An Entity of Type: television show, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

Life After People is a television series on which scientists, mechanical engineers, and other experts speculate about what might become of planet Earth if humanity suddenly disappeared. The featured experts also talk about the impact of human absence on the environment and the vestiges of civilization thus left behind. The series was preceded by a two-hour special that aired on January 21, 2008, on the History Channel which served as a de facto pilot for the series that premiered April 21, 2009. The documentary and subsequent series were both narrated by James Lurie.

Property Value
  • 45.0
  • لايف آفتر بيبول (بالإنجليزية: Life After People)‏ هو مسلسل تلفزيوني بعنوان حياة ما بعد البشر حيث يتكهن فيه العلماء والمهندسون الميكانيكيون وغيرهم من الخبراء بما سيؤول إليه كوكب الأرض إن اختفت البشرية فورًا. يتحدث الخبراء البارزون أيضًا عن تأثير غياب الإنسان على البيئة وبقايا الحضارة التي تركها وراءه. سبق المسلسلَ عرضٌ خاص مدته ساعتان بُثّ في 21 يناير عام 2008 على قناة التاريخ التلفزيونية (هيستوري)، وهو يُعد حلقة تجريبية فعلية للمسلسل الذي عُرض لأول مرة في 21 أبريل عام 2009. روى جيمس لوري كلًا من الفيلم الوثائقي والمسلسل اللاحق. بدأ بث المسلسل على قناة فايسلند التلفزيونية. (ar)
  • Zukunft ohne Menschen (engl.: ‚Life After People‘) ist eine Dokufiktion-Serie, in der spekulativ über eine Erde ohne Menschen berichtet wird: Wie lange brauchen Pflanzen und Tiere, um sich zu erholen? Wann zerfallen welche Gebäude? Was passiert mit der hinterlassenen Technik? Wie lange dauert es voraussichtlich, bis alle Spuren menschlicher Existenz verschwunden sind? Viele der getroffenen Annahmen basieren auf Simulationen und erwarteten Zerfallsraten und sind daher mitunter spekulativ, besonders sobald über Zeiträume von mehreren hundert bis tausenden Jahren berichtet wird. Die Serie geht dabei von der Annahme aus, dass die Menschheit von einem Moment auf den anderen aufhört zu existieren, sie also nicht durch Naturkatastrophen, Kriege, Krankheiten oder Ähnliches ausgelöscht wird. Daher besteht am „Tag Null“ eine vollständig intakte Infrastruktur, mit vollen Regalen in den Supermärkten, zurückgelassenen Haustieren und nicht heruntergefahrenen industriellen Anlagen. Gibt es reale Beispiele, die diesem Szenario weitestgehend entsprechen, so werden diese oft in den jeweils passenden Zeitperioden als Referenz herangezogen. Ein häufig genutztes Beispiel ist die Nuklearkatastrophe von Tschernobyl, wo u. a. die Stadt Prypjat binnen weniger Tage komplett verlassen wurde. Die Serie wurde in Deutschland ursprünglich auf History ausgestrahlt. Am 21. Januar 2008 wurde zunächst der Pilotfilm unter dem Titel Wenn die Natur den Menschen überlebt… ausgestrahlt, dann ab dem 21. April 2009 die Serie. Seit 2010 zeigten auch N24 sowie der Spartensender ServusTV die Reihe. Am Anfang jeder Episode heißt es: „Was würde geschehen, wenn die Menschen von der Erde verschwinden würden? Dies ist nicht die Geschichte unseres Verschwindens … es ist die Geschichte dessen, was danach geschehen würde.“ (de)
  • La Tierra Sin Humanos (título original en inglés: Life After People) es una miniserie especial de televisión de dos temporadas (2009 a 2010) emitida por History Channel en el que ingenieros, ecologistas, biólogos, geólogos, climatólogos y arqueólogos se reúnen en un equipo de expertos para dar respuesta a una sola pregunta: ¿cómo sería la Tierra si desapareciera la especie humana? Sus conclusiones se presentan a través de imágenes generadas por la tecnología más reciente. Los edificios colapsarían, las cucarachas del norte sucumbirían ante el frío, las ratas morirían de hambre y aparecerían miles de especies nuevas. ¿Volverán las personas a poblar la Tierra para comenzar el ciclo nuevamente? Éstas son solo algunas de las predicciones e inquietudes presentadas en él. El especial muestra la Tierra sin la especie humana luego de que nosotros nos hayamos esfumado sin explicación alguna, debido a que en el día 1 todo se ve como si hubiera humanos, sólo que no los hay. Es decir que no muestra secuelas de alguna catástrofe por la que nos hayamos extinguido. (es)
