| - La battaglia di El Mechili fu uno scontro armato avvenuto nella località libica di El Mechili, in Cirenaica, tra le forze dell'Impero britannico e quelle italiane, il 24 gennaio 1941, durante l'operazione degli Alleati denominata Compass. Le unità britanniche appartenevano alla 7ª Divisione Corazzata mentre quelle italiane principalmente alla Brigata corazzata speciale "Babini". (it)
- 1941년 1월 24일 메칠리 사건은 제2차 세계 대전의 서부 사막 전역에서 일어난 전투이다. (ko)
- The action at Mechili was an engagement between units of the British 7th Armoured Division of the Western Desert Force and Italian forces of the 10th Army during Operation Compass. The Italian Army redeemed itself from the campaign's previous disastrous fiascoes. The previous British advantages in reconnaissance, maneuver, and artillery support were greatly reduced due to the British supply shortages in fuel and artillery ammunition, the battle field was now hilly and broken terrain, and they had not yet set up forward air fields. The Italian army positioned well, set up effective fields of fire, maneuvered well, had successful local counter-attacks, and inflicted casualties commensurate with what they received. They delayed the British for days, and retreated in good order with lively and (en)
- L'action à Mechili est un engagement entre les unités de la 7e division blindée britannique de la 13e corps et les forces italiennes de la 10e armée pendant l'opération Compass, nom de code de la première opération militaire d'envergure conduite par les Britanniques contre les troupes italiennes dans le désert de Libye durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Sur la côte, les Britanniques poursuivirent vers l'ouest le long de la Via Balbia, ainsi qu'à l'intérieur des terres pour couper la retraite italienne à la bataille de Beda Fomm. (fr)