An Entity of Type: societal event, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

The Attica Prison Riot, also known as the Attica Prison Rebellion, the Attica Uprising, or the Attica Prison Massacre, took place at the state prison in Attica, New York; it started on September 9, 1971, and ended on September 13 with the highest number of fatalities in the history of United States prison uprisings. Of the 43 men who died, 33 inmates and 10 correctional officers and employees, all but one guard and three inmates were killed by law enforcement gunfire when the state retook control of the prison on the final day of the uprising. The Attica Uprising has been described as a historical event in prisoners' rights movement.

Property Value
  • The Attica Prison Riot, also known as the Attica Prison Rebellion, the Attica Uprising, or the Attica Prison Massacre, took place at the state prison in Attica, New York; it started on September 9, 1971, and ended on September 13 with the highest number of fatalities in the history of United States prison uprisings. Of the 43 men who died, 33 inmates and 10 correctional officers and employees, all but one guard and three inmates were killed by law enforcement gunfire when the state retook control of the prison on the final day of the uprising. The Attica Uprising has been described as a historical event in prisoners' rights movement. Prisoners revolted to seek better living conditions and political rights, claiming that they were treated as beasts. On September 9, 1971, 1,281 of the approximately 2,200 men incarcerated in the Attica Correctional Facility rioted and took control of the prison, taking 42 staff hostage. During the following four days of negotiations, authorities agreed to 28 of the prisoners' demands but would not agree to demands for the removal of Attica's superintendent nor to complete amnesty from criminal prosecution for inmates for the prison takeover. By order of Governor Nelson Rockefeller (after consultation with President Richard M. Nixon), armed corrections officers and state and local police were sent in to regain control of the prison. By the time they stopped firing, at least 43 people were dead, 10 hostage correctional officers and civilian employees and 33 inmates, nearly all killed by law enforcement gunfire. Rockefeller had refused to go to the prison or meet with prisoners. After the uprising was suppressed, he said that the prisoners "carried out the cold-blood killings they had threatened from the outset". Medical examiners confirmed that all but the deaths of one officer and three inmates were caused by law enforcement gunfire. The New York Times writer Fred Ferretti said the rebellion concluded in "mass deaths that four days of taut negotiations had sought to avert". As a result of the rebellion, the New York Corrections Department made changes in prisons to satisfy some of the prisoners' demands, reduce tension in the system, and prevent such incidents in the future. While there were improvements to prison conditions in the years immediately following the uprising, many of these improvements were reversed in the 1980s and 1990s. Attica remains one of the most infamous prison riots to have occurred in the United States. (en)