  • Life After People is a television series on which scientists, mechanical engineers, and other experts speculate about what might become of planet Earth if humanity suddenly disappeared. The featured experts also talk about the impact of human absence on the environment and the vestiges of civilization thus left behind. The series was preceded by a two-hour special that aired on January 21, 2008, on the History Channel which served as a de facto pilot for the series that premiered April 21, 2009. The documentary and subsequent series were both narrated by James Lurie. (en)
  • Life After People est une émission de télévision de docu-fiction américaine en 20 épisodes de 45 minutes diffusée entre le 21 janvier 2008 et le 16 mars 2010 sur History. Chaque épisode met en scène des scientifiques et d'autres experts, expliquant non pas la façon dont l'humanité a disparu, mais le monde que nous avons laissé derrière nous dans un monde post-apocalyptique mais réaliste. Cette émission est inédite dans les pays francophones. (fr)
  • La Terra dopo l'uomo (Life After People) è un programma televisivo trasmesso sull'emittente televisiva History Channel e su Focus.È un documentario che ci fa vedere quello che accadrebbe sulla Terra se l'umanità dovesse scomparire. È basato su risultati documentati dell'abbandono improvviso di un'area geografica da parte dei suoi abitanti, e sulle conseguenze della cessata manutenzione di edifici ed infrastrutture urbane.La linea di tempo degli eventi previsti comincia approssimativamente un giorno dopo la scomparsa dell'umanità e si estende fino a cento milioni di anni nel futuro (un giorno, una settimana, 1 anno, 10 anni, 50 anni, 100 anni, 1000 anni, ecc.). Il documentario è stato ispirato da una rivista anglosassone dedicata proprio a questo argomento e, secondariamente, dal saggio Il mondo senza di noi. (it)
  • Life After People is een documentairereeks van de Amerikaanse televisiezender History waarvan tussen 2008 en 2010 twee seizoenen van elk tien afleveringen werden uitgezonden. De reeks werd voorafgegaan door een twee uur durende documentaire die op 21 januari 2008 werd uitgezonden. De slagzin is Welcome to Earth... population: zero. In de reeks speculeren wetenschappers en ingenieurs over wat zou gebeuren met gebouwen, monumenten, historisch erfgoed en gedomesticeerde dieren indien de mens plots zou verdwijnen. Daarvoor baseren ze zich onder meer op wat te zien is in bestaande verlaten plaatsen. Het wordt duidelijk dat gebrek aan onderhoud aan de structuren zelf en aan onder meer waterbeheerinfrastructuur in de regio nagenoeg alle structuren op een termijn van enige eeuwen fataal wordt. (nl)
  • 『人類滅亡-LIFE AFTER PEOPLE-』(じんるいめつぼう ライフ・アフター・ピープル、原題: Life After People)は、2009年から2010年にかけてヒストリーチャンネルで放送された、人類が突如として消滅した1日後から1万年後の世界を追うテレビシリーズ。全2シリーズ20話であるが、2008年1月21日にはその先駆けとなる2時間のテレビ映画版スペシャルがアメリカ合衆国で放送された。 2時間スペシャルの視聴者数は540万人を記録し、当時のヒストリーチャンネル史上最高記録を樹立した。同年3月18日にDVDが発売された。 (ja)
  • Life After People (Brasil: O Mundo Sem Ninguém / Portugal: A Vida sem Nós é uma série de documentários exibidos pelo The History Channel.A série mostra como seria a Terra sem humanos, as nossas maiores construções e a arquitectura, sem o cuidado do homem. Alguns episódios da série são: Corpos que Ficaram, Condenados e Enterrados, A Queda da Cidade do Pecado. A partir de 2018 será exibido pelo canal YouTube com o episódio "Wrath of god", em fevereiro novos episódios serão exibidos. em janeiro de 2019, a serie ficou fora do ar, para dar espaço para exibir três episódios semanais em breve no canal. a serie foi substituído pela serie mexicana de TV Clube do Chaves. (pt)
  • «Жизнь после людей» (англ. Life After People) — научно-популярный фильм, снятый для канала History Channel, в котором учёные рассуждают на тему того, что произойдёт с нашей планетой, животными и растениями на ней, если человек исчезнет, а также о том, как долго после исчезновения человечества будут существовать созданные им памятники и артефакты. Показанное в фильме возможно, только если все люди на Земле одномоментно исчезли. Данный фильм основан на результатах исследования территорий, внезапно покинутых людьми, а также возможных последствий прекращения ухода за зданиями и городской инфраструктурой. Гипотеза о покинутом мире иллюстрирована цифровыми изображениями, показывающими последующую участь таких архитектурных шедевров, как Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг, Букингемский дворец, Уиллис-тауэр, Спейс-Нидл, мост Золотые ворота, Эйфелева