- El reverend John Cotton (4 de desembre de 1585 - 23 de desembre de 1652) va ser un dels principals ministres de la puritana Nova Anglaterra, entre els quals hi havia , , (que es convertiria en el seu gendre), i . Va ser també l'avi de Cotton Mather. Nascut a Anglaterra, va ser educat en la Derby Grammar School, que en l'actualitat és el Derby Heritage Centre i va estudiar a la Universitat de Cambridge, on també va treballar com a conferenciant principal, més endavant es va fer ministre a la ciutat anglesa de Boston, abans que el seu puritanisme i les seves crítiques a la jerarquia adrecessin contra ell l'atenció hostil de les autoritats de l'Església d'Anglaterra. En 1633, William Laud va ser nomenat arquebisbe de Canterbury, i com altres nombroses figures puritanes no conformistes, Cotton va passar a ser escrutat amb severitat. El mateix any, Cotton, la seva família i uns quants seguidors locals es van embarcar cap a la Colònia de la Badia de Massachusetts. El moviment congregacional Brownist que dins de l'Església d'Anglaterra tenia certa autonomia, va esdevenir una església separada. Causa de les seves inicials perspectives sobre la primacia del govern congregacional, va tenir un paper de gran importància en les aspiracions puritanes de fer de Boston un punt important per ajudar en la reforma de l'església d'Anglaterra. Cotton és molt conegut entre altres coses per la seva inicial defensa d'Anne Hutchinson ja des dels seus primers viatges durant la crisi antinòmia, durant la qual ella li va esmentar amb respecte, encara que amb el pas del temps ell es va oposar a ella. També és recordat pel seu paper en l'exili del teòleg Roger Williams reclamant el paper de la democràcia i de la separació de l'església i l'estat en la societat teonòmica puritana. Cotton es va anar fent cada vegada més conservador en les seves visions al llarg dels anys però sempre va retenir l'estimació de la seva comunitat. El llegat literari de Cotton inclou la seva correspondència, un catecisme, nombrosos sermons i el codi legal teològic titulat An Abstract of the laws of New England as they are now established. Aquest codi legal ofereix les bases per al sistema legal del clergue John Davenport per la colònia de New Haven, i va ser un dels textos utilitzats per redactar The Body of Liberties de Massachusetts. (ca)
- John Cotton (* 4. Dezember 1585 in Derby, Derbyshire, England; † 23. Dezember 1652 in Boston, Massachusetts, Neuengland) war ein englischer anglikanischer Geistlicher, Theologe und ab 1633 einer der führenden Köpfe der ersten Puritanergeneration und einer der Vordenker und Begründer des Kongregationalismus in Boston, in der Massachusetts Bay Colony und in ganz Neuengland. (de)
- El reverendo John Cotton (4 de diciembre de 1585 – 23 de diciembre de 1652) fue uno de los principales ministros de la puritana Nueva Inglaterra, entre los que se encontraban John Winthrop, Thomas Hooker, (que se convertiría en su yerno), y . Fue también el abuelo de Cotton Mather. Nacido en Inglaterra, fue educado en la Derby Grammar School, que en la actualidad es el y estudió en la Universidad de Cambridge, donde también trabajó como conferenciante principal; más adelante se hizo ministro en la ciudad inglesa de Boston, antes de que su puritanismo y sus críticas a la jerarquía dirigiesen contra él la atención hostil de las autoridades de la Iglesia de Inglaterra. En 1633, William Laud fue nombrado Arzobispo de Canterbury, y como otras numerosas figuras puritanas no conformistas, Cotton pasó a ser escrutado con severidad. El mismo año, Cotton, su familia y unos cuantos seguidores locales se embarcaron hacia la colonia de la bahía de Massachusetts. El movimiento congregacional que dentro de la Iglesia de Inglaterra tenía cierta autonomía, se convirtió en una iglesia separada. Debido a sus iniciales perspectivas acerca de la primacía del gobierno congregacional, tuvo un papel de gran importancia en las aspiraciones puritanas de hacer de Boston un punto importante para ayudar en la reforma de la iglesia de Inglaterra. Cotton es muy conocido entre otras cosas por su inicial defensa de Anne Hutchinson ya desde sus primeros viajes durante la crisis antinomia, durante la