- Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) is a policy of the South African government which aims to facilitate broader participation in the economy by black people. A form of affirmative action, it is intended especially to redress the inequalities created by apartheid. The policy provides incentives – especially preferential treatment in government procurement processes – to businesses which contribute to black economic empowerment according to several measurable criteria, including through partial or majority black ownership, hiring black employees, and contracting with black-owned suppliers. The preferential procurement aspect of BEE has been viewed as paradigmatic of a sustainable procurement approach, whereby government procurement is used to advance social policy objectives. So-called "BEE deals" – transactions aiming to increase black ownership of large businesses – have been conducted on a large scale, with BEE transactions concluded between 1994 and 2005 valued at between R150 billion and R285 billion. The government has subscribed to an explicit policy of black economic empowerment since 1994, but BEE was relaunched as the more comprehensive, and less ownership-focused, Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) programme around the time of the passage of the BBBEE legislation in 2003. However, although earlier initiatives were governed by different legislation and sets of arrangements, the underlying principles and policy are very similar, and BBBEE is often still referred to as "BEE" in common parlance. In June 2021, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that South Africa's BEE strategy and legislation would be reviewed, especially to ensure that they are not exploited for corrupt purposes. (en)
- Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (kurz B-BBEE oder BBBEE; deutsch etwa „Breit angelegte wirtschaftliche Stärkung von Schwarzen“) ist ein Affirmative-Action-Programm zur Erreichung der wirtschaftlichen Chancengleichheit von vormals benachteiligten Bürgern in Südafrika. Es wurde 2003 unter dem kürzeren Namen Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) begonnen und mehrmals modifiziert. Entgegen seinem Namen sieht es auch die Förderung von Coloureds und Indern vor. (de)
- Le Black Economic Empowerment ou BEE (signifiant à peu près « développement économique des Noirs »), est un programme à base raciale, lancé par le gouvernement sud-africain pour rectifier les inégalités créées par l'apartheid à l'encontre de certains groupes, Noirs, Coloured, Indiens et Chinois et leur conférer des privilèges économiques dont ils étaient privés auparavant. C'est une forme de discrimination positive. Cela comprend des mesures concernant le développement des compétences, la propriété, la gestion, le développement socio-économique et l'approvisionnement préférentiel. (fr)
- 흑인 경제력 강화 제도(Black Economic Empowerment)는 흑인 우대 정책이라고도 하며 남아프리카 공화국에서 1994년까지 실시 되었던 아파르트헤이트으로 인해 벌어진 인종간의 빈부격차와 경제적 불평등을 해결하기 위해 아프리카민족회의에서 처음 실시한 적극적 우대조치다. 남아프리카 공화국에서 2003년부터 실시된 이 정책은 2007년부터 포괄적 흑인경제육성법(B-BBEE:Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment)로 수정되어 실시되고 있다. 국가는 기업의 소유, 관리 및 제어, 피고용인의 평등, 개발 기술, 우선적 구매, 기업 개발, 사회 경제적 개발, 중소기업 규제 등 나라의 자산과 기회의 재분배에 직접 개입하여 흑인의 경제적 참여권을 보장한다. 정부는 흑인 경제권 강화 제도에 의거해 여러 항목에 따라 기업들을 평가하게 되는데 이 때 기준이 되는 평가기준을 스코어 카드라 한다. 중소 기업들을 스코어 카드 측정에서 제외되나 비즈니스 파트너, 공급 업체, 서비스 제공자의 선택에 있어서는 흑인 경제권 강화제도의 규제를 받는다. (ko)
- Black Economic Empowerment, kortweg BEE, (Afrikaans: Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging (SEB)) is een Zuid-Afrikaanse regelgeving met de bedoeling om de voorheen achtergestelde bevolking ('previously disadvantaged people') meer te betrekken in het economische proces. Het gaat hierbij om de zwarte bevolking, kleurlingen, mensen van Indische origine en (sommige) Chinezen, die onder de verzamelnaam "black" aangeduid worden. De Zuid-Afrikaanse maatschappij heeft na de Apartheid namelijk nog steeds te maken met grote economische ongelijkheid. Zo is de zwarte bevolking in het economisch proces erg ondervertegenwoordigd, vooral in de hogere lagen van het economische proces. Deze regelgeving werd veel bekritiseerd omdat slechts een klein aantal zwarte zakenlieden betrokken zou worden bij dergelijke deals ("narrow based"). Dit leidde tot een wijziging van de wet in 2007, vanaf dan werd van "Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment" gesproken. Het BEE-beleid werd door de Namibische regering gekopieerd en in Namibië ingevoerd. Dit beleidsplan is ondertussen reeds afgeschaft en vervangen door het . (nl)
