An Entity of Type: Private university, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

Tuskegee University (Tuskegee or TU), formerly known as the Tuskegee Institute, is a private, historically black land-grant university in Tuskegee, Alabama. It was founded on Independence Day in 1881 by the state legislature. The campus was designated as the Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site by the National Park Service in 1974. The university has been home to a number of important African American figures, including scientist George Washington Carver and World War II's Tuskegee Airmen.

Property Value
  • El Lloc Històric Nacional de l'Institut de Tuskegee (Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site) a Tuskegee (Alabama, Estats Units) als Booker T. Washington va fundar aquesta universitat per als afroamericans el 1881. Aquí es conserven edificis de maó construïts pels mateixos estudiants, la casa de Washington, i el museu de que serveix com a centre de visitants. La universitat continua sent una institució activa que encara posseeix la major part de la propietat d'aquest lloc històric nacional. (ca)
  • La Universitato je Tuskegee estas unu el la plej konataj historiaj klerigejoj por afrik-usonanoj en Usono. Ĝi situas en la urbo Tuskegee, Alabamo kaj ekzistas ĝis nuntempe. Intertempe ĝi akceptas studentojn el ĉiuj loĝantargrupoj. (eo)
  • Die Tuskegee University ist eine der bekanntesten historischen afroamerikanischen Bildungseinrichtungen in den Vereinigten Staaten. Sie ist in der Stadt Tuskegee, Alabama beheimatet und existiert bis heute. Mittlerweile steht sie allen Bevölkerungsgruppen offen. (de)
  • La Universidad de Tuskegee es una universidad privada, y tradicionalmente dirigida a la comunidad negra, situada en Tuskegee (Alabama), en los Estados Unidos. Es miembro del Fondo Escolar Thurgood Marshall (Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund), del que recibe aportaciones económicas. El campus fue designado como (National Historic Site) el 23 de junio de 1965. (es)
  • Universitas Tuskegee adalah universitas swasta, di , Amerika Serikat. Didirikan oleh dan Booker T. Washington. Kampus ini ditetapkan sebagai Situs Sejarah Nasional Institut Tuskegee oleh Layanan Taman Nasional. Universitas ini merupakan kampus ilmuwan George Washington Carver dan rumah bagi pada masa Perang Dunia II. Universitas ini menawarkan 40 program sarjana, 17 program magister, program gelar profesional terakreditasi 5 tahun di bidang arsitektur, 4 program doktor, dan kedokteran hewan, menampung lebih dari 3.100 mahasiswa dari Amerika Serikat sendiri dan 30 negara asing. Universitas Tuskegee berada di peringkat 8 Universitas orang kulit hitam yang bersejarah (HBCU) menurut versi U.S. News & World Report tahun 2020.Kampus universitas dirancang oleh arsitek , orang Afrika Amerika pertama yang lulus dari Institut Teknologi Massachusetts, bersama dengan , orang Afrika Amerika pertama yang terlatih secara profesional dalam bidang arsitek lanskap. (in)
  • L'université Tuskegee est un établissement faisant partie des universités américaines historiquement noires (HBCU) fondé en 1881 à Tuskegee dans l'Alabama, sous le nom du Tuskegee Institute dans l'Alabama et pour devenir en 1985 l'université Tuskegee. À l'origine simple école normale, l'établissement devint, sous la direction de Booker T. Washington, l'un des plus célèbres du pays et élargit considérablement la palette des enseignements proposés. Il incarna l'idée que se faisait son directeur de la promotion sociale des Afro-Américains, basée sur une amélioration progressive de leurs conditions matérielles à travers l'enseignement professionnel et technique. (fr)
  • La Tuskegee University (pronuncia: təˈskiːgi juːnɪˡvɜːsətɪ) (in passato Tuskegee Institute) è un'università privata, storicamente nera che si trova nella città di Tuskegee nell'Alabama e fa parte del National Historic Landmark. (it)
