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Religion in Macau is represented predominantly by Buddhism and Chinese folk religions. During the period in which the city was under Portuguese rule (1557–1999) the Catholic Church became one of the dominant faiths, but nowadays it has greatly declined.

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  • Religion in Macau is represented predominantly by Buddhism and Chinese folk religions. During the period in which the city was under Portuguese rule (1557–1999) the Catholic Church became one of the dominant faiths, but nowadays it has greatly declined. The Government Information Bureau reports that nearly 80% of the population practices Buddhism (mainly Mahayana). According to the 1991 census, the latest to collect religious data, 16.8% of the people of Macau identified as Buddhists, 6.7% as Catholics, and 61% followed other religions or none of them. According to another survey released in 1999, 49% of the population followed folk worship, 11% were Buddhists, and only 3% Christians. Meanwhile, more than two-thirds of the population went to temples occasionally. Another survey conducted between 2005, 2007 and 2009 has found that 30% of the population follows folk faiths, 10% are adherents of Buddhism or Taoism, 5% are Christians, and the remaining part do not declare religious adherence. The Pew Research Center has reported the following statistics for the year 2011: 58.9% folk religions, 17.3% Buddhism, 15.4% non religious, 7.2% Christianity, 0.2% Islam and 1% other beliefs. The Macau Basic Law guarantees freedom of religion and the residents of Macau have the right to practice a religion of their choice. Based on Article 3:34, "the people in Macau are free to participate in religious activities and to preach as they wish". In Article 3:120, "the Macau Special Administrative Region embraces the principle of freedom of religion and belief; the government will not interfere in the internal workings of a religious body or organization and the believers are free to maintain ties and to develop relationships with overseas religious organizations outside Macau". Religious organizations can found religious colleges or other schools, hospitals and welfare organizations in accordance with the law. Schools operated by religious institutions can teach their religion. Religious organizations have the right to use, handle, inherit and obtain financial contributions in accordance with the law. Their right to wealth is protected by the law. (en)
  • Les religions à Macao sont d'une grande diversité avec le bouddhisme, le confucianisme, le taoïsme, le catholicisme, le protestantisme, l'islam et le bahaïsme. La principale religion et la plus pratiquée dans cette région administrative spéciale est le bouddhisme, souvent associé à plusieurs autres éléments et pratiques des croyances ou philosophies traditionnelles chinoises, comme le confucianisme et le taoïsme, pour former ce que l'on appelle la « religion traditionnelle chinoise ». Le christianisme, amené à Macao par les missionnaires catholiques au XVIe siècle et par les missionnaires protestants au XIXe siècle, assume encore une présence relativement importante et les religions plus minoritaires sont l'islam et le bahaïsme. (fr)
