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yago:Product104007894 yago:Whole100003553 yago:Object100002684 yago:WikicatChristianPrayerBooks yago:PrayerBook106416946 owl:Thing yago:Creation103129123 yago:Publication106589574 yago:Book106410904 yago:Work104599396 yago:Artifact100021939 yago:PhysicalEntity100001930
Octateuque Oktateuch Octateuco Octateuch Oktateukh
The Octateuch (/ˈɒktətjuːk/, from Ancient Greek: ἡ ὀκτάτευχος, romanized: he oktateuchos, lit. '"eight-part book"') is a traditional name for the first eight books of the Bible, comprising the Pentateuch, plus the Book of Joshua, the Book of Judges and the Book of Ruth. These texts make up the first eight books of the Septuagint, which provided the ordering used in traditional Christian Bibles. This order is quite different from that of the Masoretic Text of the Jewish Bible, where Ruth is considered part of the third section of the canon, the Ketuvim, and is found after the Song of Songs, being the second of the Five Megillot. Oktateukh (bahasa Yunani: οκτάτευχος:, okta: "delapan", teukh: "wadah"; bahasa Inggris: Octateuch) adalah nama sebutan kumpulan delapan kitab pertama dalam bagian Perjanjian Lama di Alkitab Kristen. Kedelapan kitab itu secara berurutan adalah:. 1. * Kitab Kejadian 2. * Kitab Keluaran 3. * Kitab Imamat 4. * Kitab Bilangan 5. * Kitab Ulangan 6. * Kitab Yosua 7. * Kitab Hakim-hakim 8. * Kitab Rut Keberadaan naskah terpisah "Oktateukh" ditemukan sejak abad ke-9 atau abad ke-10. L’Octateuque est le nom traditionnel des huit livres de la Bible comprenant le Pentateuque, le Livre de Josué, le Livre des Juges et le Livre de Ruth. Ils constituaient les huit premiers livres de l'Ancien Testament dans la tradition chrétienne. L'existence de manuscrits séparés de l'Octateuque est attestée depuis le IXe siècle ou le Xe siècle. Oktateuco (do grego antigo ὀκτάτευχος, transliteração neolatina óctateukos = "oito livros" ou "oito recipientes" ou "oito rolos") é um nome dado às vezes aos primeiros oito livros da Bíblia hebraica: (1) Gênesis, (2) Êxodo, (3) Levítico, (4) Números, (5) Deuteronômio, (6) Josué, (7) Juízes e (8) Livro de Rute. Também se costumam chamar os primeiros quatro livros de Tetrateuco — sendo classicamente os cinco primeiros livros ditos Pentateuco (ou Torá) — e os primeiros seis livros como o Hexateuco. O Eneateuco é o Heptateuco acrescido de Livros de Samuel e Livros de Reis (cada par de livros contado como um, e não incluindo o Livro de Rute). Oktateuch (altgriechisch ἡ ὀκτάτευχος „Schrift aus acht Teilen“) bezeichnet die ersten acht Bücher des Alten Testaments in griechischen Handschriften (Septuaginta). Dies sind die fünf Bücher Mose (Pentateuch), die Bücher Josua, Richter und Ruth. Für die hebräische Bibel wird der Begriff nicht verwendet, da das Buch Ruth dort an einer späteren Stelle steht. Seit dem 9./10. Jahrhundert sind zahlreiche separate Oktateuch-Handschriften bekannt (vgl. Liste der Septuaginta-Handschriften). Einige Oktateuchs haben viele farbige Miniaturdarstellungen. Herausragende Handschriften sind:
dbr:Song_of_Songs dbr:Book_of_Judges dbr:Masoretic_Text dbr:Pentateuch dbr:Ketuvim dbr:Bible dbr:Orit dbr:Sixth_and_Seventh_Books_of_Moses dbr:Book_of_Joshua dbr:Septuagint dbr:Five_Megillot dbc:Old_Testament dbr:Book_of_Ruth dbr:Beta_Israel dbr:Books_of_the_Bible dbr:Seraglio_Octateuch
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Oktateuch (altgriechisch ἡ ὀκτάτευχος „Schrift aus acht Teilen“) bezeichnet die ersten acht Bücher des Alten Testaments in griechischen Handschriften (Septuaginta). Dies sind die fünf Bücher Mose (Pentateuch), die Bücher Josua, Richter und Ruth. Für die hebräische Bibel wird der Begriff nicht verwendet, da das Buch Ruth dort an einer späteren Stelle steht. Seit dem 9./10. Jahrhundert sind zahlreiche separate Oktateuch-Handschriften bekannt (vgl. Liste der Septuaginta-Handschriften). Einige Oktateuchs haben viele farbige Miniaturdarstellungen. Herausragende Handschriften sind: * Laur. Plut. 5.38, Florenz (ohne Min.) * Vaticanus Graecus 747, 11. Jh., Rom * Smyrna A1, 12. Jh. * Topkapi