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yago:League108231184 yago:Group100031264 yago:FootballLeague108232496 yago:Association108049401 owl:Thing schema:Organization dbo:Organisation n30:Agent n30:SocialPerson dbo:Agent dbo:SoccerLeague dbo:SportsLeague yago:Abstraction100002137 yago:WikicatSportsLeaguesEstablishedIn1890 wikidata:Q24229398 yago:SocialGroup107950920 wikidata:Q43229 yago:WikicatNationalAssociationFootballPremierLeagues yago:WikicatNationalAssociationFootballSecondTierLeagues wikidata:Q623109 yago:YagoLegalActor yago:YagoLegalActorGeo yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity yago:WikicatDefunctFootballLeaguesInScotland yago:Organization108008335
Scottish Football League Шотландська футбольна ліга Scottish Football League Scottish Football League Scottish Football League دوري كرة القدم الاسكتلندي Шотландская футбольная лига Scottish Football League スコティッシュ・フットボールリーグ Scottish Football League Liga escocesa de fútbol Scottish Football League 蘇格蘭足球聯賽 스코티시 풋볼 리그
Die Scottish Football League bezeichnete von 1998 bis zur Ligareform 2013 die zweite bis vierte Fußball-Liga in Schottland. Diese bestanden aus der SFL First Division, der SFL Second Division und der SFL Third Division. Vorher war sie die höchste Fußball-Liga Schottlands, bevor sie in dieser Eigenschaft zur Saison 1998/99 von der neu kreierten Scottish Premier League abgelöst wurde. Seit Juli 2007 trug die Liga den Namen Irn-Bru Scottish Football League nach dem Zustandekommen eines Sponsorings mit A.G. Barr. La Scottish Football League o SFL è una lega, scioltasi nel 2013, che fino a tale data organizzò il calcio di lega in Scozia delle tre divisioni immediatamente inferiori alla Scottish Premiership; fondata nel 1890, fino al 1998 fu l'unica lega professionistca del calcio scozzese, della quale rappresentava le prime tre divisioni nazionali. La Scottish Football League era inoltre responsabile dell'organizzazione di due competizioni ad eliminazione diretta: The Scottish Football League (SFL) was a league featuring professional and semi-professional football clubs mostly from Scotland. From its foundation in 1890 until the breakaway Scottish Premier League (SPL) was formed in 1998, the SFL was the top level of football in Scotland. After 1998, the SFL represented levels 2 to 4 of the Scottish football league system. In June 2013, the SFL merged with the SPL to form the Scottish Professional Football League. Шотландская футбольная лига (англ. The Scottish Football League) — упразднённая лига футбольных команд в Шотландии в составе шотландских Первого, Второго и Третьего дивизионов. С момента своего основания и до выделения премьер-лиги представляла высший уровень шотландского футбола. До 2013 года — первый дивизион является вторым в системе национальных лиг. С 2007 года Лига официально именовалась «The Irn-Bru Scottish Football League», по имени спонсора. Упразднена в 2013 году после образования Шотландской профессиональной футбольной лиги, слиянием Шотландской Премьер-лиги и Футбольной Лиги Шотландии. Η Σκωτική Φούτμπολ Λιγκ (αγγλικά: Scottish Football League, SFL) ήταν μία ένωση με επαγγελματικά και ημι-επαγγελματικά ποδοσφαιρικά σωματεία ως επί το πλείστον από τη Σκωτία. Από την ίδρυσή της το 1890 μέχρι την απόσχιση της Σκωτικής Πρέμιερ Λιγκ (Scottish Premier League, SPL) το 1998, η SFL εκπροσωπούσε το κορυφαίο επίπεδο ποδοσφαίρου στη Σκωτία. Μετά το 1998, η SFL εκπροσωπούσε τα επίπεδα 2-4 του . Τον Ιούνιο του 2013, η SFL συγχωνεύτηκε με την SPL για να σχηματίσουν τη Σκωτική Επαγγελματική Φούτμπολ Λιγκ (Scottish Professional Football League). スコティッシュ・フットボールリーグ(Scottish Football League)は、かつてスコットランドに存在したサッカーリーグである。スコティッシュ・プレミアリーグ(実質1部リーグ)に次ぐ、2部リーグから4部リーグの3つのディビジョンに所属するチームで構成されていた。