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The Duke of Roxburghe (/ˈrɒksbərə/) is a title in the peerage of Scotland created in 1707 along with the titles Marquess of Bowmont and Cessford, Earl of Kelso and Viscount Broxmouth. John Ker, 5th Earl of Roxburghe became the first holder of these titles. The title is derived from the royal burgh of Roxburgh in the Scottish Borders that in 1460 the Scots captured and destroyed. The Duke of Roxburghe would be the Chief of Clan Innes, but cannot be so recognised as he retains the name Innes-Ker.

Property Value
  • Duke of Roxburghe ist ein erblicher britischer Adelstitel in der Peerage of Scotland, benannt nach der Stadt und Burg Roxburgh in Schottland. (de)
  • The Duke of Roxburghe (/ˈrɒksbərə/) is a title in the peerage of Scotland created in 1707 along with the titles Marquess of Bowmont and Cessford, Earl of Kelso and Viscount Broxmouth. John Ker, 5th Earl of Roxburghe became the first holder of these titles. The title is derived from the royal burgh of Roxburgh in the Scottish Borders that in 1460 the Scots captured and destroyed. Originally created Earl of Roxburghe in 1616, before the elevation to duke, a number of other subsidiary titles are held: Marquess of Bowmont and Cessford (created 1707), Earl of Kelso (1707), Earl Innes (1837), Viscount Broxmouth (1707), Lord Roxburghe (1600), and Lord Ker of Cessford and Cavertoun (1616). All of the titles form part of the peerage of Scotland, with the exception the Earldom of Innes, which belongs to the peerage of the United Kingdom. The Duke's eldest son bears the courtesy title of Marquess of Bowmont and Cessford. The dukedom and its associated titles descend to heirs who shall inherit the earldom which in turn had a very specific line of descent. On the death of the 4th duke the titles became dormant as no one could prove their claim. In 1812 the House of Lords ruled in favour of Sir James Innes-Ker, 6th Baronet, of Innes (see Innes baronets), rejecting claims by the heir female of the second earl and heir male whatsoever of the first earl. The Duke of Roxburghe would be the Chief of Clan Innes, but cannot be so recognised as he retains the name Innes-Ker. The family has its seat at Floors Castle near Kelso, Scotland. The grounds contain the ruins of Roxburgh Castle on a promontory between the rivers Tweed and Teviot. The traditional burial place of the Dukes of Roxburghe is the Roxburghe Memorial Cloister (also known as "Roxburghe Aisle"), a 20th-century addition to the ruins of Kelso Abbey. (en)
  • ロクスバラ公爵(英語: Duke of Roxburghe,[ˈrɒksbərə])は、イギリスの公爵位、スコットランド貴族。第5代ロクスバラ伯爵ジョン・カーが1707年に叙されたことに始まり、現在はイニス=カー家が保持する。 爵位名はスコットランドの国境に位置するロクスバラにちなむ。歴代当主はを本拠地としている。また、公爵家は本来の氏族長となるべき家格だが複合姓イニス=カー(Innes-Ker)を家名としているため、その代表とは認められていない。 (ja)
  • Hertog van Roxburghe (Engels: duke of Roxburghe) is een Schotse adellijke titel. De titel is afgeleid van de stad in de Scottish Borders. De titel werd gecreëerd in 1707 door Anne van Groot-Brittannië voor John Ker, 5e graaf van Roxburghe samen met de titels markgraaf van Bowmont en Cessford, graaf van Kelso en burggraaf Broxmouth. Het was de laatste titel die werd gecreëerd in de peerage van Schotland. De hertog heeft de volgende aanvullende titels (jaar van creatie tussen haakjes): markgraaf van Bowmont en Cessford (1707), graaf van Roxburghe (1616), graaf van Kelso (1707), graaf Innes (1837), burggraaf Broxmouth (1707), lord Roxburghe (1600), en lord Ker of Cessford and Cavertoun (1616). De oudste zoon van de hertog draagt de hoffelijkheidstitel markgraaf van Bowmont en Cessford. Het hertogdom en de bijbehorende titels gaan over op erfgenamen die het graafschap zullen erven, met zeer specifieke regels van overerving. Hierdoor werd de titel na de kinderloze dood van de 4e hertog in 1805 de titel dormant (letterlijk: slapend), omdat niemand van de degenen die aanspraak maakten op de titel kon bewijzen wettelijk erfgenaam te zijn. In 1812 kende het Britse Hogerhuis de claim toe aan , een afstammeling in vrouwelijke lijn van de 1e graaf van Roxburghe. Hij nam de naam Innes-Ker aan en zijn nakomelingen bezitten heden ten dage nog steeds de titels. (nl)
