- Álvaro Noboa (Guayaquil, 1 de novembre de 1950) és un empresari i polític equatorià. Noboa és considerat l'home més ric del país i és l'hereu de la fortuna de l'imperi empresarial creat pel seu pare, , basat especialment en la producció i exportació de plàtan. A més a més participa activament en política, primer com a candidat a la presidència pel Partido Roldosista Ecuatoriano el 1998 i després com a líder del PRIAN el 2002 i el 2006. Ha estat molt qüestionat pel treball infantil a les seves plantacions bananeres i l'ús de la coacció armada davant els conflictes laborals amb els treballadors de la seva empresa. Les seves propostes electorals són de marcat caràcter populista i es presenta com l'alliberador dels pobres, alhora que proclama una política neoliberal a ultrança. (ca)
- Álvaro Fernando Noboa Pontón (21an Novembro, 1950, en Guayaquil) estas negocisto kaj politikisto de Ekvadoro. Noboa estis aktive envolvita en politiko, malsukcese konkurence por la posteno de Prezidento de Ekvadoro en 1998, 2002, 2006, kaj 2009. En 2007, tamen, li estis elektita nacia deputito. Noboa anoncis la 2an de Majo, 2012, ke li konkurencos la kvinan fojon por iĝis la Prezidento de Ekvadoro en la prezidentaj elektoj de la venonta 2013. En 1997, kiam jam posedis 24% de la fame entrepreno de frukto-eksportado kaj ĉefe de bananoj, Noboa aĉetis alian 25% el la entrepreno. Nune li regas la Grupon Noboa de Entreprenoj kaj la Korporacion Noboa, kun pli ol 110 entreprenoj en Ekvadoro kaj tutmonde, inklude branĉofiliojn en Usono, Antverpeno, Romo, Japanio, Argentino, kaj Novzelando. Kelkaj el la entreprenoj de Noboa suferis jurprocezojn kaj priserĉadojn de la fiskaj instancoj. La bananeksporta entrepreno devis trapasi priserĉadojn de internaciaj organizoj pro uzado de infanlaboro kaj pro strikaj konfliktoj. (eo)
- Álvaro Noboa Pontón (* 1. November 1950 in Guayaquil) ist ein ecuadorianischer Politiker und Unternehmer. Er kandidierte 1998, 2002 und 2006 um das Präsidentenamt seines Landes und unterlag jedes Mal in der Stichwahl. (de)
- Álvaro Fernando Noboa Pontón (Guayaquil, 21 de noviembre de 1950) es un empresario, abogado y político ecuatoriano. (es)
- Álvaro Fernando Noboa Pontón, né le 21 novembre 1950 à Guayaquil, est un homme d'affaires et un homme politique équatorien. (fr)
- Álvaro Noboa (lahir 1 November 1950 di Guayaquil) adalah seorang pengusaha dan politikus Ekuador. Noboa telah lama aktif dalam politik, dan sebelumnya pernah dua kali mencalonkan diri sebagai presiden namun ia kalah dengan angka tipis dan hasilnya sempat diperdebatkan. Ia penganjur melalui usaha bebas untuk membebaskan orang miskin di Ekuador. Noboa adalah orang terkaya di negaranya dan karenanya sering kali dianggap sebagai wakil kelas politik elit negara itu. Noboa adalah pemimpin , sebuah partai populis yang didirikannya sendiri setelah ia memisahkan diri dari sebuah partai populis lainnya (PRE). Ia menjadi calon presiden dari PRE pada 1998 dan dari PRIAN pada 2002, tetapi dalam kedua kesempatan ia hanya menduduki tempat kedua, karena dikalahkan oleh dan . Pada 2006, ia kembali mencalonkan diri untuk presiden sebagai kandidat partainya. Noboa yang mempunyai 110 perusahaan di negaranya, menyebut dirinya sebagai investor terbesar Ekuador. Ia berjanji untuk menggunakan kecakapan bisnisnya untuk mengangkat kaum miskin Ekuador menjadi kelas menengah. Banyak orang Ekuador yang tertarik akan janji-janjinya untuk menyediakan perumahan murah dan sejuta lapangan kerja.[1] Dari hasil perhitungan suara sementara pada 15 Oktober 2006, ia memperoleh 26,8 persen suara, sementara saingannya, Rafael Correa mendapatkan 22,3 persen suara. Ini berarti mereka berdua harus bertarung lagi dalam putaran kedua. (in)