2013年にスコティッシュ・プレミアリーグと統合され、スコティッシュ・プロフェッショナル・フットボールリーグとなった。 Шотландська футбольна ліга (ШФЛ) (шотл. Scots Fitbaa League) — колишня ліга, що об'єднувала професійні та напівпрофесійні футбольні клуби в основному з Шотландії. З моменту свого заснування в 1890 і аж до відколу від неї шотландської прем'єр-ліги (ШПЛ) в 1998 році, ШФЛ була футбольною лігою найвищого рівня в Шотландії. З 1998 року Шотландська футбольна ліга представляла рівні з 2 до 4 . У червні 2013 року, ШФЛ об'єдналася з ШПЛ і створилии Шотландську професійну футбольну лігу. كان الدوري الاسكتلندي لكرة القدم SFL دوريًا يضم أندية كرة قدم احترافية وشبه احترافية معظمها من اسكتلندا. منذ تأسيسه في عام 1890 حتى تم تشكيل الدوري الاسكتلندي الممتاز الانفصالي (SPL) في عام 1998، مثل دوري كرة القدم الاسكتلندي المستوى الأعلى لكرة القدم في اسكتلندا. بعد عام 1998، مثل دوري كرة القدم الاسكتلندي المستويات 2 إلى 4 من نظام الدوري الاسكتلندي لكرة القدم. في يونيو 2013، اندمج دوري كرة القدم الاسكتلندي مع الدوري الاسكتلندي الممتاز لتشكيل الدوري الاسكتلندي للمحترفين لكرة القدم. Scottish Football League – organizator piłkarskich rozgrywek ligowych w Szkocji w latach 1890–2013. W sezonie 2012/2013 obejmował Scottish First Division, Scottish Second Division oraz Scottish Third Division. W lipcu 2013 doszło do połączenia Scottish Football League i Scottish Premier League, w wyniku którego utworzono , obejmujący cztery najwyższe klasy rozgrywkowe w Szkocji. Od lipca 2007 liga działała pod nazwą Irn-Bru Scottish Football League czyli od czasu podpisania umowy sponsorskiej ze sponsorem, firmą A.G. Barr. La Liga escocesa de fútbol (en inglés Scottish Football League) es un sistema de ligas de fútbol de Escocia compuesta por la Primera División de Escocia, Segunda División de Escocia y Tercera División de Escocia. Fundada en 1890, es la segunda liga más importante de Escocia tras la Premier League de Escocia, y hasta la creación de esta en 1998, era más importante del fútbol escocés. Desde julio de 2007 y por motivos de patrocinio se llama oficialmente Irn-Bru Scottish Football League. Los jugadores de esta liga no emplean dorsales. 스코티시 풋볼 리그(Scottish Football League)는 스코틀랜드의 축구 리그이다. 현재 스코틀랜드 풋볼 리그 1부와 스코틀랜드 풋볼 리그 2부, 스코틀랜드 풋볼 리그 3부로 구성되어있다. 1890년에 설립되었으며 1998년에 스코틀랜드 프리미어리그가 독립되어 나가기 전까지 스코틀랜드 축구 리그 시스템에서 최상위 리그였다. 스코틀랜드 프리미어리그의 창설 이후에는 프리미어리그의 하부 (각각 2부, 3부, 4부)리그가 되었다. 蘇格蘭足球聯賽(Scottish Football League)是蘇格蘭球會分級別以循環對賽形式的比賽,包含三個組別:甲組聯賽或簡稱蘇甲(Scottish Division One),乙組聯賽或簡稱蘇乙(Scottish Division Two)及丙組聯賽或簡稱蘇丙(Scottish Division Three)。蘇格蘭足球聯賽現時由三十支球隊組成,為會員提供循環式聯賽、聯賽杯及聯賽挑戰杯等足球競賽。日常會務由管理委員會處理,委員會由八位經選舉的球隊代表組成,包括會長及副會長各一,甲組、乙組及丙組代表各兩名。 每季的甲組聯賽冠軍有權升級到超級聯賽,但需符合其球場規格條例,按2006年3月的球場規格包括擁有或優先租用的主場球場容量不少於6,000座及球場草坪需有地下發熱系統。福爾柯克在2002/03年賽季因球場規格不符而被拒升級,當時的容量規定為10,000座,福爾柯克為此新建全座席可容6,000人的球場,而超級聯賽亦順應將規定減為6,000,在2004/05年再獲甲組聯賽冠軍的福爾柯克才可順利升級。 近年來部份聯賽球隊發生財務困難而被接管,(Airdrieonians)更在2001/02賽季末遭清盤,聯賽會籍被停止,英格蘭(UniBond League)的基特拿在2002年填補其空缺,而基特拿亦於2008年破產退出,由(Annan Athletic)加入替補。 La Scottish Football League (que l'on pourrait traduire par Ligue écossaise de football) était la ligue rassemblant les clubs de football professionnels et semi-professionnels écossais. De sa fondation en 1890 jusqu'à la création de la Scottish Premier League en 1998, elle représentait le plus haut niveau du football en Écosse avec les 4 plus hautes divisions du système de ligues écossaises. Après 1998, elle ne représentait plus que les niveaux 2, 3 et 4 de ce système de ligues. En juin 2013, elle fusionna avec la Scottish Premier League pour former la Scottish Professional Football League. Scottish Football League är en fotbollsliga i Skottland som består av 30 klubbar fördelade på tre divisioner. Från början bestod ligan av elva klubbar. Den bildades 1890 och blev då världens andra fotbollsliga efter The Football League i England. 1998 bröt sig de 10 klubbarna i division ett ur ligan och bildade Scottish Premier League. Scottish Premier League och Scottish Football League är dock ännu sammanbundna genom upp- och nedflyttningssystem.