башня, Биг-Бен, Крайслер-билдинг, Статуя Свободы, гора Рашмор, Бурдж-Халифа, Тайбэй 101 и храм Василия Блаженного. Фильм был впервые показан 21 января 2008 года. В 2009 году на том же телеканале вышел одноимённый документальный сериал, повествующий о последствиях исчезновения людей для различных предметов их быта. В 2008 году вышло два американских документальных фильма на эту тематику: «Жизнь после людей» от History Channel и (англ. Aftermath: Population Zero; другое название — «Земля: Жизнь без людей») от National Geographic Channel. Из-за одинаковой тематики и оформления их легко перепутать. Второй из них был признан лучшим документальным фильмом 2008 года. (ru)
  • 《人類消失後的世界》(英語:Life After People),是一部於2008年進行首播的紀錄片,其內容主要為科學家、和其他專家對人類突然消失後,大自然和人類遺留下來的文明將會出現的轉變進行推測。 (zh)
  • «Життя́ пі́сля люде́й» (англ. Life After People) — науково-популярний фільм, знятий для каналу History Channel, в якому вчені міркують на тему того, що станеться з територією США, тваринами та рослинами на ній, якщо людина зникне, а також про те, як довго після зникнення людства існуватимуть створені ним пам'ятники і артефакти. Цей фільм заснований на результатах дослідження територій, раптово покинутих людьми, а також можливих наслідків припинення догляду за будівлями і міською інфраструктурою. Гіпотеза про покинутий світ ілюстрована цифровими зображеннями, що показують подальшу долю таких архітектурних шедеврів, як Емпайр-Стейт-Білдінг, Букінгемський палац, Сірс-Тауер, , міст Золоті ворота, Ейфелева вежа, Біг-Бен, Крайслер Білдінг, Статуя Свободи, Гора Рашмор, Бурдж Халіфа, Тайбей 101 і Собор Василія Блаженного. Фільм був вперше показав 21 січня 2008 року. Аудиторія склала 5,4 млн глядачів: таким чином, «Життя після людей» став найпопулярнішим фільмом за всю історію History Channel. (uk)
  • 2010-03-16 (xsd:date)
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  • 2010-03-16 (xsd:date)
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  • db7d86 (en)
  • James Lurie (en)
  • 20 (xsd:integer)
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  • 2010-03-16 (xsd:date)
  • 2700.0
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  • 7.8894E8
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  • After the disappearance of humanity, sandstorms could sweep through Phoenix, Miami and Shanghai might disappear into the ocean, and invasive plants and animals such as Burmese pythons will spread uncontrolled. Also included is the fate of the Taj Mahal in India, the Kennedy Space Center, the Grand Canyon Skywalk, and the Seven Mile Bridge in the Florida Keys. The episode also explores the village of Tyneham, England, which was requisitioned by the War Office in 1943 during World War II in preparation for the D-Day landings, and has remained under the ownership of the military ever since as a test range. (en)
  • This episode predicts how the gambling meccas of humankind will deteriorate without people; rats invade Las Vegas, Nevada, the famous hotels such as the Stratosphere Tower and the Luxor Las Vegas crumble to dust, the Las Vegas sign falls off its post, and the wax statues of celebrities at the Madame Tussauds museum melt under exposure to the hot desert air. Atlantic City is destroyed as ocean waves and hurricanes smash through casinos, break up the boardwalk and piers and tarnish the fate of Lucy the Elephant. Camels go wild in North America, like their ancestors, and are transformed after the next ice age. Over thousands of years, the Voyager space probes are battered by impacts from dust and debris, leaving few recognizable remnants of humanity behind. The episode also examines the Americana Amusement Park in Monroe, Ohio, showing how degraded it has become after only recently having been abandoned in 2002. (en)
  • This episode projects how long the nation's buildings and bridges will stand before the elements consume the steel and concrete, from the Empire State Building, Chrysler Building, Brooklyn Bridge and the Roosevelt Island Tramway in New York City to the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, and how once domesticated animals, like horses, will return to wild herds that roam America's grasslands. The episode also examines the ghost town of Rhyolite, Nevada, a town its designers wanted to rival Chicago, which was abandoned by people around 1910, and now stands remarkably intact, preserved by the dry air and regularly described as 'one of the most photographed ghost towns in the West'. (en)
