- The 168th Street station (formerly the Washington Heights–168th Street station) is an underground New York City Subway station complex shared by the IRT Broadway–Seventh Avenue Line and IND Eighth Avenue Line. It is located at the intersection of 168th Street and Broadway in Washington Heights, Manhattan and served by the 1 and A trains at all times, and the C train at all times except late nights. The Broadway–Seventh Avenue Line station was built for the Interborough Rapid Transit Company (IRT), and was a station on the West Side Branch of the city's first subway line, which was approved in 1900. The station opened on April 14, 1906. The Eighth Avenue Line station was built as an express and terminal station for the Independent Subway System (IND) and opened on September 10, 1932, as part of the IND's first segment. The IRT station has two side platforms and two tracks. The IND station has two island platforms and four tracks, although the track configuration is reversed from most New York City Subway express stations, with express trains using the outer tracks and local trains using the inner tracks. The transfer between the IRT platforms and the IND platforms has been within fare control since July 1, 1948. The IND station contains elevators, which make it compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). While the IRT station can only be reached by elevators, it is not ADA-accessible. The IRT station's interior is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. (en)
- La Calle 168 es una estación del metro de la ciudad de Nueva York compartida con la línea de la Séptima Avenida-Broadway y la línea de la Octava Avenida. Está localizada en la intersección de la Calle 168 y Broadway en el barrio Washington Heights de Manhattan. Los puntos de intereses más cercanos se encuentran el , el parque del Río Hudson, y los remanentes del Vestíbulo Audubon. El acceso a la estación está disponible vía un elevador personal, aunque la estación no tiene accesibilidad para discapacitados. En 2005 la estación fue agregada al Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos. (es)
- 168th Street est une station souterraine du métro de New York situé dans le quartier de Washington Heights, dans le nord de Manhattan. Elle est située sur deux lignes (au sens de tronçons du réseau), l'IRT Broadway-Seventh Avenue Line (métros rouges) et l'IND Eighth Avenue Line (métros bleus), issues respectivement des réseaux des anciens Interborough Rapid Transit Company (IRT) et Independent Subway System (IND). Sur la base de la fréquentation, la station figurait au 49e rang sur 421 en 2012. Au total, trois services y circulent :
* les métros 1 et A y transitent 24/7 ;
* les métros C (dont elle constitue le terminus nord) y circulent tout le temps, sauf durant les late nights (0h00 - 06h30). (fr)
- 168丁目駅(168ちょうめえき、英語: 168th Street)はIRTブロードウェイ-7番街線とIND8番街線が乗り入れるニューヨーク市地下鉄の駅である。マンハッタン区ワシントンハイツにある168丁目とブロードウェイの交差点にあり、終日1系統とA系統が、深夜を除く終日C系統が停車する。 (ja)
- 168th Street – stacja metra nowojorskiego, na linii 1, A i C. Znajduje się w dzielnicy Manhattan, w Nowym Jorku i zlokalizowana jest pomiędzy stacjami 181st Street, 157th Street, 175th Street i 163rd Street – Amsterdam Avenue. Została otwarta 16 marca 1906. (pl)
- 168th Street is een station van de Metro van New York aan de Broadway-Seventh Avenue Line. De lijnen 1, A en C doen dit station aan. (nl)
- 168th Street è una stazione della metropolitana di New York situata all'incrocio tra le linee IRT Broadway-Seventh Avenue e IND Eighth Avenue. Nel 2019 è stata utilizzata da 6 156 288 passeggeri. È servita dalle linee 1 e A sempre, e dalla linea C sempre tranne di notte. (it)
- 168-я улица (англ. 168th Street) — это пересадочный узел Нью-Йоркского метро. Он расположен на пересечении Бродвея, и 168-й улицы. В пересадочный узел входят станции следующих линий:
* линия Бродвея и Седьмой авеню, Ай-ар-ти,
* линия Восьмой авеню, Ай-эн-ди. На станциях пересадочного узла останавливаются маршруты:
* 1, A (круглосуточно),
* C (круглосуточно, кроме ночи). (ru)