Scottish Football League (SFL)
Scottish Football League
dbc:Defunct_football_leagues_in_Scotland dbc:2013_disestablishments_in_Scotland dbc:1890_establishments_in_Scotland dbc:Recurring_sporting_events_established_in_1890 dbc:Sports_leagues_established_in_1890 dbc:Football_governing_bodies_in_Scotland dbc:Scottish_Football_League
dbr:1909–10_in_Scottish_football dbr:Alloa_Athletic_F.C. dbr:1921–22_in_Scottish_football dbr:Kilmarnock_F.C. dbr:1966–67_Scottish_Football_League dbr:List_of_Scottish_football_champions dbr:2020–21_in_Scottish_football dbr:1952–53_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1961–62_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1947–48_Scottish_Football_League dbr:BBC_Radio_Scotland dbr:Albion_Rovers_F.C. dbr:1893–94_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1962–63_Scottish_Football_League dbr:List_of_footballers_in_Scotland_by_number_of_league_appearances dbr:1949–50_Scottish_Football_League dbr:BBC_Scotland dbr:1951–52_in_Scottish_football dbr:List_of_footballers_in_Scotland_by_number_of_league_goals dbr:1898–99_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1893–94_in_Scottish_football dbr:Queen's_Park_F.C. dbr:East_Stirlingshire dbr:1913–14_Scottish_Football_League dbr:North_West_England dbr:2012–13_in_Scottish_football dbr:Reserve_team dbr:Ross_County_F.C. dbr:Cambuslang_F.C. dbr:1961–62_in_Scottish_football dbr:East_Fife_F.C. dbr:1932–33_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Bathgate_F.C. dbr:1952–53_in_Scottish_football dbr:Johnstone_F.C. dbr:Clyde_F.C. dbr:Ayr_F.C. dbr:1998–99_in_Scottish_football dbr:1933–34_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1908–09_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Ayr_Parkhouse_F.C. dbr:1949–50_in_Scottish_football dbr:1991–92_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1922–23_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1938–39_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Solway_Star_F.C. dbr:Stranraer_F.C. dbr:2007–08_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Bo'ness_F.C. dbr:2009–10_in_Scottish_football dbr:1890–91_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Broxburn_United_F.C. dbr:St_Johnstone_F.C. dbr:Bo'ness_United_F.C. dbr:Linthouse_F.C. dbr:Hamilton_Academical_F.C. dbr:1976–77_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1997–98_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Aberdeen_F.C. dbr:Royal_Albert_F.C. dbr:1954–55_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1903–04_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Armadale_F.C. dbc:2013_disestablishments_in_Scotland dbr:Fine_Fare dbr:2002–03_Scottish_Football_League dbc:Defunct_football_leagues_in_Scotland dbr:1894–95_in_Scottish_football dbr:1986–87_Scottish_Football_League dbr:STV_(TV_network) dbr:1894–95_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1903–04_in_Scottish_football dbr:Meadowbank_Thistle dbr:Football_in_Scotland dbr:Arbroath_F.C. dbr:2005–06_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1938–39_in_Scottish_football dbr:1912–13_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Scottish_football_league_system dbr:1974–75_Scottish_Football_League dbr:King's_Park_F.C. dbc:1890_establishments_in_Scotland dbr:1966–67_in_Scottish_football dbr:1954–55_in_Scottish_football dbr:Arthurlie_F.C. dbr:Cowdenbeath_F.C. dbr:Goal_average dbr:1956–57_Scottish_Football_League dbc:Recurring_sporting_events_established_in_1890 