghan (Adelaide-Alice Springs-Darwin) * The Overland (Melbourne-Adelaide) * (varie rotte dal novembre 2008) Il Ghan, l'Indian Pacific e l'Overland operavano fino al 1997 per conto dell'. Come azienda governativa ha sempre operato senza ricavarne profitto. L'Australian Commonwealth vendette il ramo carico e passeggeri dell'ANR nel 1997. La Great Southern Railway era un consorzio formato da Macquarie Bank, Serco Plc e GB Railways. GSR rilevò la gestione dei treni passeggeri: Indian Pacific, The Ghan e The Overland, resi subito profittevoli. I costi furono ridotti attraverso una rinegoziazione delle retribuzioni e delle condizioni contrattuali dello staff, ed estendendo la tratta del Ghan, che originariamente operava da Adelaide ad Alice Springs, cosicché potesse, attraverso coincidenze partire una volta da settimana da Sydney e una volta a settimana da Melbourne. Con il completamento della ferrovia da Alice Springs a Darwin, il Ghan adesso parte da Adelaide e arriva a Darwin. Mentre la GSR possiede il parco vetture, La fornisce la locomotiva che trasporta le autovetture. è un servizio ferroviario di lusso, lanciato dal Great Southern Railway il 17 giugno del 2008, con viaggio inaugurale avvenuto il 25 novembre del 2008. (it)
  • A Journey Beyond Rail Expeditions (antigamente Great Southern Rail), atuando como Journey Beyond, é uma operadora de trem de luxo interestadual australiana. Fundada em 1 de novembro de 1997 como Great Southern Rail (GSR), atualmente pertence à , que adquiriu o negócio em 2016. Em janeiro de 2022, a Quadrant Private Equity vendeu suas 13 marcas, incluindo os trens, por AU$ 300 milhões. O comprador foi o Hornblower Group, empresa de cruzeiros e turismo com sede em São Francisco, que opera a partir de 125 cidades americanas e cujos negócios incluem a Hornblower Cruises. (pt)
  • Journey Beyond, tidigare Great Southern Rail (GSR) och Great Southern Railway, är ett företag som äger fyra fjärrtåg i Australien. Företaget har sitt ursprung år 1997 när Passenger Rail avdelning blev till salu och till slut köptes av dåvarande GSR. Sedan 2019 verkar man under namnet Journey Beyond. (sv)
  • 1997-11-01 (xsd:date)
  • 1997-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 2952725 (xsd:integer)
  • 8507 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1094779493 (xsd:integer)
  • 1997-11-01 (xsd:date)
  • The Indian Pacific passenger train being hauled by an NR class diesel-electric locomotive (en)
  • The Indian Pacific train, between Perth and Sydney, is one of Journey Beyond's brands (en)
  • Chris Tallent, Great Southern Rail CEO , Journey Beyond Group CEO (en)
  • Journey Beyond.svg (en)
  • "Journey Beyond" printed in upper caps beneath an arch of dots increasing in opacity towards the "O" in "Beyond" (en)
  • Journey Beyond Group (en)
  • Journey Beyond is the business name (together with more than a dozen other related names) of Experience Australia Group Pty Ltd, a private equity-owned company known mainly for operating Australian interstate experiential tourism trains (The Ghan, the Indian Pacific, The Overland, and the Great Southern). As of December 2021, the company was a diversified tourism business based in Adelaide, South Australia, with interests in cruise and air tourism in addition to rail. In January 2022, the United States travel company the acquired the business from Quadrant Private Equity, which had owned it since 2016. (en)
  • ジャーニービヨンド事業で知られるJourney Beyond Rail Expeditions社 は、オーストラリアの鉄道会社。 (ja)
  • 그레이트 서던 레일(영어: Great Southern Rail, GSR)은 오스트레일리아의 공공 철도 시스템을 운영하는 국영철도이다. 1997년에 오스트레일리아 철도 기업의 민영화 일환으로 설립된 기업으로 알레그로 펀드(영어: Allegro Funds)의 계열사에 속한다. (ko)
