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Mari Illustrious Makinami (真希波・マリ・イラストリアス, Makinami Mari Irasutoriasu) or Maria Iscariot (イスカリオテのマリア, Isukariote no Maria) is a fictional character in the anime film tetralogy Rebuild of Evangelion, based on the television series Neon Genesis Evangelion and introduced in the film Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance (2009). Apparently from England, Mari is a pilot for the European branch of the special agency Nerv, founded to counter enemies of humankind known as the Angels. She first appears aboard the mecha Evangelion Unit 05, before fighting on Evangelion Unit 02 in place of Asuka Langley Shikinami. Brave and tenacious on the battlefield, Mari is friendly, lighthearted and humorous with her colleagues. She was originally voiced by Maaya Sakamoto; in the English-language version, she wa

Property Value
  • Mari Illustrious Makinami (真希波・マリ・イラストリアス, Makinami Mari Irasutoriasu) or Maria Iscariot (イスカリオテのマリア, Isukariote no Maria) is a fictional character in the anime film tetralogy Rebuild of Evangelion, based on the television series Neon Genesis Evangelion and introduced in the film Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance (2009). Apparently from England, Mari is a pilot for the European branch of the special agency Nerv, founded to counter enemies of humankind known as the Angels. She first appears aboard the mecha Evangelion Unit 05, before fighting on Evangelion Unit 02 in place of Asuka Langley Shikinami. Brave and tenacious on the battlefield, Mari is friendly, lighthearted and humorous with her colleagues. She was originally voiced by Maaya Sakamoto; in the English-language version, she was voiced by Trina Nishimura and Deneen Melody. Mari appears in the Rebuild of Evangelion films, in an extra chapter of the Neon Genesis Evangelion manga, written and illustrated by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, and in several video games. The character was created after a request by Toshimichi Ōtsuki, producer of the TV anime, to introduce a new female character to the Rebuild to attract a new audience. Hideaki Anno, director and main screenwriter of the original series and the films, decided not to meddle in the pilot and replicate the other main characters, all of whom were based on his personality. He entrusted its development to other members of Studio khara, particularly Kazuya Tsurumaki. The concept went through a complex chain of changes and second thoughts; neither Anno nor the others knew what kind of heroine to create, and were undecided until the last minute. Her character design was entrusted to Sadamoto, the series' character designer, who played on stereotypical elements associated with England. The character had a mixed reception from critics. Reviewers were divided between those who found her overly sexualized and her role insignificant and those who found her a viable alternative to the characterization of the other protagonists. Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time (2021) revealed more details about Mari, which generated more mixed reviews; some critics noted a lack of explanation of her nature, and others appreciated her psychology and her role in the finale. (en)
  • Mari Illustrious Makinami (真希波・マリ・イラストリアス Makinami Mari Irasutoriasu?) es un personaje ficticio perteneciente a la saga de Rebuild of Evangelion, un reboot cinematográfico de la serie Neon Genesis Evangelion. (es)
  • 真希波・マリ・イラストリアス(まきなみ マリ イラストリアス、Makinami Mari Illustrious)は、日本のアニメ映画『ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版』シリーズに登場する架空の人物で、ヒロインのひとり。エヴァンゲリオン仮設5号機、後に8号機パイロット。第10の使徒戦では戦闘不能の式波・アスカ・ラングレーに代わって2号機に搭乗した。年齢不詳。 シリーズ第2作の『ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:破』から登場する。担当声優は坂本真綾。 (ja)
