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The Junior Woodchucks of the World is a fictional scouting organization appearing in Disney comics and the DuckTales animated television franchise, most notably in adventures featuring Disney characters Huey, Dewey, and Louie as members. The non-Disney strip Big Nate also features a scouting organisation with the same name, to which eponymous Nate Wright and his friends Francis Pope and Teddy Ortiz belong, which was later changed to the Timber Scouts.

Property Value
  • Οι Μικροί Εξερευνητές (αγγλικά: Junior Woodchucks, που στα ελληνικά μπορεί να αποδοθεί ως νεαρές μαρμότες· πλήρης επωνυμία: The Junior Woodchucks of the World‎) είναι μια φανταστική οργάνωση-σώμα προσκοπικού χαρακτήρα που βρίσκεται σε κόμικς της εταιρείας Ντίσνεϋ και στην τηλεοπτική σειρά φραντσάιζ DuckTales, που σχετίζεται με ιστορίες της οικογένειας Ντακ. Οι Μικροί Εξερευνητές παρουσιάζονται σε περιπέτειες που έχουν ως ήρωες τους Χιούη, Λιούη και Ντιούη, τα ανιψάκια του Ντόναλντ Ντακ. Πρόκειται για δημιουργία του Καρλ Μπαρκς. Η πρώτη εμφάνιση των Μικρών Εξερευνητών ήταν στην ιστορία «Επιχείρηση Άγιος Βερνάρδος» (Operation St. Bernhard), που οποία δημοσιεύτηκε το τεύχος 125 της ανθολογίας κόμικς τον Φεβρουάριο του 1951. Ο ιδρυτής του σώματος είναι ο Προκόπης Κουτ, γιος του Κορνήλιου Κουτ, ο οποίος επέλεξε το Φρούριο της Λιμνούπολης ως πρώτο αρχηγείο της λέσχης. Την διοίκηση της λέσχης απαρτίζουν ενήλικα μέλη με αμέτρητα παράσημα και τίτλους που μόνο οι Μικροί Εξερευνητές μπορούν να απομνημονεύσουν. Η πρώτη τους εμφάνιση στην τηλεόραση ήταν τον Σεπτέμβριο του 1987, στο επεισόδιο Treasure of the Golden Suns της σειράς DuckTales. Η πρώτη τους εμφάνιση στον κινηματογράφο ήταν στο μικρού μήκους καρτούν The Good Scouts. (el)
  • The Junior Woodchucks of the World is a fictional scouting organization appearing in Disney comics and the DuckTales animated television franchise, most notably in adventures featuring Disney characters Huey, Dewey, and Louie as members. The Junior Woodchucks were created by Carl Barks in 1951, in the story "Operation St. Bernard" (Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #125). Later stories introduced a similar organization for girls, the Littlest Chickadees, to which Daisy Duck's nieces, April, May and June belong. The hallmark of the Junior Woodchucks is their spirited dedication to environmental protection, animal welfare and international peace, as well as the preservation of knowledge and the furtherance of science & technology. They are also known for their exalted titles & ranks (Huey, Dewey, and Louie being promoted to become Ten-Star Generals in the 1951 story of the same name) and the awarding of buckets of badges, along with strict ideals as to their certain decorum. In this way Barks poked gentle but pointed satire at some aspects of the Boy Scouts of America. Members always carry with them a copy of the Junior Woodchucks' Guidebook, a fictional guidebook filled with detailed and pertinent information about whatever country or situation the Woodchucks find themselves, ranging from the basic to the incredibly obscure. Its depth of coverage is remarkable, considering that it is a small paperback book. Narratively, the book is a device that allows the story's writer to insert any information or exposition that's needed to move the story forward. Most of the early Junior Woodchucks stories appeared in Walt Disney's Comics and Stories, with some notable appearances in Uncle Scrooge. In 1966, they got their own title, Huey, Dewey, and Louie and the Junior Woodchucks, published by Gold Key Comics for 62 issues, and then continued by Whitman Comics for another 20 issues until 1983. The stories which Carl Barks wrote for this comic book, among the last comic book stories he scripted, were drawn by Kay Wright, John Carey and Tony Strobl. More recently Daan Jippes has been commissioned by Egmont to redraw these stories emulating Barks' style and drawing inspiration from the sketches of Barks' storyboard-like scripts. The non-Disney strip Big Nate also features a scouting organisation with the same name, to which eponymous Nate Wright and his friends Francis Pope and Teddy Ortiz belong, which was later changed to the Timber Scouts. (en)
