About: Toon Hermans

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Antoine Gerard Theodore "Toon" Hermans (17 December 1916 – 22 April 2000) was a noted Dutch comedian, singer and writer. Toon Hermans was born in Sittard. He began performing in the 1930s, achieving local, regional and, eventually, national fame in the Netherlands as a comedian during the post-war decades. Together with Wim Sonneveld and Wim Kan he was considered one of the "Great Three" of Dutch cabaret during the 1950s and 1960s.

Property Value
  • Toon Hermans, pseudònim artístic d'Antoine Gerard Theodore Hermans (Sittard, 17 desembre 1916 — Nieuwegein, 22 abril 2000) va ser un conegut cantant de cabaret neerlandès. El 1979 va guanyar el Gouden Harp, un premi presistigiós de la cançó lleugera neerlandesesa. (ca)
  • Toon HERMANS (naskiĝis en Sittard, Nederlanda Limburgo, la 17-an de decembro 1916 kiel Antoine Gerard Theodore Hermans; mortis en Nieuwegein la 22-an de aprilo 2000) estis fama Nederlanda kabaredisto, kantisto, poeto kaj pentristo. Kune kun kaj Wim Sonneveld li estas konsiderata unu el la plej grandaj kabaredistoj post la dua mondmilito. Li antaŭ ĉio estis la specialisto de la "malgrandaj aĵoj": movoj, mimo, poeziaĵetoj, vortludoj. Plej populara li iĝis per siaj One man shows (unuhomaj prezentaĵoj), per kiuj li sola dum tuta vespero ĝuigis la publikon en dekoj da teatrejoj en Nederlando kaj Flandrio. En ili li povis senfine humure paroladi kaj paroladi pri la plej simplaj aferoj, ekzemple pri la seĝo sur kiu iam sidis lia fratino, aŭ pri viandobulo kiu dum bankedo pasis antaŭ liaj okuloj. Toon disradiis simplecon, optimismon kaj ĝojon. Kiam en 1990 mortis lia amata edzino Rietje, li interrompis sian karieron. Tamen en 1993 li revenis al la publiko kaj prezentis siajn plej belajn kantojn pri amo kiel odon al ŝi. En 1996, estanta 80-jaraĝa, la plej maljuna kabaredisto de la malaltaj landoj prezentis al la publiko sian lastan spektaklon, eble la plej belan. Forfalis la skeĉoj kaj la humuro, sed restis neforgeseblaj vesperoj. Sur la scenejo Toon ne plu volis aktori, li volis esti. Lia lasta spektaklo pruvis lian amon por la vivo, por la teatro, por lia publiko. Komence de 2000 Toon Hermans devis subiri operacion pri la cerbo. Poste li denove revis pri la teatro kaj kun amika pianisto li laboris pri disko. En aprilo 2000 Toon mortis. Nederlando kaj Flandrio funebris. Lia albumo Als de liefde niet bestond (Se amo ne ekzistus) aperis poste en la sama jaro kaj montras denove alian kabarediston kun belegaj kantoj. Lia Adieu aan Carré (Adiaŭ Carré) en tiu disko estas adiaŭo ne nur al lia ŝatata teatrejo Carré en Amsterdamo sed al lia publiko. Dek unu tutvesperaj spektakloj liaj restas konservitaj kaj estis eldonitaj kiel vidbendoj kaj viddiskoj. Tiel la verkaro de la plej granda klaŭno de la malaltaj landoj restas konservita por la estonta generacio. De la poezia verko de Toon Hermans preskaŭ ne ekzistas tradukoj en aliaj lingvoj, ĉar ĝi estas plena je vort- kaj son-ludoj, kiuj perdus tro multe dum la tradukado. Sed Toon Hermans ne nur estis kabaredisto kaj poeto. Li ankaŭ estis artpentristo. Tion li faris pure hobie, kaj li ne intencis per ĝi iri al la publiko. Pro tio li preskaŭ neniam ekspoziciis siajn verkojn. En novembro 2004 pluraj liaj pentraĵoj estis aŭkciataj kaj liveris la sumon de 600 000 eŭroj. Tiu mono iris ĉefparte al la fondaĵo Toon Hermans Huis (La domo de Toon Hermans), organizaĵo fondita de Toon mem kun la celo helpi al personoj kun kancero kaj al ilia familio. Statuo de Toon Hermans troviĝas en lia naskiĝurbeto Sittard, antaŭ la teatrejo. (eo)
  • Antoine Gerard Theodore „Toon“ Hermans (* 17. Dezember 1916 in Sittard; † 22. April 2000 in Nieuwegein) war ein niederländischer Kabarettist, Sänger, Maler und Dichter. Zusammen mit Wim Sonneveld und zählt man ihn zu den „Großen Drei“ des niederländischen Kabaretts. (de)