  • Tuskegee University (Tuskegee or TU), formerly known as the Tuskegee Institute, is a private, historically black land-grant university in Tuskegee, Alabama. It was founded on Independence Day in 1881 by the state legislature. The campus was designated as the Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site by the National Park Service in 1974. The university has been home to a number of important African American figures, including scientist George Washington Carver and World War II's Tuskegee Airmen. Tuskegee University offers 43 bachelor's degree programs, including a five-year accredited professional degree program in architecture, 17 master's degree programs, and five doctoral degree programs, including the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Tuskegee is home to nearly 3,000 students from around the U.S. and over 30 countries. Tuskegee's campus was designed by architect Robert Robinson Taylor, the first African-American to graduate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in conjunction with David Williston, the first professionally trained African-American landscape architect. (en)
  • Університет Таскігі (англ. Tuskegee University) — приватний історично чорний університет в Таскігі, штат Алабама. Університет Таскігі пропонує 40 бакалаврських програм, 17 магістерських програм, п'ятирічну акредитовану професійну програму в галузі архітектури, 4 докторські програми та доктора ветеринарної медицини. В університеті проживає майже 3000 студентів з різних країн США та 30 закордонних країн. Містечко університету спроектував архітектор Роберт Робінсон Тейлор, перший афроамериканець, який закінчив Массачусетський технологічний інститут, спільно з Девідом Віллістоном, першим професійно підготовленим афро-американським ландшафтним архітектором. (uk)
  • 塔斯基吉大学(Tuskegee University)是一所美国私立的傳統黑人大學,位于亚拉巴马州塔斯基吉。2019年《美國新聞與世界報道》將其列在南方地区大学排名中的第95位、傳統黑人大學中第15位。 (zh)
  • 1.269E8
  • 45 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 263 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1881-07-04 (xsd:date)
  • Knowledge, Leadership, Service
  • Scientia Principatus Opera
  • 482 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 2877 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 2395 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • Crimson and old gold
  • 293288 (xsd:integer)
  • 65185 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124288986 (xsd:integer)
  • 1966-10-15 (xsd:date)
  • Greek Revival, Queen Anne (en)
  • 1882 (xsd:integer)
  • Rural, (en)
  • Crimson and old gold (en)
  • United States (en)
  • Agriculture (en)
  • Chemistry (en)
  • Education (en)
  • Mathematics (en)
  • Photography (en)
  • Physical education (en)
  • Appointed President for 1881–1915 (en)
  • 1965-06-23 (xsd:date)
  • 1.269E8
  • 1881-07-04 (xsd:date)
  • 263 (xsd:integer)
  • The TU Campus Digest (en)
  • Newspaper (en)
  • Tuskegee University seal.svg (en)
  • 0.650000 (xsd:double)
  • USA Alabama#USA (en)
  • Tuskegee University logo.svg (en)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • Scientia Principatus Opera (en)
  • Knowledge, Leadership, Service (en)
  • 20 (xsd:integer)
  • 53 (xsd:integer)
  • 1886 (xsd:integer)
  • 1930 (xsd:integer)
  • 1937 (xsd:integer)
  • 0001-03-07 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • dbr:Prime_Minister_of_Guyana
  • 1920.0
  • 1970.0
  • 70.0
  • Rapper (en)
  • NFL defensive back (en)
  • abstract painter (en)
  • NFL player (en)
  • former NFL player (en)
  • President of Tennessee State University ; executive vice president and provost of Tuskegee University (en)
  • lawyer who researched and advocated for the pardon of Clarence Norris, the last surviving Scottsboro Boy (en)
  • first African American graduate of MIT, architect for most of the Tuskegee campus buildings and founder of trades programs, served as second in command to Tuskegee's founder and first president, Dr. Booker T. Washington (en)
  • photographer who documented working class African Americans, ex-slaves, and black leaders; also served as the institute's official photographer for four decades. (en)
  • inventor of the Super Soaker, former NASA aerospace engineer (en)
  • Baptist minister and civil rights activist (en)
  • radio host whose daily program, The Tom Joyner Morning Show, is syndicated across the United States and heard by over 10 million radio listeners. (en)
  • First African-American physician in Arizona (en)