  • The underground and underwater world suffers a destructive destiny in a post-human era. The NORAD operations facility comes under assault, but the echo chambers below the foundation of the Capitol Records Building in Los Angeles outlast the structure's downfall. The subterranean Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico are repopulated by bats, mineral rich water and geothermal heating means the already gigantic gypsum crystals inside the Naica Mine's Cave of the Crystals grow larger still, and humankind's former geothermal power sites such as the Geysers in northern California relinquish their strength to geologic forces. The SEA Underground system at Seattle's airport is disabled, the Underwater Sculpture Gardens outside of St. George's, Grenada provides new foundations for growing coral reefs, and Prairie dogs reclaim their territory in Lubbock. The episode features the Bonne Terre Mine, which was closed in 1962 and subsequently became partially flooded, and also the steamboat Arabia in Parkville, Missouri. (en)
  • This episode examines the effects of water on humanity's structures. Rotterdam and Amsterdam flood as levees fail; washing away the treasures of the Boijmans Museum, while Sacramento is first swamped, then destroyed when the Folsom Dam ruptures. Non-native Asian carp, long the bane of boaters and conservationists, slip through human-made barriers to invade the Great Lakes, but must compete with another invasive species: the sea lamprey. The Trans-Alaska Pipeline spills its hazardous contents, the Santa Monica Pier sinks into the ocean, the Sydney Opera House caves in, and the Sydney Harbour Bridge tears apart. The episode also explores the former Soviet coal mining town of Pyramiden on the Svalbard archipelago, abandoned in 1998. Preserved by Arctic temperatures and maintained by tourist expeditions, Pyramiden's buildings remain in excellent condition, and the area may remain recognisable as a town long into the future. (en)
  • In a world devoid of humans, water floods cities like New Orleans and Seattle. The marine animals housed inside the former city's aquarium die off. Head lice become extinct without human hosts. The fate of Seattle's symbolic Space Needle is shown as the city reverts to a salt marsh, and the humid atmosphere over the Arabian Peninsula wrecks the space-age structures of Dubai, including the Burj Al Arab hotel. The fate of Saint Basil's Cathedral in Moscow is shown and Louisiana's tallest building, One Shell Square, collapses. The episode examines the areas of New Orleans that were damaged by Hurricane Katrina and were left in ruins after the flood water receded. (en)
  • This episode looks at how vehicles will deteriorate without people, how America's automobile plants and transportation symbols such as the Renaissance Center and the Ambassador Bridge will shatter in Detroit's harsh winters, and how unattended oil refineries will explode. In San Antonio the Alamo falls to a new invader, and the Tower Life Building meets its demise. Also, animals adapt, armadillos spread, some dogs rekindle their hunting instincts, and longhorn cattle flourish once again. This episode also examines the Packard plant and the of Detroit which were abandoned in the 1960s. (en)
  • This episode predicts the uncontrolled encroachment of nature upon the abandoned cities of Chicago, Atlanta and London, and how deadly viruses, like the one that causes rabies, could spawn out of control as the populations of escaped pets and other animals, like wild hogs and the corgis belonging to Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace, could explode without the interference of humanity. This episode also examines the fate of Big Ben, the John Hancock Center, the L train, the Sears Tower, Wrigley Field and the Confederate Memorial Carving, the latter of which may last for more than 5,000 years. The episode also explores nearby Gary, Indiana, portions of which were abandoned by people in the late 1970s. (en)
