An Entity of Type: television show, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

The Dreyfus Affair (French: L'affaire Dreyfus), also known as Dreyfus Court-Martial, is an 1899 series of eleven short silent films by Georges Méliès. Each of the eleven one-minute installments reconstructs an event from the real-life Dreyfus affair, which was still in progress while the series was being made. The series follows the case from Alfred Dreyfus's arrest on suspicion of espionage, through his imprisonments on Devil's Island and in Rennes, to his trial and conviction for treason; related events are also included, including the suicide of a main Dreyfus accuser, an unknown gunman's attempt to murder Dreyfus's attorney, and a public conflict between pro- and anti-Dreyfus factions. The series was acted in a restrained, realistic style vastly unlike Méliès's better-known fantasy fil

Property Value
  • 13.0
  • L'affaire Dreyfus és una sèrie de 1899 d'onze pel·lícules mudes curtes de Georges Méliès. Cadascuna de les onze entregues d'un minut reconstrueix un esdeveniment de l'afer Dreyfus de la vida real, que encara estava en curs mentre es feia la sèrie. La sèrie segueix el cas des de l'arrest d'Alfred Dreyfus per sospita d'espionatge, passant pels seus empresonaments a l'Illa del Diable i a Rennes, fins al seu judici i condemna per traïció; També s'inclouen esdeveniments relacionats, com el suïcidi d'un acusador principal de Dreyfus, l'intent d'un pistoler desconegut d'assassinar l'advocat de Dreyfus i un conflicte públic entre faccions pro i anti-Dreyfus. La sèrie es va interpretar amb un estil moderat i realista molt diferent de les pel·lícules de fantasia més conegudes de Méliès; les escenes van ser escenificades i anunciades per suggerir amb precisió que Dreyfus era innocent d'espionatge i havia estat implicat. L'afer Dreyfus de la vida real va atraure una immensa atenció tant a França com a Gran Bretanya, i es van fer nombroses pel·lícules als dos països sobre el cas. La versió de Méliès va tenir una gran difusió, i records i llegendes posteriors afirmen que va causar un interès i una controvèrsia considerables a l'època. Continua sent l'exemple més famós de les reconstruccions escenificades de Méliès dels esdeveniments actuals (""), i se sap amb certesa que nou de les onze entregues perviuen. (ca)
  • L'Affaire Dreyfus est un film muet français réalisé par Georges Méliès, sorti en 1899. Le film traite de manière réaliste de l'affaire Dreyfus, contemporaine de sa réalisation. (fr)
  • The Dreyfus Affair (bahasa Prancis: L'affaire Dreyfus), juga dikenal dengan judul Dreyfus Court-Martial, adalah sebuah seri dokudrama bisu pendek tahun 1899, yang disutradarai oleh Georges Méliès. Dirilis oleh milik Méliès dan diberi nomor 206–217 dalam katalog-katalognya, setiap sebelas installment satu menit tersebut merekonstruksi peristiwa , yang masih berlangsung saat seri tersebut dibuat. (in)
  • The Dreyfus Affair (French: L'affaire Dreyfus), also known as Dreyfus Court-Martial, is an 1899 series of eleven short silent films by Georges Méliès. Each of the eleven one-minute installments reconstructs an event from the real-life Dreyfus affair, which was still in progress while the series was being made. The series follows the case from Alfred Dreyfus's arrest on suspicion of espionage, through his imprisonments on Devil's Island and in Rennes, to his trial and conviction for treason; related events are also included, including the suicide of a main Dreyfus accuser, an unknown gunman's attempt to murder Dreyfus's attorney, and a public conflict between pro- and anti-Dreyfus factions. The series was acted in a restrained, realistic style vastly unlike Méliès's better-known fantasy films; the scenes