Graecus 8, 12. Jh., Istanbul * Vaticanus Graecus 746, 12. Jh., Rom * Codex Vatopedinus 602, Ende 13. Jh., Kloster Vatopedi, Athos. Auch andere Schriften in griechischer Sprache, die acht Teile beinhalten, werden als Oktateuch bezeichnet: * Octateuch Clementine, 8. Jh., kanonische Schrift von Clemens von Rom Oktateuco (do grego antigo ὀκτάτευχος, transliteração neolatina óctateukos = "oito livros" ou "oito recipientes" ou "oito rolos") é um nome dado às vezes aos primeiros oito livros da Bíblia hebraica: (1) Gênesis, (2) Êxodo, (3) Levítico, (4) Números, (5) Deuteronômio, (6) Josué, (7) Juízes e (8) Livro de Rute. Também se costumam chamar os primeiros quatro livros de Tetrateuco — sendo classicamente os cinco primeiros livros ditos Pentateuco (ou Torá) — e os primeiros seis livros como o Hexateuco. O Eneateuco é o Heptateuco acrescido de Livros de Samuel e Livros de Reis (cada par de livros contado como um, e não incluindo o Livro de Rute). Para a Bíblia hebraica , o termo não é utilizado, porque o livro de Rute encontra-se num momento e numa posição posteriores. Desde os séculos IX e X, surgiram inúmeros manuscritos ditos "Octateuco" (ver lista de manuscritos da Septuaginta). Alguns Octateucos abundante ilustração em cores. Excelente manuscritos consideram-se: * Codex Vatopedinus 602, fim do século XIII, Mosteiro de Vatopedi, Monte Atos. * Esmirna A1, século XII; * Laur. Plut. 5.38, Florença (sem min.); * Topkapi Graecus 8, século XII, Istambul; * Vaticanus Graecus 746, século XII, Roma; * Vaticanus Graecus 747, século XII, Roma; Outros escritos na língua grega, contendo oito partes, são também referidos como "Octateuco": * Octateuch Clementine, século VIII, escrito canônico, por Clemente de Roma. The Octateuch (/ˈɒktətjuːk/, from Ancient Greek: ἡ ὀκτάτευχος, romanized: he oktateuchos, lit. '"eight-part book"') is a traditional name for the first eight books of the Bible, comprising the Pentateuch, plus the Book of Joshua, the Book of Judges and the Book of Ruth. These texts make up the first eight books of the Septuagint, which provided the ordering used in traditional Christian Bibles. This order is quite different from that of the Masoretic Text of the Jewish Bible, where Ruth is considered part of the third section of the canon, the Ketuvim, and is found after the Song of Songs, being the second of the Five Megillot. The Ethiopian Beta Israel Jewish community also uses the Octateuch, which they simply call the Orit. L’Octateuque est le nom traditionnel des huit livres de la Bible comprenant le Pentateuque, le Livre de Josué, le Livre des Juges et le Livre de Ruth. Ils constituaient les huit premiers livres de l'Ancien Testament dans la tradition chrétienne. L'existence de manuscrits séparés de l'Octateuque est attestée depuis le IXe siècle ou le Xe siècle. Oktateukh (bahasa Yunani: οκτάτευχος:, okta: "delapan", teukh: "wadah"; bahasa Inggris: Octateuch) adalah nama sebutan kumpulan delapan kitab pertama dalam bagian Perjanjian Lama di Alkitab Kristen. Kedelapan kitab itu secara berurutan adalah:. 1. * Kitab Kejadian 2. * Kitab Keluaran 3. * Kitab Imamat 4. * Kitab Bilangan 5. * Kitab Ulangan 6. * Kitab Yosua 7. * Kitab Hakim-hakim 8. * Kitab Rut Lima kitab yang pertama secara umum disebut Taurat atau "Pentateukh". Enam kitab yang pertama, yaitu dengan menyertakan Kitab Yosua disebut Heksateukh dan ditambah Kitab Hakim-hakim disebut Heptateukh. Tambahan Kitab Rut ini hanya menurut urutan Alkitab Kristen bagian Perjanjian Lama, karena di Alkitab Ibrani (Tanakh), kitab Rut tidak mengikuti kitab Hakim-hakim, seperti yang ditulis dalam Jewish Encyclopedia: "[Kitab Rut] di terjemahan Alkitab Ibrani dalam bahasa Yunani, Septuaginta, ditempatkan setelah Kitab Hakim-hakim, dan urutan ini dipertahankan dalam Alkitab bahasa Latin Vulgata dan terjemahan bahasa Inggris. Dalam Alkitab Ibrani, Kitab Rut digolongkan ke dalam "Ketubim", yaitu bagian ketiga Alkitab Ibrani, setelah Kidung Agung dan merupakan kitab ke-2 dari "Lima Gulungan" (Hamesh Megillot)." Keberadaan naskah terpisah "Oktateukh" ditemukan sejak abad ke-9 atau abad ke-10.