This is the list of characters of the light novel, manga and anime series Maria-sama ga Miteru. Most of the characters either attend Lillian School for Girls, or in the case of male characters, are related to or dating a student of Lillian.
This is the list of characters of the light novel, manga and anime series Maria-sama ga Miteru. Most of the characters either attend Lillian School for Girls, or in the case of male characters, are related to or dating a student of Lillian. (en)
아래 내용은 소설, 만화, 애니메이션, 영화 등으로 제작된 마리아님이 보고 계셔에 등장하는 인물의 목록이다. (ko)
This is the list of characters of the light novel, manga and anime series Maria-sama ga Miteru. Most of the characters either attend Lillian School for Girls, or in the case of male characters, are related to or dating a student of Lillian. (en)
아래 내용은 소설, 만화, 애니메이션, 영화 등으로 제작된 마리아님이 보고 계셔에 등장하는 인물의 목록이다. (ko)