que ella le mencionó con respeto, aunque con el paso del tiempo él se opuso a ella. También es recordado por su papel en el destierro del teólogo Roger Williams reclamando el papel de la democracia y de la separación de la iglesia y el estado en la sociedad teonómica puritana. Cotton se fue haciendo cada vez más conservador en sus visiones a lo largo de los años pero siempre retuvo la estimación de su comunidad. El legado literario de Cotton incluye su correspondencia, un catecismo, numerosos sermones y el código legal teonómico titulado An Abstract of the laws of New England as they are now established. Este código legal provee las bases para el sistema legal del clérigo John Davenport para la colonia de New Haven, y fue uno de los textos utilizados para redactar el The Body of Liberties de Massachusetts. (es)
- John Cotton (4 December 1585 – 23 December 1652) was a clergyman in England and the American colonies and was considered the preeminent minister and theologian of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He studied for five years at Trinity College, Cambridge, and another nine at Emmanuel College, Cambridge. He had already built a reputation as a scholar and outstanding preacher when he accepted the position of minister at St. Botolph's Church, Boston in Lincolnshire, in 1612. As a Puritan, he wanted to do away with the ceremony and vestments associated with the established Church of England and to preach in a simpler manner. He felt that the English church needed significant reforms, but he was adamant about not separating from it; his preference was to change it from within. Many ministers were removed from their pulpits in England for their Puritan practices, but Cotton thrived at St. Botolph's for nearly 20 years because of supportive aldermen and lenient bishops, as well as his conciliatory and gentle demeanor. By 1632, however, the church authorities had greatly increased pressure on non-conforming clergy, and Cotton was forced into hiding. The following year, he and his wife boarded a ship for New England. Cotton was highly sought as a minister in Massachusetts and was quickly installed as the second pastor of the Boston church, sharing the ministry with John Wilson. He generated more religious conversions in his first six months than had been made the whole previous year. Early in his Boston tenure, he became involved in the banishment of Roger Williams, who blamed much of his trouble on Cotton. Soon after, Cotton became embroiled in the colony's Antinomian Controversy when several adherents of his "free grace" theology (most notably Anne Hutchinson) began criticizing other ministers in the colony. He tended to support his adherents through much of that controversy; near its conclusion, however, he realized that many of them held theological positions that were well outside the mainstream of Puritan orthodoxy, which he did not condone. Following the controversy, Cotton was able to mend fences with his fellow ministers, and he continued to preach in the Boston church until his death. A great part of his effort during his later career was devoted to the governance of the New England churches, and he was the one who gave the name Congregationalism to this form of church polity. A new form of polity was being decided for the Church of England in the early 1640s, as the Puritans in England gained power on the eve of the English Civil War, and Cotton wrote numerous letters and books in support of the "New England Way". Ultimately, Presbyterianism was chosen as the form of governance for the Church of England during the Westminster Assembly in 1643, though Cotton continued to engage in a polemic contest with several prominent Presbyterians on this issue. Cotton became more conservative with age. He battled the separatist attitude of Roger Williams and advocated severe punishment for those whom he deemed heretics, such as Samuel Gorton. Cotton was a scholar, an avid letter writer, and the author of many books, and was considered the "prime mover" among New England's ministers. Cotton died in December 1652 at age 67, following a month-long illness. His grandson Cotton Mather also became a New England minister and historian. (en)
