- The Green Party of California (GPCA) is the California affiliate of the Green Party of the United States, founded in 1990. The party is ballot-qualified, with 96,229 people registered in the party and it espouses green politics and the Ten Key Values of ecological wisdom, grassroots democracy, social justice, nonviolence, decentralization, community-based economics, feminism, respect for diversity, personal and global responsibility, and sustainability. The key values of decentralization, grassroots democracy, and feminism influence the party’s structure of being composed of autonomous county parties, GPCA decisions being determined by General Assemblies of delegates from the county parties, and Coordinating Committees’ composition being determined by yearly, staggered-term elections of six women and six of any gender. Party membership is possible for California residents who are denied the right to vote by the state in California or the U.S. federal state, provided they affirm the Ten Key Values, and meet other criteria. The three counties in which the party has the most people registered are Los Angeles (24,442), San Diego (7,765), and Alameda counties (5,628). The counties in which the party has the highest percentages of the county’s registrations are Humboldt (1.68%), Mendocino (1.51%), and Trinity counties (1.05%). The party’s most recent General Assembly was held by video teleconference on November 12, 2022. Laura Wells and David Cobb are the party’s official spokespeople as of November 25, 2022. (en)
- The Green Party of California (GPCA) is the California affiliate of the Green Party of the United States, founded in 1990. The party is ballot-qualified, with 96,229 people registered in the party and it espouses green politics and the Ten Key Values of ecological wisdom, grassroots democracy, social justice, nonviolence, decentralization, community-based economics, feminism, respect for diversity, personal and global responsibility, and sustainability. The key values of decentralization, grassroots democracy, and feminism influence the party’s structure of being composed of autonomous county parties, GPCA decisions being determined by General Assemblies of delegates from the county parties, and Coordinating Committees’ composition being determined by yearly, staggered-term elections of si (en)