  • Macau, como um ponto de encontro e de intercâmbio entre o Ocidente e o Oriente, é dotada de uma grande diversidade de religiões, como o Budismo, o Confucionismo, o Taoísmo, o Catolicismo, o Protestantismo, o Islamismo e a Fé Bahá'í, que se coexistem harmoniosa e pacificamente. Os residentes de Macau são dotados de uma considerável tolerância religiosa. A religião mais praticada e predominante nesta Região Administrativa Especial da República Popular da China é o Budismo, muitas vezes associado com vários elementos e práticas de outras crenças ou filosofias tradicionais chinesas, como por exemplo do Confucionismo e do Taoísmo. O Cristianismo, trazido para Macau por missionários católicos no séc. XVI e por missionários protestantes no séc. XIX, encontra actualmente uma presença relativamente significativa nesta terra fortemente enraizada e influenciada pelas crenças e filosofias tradicioanis chinesas. Outras religiões minoritárias são o Islamismo e a Fé Bahá'í.. (pt)
  • Релігія в Макао представлена ​​переважно китайською традиційною релігією та буддизмом. (uk)
  • 澳門宗教是指在澳門特別行政區活動的宗教。澳門尊重居民宗教信仰的權利,根據《澳門基本法》第三章第三十四條規定,澳門居民有宗教信仰的自由,有公開傳教和舉行、參加宗教活動的自由;第三章第一百二十條規定: 澳門特別行政區政府根據宗教信仰自由的原則,不干預宗教組織的內部事務,不干預宗教組織和教徒同澳門以外地區的宗教組織和教徒保持及發展關係,不限制與澳門特別行政區法律沒有抵觸的宗教活動;宗教組織可依法開辦宗教院校和其他學校、醫院和福利機構以及提供其他社會服務;宗教組織開辦的學校可以繼續提供宗教教育,包括開設宗教課程;宗教組織依法享有財產的取得、使用、處置、繼承以及接受捐獻的權利。宗教組織在財產方面的原有權益依法受到保護。 過去澳葡政府曾以天主教為官方宗教,但現時澳門並沒有官方的宗教,澳門區內宗教的種類,若與鄰近的香港比較,種類並不多。在宗教信徒的結構方面,澳門與其他華人社會相似,以華人信奉的、道教、佛教等中國傳統宗教和民間信仰為主,信徒最多(約佔1996年的人口統計的30.7%);由於澳門歷史的背景關係,基督宗教的羅馬天主教和基督新教也活躍於澳門社會,並有一批信徒支持,當中也包括基督宗教的非傳統教派(約佔1996年的人口統計的8.4%)。另外,伊斯蘭教和巴哈伊教在澳門也各有為數不超過一千人的信徒。 目前,澳門區內最積極參與社會服務工作的宗教是天主教会。不過,因資源所限和昔日澳葡政府對天主教的支持,其他宗教一直也在社會服務上參與不多。但隨著澳門回歸,政府對天主教的偏袒已下降了。 (zh)
  • 6432888 (xsd:integer)
  • 19381 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1116197835 (xsd:integer)
  • Religion in Macau (en)
  • Gold (en)
  • DodgerBlue (en)
  • Red (en)
  • right (en)
  • 6.700000 (xsd:double)
  • 13.700000 (xsd:double)
  • 80 (xsd:integer)
  • Les religions à Macao sont d'une grande diversité avec le bouddhisme, le confucianisme, le taoïsme, le catholicisme, le protestantisme, l'islam et le bahaïsme. La principale religion et la plus pratiquée dans cette région administrative spéciale est le bouddhisme, souvent associé à plusieurs autres éléments et pratiques des croyances ou philosophies traditionnelles chinoises, comme le confucianisme et le taoïsme, pour former ce que l'on appelle la « religion traditionnelle chinoise ». Le christianisme, amené à Macao par les missionnaires catholiques au XVIe siècle et par les missionnaires protestants au XIXe siècle, assume encore une présence relativement importante et les religions plus minoritaires sont l'islam et le bahaïsme. (fr)
  • Релігія в Макао представлена ​​переважно китайською традиційною релігією та буддизмом. (uk)
  • Religion in Macau is represented predominantly by Buddhism and Chinese folk religions. During the period in which the city was under Portuguese rule (1557–1999) the Catholic Church became one of the dominant faiths, but nowadays it has greatly declined. (en)
  • Macau, como um ponto de encontro e de intercâmbio entre o Ocidente e o Oriente, é dotada de uma grande diversidade de religiões, como o Budismo, o Confucionismo, o Taoísmo, o Catolicismo, o Protestantismo, o Islamismo e a Fé Bahá'í, que se coexistem harmoniosa e pacificamente. Os residentes de Macau são dotados de uma considerável tolerância religiosa. (pt)
  • 澳門宗教是指在澳門特別行政區活動的宗教。澳門尊重居民宗教信仰的權利,根據《澳門基本法》第三章第三十四條規定,澳門居民有宗教信仰的自由,有公開傳教和舉行、參加宗教活動的自由;第三章第一百二十條規定: 澳門特別行政區政府根據宗教信仰自由的原則,不干預宗教組織的內部事務,不干預宗教組織和教徒同澳門以外地區的宗教組織和教徒保持及發展關係,不限制與澳門特別行政區法律沒有抵觸的宗教活動;宗教組織可依法開辦宗教院校和其他學校、醫院和福利機構以及提供其他社會服務;宗教組織開辦的學校可以繼續提供宗教教育,包括開設宗教課程;宗教組織依法享有財產的取得、使用、處置、繼承以及接受捐獻的權利。宗教組織在財產方面的原有權益依法受到保護。 過去澳葡政府曾以天主教為官方宗教,但現時澳門並沒有官方的宗教,澳門區內宗教的種類,若與鄰近的香港比較,種類並不多。在宗教信徒的結構方面,澳門與其他華人社會相似,以華人信奉的、道教、佛教等中國傳統宗教和民間信仰為主,信徒最多(約佔1996年的人口統計的30.7%);由於澳門歷史的背景關係,基督宗教的羅馬天主教和基督新教也活躍於澳門社會,並有一批信徒支持,當中也包括基督宗教的非傳統教派(約佔1996年的人口統計的8.4%)。另外,伊斯蘭教和巴哈伊教在澳門也各有為數不超過一千人的信徒。 (zh)
  • Religion in Macau (en)
  • Religion à Macao (fr)
  • Religião em Macau (pt)
  • Релігія в Макао (uk)
  • 澳門宗教 (zh)
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