- 168街車站(英語:168th Street station),曾名華盛頓高地-168街車站(英語:Washington Heights–168th Street station),是美國紐約地鐵IRT百老匯-第七大道線及IND第八大道線共用的地鐵站複合體,位於曼哈頓華盛頓高地168街及百老匯交界,設有以下列車服務:
* 1號線、A線列車(任何時候停站)
* C線列車(任何時候停站(深夜除外)) 車站的IRT站區位於非常深的地底,並需要在通過閘機以後使用升降機前往月台,並位於較高的IND站區夾層。另外亦設有IND月台到夾層和夾層到街道的升降機,令IND站區可以無障礙通行。而IRT站區無法無障礙通行,因為月台上沒有升降機(前往閘機的升降機需要爬少許樓梯)。 相鄰的地點包括紐約-長老會醫院/、哈德遜河水岸公園,以及的殘餘。2005年,車站加入了國家史蹟名錄。 (zh)
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- http://www.nycsubway.org/perl/stations%3F6:85%7CIRT
- http://www.google.com/maps/@40.8406924,-73.9394682,3a,75y,266.63h,86.26t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-kvxdlQ_LIs8%2FV5l76n40IaI%2FAAAAAAAANFE%2FgvRraCxB5Twm5aW1Bcpnh66uANDzMKKuACLIB!2e4!3e11!6s%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2F-kvxdlQ_LIs8%2FV5l76n40IaI%2FAAAAAAAANFE%2FgvRraCxB5Twm5aW1Bcpnh66uANDzMKKuACLIB%2Fw203-h100-p-k-no%2F!7i9728!8i4864!4m3!8m2!3m1!1e1!6m1!1e1
- http://www.google.com/maps/@40.8407251,-73.9394416,3a,75y,104.63h,82.19t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-mSII9ToVrD0%2FV0Y9bdMWqCI%2FAAAAAAAAG6s%2Fm06HTXdNkYQXRN4Ld8DLCamLrWSefLpjgCLIB!2e4!3e11!6s%2F%2Flh4.googleusercontent.com%2F-mSII9ToVrD0%2FV0Y9bdMWqCI%2FAAAAAAAAG6s%2Fm06HTXdNkYQXRN4Ld8DLCamLrWSefLpjgCLIB%2Fw203-h100-p-k-no%2F!7i9728!8i4864!4m3!8m2!3m1!1e1
- http://www.google.com/maps/@40.8410201,-73.9400502,3a,75y,53.87h,85.51t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-oaKGcOdqvDg%2FV5fo21cHtOI%2FAAAAAAAAMng%2FPX47GFF86IAG8dXSVRH-0Kp-4YDGrsETACLIB!2e4!3e11!6s%2F%2Flh6.googleusercontent.com%2F-oaKGcOdqvDg%2FV5fo21cHtOI%2FAAAAAAAAMng%2FPX47GFF86IAG8dXSVRH-0Kp-4YDGrsETACLIB%2Fw203-h100-p-k-no%2F!7i9728!8i4864!4m3!8m2!3m1!1e1!6m1!1e1
- http://www.nycsubway.org/perl/stations%3F7:3171%7CIND
- http://www.subwaynut.com/ct/168a/index.php
- https://maps.google.com/maps%3Ff=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=34.587666,76.552734&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FW2XbwIdQg2Y-w&split=0&hq=&hnear=&ll=40.840941,-73.939962&spn=0.003847,0.013433&z=17&lci=transit&layer=c&cbll=40.840869,-73.940016&panoid=CsEwKT7vm1lboBe3cuZByA&cbp=12,308.15,,0,2.05
- https://maps.google.com/maps%3Ff=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=34.587666,76.552734&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FW2XbwIdQg2Y-w&split=0&hq=&hnear=&ll=40.841736,-73.939426&spn=0.003847,0.013433&z=17&lci=transit&layer=c&cbll=40.841817,-73.939608&panoid=gxZ2VHyPe5XpaZRmxD6eHA&cbp=12,47.05,,0,2.41
- https://maps.google.com/maps%3Fq=&hl=en&ll=40.840924,-73.939335&spn=0.000743,0.002411&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=34.587666,76.552734&geocode=FW2XbwIdQg2Y-w&hnear=&layer=c&cbll=40.840924,-73.939336&panoid=acjm3haGRZVTtSmJxH0_gQ&cbp=12,180.54,,0,6.51&t=m&z=19
- https://web.archive.org/web/20070315000117/http:/www.stationreporter.net/168bway.htm
- https://web.archive.org/web/20170608114504/http:/www.subwaynut.com/ct/168a/index.php
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- 68323 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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- IND Eighth Avenue Line platforms only (en)
- [[#IND Eighth Avenue Line platforms (en)
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- New York, NY 10032 (en)
- St. Nicholas Avenue (en)
- West 168th Street, Broadway, and (en)
- #11117D (en)
- #E20F00 (en)
- black (en)
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- 148 (xsd:integer)
- 302 (xsd:integer)
- 605 (xsd:integer)
- NYCT Bus: , , (en)
- Short Line Bus: 208-GWB Eastside Commuter (en)
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- IND (en)
- IRT (en)
- IRT/IND (en)
- 0001-03-30 (xsd:gMonthDay)
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- Washington Heights–168th Street (en)
- Entrance at 169th Street (en)
- View from southbound platform (en)
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- 1906-04-14 (xsd:date)
- 1932-09-10 (xsd:date)
- 1948-07-01 (xsd:date)
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- 168 (xsd:integer)
- Broadway-Seventh north (en)
- Eighth north (en)
- 1910 (xsd:integer)
- 1932 (xsd:integer)