  • Duca di Roxburghe (pronunciato ˈrɒksbərə) è un titolo nobiliare della parìa di Scozia creato nel 1707 assieme ai titoli sussidiari di "marchese di Bowmont e ", di "conte di Kelso" e "visconte Broxmouth". John Ker, V conte di Roxburghe divenne il primo detentore di questi titoli. Il titolo è derivato da Roxburgh nel distretto degli Scottish Borders. L'elenco completo dei titoli sussidiari detenuti dal duca è il seguente: * marchese di Bowmont e Cessford (creato nel 1707), * conte di Roxburghe (1616), * conte di Kelso (1707), * conte di Innes (1837), * visconte Broxmouth (1707), * lord Roxburghe (1600), * lord Ker di Cessford e Cavertoun (1616). Tutti questi titoli fanno parte della parìa di Scozia, ad eccezione della contea di Innes, che appartiene alla parìa del Regno Unito. Il figlio primogenito del duca reca il di "marchese di Bowmont e Cessford". Il ducato e i titoli ad esso associati sono trasmessi agli "eredi che erediteranno la contea", che a sua volta ha una linea di discendenza molto specifica. Alla morte del IV duca, i titoli divennero dormienti e nessuno li poteva rivendicare. Nel 1812 la House of Lords legiferò a favore di sir James Innes-Ker, VI , rigettando le rivendicazioni dell'erede femmina del II conte e dell'erede maschio del I conte. Il duca di Roxburghe sarebbe il capo del , ma non può essere riconosciuto tale perché porta il nome Innes-Ker. La famiglia ha la sua sede nel a Kelso, Scozia. (it)
  • Hrabiowie Roxburghe 1. kreacji (parostwo Szkocji) * 1616–1650: * 1650–1675: * 1675–1682: * 1682–1696: * 1696–1741: Książęta Roxburghe 1. kreacji (parostwo Szkocji) * 1707–1741: * 1741–1755: * 1755–1804: * 1804–1805: * 1812–1823: * 1823–1879: * 1879–1892: * 1892–1932: Henry John Innes-Ker, 8. książę Roxburghe * 1932–1974: * 1974–2019: Guy David Innes-Ker, 10. książę Roxburghe * 2019– : (pl)
  • O Duque de Roxburghe é um título no pariato da Escócia criado em 1707, juntamente com os títulos Marquês de Bowmont e Cessford, Conde de Kelso e Visconde Broxmouth. John Ker, 5.º Conde de Roxburghe tornou-se o primeiro titular desses títulos. O título é derivado de na Scottish Borders. O Duque tem os títulos subsidiários de Marquês de Bowmont e Cessford (criada 1707), Conde de Roxburghe (1616), Conde de Kelso (1707), Conde Innes (1837), Visconde Broxmouth (1707), Lord Roxburghe (1600), e Lord Ker de Cessford e Cavertoun (1616). Todos os títulos são parte do pariato da Escócia, com a exceção do Condado de Innes, que pertence ao pariato do Reino Unido. O filho mais velho do duque tem o título de cortesia de Marquês de Bowmont e Cessford. O ducado e seus títulos associados passam para herdeiros, que deve herdar o condado, que por sua vez tinha uma linha muito específica de descida. Com a morte do 4.º duque os títulos se tornaram dormentes, como ninguém podia provar sua alegação. Em 1812, a Câmara dos Lordes decidiu em favor de Sir James Innes-Ker, 6.º Baronete de Innes, rejeitando as alegações de que a herdeira da linhagem feminina do 2.º conde e o herdeiro masculino do 1.º conde. O Duque de Roxburghe seria o chefe do clã Innes, mas não pode ser tão reconhecido como ele mantém o nome Innes-Ker. (pt)
  • Герцог Роксбург — аристократический титул в пэрстве Шотландии, созданный в 1707 году вместе с титулами маркиза Боумонта и Кессфорда, граф Келсо и виконта Броксмута для Джона Кера, 5-го графа Роксбурга. Название происходит от королевского города Роксбург на англо-шотландской границе, который был захвачен и разрушен шотландцами в 1460 году. Вспомогательные титулы: маркиз Боумонт и Кессфорд (создан в 1707), граф Роксбург (1616), граф Келсо (1837), виконт Броксмут (1707), лорд Роксбург (1600), лорд Кер из Кессфорда и Кавертауна (1616). Все титулы являются пэрствами Шотландии, за исключением графства Иннс, которая является пэрством Соединенного Королевства. Старший сын и наследник герцога носит титул маркиза Боумонта и Кессфорда. В 1805 году после смерти бездетного 5-го герцога Роксбурга никто из его дальних родственников не смог доказать свои претензии на герцогский титул. В 1812 года Палата лордов вынесла решение в пользу сэра Джеймса Иннс-Кера, 6-го баронета из Иннса, отвергнув претензии со стороны других претендентов. Родовая резиденция Замок Флорс находится возле города Келсо в Шотландии. (ru)
