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Nanam Shang Gyaltsen Lhanang (Tibetan: སྣ་ནམ་ཞང་རྒྱལ་ཚན་ལྷ་སྣང, ? – 796), also known as Shang Gyaltsen, was a famous general of the Tibetan Empire. In Chinese records, his name was given as Shàng Jiézàn (simplified Chinese: 尚结赞; traditional Chinese: 尚結贊). Then Shang Gyaltsen sent another mission to China, asked Dezong to fulfill the promise, but was refused because the two places were both strategic strongholds and the Tibetan troops had never actually helped them. Shang Gyaltsen died in 796.

Property Value
  • Nanam Shang Gyaltsen Lhanang (Tibetan: སྣ་ནམ་ཞང་རྒྱལ་ཚན་ལྷ་སྣང, ? – 796), also known as Shang Gyaltsen, was a famous general of the Tibetan Empire. In Chinese records, his name was given as Shàng Jiézàn (simplified Chinese: 尚结赞; traditional Chinese: 尚結贊). Shang Gyaltsen was born and raised in Nanam clan. The famous Dharma king, Trisong Detsen, was his nephew. After a long-term conflict against the Tang China, Trisong Detsen tended to sign a peace treaty with Chinese. But two high generals, Chimshang Gyalsig Shuteng and Nganlam Takdra Lukhong, strongly opposed to the proposal. Only Shang Gyaltsen supported the king. The king dismissed two generals from their posts, and appointed Shang Gyaltsen as Lönchen. Shang Gyaltsen went to Tang China in 783, to meet with Chinese general Zhang Yi, and swore an oath of friendship between the two states. China fell into civil war in the next year. The Chinese capital Chang'an was occupied by Zhu Ci, one of a Chinese rebellion army leaders. Shang Gyaltsen sent a mission to China, suggested that China could request Tibetan reinforcements for help. The Chinese emperor Dezong had to take his suggestion, and promised to cede Beiting and Anxi in return. Shang Gyaltsen sent 20 thousand men to help Tang China, but before they reached Chang'an, Zhu Ci was killed by his general and the rebellion was quickly put down. Then Shang Gyaltsen sent another mission to China, asked Dezong to fulfill the promise, but was refused because the two places were both strategic strongholds and the Tibetan troops had never actually helped them. Shang Gyaltsen was infuriated. He sent troops to invade China, sack Yanzhou (鹽州), Xiazhou (夏州), Yinzhou (銀州) and Linzhou (麟州), threatened to Chang'an. He sent an envoy to Chinese, said that he wanted return the occupied lands, and reiterated his territorial claim before. He requested Chinese emperor sent three representatives to negotiate a peace treaty, and the three representatives should be Hun Jian, Ma Sui and Li Sheng, all of them were Chinese famous generals. His request was accepted; by summer 787, Ma Sui and Hun Jian, as Emperor Dezong's emissary, was set to meet with Shang at Pingliang River (平涼川, in modern Pingliang). Shang Gyaltsen laid a trap for Hun and launched a sudden attack, killing and capturing many of Hun's attendants, but Hun escaped. In order to further aggravate Emperor Dezong's attitude toward Ma, he intentionally released Ma's nephew Ma Yan (馬弇), along with the imperial eunuch messenger Ju Wenzhen (俱文珍). Dezong was taken in; from then on, the three generals were not trusted. Shang Gyaltsen came into conflict with the queen, Tsepangsa Magyal Dongkar, and her clan. Tsepangsa was the most important supporter of Bön, so, the king drifted apart the queen's clan, prohibited them to take part in political affairs, and sent dbu ring, who was Shang Gyaltsen's son, to guard the palace gate. Prince Murug, who was the queen's own son, killed dbu ring, broke into the palace. Trisong Detsen was angered, exiled Murug to Changtang. Shang Gyaltsen died in 796. (en)