  • This episode analyzes how structures and testaments devoted to world leaders factor adversely without human sustainment, among them include the White House, the Palace of Versailles, Thomas Jefferson's home at Monticello, the Secretariat Building and the General Assembly Chamber of the United Nations Headquarters, and the Hall of Supreme Harmony in China's Forbidden City. The entombed body of Ulysses S. Grant is buried for the first time in history, and Mao Zedong's mysterious body at the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong submits to the quirks of his embalmers. As a result of his owner's disappearance, the dependent life of the United States president's dog, "Bo," is transformed as his wild instincts take effect. The episode also examines the aftermath of the Hiroshima bomb on the San Francisco Naval Shipyard in Hunters Point. (en)
  • This episode looks at how crypts, safes, vaults and time capsules survive in a post-apocalyptic world, including a visit to the mysterious "Crypt of Civilization" at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Georgia, the Gherkin in London, the Marine Corps War Memorial and the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. Military-trained German Shepherds battle coyotes in the wild and the remains of naval hero John Paul Jones are entombed by rising sea levels in Annapolis, Maryland. The proposed KEO satellite, Rosetta disks , and the prototype 10,000-year clock meet their fates in the far future. The episode also examines Norwich State Hospital in Connecticut, sections of which were abandoned between 1970 and 1995. (en)
  • In a life after people, toxic materials leak into the environment without human intervention: spent nuclear fuel rods spontaneously burst into flames, chlorine gas spills out of tanks and turns lakes into deadly acid, and in New York City underground methane gas originates from Grand Central Terminal and leaks into the adjacent MetLife Building, which eventually ignites an explosion. Cargo ships from the Great Lakes drift past the fallen International Railway Bridge and tumble over the edge of Niagara Falls. Raccoons use homes as a temporary paradise. The episode also features Picher, Oklahoma, a toxic former lead mining town which has been slowly abandoned ever since the 1970s. (en)
  • Human neglect affects the world's skies and aeronautic icons, including Air Force One, the Theme Building and a control tower at Los Angeles International Airport, the Spirit of St. Louis in the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., and the KVLY-TV mast in North Dakota. Elsewhere, Rocky Mountain locusts invade the cities in the Midwest, Mount Everest's ice preserves artifacts left by climbers and even the bodies of climbers who died on its summit, and the migratory patterns of birds and even the weather are affected by the absence of humankind patrolling the skies. The solar-powered radio station KTAO continues broadcasting long after humans are gone, thanks to its efficient solar panels. Cassini makes a crash landing on Saturn's moon Enceladus, leading to extremophile bacteria from Earth that had been present inside the probe colonizing its possible water ocean and possibly causing life to evolve on it. The episode also visits RCAF Station Edgar in Oro-Medonte, Ontario, a Cold War radar site which was abandoned in 1999, and the aging Berlin Tempelhof Airport in Germany which was closed in 2008. (en)
  • In a life after people, the forces of nature could consume Washington, D.C. and America's national treasures as they fall into ruin, zoo animals could escape their enclosures, and Los Angeles could burn in an inferno, suffer a massive earthquake, and eventually return to its original state before it became civilized by humans. The episode also explores Angkor Wat in Cambodia, which, while not fully abandoned, was largely neglected for centuries before its impressive preserved architecture and long history attracted renewed interest. (en)
  • This episode looks at the future of cities like Boston and Houston and their static structures after the disappearance of humanity and what will happen to the human bodies that are buried, embalmed, and mummified, as well as the fate of the Immortality Drive inside the International Space Station, cryonically frozen bodies and human embryos, and parrots. This episode also examines the fate of the Astrodome, the Bunker Hill Bridge, the John Hancock Tower, the JPMorgan Chase Tower, the Sistine Chapel and the Statue of Liberty. The episode also explores Hashima Island in Japan, which was formerly host to several coal mines, but was left to nature in 1974 as the mines became depleted, having since become a tourist attraction as a result of its well-preserved ruins and as a site of industrial heritage. (en)