- Álvaro Fernando Noboa Pontón (born November 21, 1950) is an Ecuadorian businessman and politician. Noboa has been actively involved in politics, unsuccessfully running for the office of President of Ecuador in 1998, 2002, 2006, 2009 and 2013. In 2007, however, he was elected national assemblyman. In 2013 Noboa ran for office for the fifth time unsuccessfully. In 1997, already owning 24% of , Noboa purchased another 25% of the shares, the holding company for the family business. Presently, he runs the Noboa Group of Companies and Noboa Corporation, with more than 110 companies in Ecuador and around the world, including branch offices in United States, Antwerp, Rome, Japan, Argentina, and New Zealand. Some of Noboa's Ecuadorian companies have faced lawsuits and claims. The banana exporting company also has been audited by international organisations due to child labor issues and strike conflicts. Noboa's major company in Ecuador, Exportadora Bananera Noboa, faced as of February 2009, an assessment of three hundred million dollars (Ecuador was dollarized in 2000) imposed by the governmental revenue service of Ecuador, the SRI. A representative of TP Consulting, an independent audit firm, stated that what is in question is the price for a crate of bananas: that which the SRI has fixed is a number above that determined by other parts of the government (the Ecuadorian banana business is regulated by the government which sets prices paid to producers for bananas, the cost of exportation and the referential FOB price.). The representatives of Bananera Noboa have stated that exportation prices were within the range of prices of exportation of other exporters, according to information from the Central Bank of Ecuador. The audit, undertaken by TP Consulting (who were contracted to carry out a study of the transfer prices of Bananera Noboa), revealed an amount to be paid of US $139,949.00. As of 2011, Bananera Noboa is still facing charges from the SRI, but the legal representatives of the Company state that the company 'Is not Bankrupt'. A judge in New York has recommended a $6.96m default judgment against Alvaro Noboa in NYKCool's long hunt for payment from the empire of the Ecuadorian banana baron. If Magistrate Judge Andre Peck's recommendation is approved by the higher ranking jurist overseeing the lawsuit, it will follow a string of such judgments against companies alleged to be under Noboa's control. All but one of the judgments has gone unpaid. NYKCool, the Stockholm-based subsidiary of Japan's NYK Line, has been seeking payment of a 2011 arbitration award for $8.79m, plus costs, over a collapsed contract of affreightment (COA) with companies associated with Noboa, who controls the Bonita Banana brand and who was placed fifth in last year's Ecuadorian presidential elections. The reefer operator was finally able to collect some of the funds after District Judge Lewis Kaplan, of the federal court in Manhattan, which serves as the legal fight's epicentre, approved a default judgment against Noboa-linked fruit exporter Truisfruit in March. Truisfruit has appealed that decision. Peck's recommendation for a direct judgment against Noboa is likely to come as no surprise, given the judge's refusal last month to take up Noboa's request to throw out NYKCool's claims against him because his challenge came late in the game. "The failure of Noboa to state under oath whether he received email or other notice of the lawsuit will also be considered by the court in ruling on the plaintiff's default motion," Peck said at the time. "Since Noboa has not answered the complaint even at this late date, default is likely. It is really time for the defendants' shell game to stop." Noboa's lawyers at law firm Paul Hastings had argued that the multimillionaire businessman was not subject to the jurisdiction of a court in New York but Peck said in his recommendation that NYKCool's allegations that other entities in the legal fight are mere alter egos of Noboa were enough to establish the court's ability to hear the case against him. Over the course of his career in public service, which began in 1998 with his first candidacy for President of the Republic, Noboa has been the object of multiple denunciations and labor- and tax-related allegations, as well as political and personal ideological attacks, from what Noboa describes as powerful and influential political and commercial adversaries within the country. His foundation "Crusade for a New Humanity" (Spanish: Cruzada Nueva Humanidad) draws on Noboa's personal fortune to fund social projects. While running for the presidency, some have criticized the foundation social work for mostly political reasons. Noboa, however, says he has worked in this foundation continuously for more than 30 years, long before his Presidential run. On January 25, 2006 he founded the Luis A. Noboa Naranjo Museum (Spanish: Museo Luis A. Noboa Naranjo) to honor his father's memory and to exhibit for the first time, the important collection of paintings that Luis Noboa Naranjo collected over his lifetime. As of 2012, Noboa has sponsored three Biennale events over the years in order to exhibit the works of art of artists from all over the world and has recognized them with important Awards. (en)