were staged and advertised to suggest accurately that Dreyfus was innocent of espionage and had been framed. The real-life Dreyfus Affair attracted immense attention both in France and in Britain, and numerous films were made in both countries about the case. Méliès's version was highly publicized, and later recollections and legends claim that it caused considerable interest and controversy at the time. It remains the most famous example of Méliès's staged reconstructions of current events ("reconstructed actualities"), and nine of the eleven installments are known with certainty to survive. (en)
  • 『ドレフュス事件』(ドレフュスじけん、フランス語: L'affaire Dreyfus)は、1899年にフランスのジョルジュ・メリエスが監督した11本の短編サイレント映画のシリーズである。19世紀末のフランスで大きな関心を集め、製作当時もまだ進展していたドレフュス事件の出来事を再現しており、フランス陸軍大尉のアルフレド・ドレフュスがスパイ容疑で逮捕され、ディアブル島とレンヌに収監されたあと、軍事裁判の再審で反逆罪により有罪判決を受けるまでが描かれている。また、ドレフュスの告発者の自殺、ドレフュスの弁護人が銃撃される事件、ドレフュス支持派と反対派との間で繰り広げられた争いなど、事件に関連する出来事も描かれている。 このシリーズは、映画史初期に普及したジャンルで、時事的な出来事を劇的に再現した「再構成されたニュース映画」のひとつであり、メリエスの有名なファンタジックな作品とは異なり、抑制されたリアルなスタイルで演出された。ドレフュスの支持者であるメリエスは、ドレフュスが無罪であり、彼が無実の罪を着せられていることを正確に示し、観客がドレフュスに同情を寄せるように演出している。フランスとイギリスで公開されると注目を集め、後年の回想や伝説によると、公開当時に論争が起きたり、上映禁止の措置が取られたりしたという。このシリーズはメリエスの再構成されたニュース映画の最も有名な例であり、11本の作品のうち9本のフィルムが確実に現存している。 (ja)
  • L'Affaire Dreyfus è un cortometraggio muto del 1899 diretto ed interpretato da Georges Méliès e prodotto da Star Film 206. L'Affare Dreyfus divise la Francia tra il 1894 e il 1906, anche per i suoi risvolti antisemiti. Il film di Georges Méliès fu girato nel 1899 all'indomani del processo che riabilitava Alfred Dreyfus, quando il caso tuttavia non poteva ancora dirsi completamente concluso. Il film fu bandito in Francia per aver provocato nelle prime proiezioni risse tra i sostenitori e i detrattori di Dreyfus, facendone il primo film nella storia ad essere censurato per motivi politici. Per quanto il film fosse girato e riprodotto in sala ancora in quadri distinti, presenta già l'idea di assegnare ad ogni quadro (ovvero ad ogni scena, girata ancora in modalità teatrali a macchina fissa) una lunghezza variabile, in particolare con la scena finale del film, quella del processo a Dreyfus, di lunghezza doppia (ovvero due minuti rispetto al minuto degli altri quadri). (it)
  • L'Affaire Dreyfus is een Franse stomme film uit 1899. De film werd geregisseerd door Georges Méliès. De gehele film bestaat uit een serie van 11 kortfilms die gescheiden verkocht werden, een normale zaak in de vroege jaren van de cinema. (nl)
  • L'Affaire Dreyfus é uma série de docudramas silenciosos curtos de 1899, concebidos e dirigidos por Georges Méliès. Lançado pela produtora de Méliès, Star Film, e cadastrado entre os números 206 e 217 em seus catálogos, cada um dos onze espisódios de apenas alguns minutos reconstrói um evento relacionado ao Caso Dreyfus histórico, o qual ainda estava em andamento enquanto a série era feita. (pt)
  • «Де́ло Дре́йфуса» (фр. L'affaire Dreyfus, 1899) — французский немой короткометражный художественный фильм Жоржа Мельеса, посвященный одноименному политическому процессу. (ru)
  • 0000218
  • 780.000000 (xsd:double)
  • 35590044 (xsd:integer)
  • 28057 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1108763444 (xsd:integer)
  • 20 (xsd:integer)
  • 40 (xsd:integer)
  • Attentat contre M Labori (en)
  • Dictée du bordereau (en)
  • Dreyfus allant du lycée de Rennes à la prison (en)
  • Dreyfus mis aux fers (en)
  • Débarquement de Dreyfus à Quiberon (en)
  • Entrevue de Dreyfus et de sa femme (en)
  • La Case de Dreyfus à l'île du Diable (en)
  • La Dégradation (en)
  • Le Conseil de guerre en séance à Rennes (en)
  • Suicide du colonel Henry (en)
  • Suspension d'audience (en)
  • Production still from the fifth installment (en)