  • Antoine Gerard Theodore (« Toon ») Hermans (Sittard, 17 décembre 1916 – Nieuwegein, 22 avril 2000) est un chanteur, cabaretier, poète, peintre et dessinateur néerlandais. (fr)
  • Antoine Gerard Theodore "Toon" Hermans (17 December 1916 – 22 April 2000) was a noted Dutch comedian, singer and writer. Toon Hermans was born in Sittard. He began performing in the 1930s, achieving local, regional and, eventually, national fame in the Netherlands as a comedian during the post-war decades. Together with Wim Sonneveld and Wim Kan he was considered one of the "Great Three" of Dutch cabaret during the 1950s and 1960s. While Sonneveld became known for more serious, more searching kinds of cabaret as well as expansion into other areas of amusement such as musicals, and while Kan focused more and more on purely political satire, Toon Hermans remained true to his one lifetime love: simple home-grown humor, the ability to make people laugh. His humor was of a disarmingly genuine kind. His one-man shows usually consisted of stories he would tell, often based on the life of his youth in a small town in Limburg, with a typical panoply of family members, neighbours, friends (some enemies), cats and dogs, which he presented in an irresistibly hilarious manner; and interspersed with simple, charming, crystal clear songs about life, love, and happiness. Subsequent generations of Dutch cabaret artists, and the theater critics of the 1970s and 1980s, were not much impressed by Hermans' unpretentious, politically and socially disengaged entertainment, but his fan base remained very large and his road shows continued to attract very large crowds. As was the case for other cabaret artists, the transition from theatrical performance to television shows was associated with ups and downs, and some believe that the most deeply felt and enduring appeal of his shows was lost in the latter medium, but he nevertheless achieved significant successes even on television, his one-man show in 1967 supposedly having been watched by 6 million, that is half the population of the Netherlands at the time. After the death of his wife and lifelong companion Rita Weijtboer in 1990 it appeared that his career had ended, but in 1992 he surprised friends and foes by starting a new tour with a whole new show, different in nature from any he had done before. While the second half of the program was the same kind of straightforward, nonsensical humor that had always been his hallmark, the first half of the new show entitled "Ik heb je lief" (a deeper statement than "I love you", not unlike "I love thee") consisted only of songs, in a mixture of simple jazz and French-style "chanson", that were tributes to love and, indirectly, to his late wife. To the delight of his fans, he toured with this show for about one year, when one evening in Haarlem he broke down during the program and had to cancel the remainder of the tour. As he himself explained, the sadness over his loss had finally caught up with him. He was nonetheless able to return to the stage a few years later with a new show, and remained active for several more years until his death in 2000. Many of his shows have been recorded, starting with his one-man show in 1958. There have also been quite a number of publications of collections of poems of his hand. These collection started with simple poems, or rather, rhymes, that were humorous but sometimes contained a more serious note; but later it appeared that Toon Hermans may have tried to create more serious poetry, which was not altogether successful (and perhaps it was not he, but his publishers, who tried to put this spin on things). Hermans' humor was typically Dutch, or rather, typical for the southern part of the Netherlands; and was also appreciated in Flanders. Moreover, during the late 1950s and 1960s he had considerable success touring in Germany and Austria with a German-language show. He also produced an English-language show in the late 1960s that was test-run in