  • Founder of the Associated Negro Press (en)
  • Jamaican writer and poet, Harlem Renaissance (en)
  • Negro League infielder (en)
  • Negro League outfielder/second baseman (en)
  • Nutritional researcher and government consultant (en)
  • Professor of English at Howard University (en)
  • R&B singer, Grammy Award winner (en)
  • State's Attorney in Baltimore, MD (en)
  • a member of the Tuskegee Airmen who rose to the rank of Colonel (en)
  • first black woman to serve as a deputy assistant secretary of state in the U.S. (en)
  • actor, comedian, and television producer (en)
  • President of Richard Stockton College of New Jersey from 1983–2003 (en)
  • columnist for the Chicago Tribune (en)
  • first principal of the university (en)
  • former Major League Baseball pitcher (en)
  • former mayor of New Orleans, Louisiana (en)
  • lawyer and city official in New Haven, Connecticut (en)
  • lawyer for Martin Luther King Jr. and Muhammad Ali (en)
  • literary and jazz critic, novelist, and biographer (en)
  • athlete who specialized in high jump, and was the first black woman to win an Olympic gold medal (en)
  • lawyer, first African American to practice law in Oregon (en)
  • oil broker and civil rights advocate (en)
  • political activist and Comintern functionary (en)
  • president of Dillard University (en)
  • president of Morgan State University (en)
  • president of the Birmingham City Council (en)
  • scholar, author of Invisible Man (en)
  • wife of Malcolm X (en)
  • African American scientist, botanist, educator, and inventor whose studies and teaching revolutionized agriculture in the Southern United States (en)
  • Gold Coast educator, administrator, journalist, editor, Presbyterian minister and fourth Synod Clerk, Presbyterian Church of the Gold Coast (en)
  • Suffragist, YWCA leader on national level, activist for social and women's health issues, and host of a salon in Harlem (en)
  • microbiologist and professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (en)
  • First African-American woman in the North Carolina General Assembly (en)
  • fighter pilot in the U.S. Air Force, who in 1975 became the first African American to reach the rank of four-star General (en)
  • educator and humanitarian, founder of Voorhees College (en)
  • retired Army major general, Silver Star recipient in Korea – 1950 (en)
  • Executive director of the National Baptist Association, editor of the National Baptist Voice, mentor to Martin Luther King Jr. (en)
  • educator, taught at Hampton University and Fisk University (en)
  • microbiologist who is currently professor emeritus at Howard University (en)
  • author of "Growing Up Black in Mississippi" and "Green Berets in the Vanguard" (en)
  • photographer who made portraits of many black leaders and shot covers for The Crisis magazine (en)
  • former dean of the College of Medicine at Howard University and US Army Brigadier General (en)
  • Established the Institute's Tuskegee-Togo Cotton Scheme (en)
  • singer, founder of Mwalimu School in Harlem, president of Texas Association of Negro Musicians (en)
  • early aviator and colonel in the Imperial Ethiopian Air Force against Fascist Italy during WWII (en)
  • a member of the Tuskegee Airmen and a colonel in The United States Air Force (en)
  • former NFL player for the Chicago Bears, Cleveland Browns, New York Jets (en)
  • U.S. Representative from Texas's 9th congressional district (en)
  • US Air Force Fighter pilot, in 1975 became the first African American to reach the rank of four-star General (en)
  • nhl (en)
  • 482 (xsd:integer)
  • 66000151 (xsd:integer)
  • 2877 (xsd:integer)
  • 2395 (xsd:integer)
  • 1896 (xsd:integer)
  • 1898 (xsd:integer)
  • 1899 (xsd:integer)
  • 1906 (xsd:integer)
  • 1909 (xsd:integer)
  • 1912 (xsd:integer)
  • 1913 (xsd:integer)
  • 1919 (xsd:integer)
  • 1925 (xsd:integer)
  • 1927 (xsd:integer)
  • 1931 (xsd:integer)
  • 1937 (xsd:integer)
  • 1939 (xsd:integer)
  • 1940 (xsd:integer)
  • 1942 (xsd:integer)
  • 1943 (xsd:integer)
  • 1955 (xsd:integer)
  • 1959 (xsd:integer)
  • 1971 (xsd:integer)
  • 1972 (xsd:integer)
  • 1974 (xsd:integer)
  • 1978 (xsd:integer)
  • 1982 (xsd:integer)