  • Les Castors Juniors (The Junior Woodchucks en VO) sont une troupe scout de l'univers des canards créé par les studios Disney dont font partie Riri, Fifi et Loulou. Ils ont été imaginés par Carl Barks et sont apparus pour la première fois en février 1951 dans Castors Juniors à la rescousse ! (Operation St. Bernard), publiées dans Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #125. (fr)
  • Le Giovani Marmotte (in inglese: Junior Woodchucks) sono un'immaginaria organizzazione scout internazionale appartenente all'universo di Paperopoli dei fumetti Disney. Furono ideate da Carl Barks nel 1951 nella storia Paperino e l'E.S.S.B. (Operation St. Bernard), prendendo probabilmente spunto dal cortometraggio Good Scouts ("Bravi Scouts") da lui sceneggiato nel 1938. Nelle prime traduzioni italiane, anziché "Giovani Marmotte" venivano chiamati Giovani Esploratori.Nel 1955, con la storia Paperino e la gara del ponte, è stata creata anche un'analoga organizzazione femminile, quella delle Giovani Esploratrici o Gioiette (Littlest Chickadees), fra i cui membri figureranno le nipoti di Paperina: Ely, Emy, Evy; ad oggi, invece, le Giovani Marmotte risultano comprendere ugualmente membri maschili e femminili. (it)
  • In de Disneystrips rond Donald Duck is de Jonge Woudlopers een vereniging van jongens, die van alles voor de natuur doen. Ze lijken enigszins op een scoutingclub. Ook Kwik, Kwek en Kwak zitten bij de Jonge Woudlopers. Ze zijn er zeer goed in, want ze zijn generaals met veel sterren en hebben de leiding over de Woudlopergroepen A, B en C. De hopman van Kwik, Kwek en Kwak heet Breedborst. Er is in Duckstad eenzelfde soort scoutingclub voor meisjes, de Roodkapje Patrouille. Van deze vereniging zijn onder andere Lizzy, Juultje en Babetje lid. Tussen de twee verenigingen heerst een grote rivaliteit. De Jonge Woudlopers (of The Junior Woodchucks) zijn in 1951 door Carl Barks bedacht voor het verhaal Operation St. Bernard. (nl)
  • No universo fictício de Patópolis, os Escoteiros-Mirins (Junior Woodchucks no original) são uma organização de jovens (à semelhança dos Escoteiros de verdade) à qual pertencem Huguinho, Zezinho e Luisinho, sobrinhos de Pato Donald. Os Escoteiros-Mirins foram criados por Carl Barks em 1951, estreando na história “St. Bernhard Operation” (Walt Disney's Comics and Stories nº 125). Na maioria das histórias a organização é formada somente com meninos, mas em algumas histórias também aparece um grupo rival (no original, Junior Chickadees; na versão brasileira, ) formado por meninas, destacadamente Lalá, Lelé e Lili, sobrinhas de Margarida, contrapondo-se aos sobrinhos trigêmeos de Donald. Huguinho, Zezinho e Luisinho carregam sempre consigo um exemplar do Manual do Escoteiro-Mirim, um guia fictício repleto de informações detalhadas e pertinentes sobre qualquer país ou situação em que Donald e os meninos se encontrarem. Sua profundidade da cobertura é notável, considerando ser um livro tão pequeno. O Manual fictício foi a inspiração para inúmeras publicações Disney mundo afora, com dicas, conselhos, cultura geral e fatos curiosos sobre a natureza e a vida em geral. No Brasil, começando pelo Manual do Escoteiro-Mirim original (1971), foram publicados em várias séries e formatos pela Abril. Veja também Manuais Disney. Don Rosa escreveu e desenhou uma história em que mostrou como o Manual evoluiu da biblioteca de Alexandria. Jeff Foxworthy, em episódio de seu programa de televisão, declarou ter pertencido aos Junior Woodchucks em sua infância. Esta é talvez a única referência fictícia à organização fora do universo de Disney. O termo "Escoteiros-Mirins" tem sido fonte de controvérsia por sugerir um vínculo entre a organização fictícia e o Movimento Escoteiro e, por consequência, conduzir o leitor a conceitos errôneos sobre o verdadeiro escotismo. A confusão acabou sendo alimentada no Manual do Escoteiro-Mirim e no Grande Livro Disney (ambos publicados pelo Grupo Abril), que descrevem ostensivamente o movimento criado por Baden-Powell sem desvinculá-lo dos Escoteiros-Mirins dos quadrinhos. (pt)
  • Młodzi Skauci (w pierwszym wydanym z nimi komiksem w Polsce pt. Tu-kwakwa-men (Mickey Mouse 1/1990) nazwani są Młode Świstaczki, oryg. The Junior Woodchucks) – fikcyjna, komiksowa organizacja skautowska pochodząca z uniwersum Kaczora Donalda. Pierwszy raz Młodzi Skauci pojawili się w 1951 roku, w stworzonym przez Carla Barksa komiksie Operation St. Bernard (pl. Bernardyn pełnej krwi, tomik Urodziny Kaczora Donalda). Najbardziej znanymi członkami organizacji są siostrzeńcy Donalda, Hyzio, Dyzio i Zyzio, którzy należą do honorowego zastępu numer 1. (pl)