dbr:1953–54_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1992–93_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Northern_F.C. dbr:1999–2000_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Scottish_Football_League_Second_Division dbr:Berwick_Rangers_F.C. dbr:1910–11_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Football_pool dbr:1977–78_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1912–13_in_Scottish_football dbr:1974–75_in_Scottish_football dbr:1983–84_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1997–98_in_Scottish_football dbr:1910–11_in_Scottish_football dbr:Renton_F.C. dbr:Edinburgh_City_F.C. dbr:2002–03_in_Scottish_football dbr:1979–80_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Cowlairs_F.C. dbr:Scottish_Football_League_XI dbr:Scotland dbr:1927–28_Scottish_Football_League dbr:St_Mirren_F.C. dbr:1989–90_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Dundee_Wanderers_F.C. dbr:Irn-Bru dbr:1967–68_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1982–83_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1936–37_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Gretna_F.C. dbr:1896–97_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1990–91_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1955–56_Scottish_Football_League dbr:2008–09_in_Scottish_football dbr:Dundee_F.C. dbr:Scottish_Challenge_Cup dbr:1909–10_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Western_Football_League_(Scotland) dbr:English_Football_League dbr:1918–19_Scottish_Football_League dbr:St_Bernard's_F.C. dbr:Scots_Gaelic dbr:Title_sponsor dbr:BBC_Alba dbr:1963–64_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Highland_Football_League dbr:1901–02_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1982–83_in_Scottish_football dbr:East_of_Scotland_Shield dbr:1937–38_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1959–60_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1901–02_in_Scottish_football dbr:Celtic_F.C. dbr:1905–06_Scottish_Football_League dbr:World_War_I dbr:World_War_II dbr:Dundee_United_F.C. dbr:1905–06_in_Scottish_football dbr:1957–58_Scottish_Football_League dbr:2000–01_Scottish_Football_League dbc:Sports_leagues_established_in_1890 dbr:1925–26_Scottish_Football_League dbr:The_Co-operative_Insurance dbr:Premier_League dbr:Skol_Lager dbr:1985–86_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Raith_Rovers_F.C. dbr:1931–32_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Scotland_national_football_team dbr:Scottish_Cup dbr:1993–94_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Livingston_F.C. dbr:1930–31_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1994–95_Scottish_Football_League dbr:UEFA_Cup dbr:Falkirk_F.C. dbr:1907–08_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1915–16_Scottish_Football_League dbr:2019–20_in_Scottish_football dbr:1899–1900_Scottish_Football_League dbr:2003–04_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1965–66_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Partick_Thistle_F.C. dbr:Scottish_Football_Alliance dbr:1925–26_in_Scottish_football dbr:Scottish_Premier_League dbr:ESPN_(UK) dbr:1959–60_in_Scottish_football dbr:1971–72_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1931–32_in_Scottish_football dbr:1930–31_in_Scottish_football dbr:NIFL_Premiership dbr:1996–97_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1899–1900_in_Scottish_football dbr:Galston_F.C. dbr:Scottish_Professional_Football_League dbr:Stenhousemuir_F.C. dbr:1965–66_in_Scottish_football dbr:East_Stirlingshire_F.C. dbr:Motherwell_F.C. dbr:Greenock_Morton_F.C. dbr:1988–89_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Scottish_Football_Association