  • La rebelión de los prisioneros de la cárcel de Attica fue un motín declarado el 9 de septiembre de 1971 en el estado de Nueva York, donde los prisioneros asumieron la dirección del centro penitenciario, tomando como rehenes a los guardianes.​ El hecho se produjo en el Centro Correccional de Attica y estuvo provocado por las malas condiciones allí reinantes, por el trato de los guardias y del director de la prisión y, también en parte, fomentado por las movimientos sociales y culturales que acontecían en el exterior.​ El desencadenante fue el maltrato al que fueron sometidos dos reclusos acusados de estar peleándose.​ Varios guardas fueron hechos rehenes y los presos tomaron el control de un patio de ejercicios. Finalmente, el gobernador Nelson Rockefeller ordenó a la Guardia Nacional el asalto del penal, que se saldó con la muerte de 43 personas, resultando heridas más de 80.​ En el año 2000 el juez dictó sentencia, según la cual se debían pagar 8 millones de dólares a todos los presos que fueron sometidos a maltratos y tortura durante y después de la revuelta.​ (es)
  • La mutinerie d'Attica est un soulèvement de prisonniers du centre correctionnel d'Attica dans l'État de New York qui eut lieu entre le 9 et le 13 septembre 1971. Majoritairement organisée par des détenus noirs quelques jours après l'assassinat du militant du Black Panther Party George Jackson, cette mutinerie eut lieu dans un contexte de conflit exacerbé autour de la question des droits civiques et du racisme. (fr)
  • La rivolta della prigione di Attica o rivolta di Attica fu una scoppiata nel penitenziario statunitense di Attica, nello stato di New York, il 9 settembre 1971. La rivolta fu dettata dalla richiesta dei carcerati di ottenere diritti politici e migliori condizioni di detenzione. L'episodio scatenante della rivolta fu la protesta contro l'uccisione, da parte di alcune guardie carcerarie, dell'attivista politico George Jackson, membro del movimento per l'emancipazione dei diritti dei neri delle Pantere Nere, avvenuta il 21 agosto precedente nella prigione californiana di San Quintino. I 1280 rivoltosi, per la gran parte afroamericani e portoricani, presero in ostaggio 38 persone, tra guardie e impiegati. (it)
  • アッティカ刑務所暴動(英: Attica Prison Riot)は、1971年9月9日にアメリカ合衆国ニューヨーク州のアッティカ刑務所で発生した囚人の暴動である。暴動の目的の一部は所内の生活状況の改善の要求であった。 (ja)
  • Rebelião de Attica foi uma rebelião ocorrida no presídio de Attica, estado de Nova York nos Estados Unidos da América. A rebelião, que começou no dia 9 de Setembro de 1971, durou quatro dias e terminou com a morte de 39 pessoas, sendo dez reféns. (pt)
  • Тюремный бунт в «Аттике» (англ. Attica Prison riot) — бунт в исправительном учреждении «Аттика» штата Нью-Йорк в 1971. Бунт был одним из самых известных и значительных событий движения в защиту прав заключённых. Бунту предшествовало выдвижение заключёнными требований соблюдения их политических прав и улучшения условий жизни. 9 сентября 1971 года, через две недели после убийства Джорджа Джексона в тюрьме Сан-Квентин, более тысячи заключённых тюрьмы Аттика взбунтовались и захватили контроль над тюрьмой, взяв в заложники 42 сотрудника. В течение следующих четырёх дней переговоров власти согласились на выполнение 28 требований заключённых, но не согласились на требования о полной амнистии от уголовного преследования за захват тюрьмы или удаления суперинтенданта Аттики. По приказу губернатора штата Нельсона Олдрича Рокфеллера, полиция штата при помощи войск штата взяла тюрьму обратно под контроль. Когда восстание было подавлено, по крайней мере, 43 человека погибли, в их числе 10 сотрудников исправительного учреждения и гражданских служащих, а также 33 заключённых. Губернатор, который отказался посещать заключённых во время восстания, заявил, что заключённые «проводят хладнокровные убийства людей, которыми они грозились с самого начала» (англ. "carried out the cold-blood killings they had threatened from the outset"). С другой стороны, журналист Нью-Йорк Таймс Фред Ферретти (англ. Fred Ferretti) сказал, что бунт заключённых превратился в «массовую гибель, которую стремились предотвратить четыре дня тяжёлых переговоров» (англ. mass deaths that four days of taut negotiations had sought to avert). Есть много разных точек зрения при рассмотрении данного тюремного бунта. (ru)