  • 308041 (xsd:integer)
  • 9388 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1113460140 (xsd:integer)
  • Quarterly, 1st and 4th grandquarters: quarterly, 1st and 4th, Vert on a Chevron between three Unicorns' Heads erased Argent armed and maned Or as many Mullets Sable ; 2nd and 3rd, Gules three Mascles Or ; 2nd and 3rd grandquarters: Argent three Stars of five points Azure . (en)
  • 1707 (xsd:integer)
  • Lord Edward Arthur Gerald Innes-Ker (en)
  • Dukedom of Roxburghe (en)
  • the heirs inheriting the Earldom of Roxburghe (en)
  • Earl Innes (en)
  • Earl of Kelso (en)
  • Earl of Roxburghe (en)
  • Lord Ker of Cessford and Cavertoun (en)
  • Lord Roxburghe (en)
  • Marquess of Bowmont and Cessford (en)
  • Viscount Broxmouth (en)
  • Duke of Roxburghe ist ein erblicher britischer Adelstitel in der Peerage of Scotland, benannt nach der Stadt und Burg Roxburgh in Schottland. (de)
  • ロクスバラ公爵(英語: Duke of Roxburghe,[ˈrɒksbərə])は、イギリスの公爵位、スコットランド貴族。第5代ロクスバラ伯爵ジョン・カーが1707年に叙されたことに始まり、現在はイニス=カー家が保持する。 爵位名はスコットランドの国境に位置するロクスバラにちなむ。歴代当主はを本拠地としている。また、公爵家は本来の氏族長となるべき家格だが複合姓イニス=カー(Innes-Ker)を家名としているため、その代表とは認められていない。 (ja)
  • Hrabiowie Roxburghe 1. kreacji (parostwo Szkocji) * 1616–1650: * 1650–1675: * 1675–1682: * 1682–1696: * 1696–1741: Książęta Roxburghe 1. kreacji (parostwo Szkocji) * 1707–1741: * 1741–1755: * 1755–1804: * 1804–1805: * 1812–1823: * 1823–1879: * 1879–1892: * 1892–1932: Henry John Innes-Ker, 8. książę Roxburghe * 1932–1974: * 1974–2019: Guy David Innes-Ker, 10. książę Roxburghe * 2019– : (pl)
  • The Duke of Roxburghe (/ˈrɒksbərə/) is a title in the peerage of Scotland created in 1707 along with the titles Marquess of Bowmont and Cessford, Earl of Kelso and Viscount Broxmouth. John Ker, 5th Earl of Roxburghe became the first holder of these titles. The title is derived from the royal burgh of Roxburgh in the Scottish Borders that in 1460 the Scots captured and destroyed. The Duke of Roxburghe would be the Chief of Clan Innes, but cannot be so recognised as he retains the name Innes-Ker. (en)
  • Duca di Roxburghe (pronunciato ˈrɒksbərə) è un titolo nobiliare della parìa di Scozia creato nel 1707 assieme ai titoli sussidiari di "marchese di Bowmont e ", di "conte di Kelso" e "visconte Broxmouth". John Ker, V conte di Roxburghe divenne il primo detentore di questi titoli. Il titolo è derivato da Roxburgh nel distretto degli Scottish Borders. L'elenco completo dei titoli sussidiari detenuti dal duca è il seguente: Il duca di Roxburghe sarebbe il capo del , ma non può essere riconosciuto tale perché porta il nome Innes-Ker. La famiglia ha la sua sede nel a Kelso, Scozia. (it)
  • Hertog van Roxburghe (Engels: duke of Roxburghe) is een Schotse adellijke titel. De titel is afgeleid van de stad in de Scottish Borders. De titel werd gecreëerd in 1707 door Anne van Groot-Brittannië voor John Ker, 5e graaf van Roxburghe samen met de titels markgraaf van Bowmont en Cessford, graaf van Kelso en burggraaf Broxmouth. Het was de laatste titel die werd gecreëerd in de peerage van Schotland. (nl)
  • Герцог Роксбург — аристократический титул в пэрстве Шотландии, созданный в 1707 году вместе с титулами маркиза Боумонта и Кессфорда, граф Келсо и виконта Броксмута для Джона Кера, 5-го графа Роксбурга. Название происходит от королевского города Роксбург на англо-шотландской границе, который был захвачен и разрушен шотландцами в 1460 году. Родовая резиденция Замок Флорс находится возле города Келсо в Шотландии. (ru)
  • O Duque de Roxburghe é um título no pariato da Escócia criado em 1707, juntamente com os títulos Marquês de Bowmont e Cessford, Conde de Kelso e Visconde Broxmouth. John Ker, 5.º Conde de Roxburghe tornou-se o primeiro titular desses títulos. O título é derivado de na Scottish Borders. O Duque de Roxburghe seria o chefe do clã Innes, mas não pode ser tão reconhecido como ele mantém o nome Innes-Ker. (pt)
  • Duke of Roxburghe (de)
  • Duke of Roxburghe (en)
  • Duca di Roxburghe (it)
  • ロクスバラ公爵 (ja)
  • Hertog van Roxburghe (nl)
  • Książę Roxburghe (pl)
  • Duque de Roxburghe (pt)
  • Герцог Роксбург (ru)
  • 羅克斯堡公爵 (zh)
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