dbr:Lowland_Football_League dbr:2000–01_in_Scottish_football dbr:1891–92_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Cove_Rangers_F.C. dbr:Scottish_Football_League_First_Division dbr:Scottish_Football_League_Third_Division dbr:1985–86_in_Scottish_football dbr:Scottish_Government dbr:1995–96_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Friendly_match dbr:Abercorn_F.C. dbr:Administration_and_liquidation_of_The_Rangers_Football_Club_Plc dbr:2005–06_in_Scottish_football dbr:1994–95_in_Scottish_football dbr:Dykehead_F.C. dbr:Playoffs dbr:1895–96_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Peterhead_F.C. dbr:Clydebank_F.C._(1914) dbr:1975–76_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Clydebank_F.C._(1965) dbr:1973–74_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1971–72_in_Scottish_football dbr:Sportscene dbr:2011–12_in_Scottish_football dbr:Queen_of_the_South_F.C. dbr:Scottish_League_Cup dbr:Ayr_United_F.C. dbr:1895–96_in_Scottish_football dbr:1958–59_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1917–18_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Third_Lanark_A.C. dbr:1890–91_in_Scottish_football dbr:Forfar_Athletic_F.C. dbr:UEFA dbr:Scotch_Professors dbr:Edinburgh_City_F.C._(1928) dbr:2006–07_in_Scottish_football dbr:2009–10_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Elgin_City_F.C. dbr:1926–27_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Mid-Annandale_F.C. dbr:1964–65_Scottish_Football_League dbr:2012–13_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1926–27_in_Scottish_football dbr:Scottish_Women's_Football_League dbr:Radio_Clyde dbr:Association_football dbr:1892–93_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Annan_Athletic_F.C. dbr:Scottish_Football_League_Premier_Division dbr:1995–96_in_Scottish_football dbr:League_of_Ireland dbr:Port_Glasgow_Athletic_F.C. dbr:1934–35_Scottish_Football_League dbr:2004–05_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1902–03_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1981–82_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1935–36_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Glasgow_Cup dbr:1968–69_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1923–24_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Airdrieonians_F.C._(1878) dbr:1906–07_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1914–15_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Football_Conference dbr:1975–76_in_Scottish_football dbr:Lochgelly_United_F.C. dbr:Scotsport dbr:1964–65_in_Scottish_football dbr:B&Q dbr:1902–03_in_Scottish_football dbr:1914–15_in_Scottish_football dbr:1969–70_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Central_Football_League dbr:2001–02_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Airdrie_United_F.C. dbr:1923–24_in_Scottish_football dbr:Heart_of_Midlothian_F.C. dbr:Thistle_F.C. dbr:1948–49_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Rangers_F.C. dbr:1929–30_Scottish_Football_League dbr:2010–11_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1897–98_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Brechin_City_F.C. dbr:Airdrieonians_F.C. dbc:Football_governing_bodies_in_Scotland dbr:1897–98_in_Scottish_football dbr:1970–71_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1978–79_Scottish_Football_League dbr:British_Sky_Broadcasting dbr:1946–47_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1911–12_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1920–21_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1984–85_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1948–49_in_Scottish_football