- Sound Transit Express je síť expresních autobusů společnosti Sound Transit v oblasti Pugetova zálivu. Sídlo se nachází v Seattlu a síť provozuje meziměstské autobusové linky spojující 53 měst v okresech King, Pierce a Snohomish. Zatímco Sound Transit kontroluje, plánuje a dotuje provoz linek, provoz a údržbu autobusů však mají na starosti společnosti King County Metro, Pierce Transit a Community Transit. (cs)
- Sound Transit Express (ST Express) is a network of regional express buses, operated by the multi-county transit agency, Sound Transit. The routes connect major regional hubs throughout 53 cities in three counties (King, Pierce, and Snohomish) in the Puget Sound region. Sound Transit Express ranks first in the nation in the number of commuter bus passengers carried and in vehicle miles driven. The first nine routes and 114 buses began carrying passengers on September 20, 1999. Unlike a typical transit bus, Sound Transit Express routes typically make limited stops as they travel longer distances on the freeways. Most routes operate seven days a week, with runs throughout the day. Where available, buses use transit-only lanes, high-occupancy vehicle lanes, high-occupancy toll lanes, express lanes and direct access ramps to speed travel times. While Sound Transit oversees, plans, and funds the service, operation and maintenance of the buses is contracted out to Community Transit (who subcontracts with First Transit), King County Metro and Pierce Transit. (en)
- Sound Transit Express je síť expresních autobusů společnosti Sound Transit v oblasti Pugetova zálivu. Sídlo se nachází v Seattlu a síť provozuje meziměstské autobusové linky spojující 53 měst v okresech King, Pierce a Snohomish. Zatímco Sound Transit kontroluje, plánuje a dotuje provoz linek, provoz a údržbu autobusů však mají na starosti společnosti King County Metro, Pierce Transit a Community Transit. (cs)
- Sound Transit Express (ST Express) is a network of regional express buses, operated by the multi-county transit agency, Sound Transit. The routes connect major regional hubs throughout 53 cities in three counties (King, Pierce, and Snohomish) in the Puget Sound region. Sound Transit Express ranks first in the nation in the number of commuter bus passengers carried and in vehicle miles driven. The first nine routes and 114 buses began carrying passengers on September 20, 1999. (en)