- 南非救助黑人政策(英語:Black Economic Empowerment, 簡稱:BEE),是南非政府發動的一項政策,希望能給予在種族隔離期間受到不平等待遇的族群(黑人、有色人種、印第安人、部分亞洲人等)早期被剝削的經濟機會。包含就業平等、技能發展、所有權、管理、社會經濟發展、優先採購政策等。預計執行至2014年,將許多權力放給之前被不平等對待的黑人,例如,希望能執行至黑人佔有至少30%的企業為止。而這批新的富人被稱為黑鑽石。然而BEE也造成貧富差距擴大,更多人失業。有許多問題正等著改善。 (zh)
- Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (kurz B-BBEE oder BBBEE; deutsch etwa „Breit angelegte wirtschaftliche Stärkung von Schwarzen“) ist ein Affirmative-Action-Programm zur Erreichung der wirtschaftlichen Chancengleichheit von vormals benachteiligten Bürgern in Südafrika. Es wurde 2003 unter dem kürzeren Namen Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) begonnen und mehrmals modifiziert. Entgegen seinem Namen sieht es auch die Förderung von Coloureds und Indern vor. (de)
- Le Black Economic Empowerment ou BEE (signifiant à peu près « développement économique des Noirs »), est un programme à base raciale, lancé par le gouvernement sud-africain pour rectifier les inégalités créées par l'apartheid à l'encontre de certains groupes, Noirs, Coloured, Indiens et Chinois et leur conférer des privilèges économiques dont ils étaient privés auparavant. C'est une forme de discrimination positive. Cela comprend des mesures concernant le développement des compétences, la propriété, la gestion, le développement socio-économique et l'approvisionnement préférentiel. (fr)
- 흑인 경제력 강화 제도(Black Economic Empowerment)는 흑인 우대 정책이라고도 하며 남아프리카 공화국에서 1994년까지 실시 되었던 아파르트헤이트으로 인해 벌어진 인종간의 빈부격차와 경제적 불평등을 해결하기 위해 아프리카민족회의에서 처음 실시한 적극적 우대조치다. 남아프리카 공화국에서 2003년부터 실시된 이 정책은 2007년부터 포괄적 흑인경제육성법(B-BBEE:Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment)로 수정되어 실시되고 있다. 국가는 기업의 소유, 관리 및 제어, 피고용인의 평등, 개발 기술, 우선적 구매, 기업 개발, 사회 경제적 개발, 중소기업 규제 등 나라의 자산과 기회의 재분배에 직접 개입하여 흑인의 경제적 참여권을 보장한다. 정부는 흑인 경제권 강화 제도에 의거해 여러 항목에 따라 기업들을 평가하게 되는데 이 때 기준이 되는 평가기준을 스코어 카드라 한다. 중소 기업들을 스코어 카드 측정에서 제외되나 비즈니스 파트너, 공급 업체, 서비스 제공자의 선택에 있어서는 흑인 경제권 강화제도의 규제를 받는다. (ko)
- 南非救助黑人政策(英語:Black Economic Empowerment, 簡稱:BEE),是南非政府發動的一項政策,希望能給予在種族隔離期間受到不平等待遇的族群(黑人、有色人種、印第安人、部分亞洲人等)早期被剝削的經濟機會。包含就業平等、技能發展、所有權、管理、社會經濟發展、優先採購政策等。預計執行至2014年,將許多權力放給之前被不平等對待的黑人,例如,希望能執行至黑人佔有至少30%的企業為止。而這批新的富人被稱為黑鑽石。然而BEE也造成貧富差距擴大,更多人失業。有許多問題正等著改善。 (zh)
- Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) is a policy of the South African government which aims to facilitate broader participation in the economy by black people. A form of affirmative action, it is intended especially to redress the inequalities created by apartheid. The policy provides incentives – especially preferential treatment in government procurement processes – to businesses which contribute to black economic empowerment according to several measurable criteria, including through partial or majority black ownership, hiring black employees, and contracting with black-owned suppliers. The preferential procurement aspect of BEE has been viewed as paradigmatic of a sustainable procurement approach, whereby government procurement is used to advance social policy objectives. So-called "BEE de (en)
- Black Economic Empowerment, kortweg BEE, (Afrikaans: Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging (SEB)) is een Zuid-Afrikaanse regelgeving met de bedoeling om de voorheen achtergestelde bevolking ('previously disadvantaged people') meer te betrekken in het economische proces. Het gaat hierbij om de zwarte bevolking, kleurlingen, mensen van Indische origine en (sommige) Chinezen, die onder de verzamelnaam "black" aangeduid worden. Het BEE-beleid werd door de Namibische regering gekopieerd en in Namibië ingevoerd. Dit beleidsplan is ondertussen reeds afgeschaft en vervangen door het . (nl)