dbr:1924–25_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1939–40_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Dunfermline_Athletic_F.C. dbr:Dumbarton_Harp_F.C. dbr:Stirling_Albion_F.C. dbr:Nithsdale_Wanderers_F.C. dbr:Dumbarton_F.C. dbr:1928–29_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1928–29_in_Scottish_football dbr:Meadowbank_Thistle_F.C. dbr:1946–47_in_Scottish_football dbr:Three_points_for_a_win dbr:1987–88_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Play-off dbr:Leith_Athletic_F.C. dbr:Court_of_Session dbr:2001–02_in_Scottish_football dbr:Helensburgh_F.C. dbr:Midlands_(England) dbr:Vale_of_Leven_F.C. dbr:Peebles_Rovers_F.C. dbr:1900–01_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1916–17_Scottish_Football_League dbr:The_Football_League dbr:2011–12_Scottish_Football_League dbr:2006–07_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1984–85_in_Scottish_football dbr:1924–25_in_Scottish_football dbr:1950–51_Scottish_Football_League dbr:2010–11_Scottish_League_Cup dbr:1960–61_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1904–05_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1921–22_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1951–52_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1900–01_in_Scottish_football dbr:Montrose_F.C. dbr:Serie_A dbr:1904–05_in_Scottish_football dbr:Bell's_whisky dbc:Scottish_Football_League dbr:1919–20_Scottish_Football_League dbr:List_of_Scottish_Football_League_stadiums dbr:Beith_F.C. dbr:1998–99_Scottish_Football_League dbr:2008–09_Scottish_Football_League dbr:1980–81_Scottish_Football_League dbr:Promotion_and_relegation dbr:Hibernian_F.C. dbr:Inverness_Caledonian_Thistle_F.C. dbr:Clackmannan_F.C. dbr:1891–92_in_Scottish_football dbr:1972–73_Scottish_Football_League
dbpedia-simple:Scottish_Football_League dbpedia-ko:스코티시_풋볼_리그 dbpedia-no:Scottish_Football_League yago-res:Scottish_Football_League dbpedia-ja:スコティッシュ・フットボールリーグ n20:28urV dbpedia-pl:Scottish_Football_League dbpedia-fr:Scottish_Football_League dbpedia-ru:Шотландская_футбольная_лига dbpedia-zh:蘇格蘭足球聯賽 n25:Scottish_Football_League dbpedia-el:Scottish_Football_League dbpedia-ar:دوري_كرة_القدم_الاسكتلندي dbpedia-it:Scottish_Football_League dbpedia-sv:Scottish_Football_League dbpedia-fi:Scottish_Football_League freebase:m.0gjvn dbpedia-uk:Шотландська_футбольна_ліга dbpedia-gl:Liga_escocesa_de_fútbol dbpedia-es:Liga_escocesa_de_fútbol wikidata:Q2261276 dbpedia-de:Scottish_Football_League dbpedia-da:Scottish_Football_League
dbt:Cite_book dbt:Scottish_Football_League dbt:See_also dbt:Main dbt:Reflist dbt:Short_description dbt:Infobox_football_league dbt:Defunct_football_competitions_in_Scotland dbt:Rquote dbt:Center dbt:SCO
スコティッシュ・フットボールリーグ(Scottish Football League)は、かつてスコットランドに存在したサッカーリーグである。スコティッシュ・プレミアリーグ(実質1部リーグ)に次ぐ、2部リーグから4部リーグの3つのディビジョンに所属するチームで構成されていた。2013年にスコティッシュ・プレミアリーグと統合され、スコティッシュ・プロフェッショナル・フットボールリーグとなった。 蘇格蘭足球聯賽(Scottish Football League)是蘇格蘭球會分級別以循環對賽形式的比賽,包含三個組別:甲組聯賽或簡稱蘇甲(Scottish Division One),乙組聯賽或簡稱蘇乙(Scottish Division Two)及丙組聯賽或簡稱蘇丙(Scottish Division Three)。蘇格蘭足球聯賽現時由三十支球隊組成,為會員提供循環式聯賽、聯賽杯及聯賽挑戰杯等足球競賽。日常會務由管理委員會處理,委員會由八位經選舉的球隊代表組成,包括會長及副會長各一,甲組、乙組及丙組代表各兩名。 每季的甲組聯賽冠軍有權升級到超級聯賽,但需符合其球場規格條例,按2006年3月的球場規格包括擁有或優先租用的主場球場容量不少於6,000座及球場草坪需有地下發熱系統。福爾柯克在2002/03年賽季因球場規格不符而被拒升級,當時的容量規定為10,000座,福爾柯克為此新建全座席可容6,000人的球場,而超級聯賽亦順應將規定減為6,000,在2004/05年再獲甲組聯賽冠軍的福爾柯克才可順利升級。 近年來部份聯賽球隊發生財務困難而被接管,(Airdrieonians)更在2001/02賽季末遭清盤,聯賽會籍被停止,英格蘭(UniBond League)的基特拿在2002年填補其空缺,而基特拿亦於2008年破產退出,由(Annan Athletic)加入替補。 格拉斯哥流浪是歷年來獲得最多聯賽冠軍的球隊,至1998年共获得47次苏格兰足球聯賽冠軍。 