- 1950 (xsd:integer)
- 1997 (xsd:integer)
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- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
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- 1.500000 (xsd:double)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- 104 (xsd:integer)
- 191.200000 (xsd:double)
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- La Calle 168 es una estación del metro de la ciudad de Nueva York compartida con la línea de la Séptima Avenida-Broadway y la línea de la Octava Avenida. Está localizada en la intersección de la Calle 168 y Broadway en el barrio Washington Heights de Manhattan. Los puntos de intereses más cercanos se encuentran el , el parque del Río Hudson, y los remanentes del Vestíbulo Audubon. El acceso a la estación está disponible vía un elevador personal, aunque la estación no tiene accesibilidad para discapacitados. En 2005 la estación fue agregada al Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos. (es)
- 168丁目駅(168ちょうめえき、英語: 168th Street)はIRTブロードウェイ-7番街線とIND8番街線が乗り入れるニューヨーク市地下鉄の駅である。マンハッタン区ワシントンハイツにある168丁目とブロードウェイの交差点にあり、終日1系統とA系統が、深夜を除く終日C系統が停車する。 (ja)
- 168th Street – stacja metra nowojorskiego, na linii 1, A i C. Znajduje się w dzielnicy Manhattan, w Nowym Jorku i zlokalizowana jest pomiędzy stacjami 181st Street, 157th Street, 175th Street i 163rd Street – Amsterdam Avenue. Została otwarta 16 marca 1906. (pl)
- 168th Street is een station van de Metro van New York aan de Broadway-Seventh Avenue Line. De lijnen 1, A en C doen dit station aan. (nl)
- 168th Street è una stazione della metropolitana di New York situata all'incrocio tra le linee IRT Broadway-Seventh Avenue e IND Eighth Avenue. Nel 2019 è stata utilizzata da 6 156 288 passeggeri. È servita dalle linee 1 e A sempre, e dalla linea C sempre tranne di notte. (it)
- 168-я улица (англ. 168th Street) — это пересадочный узел Нью-Йоркского метро. Он расположен на пересечении Бродвея, и 168-й улицы. В пересадочный узел входят станции следующих линий:
* линия Бродвея и Седьмой авеню, Ай-ар-ти,
* линия Восьмой авеню, Ай-эн-ди. На станциях пересадочного узла останавливаются маршруты:
* 1, A (круглосуточно),
* C (круглосуточно, кроме ночи). (ru)
- 168街車站(英語:168th Street station),曾名華盛頓高地-168街車站(英語:Washington Heights–168th Street station),是美國紐約地鐵IRT百老匯-第七大道線及IND第八大道線共用的地鐵站複合體,位於曼哈頓華盛頓高地168街及百老匯交界,設有以下列車服務:
* 1號線、A線列車(任何時候停站)
* C線列車(任何時候停站(深夜除外)) 車站的IRT站區位於非常深的地底,並需要在通過閘機以後使用升降機前往月台,並位於較高的IND站區夾層。另外亦設有IND月台到夾層和夾層到街道的升降機,令IND站區可以無障礙通行。而IRT站區無法無障礙通行,因為月台上沒有升降機(前往閘機的升降機需要爬少許樓梯)。 相鄰的地點包括紐約-長老會醫院/、哈德遜河水岸公園,以及的殘餘。2005年,車站加入了國家史蹟名錄。 (zh)
- The 168th Street station (formerly the Washington Heights–168th Street station) is an underground New York City Subway station complex shared by the IRT Broadway–Seventh Avenue Line and IND Eighth Avenue Line. It is located at the intersection of 168th Street and Broadway in Washington Heights, Manhattan and served by the 1 and A trains at all times, and the C train at all times except late nights. (en)
- 168th Street est une station souterraine du métro de New York situé dans le quartier de Washington Heights, dans le nord de Manhattan. Elle est située sur deux lignes (au sens de tronçons du réseau), l'IRT Broadway-Seventh Avenue Line (métros rouges) et l'IND Eighth Avenue Line (métros bleus), issues respectivement des réseaux des anciens Interborough Rapid Transit Company (IRT) et Independent Subway System (IND). Sur la base de la fréquentation, la station figurait au 49e rang sur 421 en 2012. Au total, trois services y circulent : (fr)
- 168th Street station (New York City Subway) (en)
- Calle 168 (metro de Nueva York) (es)
- 168th Street (métro de New York) (fr)
- 168th Street (metropolitana di New York) (it)
- 168丁目駅 (ニューヨーク市地下鉄) (ja)
- 168th Street (pl)
- 168th Street (metrostation) (nl)
- 168-я улица (Нью-Йоркское метро) (ru)
- 168街車站 (zh)
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- POINT(-73.939788818359 40.841022491455)
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- 168th Street Subway Station (IRT) (en)
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