About: Kreia

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Kreia is a fictional character and party member in Obsidian Entertainment's Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. She is a blind Force-sensitive who forms a "bond" with the player character, the Jedi Exile, through the Force. Kreia sets herself up as the Exile's mentor, and rejects the divide of the light and dark side of the Force, as well as the predestination the Force entails. By the game's end, it is revealed she is the Sith Lord Darth Traya and is planning on destroying the Force, and she becomes the final boss of The Sith Lords. Kreia makes no more appearances in Star Wars fiction, though a miniature by Wizards of the Coast was released in August 2008, and she appears as an obtainable character in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes.

Property Value
  • Kreia is a fictional character and party member in Obsidian Entertainment's Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. She is a blind Force-sensitive who forms a "bond" with the player character, the Jedi Exile, through the Force. Kreia sets herself up as the Exile's mentor, and rejects the divide of the light and dark side of the Force, as well as the predestination the Force entails. By the game's end, it is revealed she is the Sith Lord Darth Traya and is planning on destroying the Force, and she becomes the final boss of The Sith Lords. Kreia makes no more appearances in Star Wars fiction, though a miniature by Wizards of the Coast was released in August 2008, and she appears as an obtainable character in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Written by Chris Avellone, the character was created as a sounding board for the game's theme of the role of the Jedi and the nature of the Force, and was heavily influenced by Planescape: Torment's Ravel Puzzlewell. She served both to test the player and to act as a mouthpiece for any questions Avellone thought should be asked about the Star Wars universe. Sara Kestelman voiced the character, with Kreia's casting being considered the most important of all the characters. Her name references Princess Leia of the original Star Wars trilogy, while her character design draws both on Palpatine's hood and Obi-Wan Kenobi's robes. She was positively received, and is often pointed as the highlight of The Sith Lords. Praise went to the questions and dialogue she provided, as well as her voice acting. The character has appeared in numerous "top lists", often commending her as a Star Wars character. Attention was drawn to one moment where Kreia lectures about the dangers of charity. Despite this, Avellone felt he failed in creating a "sympathetic" Sith Lord, though he has called her one of his favorite characters in the game. (en)
  • Kreia (anche nota con il suo nome Sith Darth Traya) è un personaggio cieco e sensibile alla Forza dell'universo espanso fantascientifico di Guerre stellari, comparso nel videogioco Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Nonostante i suoi primi anni di vita siano avvolti nel mistero, Kreia fu addestrata nell'Ordine dei Jedi nei suoi primi anni di vita, che tuttavia la cacciò durante le guerre mandaloriane. Questo allontanamento la portò sul pianeta di Malachor V dove divenne un maestro Sith con il nome di Darth Traya e in seguito formò il triumvirato Sith (con Darth Sion e Darth Nihilus). Dopo l'esilio da parte dei Sith si rese conto di come i due ordini utilizzassero la Forza unicamente per i loro scopi, negando quindi la divisione tra lato chiaro e lato oscuro della Forza. Per ottenere la sua vendetta andò in cerca di Meetra Surik, divenendone guida e mentore. Il personaggio appare esclusivamente in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, anche se è uno dei personaggi giocabili in . Nonostante questa sua unica apparizione, Kreia è stata positivamente ricevuta da pubblico e critica, venendo inserita tra i Sith più importanti dell'universo espanso. (it)
  • Kreia – jedna z kluczowych postaci w komputerowej grze RPG Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, mistrzyni Jedi, a w późniejszym czasie Lady Sithów znana jako Darth Traya. Jej rodzinna planeta jest nieznana. Mistrzyni Revana, mająca później kolejnych dwóch uczniów - i , przez obu została zdradzona, gdyż obaj jej uczniowie chcieli sami niepodzielnie i niezależnie jeden od drugiego władać Galaktyką. Pięć lat po wojnie domowej Jedi Kreia ukrywa się przed swymi dawnymi uczniami Nihilusem i Sionem w opustoszałym świecie Peragus II. Tutaj między nią a Wygnaną Jedi ujawnia się Więź Mocy, która ma wielkie znaczenie dla Krei, a raczej jej alter ego - Darth Trayi. Kreia wyczuwa, że Wygnana Jedi jest bardzo potężna i może jej pomóc pokonać najgroźniejszych przeciwników - jej dawnych uczniów. Podczas ucieczki z Peragus II na statku Harbinger natykają się na , w pojedynku z nim Kreia traci dłoń. Siła Krei w posługiwaniu się Mocą była duża, przez co wywoływała ona silny wpływ na Wygnaną Jedi, w rezultacie sprowadzając ją na Malachor V - świat zniszczony podczas Wojen Mandaloriańskich. Tutaj dochodzi do pojedynku z Sionem a ostatecznie samą Kreią/Darth Trayą w Akademii Sithów założonej przez samą Kreię. Kreia została pokonana przez Wygnaną, co przyczyniło się do zrujnowania Akademii Sithów i rozpadu świata Malachor V. (pl)
