- Etea (grec antic: Οἰταῖα, llatí: Oetaea) era un districte muntanyós de l'antiga Tessàlia, situat al voltant del Mont Eta, a la vall alta de l'Esperqueu i a l'est de Dolòpia. Sembla que eteus era un nom col·lectiu aplicat a diverses tribus que habitaven les valls de l'Eta, un grup de tribus bàrbares dedicades al saqueig i al robatori, tant de la Mèlida a l'est com de la Dòrida al sud, segons Tucídides. Les més importants d'aquestes tribus eren els enians, que Homer i Heròdot anomenen eniens, i que segons Pausànies eren una antiga tribu hel·lènica i formaven part de la Lliga Amfictiònica. Es deia que primer van ocupar la plana de Dòcia, a la Pelasgiòtida, després van vagar per les fronteres amb l'Epir i finalment es van establir a la vall de l'Esperqueu, on Hipata era la seva ciutat principal, segons Plutarc i Estrabó. Tenien altres ciutats menys importants. (ca)
- Oetaea (Ancient Greek: Οἰταῖα) was a historic region of ancient Thessaly, Greece inhabited by the Oetaei (Οἰταῖοι). It was the mountainous district around Mount Oeta in the upper valley of the Spercheius, and to the east of Dolopia. The Oetaeans appear to have been the collective name of the various predatory tribes, dwelling upon the northern declivities of Mt Oeta, who are mentioned as plundering both the Malians on the east, and the Dorians on the south. The most important of these tribes were the Aenianes (Αἰνιᾶνες - Aeniānes), called Eniēnes (Ἐνιῆνες) by Homer and Herodotus, an ancient Hellenic Amphictyonic race. They are said to have first occupied the Dotian plain in Pelasgiotis; afterwards to have wandered to the borders of Epirus, and finally to have settled in the upper valley of the Spercheius, where Hypata was their chief town. Besides Hypata, which was the only place of importance in Oetaea, we find mention of Sperchiae and Macra Come by Livy, and of Sosthenis (Σωσθενίς), Homilae (Ὅμιλαι), Cypaera (Κύπαιρα) and Phalachthia (Φαλαχθία) by Ptolemy. Oetaea formed a political unit in antiquity. It minted silver and bronze coins with the following legends: «ΟΙΤ», «ΟΙΤΑ», «ΟΙΤΑΩΝ», and «ΟΙΤΑΙΩΝ». (en)
- Etea (grec antic: Οἰταῖα, llatí: Oetaea) era un districte muntanyós de l'antiga Tessàlia, situat al voltant del Mont Eta, a la vall alta de l'Esperqueu i a l'est de Dolòpia. Sembla que eteus era un nom col·lectiu aplicat a diverses tribus que habitaven les valls de l'Eta, un grup de tribus bàrbares dedicades al saqueig i al robatori, tant de la Mèlida a l'est com de la Dòrida al sud, segons Tucídides. Les més importants d'aquestes tribus eren els enians, que Homer i Heròdot anomenen eniens, i que segons Pausànies eren una antiga tribu hel·lènica i formaven part de la Lliga Amfictiònica. (ca)
- Oetaea (Ancient Greek: Οἰταῖα) was a historic region of ancient Thessaly, Greece inhabited by the Oetaei (Οἰταῖοι). It was the mountainous district around Mount Oeta in the upper valley of the Spercheius, and to the east of Dolopia. The Oetaeans appear to have been the collective name of the various predatory tribes, dwelling upon the northern declivities of Mt Oeta, who are mentioned as plundering both the Malians on the east, and the Dorians on the south. The most important of these tribes were the Aenianes (Αἰνιᾶνες - Aeniānes), called Eniēnes (Ἐνιῆνες) by Homer and Herodotus, an ancient Hellenic Amphictyonic race. They are said to have first occupied the Dotian plain in Pelasgiotis; afterwards to have wandered to the borders of Epirus, and finally to have settled in the upper valley of (en)