  • France (en)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • 2 (xsd:integer)
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  • 9 (xsd:integer)
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  • 11 (xsd:integer)
  • 206 (xsd:integer)
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  • 217 (xsd:integer)
  • 218 (xsd:integer)
  • Silent (en)
  • The Dreyfus Affair (en)
  • "There is a basic confusion concerning the newsreel film. They said that Lumière invented the newsreel—it was Méliès. Lumière photographed train stations, horse races, families in the garden—i.e. the stuff of impressionist painting. Méliès filmed a trip to the moon, President Fallières visiting Yugoslavia, the eruption of Mount Pelée, Dreyfus." (en)
  • September 1899 (en)
  • Arrest of Dreyfus, 1894 (en)
  • Devil's Island—Within the palisade (en)
  • Dreyfus Court Martial—Arrest of Dreyfus (en)
  • Dreyfus Leaving the Lycée for Jail (en)
  • Dreyfus Meets His Wife at Rennes (en)
  • Dreyfus Put in Irons (en)
  • Dreyfus at Devil's Island—Within the palisade (en)
  • Dreyfus in Prison of Rennes (en)
  • Landing of Dreyfus at Quiberon (en)
  • Landing of Dreyfus from Devil's Island (en)
  • Officers and Dreyfus Leaving the Lycee (en)
  • Suicide of Colonel Henry (en)
  • The Attempt Against Maitre Labori (en)
  • The Attempt Against the Life of Maitre Labori (en)
  • The Court Martial at Rennes (en)
  • The Degradation of Dreyfus (en)
  • The Degradation of Dreyfus in 1894 (en)
  • The Fight of Journalists at the Lycee (en)
  • The Fight of Reporters at the Lycée (en)
  • Dreyfus Put in Irons—Inside Cell at Devil's Island (en)
  • 240 (xsd:integer)
  • (en)
  • 780.0
  • "During an interval in the proceedings of the court martial, the journalists enter into an animated discussion, resulting in a dispute between Arthur Meyer of the 'Gaulois', and Mme. Severine of the 'Fronde', resulting in a fight between Dreyfusards and Anti-Dreyfusards, in which canes and chairs are brought down upon the heads of many. The room is finally cleared by the gendarmes." (en)
  • "Du Paty de Clam requests Captain Dreyfus to write as he dictates for the purpose of ascertaining whether his handwriting conforms to that of the Bordereau. He notices the nervousness of Dreyfus, and accuses him of being the author of the Bordereau. Paty de Clam offers Dreyfus a revolver, with advice to commit suicide. The revolver is scornfully rejected, Dreyfus stating that he had no need for such cowardly methods, proclaiming his innocence. His arrest is immediately ordered by M. Cochefort." (en)
  • "The exterior of the Lycee de Rennes, where the famous Dreyfus Court-Martial was conducted, showing the French staff leaving the building after the sitting, and crossing the yard between the French soldiers forming a double line. Maîtres Demange and Labori also make their appearance, walking towards the foreground of the picture, and at length Captain Dreyfus is seen approaching, being accompanied by the Captain of Gendarmes, who is conducting him back to prison." (en)
  • "Maître Labori is seen approaching the bridge of Rennes in company with Colonel Picquart and M. Gast, Mayor of Rennes. They notice that they are followed by another man to whom Colonel Picquart calls Labori's attention. They, however, consider his proximity of no importance, and continue to speak together. As soon as their backs are turned, the man draws a revolver and fires twice at Maître Labori, who is seen to fall to the ground. The culprit makes his escape, pursued by Colonel Picquart and M. Gast." (en)