كان الدوري الاسكتلندي لكرة القدم SFL دوريًا يضم أندية كرة قدم احترافية وشبه احترافية معظمها من اسكتلندا. منذ تأسيسه في عام 1890 حتى تم تشكيل الدوري الاسكتلندي الممتاز الانفصالي (SPL) في عام 1998، مثل دوري كرة القدم الاسكتلندي المستوى الأعلى لكرة القدم في اسكتلندا. بعد عام 1998، مثل دوري كرة القدم الاسكتلندي المستويات 2 إلى 4 من نظام الدوري الاسكتلندي لكرة القدم. في يونيو 2013، اندمج دوري كرة القدم الاسكتلندي مع الدوري الاسكتلندي الممتاز لتشكيل الدوري الاسكتلندي للمحترفين لكرة القدم. Η Σκωτική Φούτμπολ Λιγκ (αγγλικά: Scottish Football League, SFL) ήταν μία ένωση με επαγγελματικά και ημι-επαγγελματικά ποδοσφαιρικά σωματεία ως επί το πλείστον από τη Σκωτία. Από την ίδρυσή της το 1890 μέχρι την απόσχιση της Σκωτικής Πρέμιερ Λιγκ (Scottish Premier League, SPL) το 1998, η SFL εκπροσωπούσε το κορυφαίο επίπεδο ποδοσφαίρου στη Σκωτία. Μετά το 1998, η SFL εκπροσωπούσε τα επίπεδα 2-4 του . Τον Ιούνιο του 2013, η SFL συγχωνεύτηκε με την SPL για να σχηματίσουν τη Σκωτική Επαγγελματική Φούτμπολ Λιγκ (Scottish Professional Football League). Η SFL σύνδεσε την ονομασία της με χορηγούς από την αγωνιστική περίοδο 1985-1986. Δεδομένου ότι η χορηγία έχει αλλάξει αρκετές φορές όλα αυτά τα χρόνια, το πρωτάθλημα ήταν γνωστό με τη σειρά του ως Fine Fare League, B & Q League, Bell, Scottish Football League και, τέλος, ως Irn-Bru Scottish Football League. Η SFL διοργάνωσε επίσης δύο νοκ άουτ θεσμούς κυπέλλου, το (Scottish League Cup) και το (Scottish Challenge Cup). La Liga escocesa de fútbol (en inglés Scottish Football League) es un sistema de ligas de fútbol de Escocia compuesta por la Primera División de Escocia, Segunda División de Escocia y Tercera División de Escocia. Fundada en 1890, es la segunda liga más importante de Escocia tras la Premier League de Escocia, y hasta la creación de esta en 1998, era más importante del fútbol escocés. Desde julio de 2007 y por motivos de patrocinio se llama oficialmente Irn-Bru Scottish Football League. Los jugadores de esta liga no emplean dorsales. Шотландская футбольная лига (англ. The Scottish Football League) — упразднённая лига футбольных команд в Шотландии в составе шотландских Первого, Второго и Третьего дивизионов. С момента своего основания и до выделения премьер-лиги представляла высший уровень шотландского футбола. До 2013 года — первый дивизион является вторым в системе национальных лиг. С 2007 года Лига официально именовалась «The Irn-Bru Scottish Football League», по имени спонсора. Упразднена в 2013 году после образования Шотландской профессиональной футбольной лиги, слиянием Шотландской Премьер-лиги и Футбольной Лиги Шотландии. Die Scottish Football League bezeichnete von 1998 bis zur Ligareform 2013 die zweite bis vierte Fußball-Liga in Schottland. Diese bestanden aus der SFL First Division, der SFL Second Division und der SFL Third Division. Vorher war sie die höchste Fußball-Liga Schottlands, bevor sie in dieser Eigenschaft zur Saison 1998/99 von der neu kreierten Scottish Premier League abgelöst wurde. Seit Juli 2007 trug die Liga den Namen Irn-Bru Scottish Football League nach dem Zustandekommen eines Sponsorings mit A.G. Barr. Scottish Football League är en fotbollsliga i Skottland som består av 30 klubbar fördelade på tre divisioner. Från början bestod ligan av elva klubbar. Den bildades 1890 och blev då världens andra fotbollsliga efter The Football League i England. 1998 bröt sig de 10 klubbarna i division ett ur ligan och bildade Scottish Premier League. Scottish Premier League och Scottish Football League är dock ännu sammanbundna genom upp- och nedflyttningssystem. Шотландська футбольна ліга (ШФЛ) (шотл. Scots Fitbaa League) — колишня ліга, що об'єднувала професійні та напівпрофесійні футбольні клуби в основному з Шотландії. З моменту свого заснування в 1890 і аж до відколу від неї шотландської прем'єр-ліги (ШПЛ) в 1998 році, ШФЛ була футбольною лігою найвищого рівня в Шотландії. З 1998 року Шотландська футбольна ліга