- Álvaro Noboa (Guayaquil, 1 november 1950) is een Ecuadoraans politicus en zakenman. Hij geldt als een van de rijkste mannen van Ecuador: de Noboa Group omvat meer dan 110 bedrijven. Álvaro is de zoon van die de rijkste man van het land werd met zijn bananen. Hij studeerde aan de Universiteit van Guayaquil (Ecuador) en aan de American Management Association (New York, Verenigde Staten). Noboa was lid van de centrum-rechtse populistische (PRE), voor welke hij in 1998 presidentskandidaat was. Na deze verkiezingen verliet hij de partij en richtte hij de (PRIAN) op. Met deze partij nam hij deel aan de presidentsverkiezingen in 2002 en 2006. Zowel in 1998 als in 2002 en 2006 verloor hij de strijd om het presidentschap uiteindelijk in de tweede ronde. Bij de strijd om het presidentschap in 2006 kreeg hij bij de voorronde op 15 oktober 26,8% van de stemmen. Rafael Correa, de sterkste opponent, kreeg 22,8% van de stemmen. In de eindstrijd op 26 november legde hij het definitief tegen Correa af waardoor Noboa zijn derde verlies op rij moest incasseren. (nl)
- Álvaro Fernando Noboa Pontón (Guayaquil, 21 novembre 1950) è un politico e imprenditore ecuadoriano. Noboa si è dedicato attivamente alla politica: in occasione delle elezioni del 1998 si candidò, col sostegno del Partito Roldosista Ecuadoriano, alla carica di Presidente della Repubblica; quindi, dopo aver fondato il Partito Rinnovatore Istituzionale di Azione Nazionale, ripresentò la propria candidatura alle elezioni del 2002, del 2006, del 2009 e del 2013, sempre senza successo. Nel 2007 fu tuttavia eletto deputato nazionale. Ereditò la sua fortuna dal padre Luis Noboa Naranjo, che lavorò duramente da 19 anni e fondò tra le altre imprese la Exportadora Bananera Noboa, con la quale fece fortuna fino a divenire l'ecuadoriano più ricco nell'ultimo decennio del XX secolo. È stato destinatario di molteplici denunce e richieste di decine di milioni di dollari da parte del fisco ecuadoriano, al quale dovrebbe versare somme non pagate per la sua impresa esportatrice di banane. Nonostante questo, nel 2011 dichiarò che l'impresa non era in fallimento che l'attività commerciale sarebbe continuata regolarmente. In onore al padre, il 25 gennaio 2006 a Guayaquil fondò il Museo Luis A. Noboa Naranjo, che contiene numerose opere d'arte collezionate da Luis Noboa nel corso della sua vita. (it)
- Álvaro Fernando Noboa Pontón (ur. 21 listopada 1950 w Guayaquil) – ekwadorski polityk i przedsiębiorca, kandydat w wyborach prezydenckich w 1998, 2002, 2006, 2009 oraz w 2013. (pl)
- Álvaro Noboa (Guaiaquil, 1 de novembro de 1950) é um empresário e político equatoriano. Conhecido como "Alvarito", o Magnata da Banana, virou personagem de destaque em seu país devido à disputa do controle acionário das empresas de seu pai, quando de sua morte, com os demais herdeiros. Também reconhecido pela Cruzada Nueva Humanidad, um projeto de caráter filantrópico que visava extinguir a pobreza no Mundo, doando grande parte da sua fortuna pessoal. Desde 1998, envolveu-se na política de seu país. Filiado ao PRIAN (Partido Renovador Institucional de Acción Nacional), disputou em 2006 a presidência do Equador, vencendo o primeiro turno (dia 15 de outubro) com 27% dos votos válidos, contra 22% do segundo melhor colocado, Rafael Correa. No segundo turno, entretanto, foi derrotado, recebendo 43% dos votos, enquanto seu adversário foi eleito com 57%. (pt)
