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The Cabinet of the United States, which is the principal advisory body to the president of the United States, has had 38 permanent female members serving as vice president or head of one of the federal executive departments and 31 women as cabinet-level officials, which can differ under each president. Of that number, one woman was elected vice president, three were appointed to the helm of the different departments, and four served both as Cabinet and Cabinet-rank officeholders. No woman held a Cabinet position before the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920, which prohibits states and the federal government from denying any citizen the right to vote because of that citizen's sex.

Property Value
  • The Cabinet of the United States, which is the principal advisory body to the president of the United States, has had 38 permanent female members serving as vice president or head of one of the federal executive departments and 31 women as cabinet-level officials, which can differ under each president. Of that number, one woman was elected vice president, three were appointed to the helm of the different departments, and four served both as Cabinet and Cabinet-rank officeholders. No woman held a Cabinet position before the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920, which prohibits states and the federal government from denying any citizen the right to vote because of that citizen's sex. Frances Perkins became the first woman to serve in the Cabinet; she was appointed secretary of labor in 1933 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Perkins remained in office briefly after Harry S. Truman assumed presidency upon Roosevelt's death, becoming the first woman to hold the same post under separate administrations. Patricia Roberts Harris was the first woman to have served in two different Cabinet posts during a single administration. She was appointed by President Jimmy Carter as secretary of housing and urban development in 1977 and served as secretary of health and human services two years later. Harris also became the first African American woman and first woman of color to serve in a president’s cabinet. Elizabeth Dole was the first woman to have served in two different Cabinet posts for two different administrations. She was appointed by President Ronald Reagan as secretary of transportation in 1983 and served as secretary of labor during the tenure of George H. W. Bush—Reagan's successor. Czechoslovakia-born Madeleine Albright became the first foreign-born woman to serve in the Cabinet; she was appointed secretary of state in 1997 by President Bill Clinton. Albright was the highest-ranking woman in any U.S. presidential administration to that time. Taiwan-born Elaine Chao became the first foreign-born woman to attain two different Cabinet positions in two different administrations. She was appointed by President George W. