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The Latin term characteristica universalis, commonly interpreted as universal characteristic, or universal character in English, is a universal and formal language imagined by Gottfried Leibniz able to express mathematical, scientific, and metaphysical concepts. Leibniz thus hoped to create a language usable within the framework of a universal logical calculation or calculus ratiocinator.

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  • El terme llatí characteristica universalis, interpretat habitualment com a característica universal, o caràcter universal, és un llenguatge universal i formal ideat pel filòsof alemany Gottfried Leibniz, capaç d'expressar conceptes matemàtics, científics i metafísics. Leibniz tenia l'esperança de crear un llenguatge que es pogués utilitzar en el marc d'un càlcul lògic universal o . La universalis characteristica és un concepte recurrent en els escrits de Gottfried Leibniz. Quan escriu en francès, de vegades utilitza la frase générale spécieuse en el mateix sentit. De vegades, el concepte es combina amb el seu concepte de i amb els seus plans per a una enciclopèdia com un compendi de tot el coneixement humà. (ca)
  • Die Universalsprache (characteristica universalis) bezeichnet nach Leibniz ein System von Zeichen, mit dessen Hilfe alle Objekte und ihre Beziehungen, Gesetze u. a. abgebildet werden sollen, und zwar derart, dass den Dingen bestimmte Zeichen und den Beziehungen zwischen den Dingen bestimmte Beziehungen zwischen diesen Zeichen entsprechen sollten. Dieses Programm enthält insbesondere auch die Ersetzung der Operation mit Begriffen durch die Operation mit Zeichen. Diese characteristica universalis sollte die Grundlage einer scientia universalis, einer Universalwissenschaft, sein. Von besonderem philosophischem Interesse ist die Anwendung dieser Universalsprache auf das Problem der Abbildung. Die einzelnen Zeichen, die zur Bezeichnung der Objekte verwendet werden, mögen zwar willkürlich sein, nicht willkürlich ist aber die Struktur eines derartigen, einen bestimmten objektiv-realen Gegenstandsbereich abbildenden Zeichensystems. Die Verknüpfung der Zeichen miteinander ist nicht willkürlich, sondern entspricht der Verknüpfung zwischen den bezeichneten Objekten. Das Problem der Universalsprache hat Leibniz zeitlebens beschäftigt, ohne dass ihm eine systematische Darlegung gelungen wäre. Die moderne Logik kann in gewisser Hinsicht als Realisierung des Leibnizschen Programms aufgefasst werden. Sie hat zugleich auch erwiesen, dass das Leibnizsche Programm nur in begrenztem Umfang realisierbar ist, und hat diese Grenzen durch Kurt Gödels Unvollständigkeitssatz und Erkenntnisse über die Möglichkeit von Entscheidungsverfahren schon recht genau bestimmt. Die von Leibniz gesuchte Universalwissenschaft behauptet der derzeit weitgehend unbekannte Philosoph Karl Christian Friedrich Krause in seiner Wesenlehre gefunden zu haben. Nach dem erkenntnistheoretischen Aufstieg bis zur Grunderkenntnis Gottes als des Einen, unendlichen und absoluten Wesens leitet Krause alle Erkenntnisse aller Wissenschaften (vor allem neue Parameter für Logik, Mathematik, Naturwissenschaft, Geisteswissenschaft und Gotteswissenschaft, Ethik, Religion und Grundlagen einer Weltgesellschaft) an und in dem unendlichen und absoluten Wesen ab. Diese neuen Erkenntnisse (Kategorien) erfordern zu ihrer Darstellung eine neue Sprache, eine Universalsprache (Or-Om-Sprache) mit einer neuen Struktur, welche der Struktur Gottes an und in sich entspricht und welche alle bisherigen Sprachsysteme und deren Strukturen überschreitet. Krause verfasste eine Reihe seiner Werke in dieser neuen Sprache, was die Rezeption derselben grundsätzlich erschwerte. Er war der Meinung, dass er das Konzept, welches Leibniz suchte, ausgeführt und vollendet hätte. Im Sinne dieses Systems werden die Probleme der modernen Logik und Mathematik lösbar. (de)
  • The Latin term characteristica universalis, commonly interpreted as universal characteristic, or universal character in English, is a universal and formal language imagined by Gottfried Leibniz able to express mathematical, scientific, and metaphysical concepts. Leibniz thus hoped to create a language usable within the framework of a universal logical calculation or calculus ratiocinator. The characteristica universalis is a recurring concept in the writings of Leibniz. When writing in French, he sometimes employed the phrase spécieuse générale to the same effect. The concept is sometimes paired with his notion of a calculus ratiocinator and with his plans for an encyclopaedia as a compendium of all human knowledge. (en)
  • La universala lingvo, germane Universalsprache, latine characteristica universalis estas sistemo de signoj, desegnita de Leibniz, per kiu ĉiuj objektoj kaj iliaj rilatoj, leĝoj kaj aliaj estu reprezentataj, kaj tiamaniere, ke difinitaj signoj apartenas al objektoj kaj difinitaj rilatoj inter objektoj apartenas al rilatoj inter tiuj signoj. La problemo de la universala lingvo okupis Leibnizon dum sia tuta vivo, sed malgraŭ multaj ŝanĝoj kaj plibonigoj li ne atingis taŭgan prezentadon. Unue, lia sistemo nur estis konstruita por skriba notado de simboloj, sed Leibniz poste uzis vortojn, kiuj povas esti pli facile lernitaj, memorigitaj kaj elparolitaj. Parte la moderna logiko povas esti komprenita kiel realigo de la programo de Leibniz. Tiu logiko ankaŭ provis, ke la programo de Leibniz nur povas esti realigita en limigita kvanto. Ĝiaj limoj estas relative ekzakte precizigitaj per la teoremoj de nekompleteco de Gödel kaj per komprenoj pri la ebleco de metodoj de decidado. (eo)
  • El término latino characteristica universalis, interpretado habitualmente como característica universal o carácter universal, es un lenguaje universal y formal ideado por el filósofo alemán Gottfried Leibniz, capaz de expresar conceptos matemáticos, científico y metafísicos. Leibniz tenía la esperanza de crear un lenguaje que se pudiera utilizar en el marco del cálculo lógico universal o Calculus ratiocinator.​​ La universalis characteristica es un concepto recurrente en los escritos de Leibniz. Cuando escribe en francés, a veces utiliza la frase générale spécieuse en el mismo sentido. A veces el concepto se combina con su idea de cálculo raciocinador y con sus planes para una enciclopedia con un compendio de todo el saber humano. (es)
  • La caractéristique universelle ou, en latin, characteristica universalis est une langue universelle et formelle imaginée par le philosophe, mathématicien et scientifique allemand Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz capable d'exprimer aussi bien les concepts mathématiques, scientifiques ou métaphysiques. Leibniz espérait ainsi créer une langue utilisable dans le cadre d'un calcul logique universel mécanisable ou calculus ratiocinator. (fr)
  • L'espressione latina characteristica universalis, comunemente tradotta come "caratteristica universale" o "carattere universale", è un linguaggio formale e universale, concepito dal filosofo tedesco Gottfried Leibniz, in grado di esprimere, tramite una serie di simboli, concetti matematici, scientifici e metafisici. Leibniz cercava in tal modo di creare un linguaggio utilizzabile anche come base di un'algebra logica (calculus ratiocinator) di modo che i nostri errori concettuali si sarebbero ridotti ad errori di calcolo, facilmente correggibili con un attento esame: Come matematico Leibniz è noto per i suoi contributi nell'analisi matematica e per aver introdotto contemporaneamente a Isaac Newton le prime nozioni di calcolo infinitesimale; come filosofo egli ha trattato questioni di logica, metafisica, diritto, etica, politica e teologia. (it)
  • 通用表意文字(拉丁语术语为characteristica universalis;英语当中常解释为 universal characteristic 或 universal character;中文之中又常常称为普遍表意文字、普遍语言、通用语言、普适语言以及普适科学语言等),是德国哲学家戈特弗里德·莱布尼茨所设想的一种通用的形式化语言;该语言能够表达数学、科学以及形而上学(纯粹哲学)方面的概念。莱布尼茨希望创建的是一种可以在通用逻辑运算或者说框架之下加以使用的语言。 (zh)
  • 3230705 (xsd:integer)
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  • 0001-01-10 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • Couturat, 1901, chpt. 3 (en)
  • Jaenecke 1996 (en)
  • Lewis 1960: 3, 7–9 (en)
  • Loemker 1969: 656 (en)
  • Parkinson 1973: ix (en)
  • Rescher 1954 (en)
  • Strickland 2011: 355 (en)
  • Leibniz, Zur allgemeinen Charakteristik. Hauptschriften zur Grundlegung der Philosophie. Philosophische Werke Band 1. page 30-31. Translated by Artur Buchenau. Reviewed and with introduction and notes published by Ernst Cassirer. Hamburg: Felix Meiner. 1966. (en)
  • On The Art of Combination, 1666, translated in Parkinson 1966: 10–11 (en)
  • Leibniz's program of a universal science for coordinating all human knowledge into a systematic whole comprises two parts: a universal notation by use of which any item of information whatever can be recorded in a natural and systematic way, and a means of manipulating the knowledge thus recorded in a computational fashion, so as to reveal its logical interrelations and consequences . (en)
  • Leibniz's views about the systematic character of all knowledge are linked with his plans for a universal symbolism, a Characteristica Universalis. This was to be a calculus which would cover all thought, and replace controversy by calculation. The ideal now seems absurdly optimistic..." (en)
  • We have spoken of the art of complication of the sciences, i.e., of inventive logic... But when the tables of categories of our art of complication have been formed, something greater will emerge. For let the first terms, of the combination of which all others consist, be designated by signs; these signs will be a kind of alphabet. It will be convenient for the signs to be as natural as possible—e.g., for one, a point; for numbers, points; for the relations of one entity with another, lines; for the variation of angles and of extremities in lines, kinds of relations. If these are correctly and ingeniously established, this universal writing will be as easy as it is common, and will be capable of being read without any dictionary; at the same time, a fundamental knowledge of all things will be obtained. The whole of such a writing will be made of geometrical figures, as it were, and of a kind of pictures — just as the ancient Egyptians did, and the Chinese do today. Their pictures, however, are not reduced to a fixed alphabet... with the result that a tremendous strain on the memory is necessary, which is the contrary of what we propose. (en)
  • And although learned men have long since thought of some kind of language or universal characteristic by which all concepts and things can be put into beautiful order, and with whose help different nations might communicate their thoughts and each read in his own language what another has written in his, yet no one has attempted a language or characteristic which includes at once both the arts of discovery and judgement, that is, one whose signs and characters serve the same purpose that arithmetical signs serve for numbers, and algebraic signs for quantities taken abstractly. Yet it does seem that since God has bestowed these two sciences on mankind, he has sought to notify us that a far greater secret lies hidden in our understanding, of which these are but the shadows. (en)
  • ... a kind of general algebra in which all truths of reason would be reduced to a kind of calculus. At the same time, this would be a kind of universal language or writing, though infinitely different from all such languages which have thus far been proposed; for the characters and the words themselves would direct the mind, and the errors — excepting those of fact — would only be calculation mistakes. It would be very difficult to form or invent this language or characteristic, but very easy to learn it without any dictionaries. (en)
  • the Leibniz project is not a matter of logic but rather one of knowledge representation, a field largely unexploited in today's logic-oriented epistemology and philosophy of science. It is precisely this one-sided orientation of these disciplines, which is responsible for the distorted picture of Leibniz's work found in the literature. (en)
  • Elsewhere Leibniz even includes among the types of signs musical notes and astronomical signs . It should be noted that Leibniz sometimes employs planetary signs in place of letters in his algebraic calculations (en)
  • ...practical uses rather than scientific utility, that is, for being chiefly artificial languages intended for international communication and not philosophical languages that would express the logical relations of concepts. He favors, and opposes to them, the true "real characteristic", which would express the composition of concepts by the combination of signs representing their simple elements, such that the correspondence between composite ideas and their symbols would be natural and no longer conventional. (en)
  • This shows that the real characteristic was for him an ideography, that is, a system of signs that directly represent things and not words, in such a way that each nation could read them and translate them into its own language. (en)
  • Logistic may be defined as the science which deals with types of order as such. It is not so much a subject as a method. Although most logistic is either founded upon or makes large use of the principles of symbolic logic, still a science of order in general does not necessarily presuppose or begin with symbolic logic. (en)