  • In a post-apocalyptic future, even sealed artifacts such as the Liberty Bell and the United States Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and the seeds of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault in Norway will not survive indefinitely. Wolf populations and feral dogs struggle to survive. In San Francisco cables snap on the Golden Gate Bridge and the cable cars are sent careening through the streets, while the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur survive longer than most other modern towers. In Paris, the fate of the Mona Lisa, the prehistoric Lascaux caves, the modern Lascaux II replica, the Venus de Milo and the Notre-Dame de Paris are shown. The episode also examines Centralia, Pennsylvania, which was largely abandoned in 1984 because of a coal-seam fire burning beneath the town that continues to rage to this day. (en)
  • In a future without people, the machines of war deteriorate; nuclear submarines lie on the ocean floor, and the USS Missouri is the target of a renewed "attack" on Pearl Harbor, as the ship transforms into a plant-covered island. Most dairy cows die, but a few survive and adapt to life on America's plains alongside thriving herds of bison. This episode also examines Aloha Tower in Honolulu, the Wells Fargo Center in Denver and North Brother Island off of New York City, which was abandoned around 1960. (en)
  • 71 (xsd:integer)
  • Heavy Metal (en)
  • Outbreak (en)
  • Sky's the Limit (en)
  • The Invaders (en)
  • The Last Supper (en)
  • Wrath of God (en)
  • Crypt of Civilization (en)
  • Holiday Hell (en)
  • Armed & Defenseless (en)
  • Bound and Buried (en)
  • Depths of Destruction (en)
  • Home Wrecked Homes (en)
  • Sin City Meltdown (en)
  • Take Me To Your Leader (en)
  • The Bodies Left Behind (en)
  • The Capital Threat (en)
  • The Road To Nowhere (en)
  • Toxic Revenge (en)
  • Waters Of Death (en)
  • Waves of Devastation (en)
  • لايف آفتر بيبول (بالإنجليزية: Life After People)‏ هو مسلسل تلفزيوني بعنوان حياة ما بعد البشر حيث يتكهن فيه العلماء والمهندسون الميكانيكيون وغيرهم من الخبراء بما سيؤول إليه كوكب الأرض إن اختفت البشرية فورًا. يتحدث الخبراء البارزون أيضًا عن تأثير غياب الإنسان على البيئة وبقايا الحضارة التي تركها وراءه. سبق المسلسلَ عرضٌ خاص مدته ساعتان بُثّ في 21 يناير عام 2008 على قناة التاريخ التلفزيونية (هيستوري)، وهو يُعد حلقة تجريبية فعلية للمسلسل الذي عُرض لأول مرة في 21 أبريل عام 2009. روى جيمس لوري كلًا من الفيلم الوثائقي والمسلسل اللاحق. بدأ بث المسلسل على قناة فايسلند التلفزيونية. (ar)
  • Life After People is a television series on which scientists, mechanical engineers, and other experts speculate about what might become of planet Earth if humanity suddenly disappeared. The featured experts also talk about the impact of human absence on the environment and the vestiges of civilization thus left behind. The series was preceded by a two-hour special that aired on January 21, 2008, on the History Channel which served as a de facto pilot for the series that premiered April 21, 2009. The documentary and subsequent series were both narrated by James Lurie. (en)
  • Life After People est une émission de télévision de docu-fiction américaine en 20 épisodes de 45 minutes diffusée entre le 21 janvier 2008 et le 16 mars 2010 sur History. Chaque épisode met en scène des scientifiques et d'autres experts, expliquant non pas la façon dont l'humanité a disparu, mais le monde que nous avons laissé derrière nous dans un monde post-apocalyptique mais réaliste. Cette émission est inédite dans les pays francophones. (fr)
  • 『人類滅亡-LIFE AFTER PEOPLE-』(じんるいめつぼう ライフ・アフター・ピープル、原題: Life After People)は、2009年から2010年にかけてヒストリーチャンネルで放送された、人類が突如として消滅した1日後から1万年後の世界を追うテレビシリーズ。全2シリーズ20話であるが、2008年1月21日にはその先駆けとなる2時間のテレビ映画版スペシャルがアメリカ合衆国で放送された。 2時間スペシャルの視聴者数は540万人を記録し、当時のヒストリーチャンネル史上最高記録を樹立した。同年3月18日にDVDが発売された。 (ja)
  • 《人類消失後的世界》(英語:Life After People),是一部於2008年進行首播的紀錄片,其內容主要為科學家、和其他專家對人類突然消失後,大自然和人類遺留下來的文明將會出現的轉變進行推測。 (zh)