  • 阿蒂卡监狱暴乱(Attica Prison riot)发生在1971年美国纽约州的之中。暴乱源于囚犯们要求更好的生活条件。在1971年9月9日,一方面也是为了回应8月21日黑人激进囚犯George Jackson被狱警枪杀于加州的聖昆丁州立監獄这个事件,近2200名阿蒂卡囚犯中大约1000名暴动并控制了监狱,并将33名狱警作为人质。在接下来四天的谈判中,官方同意了囚犯的28条要求,但是没有同意对囚犯控制监狱和挟持人质在刑事指控上的完全赦免。在当时紐約州州長纳尔逊·洛克菲勒的命令下,州警察重新控制了监狱。当暴乱结束后,至少造成了39人死亡,其中包括了10名监狱看守和文职人员。 (zh)
  • 33 inmates killed (3 by other inmates)
  • 85 inmates wounded
  • Attica incarcerated population
  • New York Army National Guard
  • New York State Department of Corrections
  • New York State Police
  • 1,281 inmates
  • 550 state troopers
  • 74 correctional officers
  • 42 correctional officers and civilian workers taken hostage
  • 308458 (xsd:integer)
  • 70215 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1123626203 (xsd:integer)
  • Attica Correctional Facility in 2007. A memorial to staff who died in the uprising is visible between the flagpoles. (en)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • 5 (xsd:integer)
  • 10 (xsd:integer)
  • 33 (xsd:integer)
  • 85 (xsd:integer)
  • (en)
  • Attica incarcerated population (en)
  • New York Army National Guard (en)
  • New York State Department of Corrections (en)
  • New York State Police (en)
  • (en)
  • Peter Butler (en)
  • Frank Lott (en)
  • Carl Jones-El (en)
  • Chief Inspector John C. Miller (en)
  • Cleveland McKinley "Jomo" Davis (en)
  • Commissioner Russell G. Oswald (en)
  • Deputy Commissioner Walter Dunbar (en)
  • Deputy Superintendent Karl Pfeil (en)
  • Donald "Don" Noble (en)
  • Elliott James "L.D." Barkley (en)
  • Frank "Big Black" Smith (en)
  • Governor Nelson Rockefeller (en)
  • Herbert X. Blyden (en)
  • Lieutenant Joseph P. Christian (en)
  • Major John Monahan (en)
  • Public Information Officer Gerald T. Houlihan (en)
  • Richard X. Clark (en)
  • Superintendent William Kirwan (en)
  • Warden Vincent R. Mancusi (en)
  • Attica Prison Riot (en)
  • 0001-09-09 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 2006-09-08 (xsd:date)
  • 2012-11-11 (xsd:date)
  • 2016-08-19 (xsd:date)
  • 300 (xsd:integer)
  • Attica, New York, U.S. (en)
  • We are men! We are not beasts and we do not intend to be beaten or driven as such. The entire prison populace, that means every one of us here, has set forth to change forever the ruthless brutalization and disregard for the lives of the prisoners here and throughout the United States. What has happened here is but the sound before the fury of those who are oppressed. We will not compromise on any terms except those terms that are agreeable to us. We've called upon all the conscientious citizens of America to assist us in putting an end to this situation that threatens the lives of not only us but of every one of you, as well. (en)
  • 0001-09-09 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • 42 (xsd:integer)
  • 74 (xsd:integer)
  • 550 (xsd:integer)
  • 1281 (xsd:integer)
  • Declaration to the People of America (en)
  • 42.84972222222222 -78.27166666666666
  • La mutinerie d'Attica est un soulèvement de prisonniers du centre correctionnel d'Attica dans l'État de New York qui eut lieu entre le 9 et le 13 septembre 1971. Majoritairement organisée par des détenus noirs quelques jours après l'assassinat du militant du Black Panther Party George Jackson, cette mutinerie eut lieu dans un contexte de conflit exacerbé autour de la question des droits civiques et du racisme. (fr)
