- Matthäus Prätorius (Matthaeus Praetorius, * um 1635 vermutlich in Memel; † 1704 in Weyherstadt) war evangelischer Pfarrer, später katholischer Geistlicher. Er trat als irenischer Theologe sowie als Historiker und Ethnograph seiner Heimatregion hervor. (de)
- Matheus Praetorius (1635-1704) fue primero un pastor protestante, después un sacerdote católico, teólogo irenista, historiador y etnógrafo. Matthäus Prätorius en alemán, Matas Pretorijus en lituano. (es)
- Matthäus Prätorius (c.1635–c.1704) was a Protestant pastor, later a Roman Catholic priest, a historian and ethnographer. Prätorius is thought to have been born in Memel (Klaipėda). He probably grew up speaking both German and Lithuanian, which helped him when preaching to the ethnic Lithuanians in Ducal Prussia. His work about Prussia and its culture, Deliciae Prussicae, oder Preussische Schaubühne, resembles the work of Christoph Hartknoch, with whom he collaborated. Prätorius' work provides much more ethnographic information regarding local Lithuanians and Old Prussians. It was only published partially, in 1725 (in Erleutertes Preußen), 1731 (in Acta Borussica) and 1871. A complete edition, in seven volumes, with original German text and Lithuanian translation, is under preparation in Lithuania. In 1701, having converted from Protestantism to Roman Catholicism, he appealed against an ongoing case of witch-hunt. He died in Wejherowo (Weyherststadt). In Orbis Gothicus and Mars Gothicus sustained that Prussia was the original land of Goths and that Goths can be identified as being "prussians, lithuanians, samogitians and curonians [latvians]". (en)
- Mateusz Pretoriusz (Matthäus Prätorius, Matthaeus Praetorius, ur. w 1635 w Kłajpedzie, zm. 3 października 1704 w Wejherowie) – prusko-polski duchowny ewangelicki i katolicki, historyk, etnograf, poeta i teolog nawołujący do ekumenizmu. (pl)
- Матфей (Маттеус) Преторий (нем. Matthäus Prätorius; около 1635, вероятно Мемель — 1704, Вейхерово) — протестантский пастор, позже католический священник, историк и этнограф. (ru)
- Matthäus Prätorius (Matthaeus Praetorius, * um 1635 vermutlich in Memel; † 1704 in Weyherstadt) war evangelischer Pfarrer, später katholischer Geistlicher. Er trat als irenischer Theologe sowie als Historiker und Ethnograph seiner Heimatregion hervor. (de)
- Matheus Praetorius (1635-1704) fue primero un pastor protestante, después un sacerdote católico, teólogo irenista, historiador y etnógrafo. Matthäus Prätorius en alemán, Matas Pretorijus en lituano. (es)
- Mateusz Pretoriusz (Matthäus Prätorius, Matthaeus Praetorius, ur. w 1635 w Kłajpedzie, zm. 3 października 1704 w Wejherowie) – prusko-polski duchowny ewangelicki i katolicki, historyk, etnograf, poeta i teolog nawołujący do ekumenizmu. (pl)
- Матфей (Маттеус) Преторий (нем. Matthäus Prätorius; около 1635, вероятно Мемель — 1704, Вейхерово) — протестантский пастор, позже католический священник, историк и этнограф. (ru)
- Matthäus Prätorius (c.1635–c.1704) was a Protestant pastor, later a Roman Catholic priest, a historian and ethnographer. Prätorius is thought to have been born in Memel (Klaipėda). He probably grew up speaking both German and Lithuanian, which helped him when preaching to the ethnic Lithuanians in Ducal Prussia. His work about Prussia and its culture, Deliciae Prussicae, oder Preussische Schaubühne, resembles the work of Christoph Hartknoch, with whom he collaborated. Prätorius' work provides much more ethnographic information regarding local Lithuanians and Old Prussians. It was only published partially, in 1725 (in Erleutertes Preußen), 1731 (in Acta Borussica) and 1871. A complete edition, in seven volumes, with original German text and Lithuanian translation, is under preparation in Li (en)