- John Cotton (4 décembre 1585 – 23 décembre 1652) est un pasteur anglican puritain installé en Nouvelle-Angleterre. D'après plusieurs témoignages, il fut le prédicateur le plus influent de la Colonie de la baie du Massachusetts. (fr)
- John Cotton (4 Desember 1585 – 23 Desember 1652) adalah seorang rohaniwan di Inggris dan koloni-koloni Amerika dan, menurut banyak catatan, pendeta dan teolog menonjol di . Ia belajar selama lima tahun di Trinity College, Cambridge dan sembilan tahun di . (in)
- John Cotton (Derby, 4 dicembre 1585 – Boston, 23 dicembre 1652) è stato un predicatore inglese. Fu coinvolto in numerose dispute teologiche nella colonia inglese di Massachusetts Bay. Considerato il padre del Congregazionalismo in America, le sue opere sono state a lungo usate come testi di catechesi. Unì in un unico codice tutte le leggi della colonia e il suo lavoro fu la base del sistema legale di New Haven. (it)
- 존 코튼(John Cotton, 1585년 12월 4일 - 1652년 12월 23일)은 영국에서 그리고 미국 식민지시대의 성직자였으며, 매사추세츠 만 식민지의 저명한 목회자요 신학자였다.그는 트리니티 칼리지 (케임브리지)에서 5년간 수학하고, 캠브리지에서 Emmanuel College에서 9년간 공부하였다. 그는 이미 1612년 보스턴 (링컨셔 주) 세인트 보톨프 교회 (Saint Botolph 's Church)에서 목사직을 수락하면서 학자이자 탁월한 설교자로서의 명성을 쌓았다. 1633년 매사추세츠만 식민지로 이민을 와서 토마스 후커와 함께 사역을 했다. 그는 율법폐기론 논쟁의 중심에 있었고, 앤 허친슨은 회심에서 은혜의 선행됨과 하나님의 주권을 강조한 그를 따랐다. 한국에서는 오덕교 박사가 존 코튼으로 웨스트민스터 신학교에서 박사학위를 받았다. 존 프레스톤은 그의 설교를 듣고 회심하였다. (ko)
- John Cotton (* 4. Dezember 1585 in Derby, Derbyshire, England; † 23. Dezember 1652 in Boston, Massachusetts, Neuengland) war ein englischer anglikanischer Geistlicher, Theologe und ab 1633 einer der führenden Köpfe der ersten Puritanergeneration und einer der Vordenker und Begründer des Kongregationalismus in Boston, in der Massachusetts Bay Colony und in ganz Neuengland. (de)
- John Cotton (4 décembre 1585 – 23 décembre 1652) est un pasteur anglican puritain installé en Nouvelle-Angleterre. D'après plusieurs témoignages, il fut le prédicateur le plus influent de la Colonie de la baie du Massachusetts. (fr)
- John Cotton (4 Desember 1585 – 23 Desember 1652) adalah seorang rohaniwan di Inggris dan koloni-koloni Amerika dan, menurut banyak catatan, pendeta dan teolog menonjol di . Ia belajar selama lima tahun di Trinity College, Cambridge dan sembilan tahun di . (in)
- John Cotton (Derby, 4 dicembre 1585 – Boston, 23 dicembre 1652) è stato un predicatore inglese. Fu coinvolto in numerose dispute teologiche nella colonia inglese di Massachusetts Bay. Considerato il padre del Congregazionalismo in America, le sue opere sono state a lungo usate come testi di catechesi. Unì in un unico codice tutte le leggi della colonia e il suo lavoro fu la base del sistema legale di New Haven. (it)
- 존 코튼(John Cotton, 1585년 12월 4일 - 1652년 12월 23일)은 영국에서 그리고 미국 식민지시대의 성직자였으며, 매사추세츠 만 식민지의 저명한 목회자요 신학자였다.그는 트리니티 칼리지 (케임브리지)에서 5년간 수학하고, 캠브리지에서 Emmanuel College에서 9년간 공부하였다. 그는 이미 1612년 보스턴 (링컨셔 주) 세인트 보톨프 교회 (Saint Botolph 's Church)에서 목사직을 수락하면서 학자이자 탁월한 설교자로서의 명성을 쌓았다. 1633년 매사추세츠만 식민지로 이민을 와서 토마스 후커와 함께 사역을 했다. 그는 율법폐기론 논쟁의 중심에 있었고, 앤 허친슨은 회심에서 은혜의 선행됨과 하나님의 주권을 강조한 그를 따랐다. 한국에서는 오덕교 박사가 존 코튼으로 웨스트민스터 신학교에서 박사학위를 받았다. 존 프레스톤은 그의 설교를 듣고 회심하였다. (ko)
- El reverend John Cotton (4 de desembre de 1585 - 23 de desembre de 1652) va ser un dels principals ministres de la puritana Nova Anglaterra, entre els quals hi havia , , (que es convertiria en el seu gendre), i . Va ser també l'avi de Cotton Mather. (ca)
- John Cotton (4 December 1585 – 23 December 1652) was a clergyman in England and the American colonies and was considered the preeminent minister and theologian of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He studied for five years at Trinity College, Cambridge, and another nine at Emmanuel College, Cambridge. He had already built a reputation as a scholar and outstanding preacher when he accepted the position of minister at St. Botolph's Church, Boston in Lincolnshire, in 1612. (en)
- El reverendo John Cotton (4 de diciembre de 1585 – 23 de diciembre de 1652) fue uno de los principales ministros de la puritana Nueva Inglaterra, entre los que se encontraban John Winthrop, Thomas Hooker, (que se convertiría en su yerno), y . Fue también el abuelo de Cotton Mather. (es)