  • Gröngölingskåren (engelska: The Junior Woodchucks), även känd som Gröngölingarna, är en scoutliknande organisation för pojkar i Kalle Ankas universum. Gröngölingskåren förekom för första gången i en serie tecknad av Carl Barks 1951. (sv)
  • 77634 (xsd:integer)
  • 34546 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1117510328 (xsd:integer)
  • Les Castors Juniors (The Junior Woodchucks en VO) sont une troupe scout de l'univers des canards créé par les studios Disney dont font partie Riri, Fifi et Loulou. Ils ont été imaginés par Carl Barks et sont apparus pour la première fois en février 1951 dans Castors Juniors à la rescousse ! (Operation St. Bernard), publiées dans Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #125. (fr)
  • Młodzi Skauci (w pierwszym wydanym z nimi komiksem w Polsce pt. Tu-kwakwa-men (Mickey Mouse 1/1990) nazwani są Młode Świstaczki, oryg. The Junior Woodchucks) – fikcyjna, komiksowa organizacja skautowska pochodząca z uniwersum Kaczora Donalda. Pierwszy raz Młodzi Skauci pojawili się w 1951 roku, w stworzonym przez Carla Barksa komiksie Operation St. Bernard (pl. Bernardyn pełnej krwi, tomik Urodziny Kaczora Donalda). Najbardziej znanymi członkami organizacji są siostrzeńcy Donalda, Hyzio, Dyzio i Zyzio, którzy należą do honorowego zastępu numer 1. (pl)
  • Gröngölingskåren (engelska: The Junior Woodchucks), även känd som Gröngölingarna, är en scoutliknande organisation för pojkar i Kalle Ankas universum. Gröngölingskåren förekom för första gången i en serie tecknad av Carl Barks 1951. (sv)
  • Οι Μικροί Εξερευνητές (αγγλικά: Junior Woodchucks, που στα ελληνικά μπορεί να αποδοθεί ως νεαρές μαρμότες· πλήρης επωνυμία: The Junior Woodchucks of the World‎) είναι μια φανταστική οργάνωση-σώμα προσκοπικού χαρακτήρα που βρίσκεται σε κόμικς της εταιρείας Ντίσνεϋ και στην τηλεοπτική σειρά φραντσάιζ DuckTales, που σχετίζεται με ιστορίες της οικογένειας Ντακ. Οι Μικροί Εξερευνητές παρουσιάζονται σε περιπέτειες που έχουν ως ήρωες τους Χιούη, Λιούη και Ντιούη, τα ανιψάκια του Ντόναλντ Ντακ. (el)
  • The Junior Woodchucks of the World is a fictional scouting organization appearing in Disney comics and the DuckTales animated television franchise, most notably in adventures featuring Disney characters Huey, Dewey, and Louie as members. The non-Disney strip Big Nate also features a scouting organisation with the same name, to which eponymous Nate Wright and his friends Francis Pope and Teddy Ortiz belong, which was later changed to the Timber Scouts. (en)
  • Le Giovani Marmotte (in inglese: Junior Woodchucks) sono un'immaginaria organizzazione scout internazionale appartenente all'universo di Paperopoli dei fumetti Disney. Furono ideate da Carl Barks nel 1951 nella storia Paperino e l'E.S.S.B. (Operation St. Bernard), prendendo probabilmente spunto dal cortometraggio Good Scouts ("Bravi Scouts") da lui sceneggiato nel 1938. (it)
  • In de Disneystrips rond Donald Duck is de Jonge Woudlopers een vereniging van jongens, die van alles voor de natuur doen. Ze lijken enigszins op een scoutingclub. Ook Kwik, Kwek en Kwak zitten bij de Jonge Woudlopers. Ze zijn er zeer goed in, want ze zijn generaals met veel sterren en hebben de leiding over de Woudlopergroepen A, B en C. De hopman van Kwik, Kwek en Kwak heet Breedborst. De Jonge Woudlopers (of The Junior Woodchucks) zijn in 1951 door Carl Barks bedacht voor het verhaal Operation St. Bernard. (nl)
  • No universo fictício de Patópolis, os Escoteiros-Mirins (Junior Woodchucks no original) são uma organização de jovens (à semelhança dos Escoteiros de verdade) à qual pertencem Huguinho, Zezinho e Luisinho, sobrinhos de Pato Donald. Os Escoteiros-Mirins foram criados por Carl Barks em 1951, estreando na história “St. Bernhard Operation” (Walt Disney's Comics and Stories nº 125). Na maioria das histórias a organização é formada somente com meninos, mas em algumas histórias também aparece um grupo rival (no original, Junior Chickadees; na versão brasileira, ) formado por meninas, destacadamente Lalá, Lelé e Lili, sobrinhas de Margarida, contrapondo-se aos sobrinhos trigêmeos de Donald. (pt)
  • Fähnlein Fieselschweif (de)
  • Μικροί Εξερευνητές (el)
  • Castors Juniors (fr)
  • Giovani Marmotte (it)
  • Junior Woodchucks (en)
  • Młodzi Skauci (pl)
  • Jonge Woudlopers (nl)
  • Escoteiros-Mirins (pt)
  • Gröngölingskåren (sv)
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