  • Mari Illustrious Makinami (真希波 • マリ • イラストリアス Makinami Mari Irasutoriasu?), o Maria Iscariota (イスカリオテのマリア Isukariote no Maria?), è un personaggio della tetralogia cinematografica anime Rebuild of Evangelion, tratta dalla serie televisiva Neon Genesis Evangelion, e introdotto nel lungometraggio Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance, secondo capitolo della saga. Apparentemente originaria dell'Inghilterra, Mari è una pilota della filiale europea dell'agenzia speciale Nerv, fondata allo scopo di contrastare degli esseri nemici del genere umano denominati angeli. In un primo momento la ragazza compare a bordo del mecha Unità provvisoria 05, per poi combattere sull'Eva-02 al posto di Asuka Shikinami Langley. Sul campo di battaglia dà prova di coraggio e di tenacia e con i suoi colleghi dimostra un atteggiamento amichevole, spensierato e ironico. Nel doppiaggio originale è interpretata da Maaya Sakamoto, mentre nell'adattamento italiano è doppiata da Monica Ward. Compare, oltre che nei lungometraggi del Rebuild of Evangelion, anche in un capitolo extra del manga di Neon Genesis Evangelion, scritto e illustrato da Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, nonché in diversi videogiochi del franchise. Makinami venne creata in seguito alla richiesta di Toshimichi Ōtsuki, produttore ufficiale dell'anime televisivo, di introdurre un nuovo personaggio femminile per i Rebuild e attrarre così nuovo pubblico. Hideaki Anno, regista e principale sceneggiatore della serie originale e dei lungometraggi, decise di non intromettersi nella creazione della pilota per non ricalcare gli altri personaggi principali, tutti basati sulla sua personalità. Egli affidò pertanto il suo sviluppo ad altri membri della Khara, in particolare a Kazuya Tsurumaki. La sua concezione passò attraverso una complessa catena di modifiche e di ripensamenti, visto che né Anno e né gli altri avevano in mente che tipo di eroina creare esattamente, modificando e rimanendo indecisi fino all'ultimo minuto. Tsurumaki e lo studio di animazione cercarono di renderla totalmente differente rispetto ai protagonisti canonici, decidendo di rappresentarla come una ragazza neutra, spensierata e innocente. Il suo character design venne affidato a Sadamoto, già character designer della serie, che nel concepirla giocò su vari elementi stereotipicamente associati all'Inghilterra. Fin dalla sua prima comparsa il personaggio ricevette un'accoglienza contrastante da parte della critica. I recensori si divisero fra chi lo trovò eccessivamente sessualizzato e reputò il suo ruolo ininfluente e poco significativo e chi invece lo lodò, trovandolo una valida alternativa alla caratterizzazione degli altri protagonisti. In Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time, ultimo capitolo dei Rebuild, vengono rivelati altri dettagli sul personaggio, ma ciò ha suscitato ulteriori valutazioni miste: diversi critici hanno lamentato la mancanza di sufficienti spiegazioni circa la sua natura, trovandola poco sviluppata e sprecata, mentre altri ne hanno apprezzato la psicologia e il ruolo rivestito nel finale. (it)
  • 真希波·真理·伊拉絲多莉亞斯(真希波・マリ・イラストリアス,Makinami Mari Illustrious)是日本動畫系列《福音戰士新劇場版》中的一个虚构角色,初次登场于系列第二部《福音戰士新劇場版:破》。真希波是EVA适格者,驾驶EVA战斗时会唱着歌,是个留着雙馬尾的乐天派眼镜娘。 《福音戰士新劇場版》是重制自电视动画《新世纪福音战士》,总导演兼编剧庵野秀明借由新角色真希波的登场来破坏原有的世界观。角色设计师貞本義行为其设计了易于辨识的造型。角色塑造方面,庵野把大部分交给了鶴卷和哉。坂本真綾担任配音员(聲優)。 作为新角色,真希波备受瞩目,一经推出便广受欢迎。但评论者对她的表现褒贬不一,一方面,认为其性格形象给新剧场版系列带来了新风,是该系列走向原创的重要标志;另一方面,批评她是一个迎合粉丝的殺必死角色,缺乏深度。 (zh)
  • Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance (2009)
  • 25840575 (xsd:integer)
  • 112620 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1124176401 (xsd:integer)
  • left (en)
  • 19 (xsd:integer)
  • A slim, bespectacled girl in a school uniform (en)
  • Two young Shinto priestesses walking (en)
  • Painting of the Virgin Mary and the infant Jesus in a forest (en)
  • Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance (en)
  • Mari has been compared by critics and studio staff to religious figures such as Mary Magdalene, the Virgin Mary and Shinto mikos. (en)
  • Mari Illustrious Makinami (en)
  • Female (en)
  • Albert Edelfelt - Christ and Mary Magdalene.jpg (en)
  • Miko 001.jpg (en)
  • Piotr Stachiewicz - Ave Maria.jpg (en)
  • Age (en)
  • Eye color (en)
  • Notable relatives (en)
  • Mari Illustrious Makinami (en)