  • Дарт Трея — персонаж фантастичної франшизи «Зоряні війни». Первісне ім'я — Крея. Була майстром-джедаєм до війни з мандалорцями, а пізніше лордом ситхів. Як зберігач архівів Джедаїв, Крея була пристрасним оглядачем, терплячим вченим і мудрим учителем. Пізніше вона перейшла на темну сторону Сили і стала майстерним маніпулятором. Жінка, яка відчула жахливий біль зради від обох сторін — джедаїв і ситхів, мріяла про помсту, але не цим двом групам або одній з них, а самій Силі. План Дарт Треї досяг кульмінації, коли вона знайшла джедая Вигнанку, яка могла допомогти їй здійснити помсту. Однак, її очікування не виправдалися, так як Вигнанка вступила з нею в сутичку і вбила в Академії Траюса. (uk)
  • Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (2004)
  • 1334629 (xsd:integer)
  • 41787 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1106744354 (xsd:integer)
  • right (en)
  • An elderly woman, Kreia, stands, wearing earth-tone robes. The top half of her face, along with her eyes, are covered by dark brown hood, part of another robe worn over her clothes. A braid of hair comes down from each side of her face, and her left hand is missing. (en)
  • Kreia as she appears in The Sith Lords (en)
  • (en)
  • Revan (en)
  • Brian Menze (en)
  • Darth Nihilus (en)
  • Darth Sion (en)
  • Meetra Surik / The Exile (en)
  • Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (en)
  • Female (en)
  • "TSL" (en)
  • Apprentices (en)
  • Designed by (en)
  • Kreia (en)
  • "Sometimes you face a situation with no good options, where tokenistic acts of morality may have unforeseen consequences. It's an interesting case where the restriction of player choice paradoxically opens up an exploratory space for the player." (en)
  • — "Moral Code: Learning from 'Lawful Good' in roleplaying games", Katherine Cross (en)
  • Darth Traya (en)
  • 22.400000 (xsd:double)
  • Kreia is a fictional character and party member in Obsidian Entertainment's Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. She is a blind Force-sensitive who forms a "bond" with the player character, the Jedi Exile, through the Force. Kreia sets herself up as the Exile's mentor, and rejects the divide of the light and dark side of the Force, as well as the predestination the Force entails. By the game's end, it is revealed she is the Sith Lord Darth Traya and is planning on destroying the Force, and she becomes the final boss of The Sith Lords. Kreia makes no more appearances in Star Wars fiction, though a miniature by Wizards of the Coast was released in August 2008, and she appears as an obtainable character in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. (en)
  • Kreia (anche nota con il suo nome Sith Darth Traya) è un personaggio cieco e sensibile alla Forza dell'universo espanso fantascientifico di Guerre stellari, comparso nel videogioco Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Il personaggio appare esclusivamente in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, anche se è uno dei personaggi giocabili in . Nonostante questa sua unica apparizione, Kreia è stata positivamente ricevuta da pubblico e critica, venendo inserita tra i Sith più importanti dell'universo espanso. (it)
  • Kreia – jedna z kluczowych postaci w komputerowej grze RPG Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, mistrzyni Jedi, a w późniejszym czasie Lady Sithów znana jako Darth Traya. Jej rodzinna planeta jest nieznana. Mistrzyni Revana, mająca później kolejnych dwóch uczniów - i , przez obu została zdradzona, gdyż obaj jej uczniowie chcieli sami niepodzielnie i niezależnie jeden od drugiego władać Galaktyką. (pl)
  • Дарт Трея — персонаж фантастичної франшизи «Зоряні війни». Первісне ім'я — Крея. Була майстром-джедаєм до війни з мандалорцями, а пізніше лордом ситхів. Як зберігач архівів Джедаїв, Крея була пристрасним оглядачем, терплячим вченим і мудрим учителем. Пізніше вона перейшла на темну сторону Сили і стала майстерним маніпулятором. Жінка, яка відчула жахливий біль зради від обох сторін — джедаїв і ситхів, мріяла про помсту, але не цим двом групам або одній з них, а самій Силі. (uk)
  • Darth Traya (cs)
  • Kreia (it)
  • Kreia (en)
  • Kreia (pl)
  • Kreia (pt)
  • Дарт Трея (uk)
  • Kreia (en)
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