  • Zukunft ohne Menschen (engl.: ‚Life After People‘) ist eine Dokufiktion-Serie, in der spekulativ über eine Erde ohne Menschen berichtet wird: Wie lange brauchen Pflanzen und Tiere, um sich zu erholen? Wann zerfallen welche Gebäude? Was passiert mit der hinterlassenen Technik? Wie lange dauert es voraussichtlich, bis alle Spuren menschlicher Existenz verschwunden sind? Viele der getroffenen Annahmen basieren auf Simulationen und erwarteten Zerfallsraten und sind daher mitunter spekulativ, besonders sobald über Zeiträume von mehreren hundert bis tausenden Jahren berichtet wird. (de)
  • La Tierra Sin Humanos (título original en inglés: Life After People) es una miniserie especial de televisión de dos temporadas (2009 a 2010) emitida por History Channel en el que ingenieros, ecologistas, biólogos, geólogos, climatólogos y arqueólogos se reúnen en un equipo de expertos para dar respuesta a una sola pregunta: ¿cómo sería la Tierra si desapareciera la especie humana? Sus conclusiones se presentan a través de imágenes generadas por la tecnología más reciente. Los edificios colapsarían, las cucarachas del norte sucumbirían ante el frío, las ratas morirían de hambre y aparecerían miles de especies nuevas. ¿Volverán las personas a poblar la Tierra para comenzar el ciclo nuevamente? Éstas son solo algunas de las predicciones e inquietudes presentadas en él. (es)
  • La Terra dopo l'uomo (Life After People) è un programma televisivo trasmesso sull'emittente televisiva History Channel e su Focus.È un documentario che ci fa vedere quello che accadrebbe sulla Terra se l'umanità dovesse scomparire. È basato su risultati documentati dell'abbandono improvviso di un'area geografica da parte dei suoi abitanti, e sulle conseguenze della cessata manutenzione di edifici ed infrastrutture urbane.La linea di tempo degli eventi previsti comincia approssimativamente un giorno dopo la scomparsa dell'umanità e si estende fino a cento milioni di anni nel futuro (un giorno, una settimana, 1 anno, 10 anni, 50 anni, 100 anni, 1000 anni, ecc.). (it)
  • Life After People is een documentairereeks van de Amerikaanse televisiezender History waarvan tussen 2008 en 2010 twee seizoenen van elk tien afleveringen werden uitgezonden. De reeks werd voorafgegaan door een twee uur durende documentaire die op 21 januari 2008 werd uitgezonden. De slagzin is Welcome to Earth... population: zero. (nl)
  • Life After People (Brasil: O Mundo Sem Ninguém / Portugal: A Vida sem Nós é uma série de documentários exibidos pelo The History Channel.A série mostra como seria a Terra sem humanos, as nossas maiores construções e a arquitectura, sem o cuidado do homem. (pt)
  • «Життя́ пі́сля люде́й» (англ. Life After People) — науково-популярний фільм, знятий для каналу History Channel, в якому вчені міркують на тему того, що станеться з територією США, тваринами та рослинами на ній, якщо людина зникне, а також про те, як довго після зникнення людства існуватимуть створені ним пам'ятники і артефакти. Цей фільм заснований на результатах дослідження територій, раптово покинутих людьми, а також можливих наслідків припинення догляду за будівлями і міською інфраструктурою. (uk)
  • «Жизнь после людей» (англ. Life After People) — научно-популярный фильм, снятый для канала History Channel, в котором учёные рассуждают на тему того, что произойдёт с нашей планетой, животными и растениями на ней, если человек исчезнет, а также о том, как долго после исчезновения человечества будут существовать созданные им памятники и артефакты. Показанное в фильме возможно, только если все люди на Земле одномоментно исчезли. Данный фильм основан на результатах исследования территорий, внезапно покинутых людьми, а также возможных последствий прекращения ухода за зданиями и городской инфраструктурой. Гипотеза о покинутом мире иллюстрирована цифровыми изображениями, показывающими последующую участь таких архитектурных шедевров, как Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг, Букингемский дворец, Уиллис-тауэр, Сп (ru)
  • لايف آفتر بيبول (مسلسل) (ar)
  • Zukunft ohne Menschen (de)
  • La Tierra sin humanos (es)
  • La Terra dopo l'uomo (it)
  • Life After People (fr)
  • Life After People (en)
  • Life After People (nl)
  • 人類滅亡-LIFE AFTER PEOPLE- (ja)
  • Life After People (pt)
  • Жизнь после людей (ru)
  • 人類消失後的世界 (zh)
  • Життя після людей (uk)
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