  • "A section of the port Haliquen Bretagne, at night where Dreyfus was landed by French marines, and officers after his transport from Devil's Island. He is received by the French authorities, officers, and gendarmes, and conducted to the station for his departure to Rennes. This little scene was enacted on a dark rainy night, which is clearly shown in the film. The effects are further heightened by vivid flashes of lightning which are certainly new in cinematography." (en)
  • "A scene in the Lycee at Rennes, showing the military court-martial of Captain Dreyfus. The only occupants of the room at this time are Maître Demange and secretary. Other advocates and the stenographers now begin to arrive and the sergeant is seen announcing the arrival of Colonel Jouaust and other officers comprising the seven judges of the court-martial. The five duty judges are also seen in the background. On the left of the picture are seen Commander Cordier and Adjutant Coupois, with their stenographers and gendarmes. On the right are seen Maître Demange, Labori, and their secretaries. Colonel Jouaust orders the Sergeant of the Police to bring in Dreyfus. Dreyfus enters, saluting the Court, followed by the Captain of Gendarmerie, who is constantly with him. They take their appointed seats in front of the judges. Colonel Jouaust puts several questions to Dreyfus, to which he replies in a standing position. He then asks Adjutant Coupois to call the first witness, and General Mercier arrives. He states that his deposition is a lengthy one, and requests a chair, which is passed to him by a gendarme. In a sitting position he proceeds with his deposition. Animated discussion and cross-questioning is exchanged between Colonel Jouaust, General Mercier, and Maître Demange. Captain Dreyfus much excited gets up and vigorously protests against these proceedings. This scene, which is a most faithful portrayal of this proceeding, shows the absolute portraits of over thirty of the principal personages in this famous trial." (en)
  • "Showing room at the military prison at Rennes in which Dreyfus the accused is confined. He is visited by his counsel, Maître Labori and Demange, with whom he is seen in animated conversation. A visit from his wife is announced, who enters. The meeting of the husband and wife is most pathetic and emotional." (en)
  • "Shows the interior of the cell of the Prison Militaire du Cherche-Midi, Paris, where Colonel Henry is confined. He is seated at a table writing a letter, on completion of which he rises and takes a razor out he had concealed in his porte-manteau, with which he cuts his throat. The suicide is discovered by the sergeant of the guard and officers." (en)
  • "Shows the troops ranging in a quadrant inside the yard of the Military School in Paris. The Adjutant, who conducts the degradation, reads the sentence and proceeds to tear off in succession all of the buttons, laces, and ornaments from the uniform of Captain Dreyfus, who is compelled to pass in disgrace before the troops. A most visual representation of this first act of injustice to Dreyfus." (en)
  • "The scene opens within the Palisades, showing Dreyfus seated on a block meditating. The guard enters bearing a letter from his wife, which he hands to Captain Dreyfus. The latter reads it and endeavours to talk to the Guard, who, however, refuses to reply, according to strict orders from his Government, causing Dreyfus to become very despondent." (en)
  • "Showing the interior view of the hut in which Dreyfus is confined. The scene takes place at night, showing the moon through the window of the cell. Two guards stealthily approach the cot upon which Dreyfus is sleeping. They awake him and read to him the order from the French minister–M. Lebon–to put him into irons, which they proceed at once to accomplish. Dreyfus vigorously protests against this treatment, which protests, however, fall on deaf ears. The chief sergeant and guards before leaving the hut, inspect the four corners of same by means of a lantern." (en)