  • La rivolta della prigione di Attica o rivolta di Attica fu una scoppiata nel penitenziario statunitense di Attica, nello stato di New York, il 9 settembre 1971. La rivolta fu dettata dalla richiesta dei carcerati di ottenere diritti politici e migliori condizioni di detenzione. L'episodio scatenante della rivolta fu la protesta contro l'uccisione, da parte di alcune guardie carcerarie, dell'attivista politico George Jackson, membro del movimento per l'emancipazione dei diritti dei neri delle Pantere Nere, avvenuta il 21 agosto precedente nella prigione californiana di San Quintino. I 1280 rivoltosi, per la gran parte afroamericani e portoricani, presero in ostaggio 38 persone, tra guardie e impiegati. (it)
  • アッティカ刑務所暴動(英: Attica Prison Riot)は、1971年9月9日にアメリカ合衆国ニューヨーク州のアッティカ刑務所で発生した囚人の暴動である。暴動の目的の一部は所内の生活状況の改善の要求であった。 (ja)
  • Rebelião de Attica foi uma rebelião ocorrida no presídio de Attica, estado de Nova York nos Estados Unidos da América. A rebelião, que começou no dia 9 de Setembro de 1971, durou quatro dias e terminou com a morte de 39 pessoas, sendo dez reféns. (pt)
  • 阿蒂卡监狱暴乱(Attica Prison riot)发生在1971年美国纽约州的之中。暴乱源于囚犯们要求更好的生活条件。在1971年9月9日,一方面也是为了回应8月21日黑人激进囚犯George Jackson被狱警枪杀于加州的聖昆丁州立監獄这个事件,近2200名阿蒂卡囚犯中大约1000名暴动并控制了监狱,并将33名狱警作为人质。在接下来四天的谈判中,官方同意了囚犯的28条要求,但是没有同意对囚犯控制监狱和挟持人质在刑事指控上的完全赦免。在当时紐約州州長纳尔逊·洛克菲勒的命令下,州警察重新控制了监狱。当暴乱结束后,至少造成了39人死亡,其中包括了10名监狱看守和文职人员。 (zh)
  • The Attica Prison Riot, also known as the Attica Prison Rebellion, the Attica Uprising, or the Attica Prison Massacre, took place at the state prison in Attica, New York; it started on September 9, 1971, and ended on September 13 with the highest number of fatalities in the history of United States prison uprisings. Of the 43 men who died, 33 inmates and 10 correctional officers and employees, all but one guard and three inmates were killed by law enforcement gunfire when the state retook control of the prison on the final day of the uprising. The Attica Uprising has been described as a historical event in prisoners' rights movement. (en)
  • La rebelión de los prisioneros de la cárcel de Attica fue un motín declarado el 9 de septiembre de 1971 en el estado de Nueva York, donde los prisioneros asumieron la dirección del centro penitenciario, tomando como rehenes a los guardianes.​ El hecho se produjo en el Centro Correccional de Attica y estuvo provocado por las malas condiciones allí reinantes, por el trato de los guardias y del director de la prisión y, también en parte, fomentado por las movimientos sociales y culturales que acontecían en el exterior.​ El desencadenante fue el maltrato al que fueron sometidos dos reclusos acusados de estar peleándose.​ (es)
  • Тюремный бунт в «Аттике» (англ. Attica Prison riot) — бунт в исправительном учреждении «Аттика» штата Нью-Йорк в 1971. Бунт был одним из самых известных и значительных событий движения в защиту прав заключённых. Бунту предшествовало выдвижение заключёнными требований соблюдения их политических прав и улучшения условий жизни. 9 сентября 1971 года, через две недели после убийства Джорджа Джексона в тюрьме Сан-Квентин, более тысячи заключённых тюрьмы Аттика взбунтовались и захватили контроль над тюрьмой, взяв в заложники 42 сотрудника. (ru)
  • Massacre de la Presó d'Attica (ca)
  • Attica Prison riot (en)
  • Rebelión de los prisioneros de la cárcel de Attica (es)
  • Mutinerie de la prison d'Attica (fr)
  • Rivolta della prigione di Attica (it)
  • アッティカ刑務所暴動 (ja)
  • Rebelião de Attica (pt)
  • Тюремный бунт в «Аттике» (ru)
  • 阿蒂卡监狱暴乱 (zh)
  • POINT(-78.271667480469 42.849723815918)
  • 42.849724 (xsd:float)
  • -78.271667 (xsd:float)
  • Attica Prison Riot (en)
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