представляла рівні з 2 до 4 . У червні 2013 року, ШФЛ об'єдналася з ШПЛ і створилии Шотландську професійну футбольну лігу. Scottish Football League – organizator piłkarskich rozgrywek ligowych w Szkocji w latach 1890–2013. W sezonie 2012/2013 obejmował Scottish First Division, Scottish Second Division oraz Scottish Third Division. W lipcu 2013 doszło do połączenia Scottish Football League i Scottish Premier League, w wyniku którego utworzono , obejmujący cztery najwyższe klasy rozgrywkowe w Szkocji. Od lipca 2007 liga działała pod nazwą Irn-Bru Scottish Football League czyli od czasu podpisania umowy sponsorskiej ze sponsorem, firmą A.G. Barr. La Scottish Football League o SFL è una lega, scioltasi nel 2013, che fino a tale data organizzò il calcio di lega in Scozia delle tre divisioni immediatamente inferiori alla Scottish Premiership; fondata nel 1890, fino al 1998 fu l'unica lega professionistca del calcio scozzese, della quale rappresentava le prime tre divisioni nazionali. La Scottish Football League era inoltre responsabile dell'organizzazione di due competizioni ad eliminazione diretta: * la Scottish League Cup, la coppa di lega scozzese cui partecipavano tutti i 42 club professionistici ivi compresi quelli della Scottish Premier League; * la Scottish Challenge Cup, la coppa specificatamente dedicata ai club della SFL e in cui venivano invitate due squadre dilettantistiche per completare il tabellone a 32 partecipanti. Nel 2013 i membri della SFL votarono per l'accorpamento con la Scottish Premiership, dando contestualmente vita alla Scottish Professional Football League. La Scottish Football League (que l'on pourrait traduire par Ligue écossaise de football) était la ligue rassemblant les clubs de football professionnels et semi-professionnels écossais. De sa fondation en 1890 jusqu'à la création de la Scottish Premier League en 1998, elle représentait le plus haut niveau du football en Écosse avec les 4 plus hautes divisions du système de ligues écossaises. Après 1998, elle ne représentait plus que les niveaux 2, 3 et 4 de ce système de ligues. En juin 2013, elle fusionna avec la Scottish Premier League pour former la Scottish Professional Football League. La Scottish Football League a été associée à des sponsors à partir de la saison 1985-86 ce qui impliqua des changements de noms suivant les différents sponsors : Fine Fare League, B&Q League, Bell's Scottish Football League et enfin Irn-Bru Scottish Football League. La Scottish Football League organisait aussi deux compétitions sous format coupe à élimination, la Coupe de la Ligue écossaise de football et la Scottish Challenge Cup. The Scottish Football League (SFL) was a league featuring professional and semi-professional football clubs mostly from Scotland. From its foundation in 1890 until the breakaway Scottish Premier League (SPL) was formed in 1998, the SFL was the top level of football in Scotland. After 1998, the SFL represented levels 2 to 4 of the Scottish football league system. In June 2013, the SFL merged with the SPL to form the Scottish Professional Football League. The SFL was associated with a title sponsor from the 1985–86 season. As this sponsor changed over the years the league was known in turn as the Fine Fare League, B&Q League, Bell's Scottish Football League and finally as the Irn-Bru Scottish Football League. The SFL also organised two knock-out cup competitions, the Scottish League Cup and the Scottish Challenge Cup. 스코티시 풋볼 리그(Scottish Football League)는 스코틀랜드의 축구 리그이다. 현재 스코틀랜드 풋볼 리그 1부와 스코틀랜드 풋볼 리그 2부, 스코틀랜드 풋볼 리그 3부로 구성되어있다. 1890년에 설립되었으며 1998년에 스코틀랜드 프리미어리그가 독립되어 나가기 전까지 스코틀랜드 축구 리그 시스템에서 최상위 리그였다. 스코틀랜드 프리미어리그의 창설 이후에는 프리미어리그의 하부 (각각 2부, 3부, 4부)리그가 되었다.
Partick Thistle