- Álvaro Noboa (Guayaquil, 1 de novembre de 1950) és un empresari i polític equatorià. Noboa és considerat l'home més ric del país i és l'hereu de la fortuna de l'imperi empresarial creat pel seu pare, , basat especialment en la producció i exportació de plàtan. A més a més participa activament en política, primer com a candidat a la presidència pel Partido Roldosista Ecuatoriano el 1998 i després com a líder del PRIAN el 2002 i el 2006. Ha estat molt qüestionat pel treball infantil a les seves plantacions bananeres i l'ús de la coacció armada davant els conflictes laborals amb els treballadors de la seva empresa. Les seves propostes electorals són de marcat caràcter populista i es presenta com l'alliberador dels pobres, alhora que proclama una política neoliberal a ultrança. (ca)
- Álvaro Noboa Pontón (* 1. November 1950 in Guayaquil) ist ein ecuadorianischer Politiker und Unternehmer. Er kandidierte 1998, 2002 und 2006 um das Präsidentenamt seines Landes und unterlag jedes Mal in der Stichwahl. (de)
- Álvaro Fernando Noboa Pontón (Guayaquil, 21 de noviembre de 1950) es un empresario, abogado y político ecuatoriano. (es)
- Álvaro Fernando Noboa Pontón, né le 21 novembre 1950 à Guayaquil, est un homme d'affaires et un homme politique équatorien. (fr)
- Álvaro Fernando Noboa Pontón (ur. 21 listopada 1950 w Guayaquil) – ekwadorski polityk i przedsiębiorca, kandydat w wyborach prezydenckich w 1998, 2002, 2006, 2009 oraz w 2013. (pl)
- Álvaro Fernando Noboa Pontón (21an Novembro, 1950, en Guayaquil) estas negocisto kaj politikisto de Ekvadoro. Noboa estis aktive envolvita en politiko, malsukcese konkurence por la posteno de Prezidento de Ekvadoro en 1998, 2002, 2006, kaj 2009. En 2007, tamen, li estis elektita nacia deputito. Noboa anoncis la 2an de Majo, 2012, ke li konkurencos la kvinan fojon por iĝis la Prezidento de Ekvadoro en la prezidentaj elektoj de la venonta 2013. (eo)
- Álvaro Noboa (lahir 1 November 1950 di Guayaquil) adalah seorang pengusaha dan politikus Ekuador. Noboa telah lama aktif dalam politik, dan sebelumnya pernah dua kali mencalonkan diri sebagai presiden namun ia kalah dengan angka tipis dan hasilnya sempat diperdebatkan. Ia penganjur melalui usaha bebas untuk membebaskan orang miskin di Ekuador. Noboa adalah orang terkaya di negaranya dan karenanya sering kali dianggap sebagai wakil kelas politik elit negara itu. (in)
- Álvaro Fernando Noboa Pontón (Guayaquil, 21 novembre 1950) è un politico e imprenditore ecuadoriano. Noboa si è dedicato attivamente alla politica: in occasione delle elezioni del 1998 si candidò, col sostegno del Partito Roldosista Ecuadoriano, alla carica di Presidente della Repubblica; quindi, dopo aver fondato il Partito Rinnovatore Istituzionale di Azione Nazionale, ripresentò la propria candidatura alle elezioni del 2002, del 2006, del 2009 e del 2013, sempre senza successo. Nel 2007 fu tuttavia eletto deputato nazionale. (it)
- Álvaro Fernando Noboa Pontón (born November 21, 1950) is an Ecuadorian businessman and politician. Noboa has been actively involved in politics, unsuccessfully running for the office of President of Ecuador in 1998, 2002, 2006, 2009 and 2013. In 2007, however, he was elected national assemblyman. In 2013 Noboa ran for office for the fifth time unsuccessfully. Some of Noboa's Ecuadorian companies have faced lawsuits and claims. The banana exporting company also has been audited by international organisations due to child labor issues and strike conflicts. (en)
- Álvaro Noboa (Guayaquil, 1 november 1950) is een Ecuadoraans politicus en zakenman. Hij geldt als een van de rijkste mannen van Ecuador: de Noboa Group omvat meer dan 110 bedrijven. Álvaro is de zoon van die de rijkste man van het land werd met zijn bananen. Hij studeerde aan de Universiteit van Guayaquil (Ecuador) en aan de American Management Association (New York, Verenigde Staten). (nl)
- Álvaro Noboa (Guaiaquil, 1 de novembro de 1950) é um empresário e político equatoriano. Conhecido como "Alvarito", o Magnata da Banana, virou personagem de destaque em seu país devido à disputa do controle acionário das empresas de seu pai, quando de sua morte, com os demais herdeiros. Também reconhecido pela Cruzada Nueva Humanidad, um projeto de caráter filantrópico que visava extinguir a pobreza no Mundo, doando grande parte da sua fortuna pessoal. (pt)