  • —Jean-Luc Godard, La Chinoise (en)
  • The Dreyfus Affair (en)
  • 20 (xsd:integer)
  • L'Affaire Dreyfus est un film muet français réalisé par Georges Méliès, sorti en 1899. Le film traite de manière réaliste de l'affaire Dreyfus, contemporaine de sa réalisation. (fr)
  • The Dreyfus Affair (bahasa Prancis: L'affaire Dreyfus), juga dikenal dengan judul Dreyfus Court-Martial, adalah sebuah seri dokudrama bisu pendek tahun 1899, yang disutradarai oleh Georges Méliès. Dirilis oleh milik Méliès dan diberi nomor 206–217 dalam katalog-katalognya, setiap sebelas installment satu menit tersebut merekonstruksi peristiwa , yang masih berlangsung saat seri tersebut dibuat. (in)
  • L'Affaire Dreyfus is een Franse stomme film uit 1899. De film werd geregisseerd door Georges Méliès. De gehele film bestaat uit een serie van 11 kortfilms die gescheiden verkocht werden, een normale zaak in de vroege jaren van de cinema. (nl)
  • L'Affaire Dreyfus é uma série de docudramas silenciosos curtos de 1899, concebidos e dirigidos por Georges Méliès. Lançado pela produtora de Méliès, Star Film, e cadastrado entre os números 206 e 217 em seus catálogos, cada um dos onze espisódios de apenas alguns minutos reconstrói um evento relacionado ao Caso Dreyfus histórico, o qual ainda estava em andamento enquanto a série era feita. (pt)
  • «Де́ло Дре́йфуса» (фр. L'affaire Dreyfus, 1899) — французский немой короткометражный художественный фильм Жоржа Мельеса, посвященный одноименному политическому процессу. (ru)
  • The Dreyfus Affair (French: L'affaire Dreyfus), also known as Dreyfus Court-Martial, is an 1899 series of eleven short silent films by Georges Méliès. Each of the eleven one-minute installments reconstructs an event from the real-life Dreyfus affair, which was still in progress while the series was being made. The series follows the case from Alfred Dreyfus's arrest on suspicion of espionage, through his imprisonments on Devil's Island and in Rennes, to his trial and conviction for treason; related events are also included, including the suicide of a main Dreyfus accuser, an unknown gunman's attempt to murder Dreyfus's attorney, and a public conflict between pro- and anti-Dreyfus factions. The series was acted in a restrained, realistic style vastly unlike Méliès's better-known fantasy fil (en)
  • L'Affaire Dreyfus è un cortometraggio muto del 1899 diretto ed interpretato da Georges Méliès e prodotto da Star Film 206. L'Affare Dreyfus divise la Francia tra il 1894 e il 1906, anche per i suoi risvolti antisemiti. Il film di Georges Méliès fu girato nel 1899 all'indomani del processo che riabilitava Alfred Dreyfus, quando il caso tuttavia non poteva ancora dirsi completamente concluso. Il film fu bandito in Francia per aver provocato nelle prime proiezioni risse tra i sostenitori e i detrattori di Dreyfus, facendone il primo film nella storia ad essere censurato per motivi politici. (it)
  • 『ドレフュス事件』(ドレフュスじけん、フランス語: L'affaire Dreyfus)は、1899年にフランスのジョルジュ・メリエスが監督した11本の短編サイレント映画のシリーズである。19世紀末のフランスで大きな関心を集め、製作当時もまだ進展していたドレフュス事件の出来事を再現しており、フランス陸軍大尉のアルフレド・ドレフュスがスパイ容疑で逮捕され、ディアブル島とレンヌに収監されたあと、軍事裁判の再審で反逆罪により有罪判決を受けるまでが描かれている。また、ドレフュスの告発者の自殺、ドレフュスの弁護人が銃撃される事件、ドレフュス支持派と反対派との間で繰り広げられた争いなど、事件に関連する出来事も描かれている。 (ja)
  • L'Affaire Dreyfus (pel·lícula de 1899) (ca)
  • The Dreyfus Affair (seri film) (in)
  • L'Affaire Dreyfus (it)
  • L'Affaire Dreyfus (film, 1899) (fr)
  • ドレフュス事件 (映画シリーズ) (ja)
  • L'Affaire Dreyfus (nl)
  • L'Affair Dreyfus (pt)
  • The Dreyfus Affair (film series) (en)
  • Дело Дрейфуса (фильм, 1899) (ru)
  • The Dreyfus Affair (en)
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