Canada but it appears that the show never made it to Broadway. Among his many memorable contributions, perhaps none are as widely recognized as the song "Vierentwintig rozen" – "Twenty-four roses", included in many of his one-man shows over the decades. This song consists of a long listing of completely unrelated but numbered items "three little boys playing football in the alley way – 16 sailboats anchored in the sun-lit bay" and on and on and on (and different ones for each new version of his show); and then ending with "and Twenty-four roses, Twenty-four roses, Twenty-four roses – for you". It became almost as a ritual when the first notes of this song were played by the orchestra, the audiences would erupt in a loud ovation, and Toon Hermans would once again delight his audience with his signature mixture of humor, genuine feeling, mastery of words, love of the theater, and love of life. (en)
  • Antoine Gerard Theodore (Toon) Hermans (Sittard, 17 december 1916 – Nieuwegein, 22 april 2000) was een Nederlands cabaretier, zanger, kunstschilder en dichter. Hij wordt als een van de "Grote Drie van het Nederlandse cabaret" van na de Tweede Wereldoorlog beschouwd, samen met Wim Sonneveld en Wim Kan. (nl)
  • 1916-12-17 (xsd:date)
  • (en)
  • Antoine Gerard Theodore Hermans (en)
  • 2000-04-22 (xsd:date)
  • (en)
  • Toon, Teun (Sittards) (en)
  • 285788 (xsd:integer)
  • 6945 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1086238319 (xsd:integer)
  • 1932 (xsd:integer)
  • 1916-12-17 (xsd:date)
  • Antoine Gerard Theodore Hermans (en)
  • Toon Hermans in 1983 (en)
  • 2000-04-22 (xsd:date)
  • Theatre artist (en)
  • Toon Hermans (en)
  • Toon, Teun (en)
  • Rita Weijtboer (en)
  • Toon Hermans, pseudònim artístic d'Antoine Gerard Theodore Hermans (Sittard, 17 desembre 1916 — Nieuwegein, 22 abril 2000) va ser un conegut cantant de cabaret neerlandès. El 1979 va guanyar el Gouden Harp, un premi presistigiós de la cançó lleugera neerlandesesa. (ca)
  • Antoine Gerard Theodore „Toon“ Hermans (* 17. Dezember 1916 in Sittard; † 22. April 2000 in Nieuwegein) war ein niederländischer Kabarettist, Sänger, Maler und Dichter. Zusammen mit Wim Sonneveld und zählt man ihn zu den „Großen Drei“ des niederländischen Kabaretts. (de)
  • Antoine Gerard Theodore (« Toon ») Hermans (Sittard, 17 décembre 1916 – Nieuwegein, 22 avril 2000) est un chanteur, cabaretier, poète, peintre et dessinateur néerlandais. (fr)
  • Antoine Gerard Theodore (Toon) Hermans (Sittard, 17 december 1916 – Nieuwegein, 22 april 2000) was een Nederlands cabaretier, zanger, kunstschilder en dichter. Hij wordt als een van de "Grote Drie van het Nederlandse cabaret" van na de Tweede Wereldoorlog beschouwd, samen met Wim Sonneveld en Wim Kan. (nl)
  • Toon HERMANS (naskiĝis en Sittard, Nederlanda Limburgo, la 17-an de decembro 1916 kiel Antoine Gerard Theodore Hermans; mortis en Nieuwegein la 22-an de aprilo 2000) estis fama Nederlanda kabaredisto, kantisto, poeto kaj pentristo. Dek unu tutvesperaj spektakloj liaj restas konservitaj kaj estis eldonitaj kiel vidbendoj kaj viddiskoj. Tiel la verkaro de la plej granda klaŭno de la malaltaj landoj restas konservita por la estonta generacio. Statuo de Toon Hermans troviĝas en lia naskiĝurbeto Sittard, antaŭ la teatrejo. (eo)
  • Antoine Gerard Theodore "Toon" Hermans (17 December 1916 – 22 April 2000) was a noted Dutch comedian, singer and writer. Toon Hermans was born in Sittard. He began performing in the 1930s, achieving local, regional and, eventually, national fame in the Netherlands as a comedian during the post-war decades. Together with Wim Sonneveld and Wim Kan he was considered one of the "Great Three" of Dutch cabaret during the 1950s and 1960s. (en)
  • Toon Hermans (ca)
  • Toon Hermans (de)
  • Toon Hermans (eo)
  • Toon Hermans (fr)
  • Toon Hermans (nl)
  • Toon Hermans (en)
  • (en)
  • Toon Hermans (en)
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