  • It is true that in the past I planned a new way of calculating suitable for matters which have nothing in common with mathematics, and if this kind of logic were put into practice, every reasoning, even probabilistic ones, would be like that of the mathematician: if need be, the lesser minds which had application and good will could, if not accompany the greatest minds, then at least follow them. For one could always say: let us calculate, and judge correctly through this, as much as the data and reason can provide us with the means for it. But I do not know if I will ever be in a position to carry out such a project, which requires more than one hand; and it even seems that mankind is still not mature enough to lay claim to the advantages which this method could provide. (en)
  • I have spoken to the Marquis de l'Hôpital and others about my general algebra, but they have paid no more attention to it than if I had told them about a dream of mine. I should have to support it too by some obvious application, but to achieve this it would be necessary to work out at least a part of my characteristic, a task which is not easy, especially in my present condition and without the advantage of discussions with men who could stimulate and help me in work of this nature. (en)
  • La caractéristique universelle ou, en latin, characteristica universalis est une langue universelle et formelle imaginée par le philosophe, mathématicien et scientifique allemand Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz capable d'exprimer aussi bien les concepts mathématiques, scientifiques ou métaphysiques. Leibniz espérait ainsi créer une langue utilisable dans le cadre d'un calcul logique universel mécanisable ou calculus ratiocinator. (fr)
  • 通用表意文字(拉丁语术语为characteristica universalis;英语当中常解释为 universal characteristic 或 universal character;中文之中又常常称为普遍表意文字、普遍语言、通用语言、普适语言以及普适科学语言等),是德国哲学家戈特弗里德·莱布尼茨所设想的一种通用的形式化语言;该语言能够表达数学、科学以及形而上学(纯粹哲学)方面的概念。莱布尼茨希望创建的是一种可以在通用逻辑运算或者说框架之下加以使用的语言。 (zh)
  • El terme llatí characteristica universalis, interpretat habitualment com a característica universal, o caràcter universal, és un llenguatge universal i formal ideat pel filòsof alemany Gottfried Leibniz, capaç d'expressar conceptes matemàtics, científics i metafísics. Leibniz tenia l'esperança de crear un llenguatge que es pogués utilitzar en el marc d'un càlcul lògic universal o . (ca)
  • La universala lingvo, germane Universalsprache, latine characteristica universalis estas sistemo de signoj, desegnita de Leibniz, per kiu ĉiuj objektoj kaj iliaj rilatoj, leĝoj kaj aliaj estu reprezentataj, kaj tiamaniere, ke difinitaj signoj apartenas al objektoj kaj difinitaj rilatoj inter objektoj apartenas al rilatoj inter tiuj signoj. (eo)
  • The Latin term characteristica universalis, commonly interpreted as universal characteristic, or universal character in English, is a universal and formal language imagined by Gottfried Leibniz able to express mathematical, scientific, and metaphysical concepts. Leibniz thus hoped to create a language usable within the framework of a universal logical calculation or calculus ratiocinator. (en)
  • Die Universalsprache (characteristica universalis) bezeichnet nach Leibniz ein System von Zeichen, mit dessen Hilfe alle Objekte und ihre Beziehungen, Gesetze u. a. abgebildet werden sollen, und zwar derart, dass den Dingen bestimmte Zeichen und den Beziehungen zwischen den Dingen bestimmte Beziehungen zwischen diesen Zeichen entsprechen sollten. (de)
  • El término latino characteristica universalis, interpretado habitualmente como característica universal o carácter universal, es un lenguaje universal y formal ideado por el filósofo alemán Gottfried Leibniz, capaz de expresar conceptos matemáticos, científico y metafísicos. Leibniz tenía la esperanza de crear un lenguaje que se pudiera utilizar en el marco del cálculo lógico universal o Calculus ratiocinator.​​ (es)
  • L'espressione latina characteristica universalis, comunemente tradotta come "caratteristica universale" o "carattere universale", è un linguaggio formale e universale, concepito dal filosofo tedesco Gottfried Leibniz, in grado di esprimere, tramite una serie di simboli, concetti matematici, scientifici e metafisici. Leibniz cercava in tal modo di creare un linguaggio utilizzabile anche come base di un'algebra logica (calculus ratiocinator) di modo che i nostri errori concettuali si sarebbero ridotti ad errori di calcolo, facilmente correggibili con un attento esame: (it)
  • Characteristica universalis (ca)
  • Universalsprache (de)
  • Characteristica universalis (en)
  • Universala lingvo (Leibniz) (eo)
  • Characteristica universalis (es)
  • Characteristica universalis (it)
  • Caractéristique universelle (fr)
  • 通用表意文字 (zh)
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