  • 2000 (xsd:integer)
  • 2002 (xsd:integer)
  • 2003 (xsd:integer)
  • 2005 (xsd:integer)
  • B.A. 1946, M.A. 1947 (en)
  • 32.43021111111111 -85.707725
  • El Lloc Històric Nacional de l'Institut de Tuskegee (Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site) a Tuskegee (Alabama, Estats Units) als Booker T. Washington va fundar aquesta universitat per als afroamericans el 1881. Aquí es conserven edificis de maó construïts pels mateixos estudiants, la casa de Washington, i el museu de que serveix com a centre de visitants. La universitat continua sent una institució activa que encara posseeix la major part de la propietat d'aquest lloc històric nacional. (ca)
  • La Universitato je Tuskegee estas unu el la plej konataj historiaj klerigejoj por afrik-usonanoj en Usono. Ĝi situas en la urbo Tuskegee, Alabamo kaj ekzistas ĝis nuntempe. Intertempe ĝi akceptas studentojn el ĉiuj loĝantargrupoj. (eo)
  • Die Tuskegee University ist eine der bekanntesten historischen afroamerikanischen Bildungseinrichtungen in den Vereinigten Staaten. Sie ist in der Stadt Tuskegee, Alabama beheimatet und existiert bis heute. Mittlerweile steht sie allen Bevölkerungsgruppen offen. (de)
  • La Universidad de Tuskegee es una universidad privada, y tradicionalmente dirigida a la comunidad negra, situada en Tuskegee (Alabama), en los Estados Unidos. Es miembro del Fondo Escolar Thurgood Marshall (Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund), del que recibe aportaciones económicas. El campus fue designado como (National Historic Site) el 23 de junio de 1965. (es)
  • La Tuskegee University (pronuncia: təˈskiːgi juːnɪˡvɜːsətɪ) (in passato Tuskegee Institute) è un'università privata, storicamente nera che si trova nella città di Tuskegee nell'Alabama e fa parte del National Historic Landmark. (it)
  • 塔斯基吉大学(Tuskegee University)是一所美国私立的傳統黑人大學,位于亚拉巴马州塔斯基吉。2019年《美國新聞與世界報道》將其列在南方地区大学排名中的第95位、傳統黑人大學中第15位。 (zh)
  • Universitas Tuskegee adalah universitas swasta, di , Amerika Serikat. Didirikan oleh dan Booker T. Washington. Kampus ini ditetapkan sebagai Situs Sejarah Nasional Institut Tuskegee oleh Layanan Taman Nasional. Universitas ini merupakan kampus ilmuwan George Washington Carver dan rumah bagi pada masa Perang Dunia II. Universitas ini menawarkan 40 program sarjana, 17 program magister, program gelar profesional terakreditasi 5 tahun di bidang arsitektur, 4 program doktor, dan kedokteran hewan, menampung lebih dari 3.100 mahasiswa dari Amerika Serikat sendiri dan 30 negara asing. (in)
  • L'université Tuskegee est un établissement faisant partie des universités américaines historiquement noires (HBCU) fondé en 1881 à Tuskegee dans l'Alabama, sous le nom du Tuskegee Institute dans l'Alabama et pour devenir en 1985 l'université Tuskegee. (fr)
  • Tuskegee University (Tuskegee or TU), formerly known as the Tuskegee Institute, is a private, historically black land-grant university in Tuskegee, Alabama. It was founded on Independence Day in 1881 by the state legislature. The campus was designated as the Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site by the National Park Service in 1974. The university has been home to a number of important African American figures, including scientist George Washington Carver and World War II's Tuskegee Airmen. (en)
  • Університет Таскігі (англ. Tuskegee University) — приватний історично чорний університет в Таскігі, штат Алабама. Університет Таскігі пропонує 40 бакалаврських програм, 17 магістерських програм, п'ятирічну акредитовану професійну програму в галузі архітектури, 4 докторські програми та доктора ветеринарної медицини. В університеті проживає майже 3000 студентів з різних країн США та 30 закордонних країн. (uk)
  • Tuskegee University (en)
  • Institut de Tuskegee (ca)
  • Tuskegee University (de)
  • Universitato je Tuskegee (eo)
  • Universidad de Tuskegee (es)
  • Universitas Tuskegee (in)
  • Tuskegee University (it)
  • Université Tuskegee (fr)
  • 塔斯基吉大学 (zh)
  • Університет Таскігі (uk)
  • POINT(-85.707725524902 32.430210113525)
  • 32.430210 (xsd:float)
  • -85.707726 (xsd:float)
  • Tuskegee University (en)
  • (en)
  • Golden Tigers (en)
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