  • Journey Beyond Rail Expeditions of Journey Beyond is een Australisch spoorwegbedrijf. Het legt luxueuze langeafstandstreinen in tussen de verschillende Australische staten. Journey Beyond werd op 1 november 1997 onder de naam Great Southern Railway (GSR) opgericht. Sinds 2016 is het in handen van Quadrant Private Equity. (nl)
  • A Journey Beyond Rail Expeditions (antigamente Great Southern Rail), atuando como Journey Beyond, é uma operadora de trem de luxo interestadual australiana. Fundada em 1 de novembro de 1997 como Great Southern Rail (GSR), atualmente pertence à , que adquiriu o negócio em 2016. Em janeiro de 2022, a Quadrant Private Equity vendeu suas 13 marcas, incluindo os trens, por AU$ 300 milhões. O comprador foi o Hornblower Group, empresa de cruzeiros e turismo com sede em São Francisco, que opera a partir de 125 cidades americanas e cujos negócios incluem a Hornblower Cruises. (pt)
  • Journey Beyond, tidigare Great Southern Rail (GSR) och Great Southern Railway, är ett företag som äger fyra fjärrtåg i Australien. Företaget har sitt ursprung år 1997 när Passenger Rail avdelning blev till salu och till slut köptes av dåvarande GSR. Sedan 2019 verkar man under namnet Journey Beyond. (sv)
  • Great Southern Railway (GSR) ist ein Eisenbahnverkehrsunternehmen in Australien, das dort eine Reihe von Fernzügen für den touristischen Markt auf Strecken des Normalspurnetzes betreibt. Dazu gehören: * Indian Pacific (Sydney-Adelaide-Perth) * The Ghan (Adelaide-Alice Springs-Darwin (Northern Territory)) * The Overland (Melbourne-Adelaide) * (unterschiedliche Routen, acht bis zehn Mal im Jahr) Muttergesellschaft der Great Southern Railway ist Serco Asia Pacific. (de)
  • La Great Southern Railway (GSR), filiale de la société britannique Serco, est une entreprise de tourisme et un exploitant de transport ferroviaire en Australie. GSR exploite les trains de voyageurs inter-états destinés au marché touristique: * L'Indian Pacific (Sydney-Adélaïde-Perth) * The Ghan (Adélaïde-Alice Springs-Darwin) * L'Overland (Melbourne-Adelaïde) * L' (différents itinéraires à partir de novembre 2008) L'Esprit du Sud est un service de trains de luxe, de croisière, lancé par la Great Southern Railway le 17 juin 2008, avec la croisière inaugurale 25 novembre 2008. (fr)
  • La Great Southern Railway (GSR), di proprietà della Asia Pacific, è un tour operator e una compagnia ferroviaria operante in Australia. La GSR è finalizzata al trasporto di turisti attraverso gli stati australiani: * Indian Pacific (Sydney-Adelaide-Perth) * The Ghan (Adelaide-Alice Springs-Darwin) * The Overland (Melbourne-Adelaide) * (varie rotte dal novembre 2008) è un servizio ferroviario di lusso, lanciato dal Great Southern Railway il 17 giugno del 2008, con viaggio inaugurale avvenuto il 25 novembre del 2008. (it)
  • Great Southern Railway (GSR) - australijski przewoźnik kolejowy będący operatorem trzech głównych połączeń transkontynentalnych w południowej części tego kraju: * Indian Pacific: Sydney - Adelaide - Perth * The Ghan: Adelaide-Alice Springs - Darwin * The Overland: Melbourne - Adelaide Ponadto do firmy należy luksusowy pociąg turystyczny , jeżdżący na różnych trasach. Tabor GSR składa się wyłącznie z wagonów. Operatorem ciągnących je lokomotyw jest przewoźnik towarowy . (pl)
  • Journey Beyond (en)
  • Great Southern Railway (de)
  • Great Southern Railway (it)
  • Great Southern Railway (fr)
  • 그레이트 서던 레일 (ko)
  • ジャーニービヨンドレール (ja)
  • Great Southern Railway (pl)
  • Journey Beyond (nl)
  • Journey Beyond (pt)
  • Great Southern Rail (sv)
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