  • Nanam Shang Gyaltsen Lhanang (tibétain : སྣ་ནམ་ཞང་རྒྱལ་ཚན་ལྷ་སྣང, Wylie : sna nam zhang rgyal tshan lha snang) ou Shang Gyaltsen, appelé en chinois Shang Jiezan (chinois simplifié : 尚结赞 ; chinois traditionnel : 尚結贊 ; pinyin : shàng jiézàn), décédé en 796, est un homme politique et un officier de l'Empire du Tibet. Il est lönchen (བློན་ཆེན་, blon chen, lönchen, chancelier du Tibet) de 783 à 796. (fr)
  • 那囊·尚·杰岭拉囊(藏文:སྣ་ནམ་ཞང་རྒྱལ་ཚན་ལྷ་སྣང,威利转写:sna nam zhang rgyal tshan lha snang,THL:Nanam Shang Gyaltsen Lhanang,?-796年),一作尚·杰擦拉囊(藏文:ཞང་རྒྱལ་ཆ་ལྷ་སྣང),是吐蕃帝国的一位政治、军事人物,曾担任大贡论之职。《唐书》称他为尚结赞,音译自藏语“ཞང་རྒྱལ་ཚན”(Shang Gyaltsen)。 尚杰岭拉囊出身家族,那囊氏是赤松德赞母亲的亲族,在赤松德赞在位期间担任九政务大臣之一。最初,琛·尚·杰斯秀亭(尚结息)、恩兰·达扎路恭(马重英)主张对唐朝开战,唯有尚杰岭拉囊主张对唐讲和,受到赤松德赞的赞赏,成为大贡论。782年,尚杰岭拉囊率吐蕃官员,与唐朝陇右节度使张镒等人会盟与清水县,双方约定了各自势力的大致范围,史称“清水之盟”。次年,朱泚发动叛乱,占据长安。尚结赞提出要帮助唐朝收复长安,得到唐德宗的允许。崔汉衡答应乱平之后将、北庭等地割让给吐蕃,尚结赞便派率兵二万,帮助浑瑊,在击败叛军。取胜了的蕃军却大肆劫掠,朱泚派田希鉴前去行贿,吐蕃便引兵而退。 不久朱泚被杀,朱泚之乱平定。吐蕃派人求取伊西、北庭二镇。唐德宗最初打算把它们割让给吐蕃,但群臣认为这些都是战略要地,最终没有割让。尚结赞认为唐朝背信弃义,自785年起,再次大举入侵唐朝,攻打泾州、陇州、邠州、宁州等地,攻破盐州、夏州、银州、麟州等地,四处劫掠,甚至威胁到长安。尚结赞派使者,要求与唐朝再次会盟以明确疆界。他表示希望归还盐、夏等州之地,要求唐朝派遣浑瑊前来会盟。787年,唐朝遣正使浑瑊、副使崔汉衡前来会盟。尚结赞伏兵一万在盟坛西部,待唐朝官员到达,一齐杀出,将他们俘获。浑瑊夺马逃回,史称“平凉劫盟”。尚结赞释放了被俘的官员,使用诡计让浑瑊等名将被罢免了兵权。 一族与王妃亲族争权,引起激烈冲突。尚杰岭拉囊把持了吐蕃的大权,清除异己。一次,在朝政议事的时候,派儿子伍仁(藏文:དབུ་རིང)把守宫门,禁止蔡邦氏一族入内。牟如是蔡邦氏所生的王子,闻讯大怒,提刀杀死伍仁,闯入殿内。赤松德赞大怒,将牟如流放到了北方的羌塘。 在尚杰岭拉囊担任大贡论的时期,蔡邦氏一族一直受到压制,直到796年尚杰岭拉囊逝世以后才开始抬头,不久赤松德赞亦死。尚杰岭拉囊死后,没庐·墀松热霞继任大贡论。 (zh)
  • 47029210 (xsd:integer)
  • 4274 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1018741455 (xsd:integer)
  • 尚结赞 (en)
  • སྣ་ནམ་ཞང་རྒྱལ་ཚན་ལྷ་སྣང (en)
  • 尚結贊 (en)
  • na nam zhang gyel tsen lha nang (en)
  • sna nam zhang rgyal tshan lha snang (en)
  • 783 (xsd:integer)
  • Nanam Shang Gyaltsen Lhanang (tibétain : སྣ་ནམ་ཞང་རྒྱལ་ཚན་ལྷ་སྣང, Wylie : sna nam zhang rgyal tshan lha snang) ou Shang Gyaltsen, appelé en chinois Shang Jiezan (chinois simplifié : 尚结赞 ; chinois traditionnel : 尚結贊 ; pinyin : shàng jiézàn), décédé en 796, est un homme politique et un officier de l'Empire du Tibet. Il est lönchen (བློན་ཆེན་, blon chen, lönchen, chancelier du Tibet) de 783 à 796. (fr)
  • Nanam Shang Gyaltsen Lhanang (Tibetan: སྣ་ནམ་ཞང་རྒྱལ་ཚན་ལྷ་སྣང, ? – 796), also known as Shang Gyaltsen, was a famous general of the Tibetan Empire. In Chinese records, his name was given as Shàng Jiézàn (simplified Chinese: 尚结赞; traditional Chinese: 尚結贊). Then Shang Gyaltsen sent another mission to China, asked Dezong to fulfill the promise, but was refused because the two places were both strategic strongholds and the Tibetan troops had never actually helped them. Shang Gyaltsen died in 796. (en)
  • 那囊·尚·杰岭拉囊(藏文:སྣ་ནམ་ཞང་རྒྱལ་ཚན་ལྷ་སྣང,威利转写:sna nam zhang rgyal tshan lha snang,THL:Nanam Shang Gyaltsen Lhanang,?-796年),一作尚·杰擦拉囊(藏文:ཞང་རྒྱལ་ཆ་ལྷ་སྣང),是吐蕃帝国的一位政治、军事人物,曾担任大贡论之职。《唐书》称他为尚结赞,音译自藏语“ཞང་རྒྱལ་ཚན”(Shang Gyaltsen)。 尚杰岭拉囊出身家族,那囊氏是赤松德赞母亲的亲族,在赤松德赞在位期间担任九政务大臣之一。最初,琛·尚·杰斯秀亭(尚结息)、恩兰·达扎路恭(马重英)主张对唐朝开战,唯有尚杰岭拉囊主张对唐讲和,受到赤松德赞的赞赏,成为大贡论。782年,尚杰岭拉囊率吐蕃官员,与唐朝陇右节度使张镒等人会盟与清水县,双方约定了各自势力的大致范围,史称“清水之盟”。次年,朱泚发动叛乱,占据长安。尚结赞提出要帮助唐朝收复长安,得到唐德宗的允许。崔汉衡答应乱平之后将、北庭等地割让给吐蕃,尚结赞便派率兵二万,帮助浑瑊,在击败叛军。取胜了的蕃军却大肆劫掠,朱泚派田希鉴前去行贿,吐蕃便引兵而退。 在尚杰岭拉囊担任大贡论的时期,蔡邦氏一族一直受到压制,直到796年尚杰岭拉囊逝世以后才开始抬头,不久赤松德赞亦死。尚杰岭拉囊死后,没庐·墀松热霞继任大贡论。 (zh)
  • Nanam Shang Gyaltsen Lhanang (fr)
  • Nanam Shang Gyaltsen Lhanang (en)
  • 尚结赞 (zh)
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