  • No matter what circumstances she was living under, Mari is fundamentally an optimist and does not worry too much. She may have her own worries, but she's not the type to show them, and she always seems to be having fun. I think that's what makes her such a contrast to Shinji and the other characters. She has no two faces, so I tried to play the role with as few complex nuances as possible. No matter how desperate the scene may seem, Mari believes that things are going in the right direction, and she is happy, which is the nuance of joy I tried to convey in my voice. (en)
  • Mari's liveliness and enthusiasm cuts such a sharp contrast to the established Eva pilots that her addition feels incongruous, but that is likely the point: she is intended to shake up the status quo and show that one does not have to be socially maladjusted to pilot an Eva. Though she plays an important role in two of the movies' big fight scenes, she does not get enough screen time here for viewers to figure out much about her motives or purpose, but she is the breath of fresh air that the franchise needs and helps restore the sense of mystery inherent in the original series. (en)
  • –Maaya Sakamoto (en)
  • —Martin Theron (en)
  • (en)
  • English: (en)
  • Maaya Sakamoto (en)
  • Japanese: (en)
  • Trina Nishimura (en)
  • Deneen Melody (en)
  • 160 (xsd:integer)
  • 167 (xsd:integer)
  • 175 (xsd:integer)
  • 30.0
  • 35.0
  • Mari Illustrious Makinami (真希波・マリ・イラストリアス Makinami Mari Irasutoriasu?) es un personaje ficticio perteneciente a la saga de Rebuild of Evangelion, un reboot cinematográfico de la serie Neon Genesis Evangelion. (es)
  • 真希波・マリ・イラストリアス(まきなみ マリ イラストリアス、Makinami Mari Illustrious)は、日本のアニメ映画『ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版』シリーズに登場する架空の人物で、ヒロインのひとり。エヴァンゲリオン仮設5号機、後に8号機パイロット。第10の使徒戦では戦闘不能の式波・アスカ・ラングレーに代わって2号機に搭乗した。年齢不詳。 シリーズ第2作の『ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:破』から登場する。担当声優は坂本真綾。 (ja)
  • 真希波·真理·伊拉絲多莉亞斯(真希波・マリ・イラストリアス,Makinami Mari Illustrious)是日本動畫系列《福音戰士新劇場版》中的一个虚构角色,初次登场于系列第二部《福音戰士新劇場版:破》。真希波是EVA适格者,驾驶EVA战斗时会唱着歌,是个留着雙馬尾的乐天派眼镜娘。 《福音戰士新劇場版》是重制自电视动画《新世纪福音战士》,总导演兼编剧庵野秀明借由新角色真希波的登场来破坏原有的世界观。角色设计师貞本義行为其设计了易于辨识的造型。角色塑造方面,庵野把大部分交给了鶴卷和哉。坂本真綾担任配音员(聲優)。 作为新角色,真希波备受瞩目,一经推出便广受欢迎。但评论者对她的表现褒贬不一,一方面,认为其性格形象给新剧场版系列带来了新风,是该系列走向原创的重要标志;另一方面,批评她是一个迎合粉丝的殺必死角色,缺乏深度。 (zh)
  • Mari Illustrious Makinami (真希波・マリ・イラストリアス, Makinami Mari Irasutoriasu) or Maria Iscariot (イスカリオテのマリア, Isukariote no Maria) is a fictional character in the anime film tetralogy Rebuild of Evangelion, based on the television series Neon Genesis Evangelion and introduced in the film Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance (2009). Apparently from England, Mari is a pilot for the European branch of the special agency Nerv, founded to counter enemies of humankind known as the Angels. She first appears aboard the mecha Evangelion Unit 05, before fighting on Evangelion Unit 02 in place of Asuka Langley Shikinami. Brave and tenacious on the battlefield, Mari is friendly, lighthearted and humorous with her colleagues. She was originally voiced by Maaya Sakamoto; in the English-language version, she wa (en)
  • Mari Illustrious Makinami (真希波 • マリ • イラストリアス Makinami Mari Irasutoriasu?), o Maria Iscariota (イスカリオテのマリア Isukariote no Maria?), è un personaggio della tetralogia cinematografica anime Rebuild of Evangelion, tratta dalla serie televisiva Neon Genesis Evangelion, e introdotto nel lungometraggio Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance, secondo capitolo della saga. Apparentemente originaria dell'Inghilterra, Mari è una pilota della filiale europea dell'agenzia speciale Nerv, fondata allo scopo di contrastare degli esseri nemici del genere umano denominati angeli. In un primo momento la ragazza compare a bordo del mecha Unità provvisoria 05, per poi combattere sull'Eva-02 al posto di Asuka Shikinami Langley. Sul campo di battaglia dà prova di coraggio e di tenacia e con i suoi colleghi dimostra (it)
  • Mari Illustrious Makinami (es)
  • Mari Illustrious Makinami (it)
  • Mari Illustrious Makinami (en)
  • 真希波・マリ・イラストリアス (ja)
  • 真希波·真理·伊拉絲多莉亞斯 (zh)
  • Mari Illustrious Makinami (en)
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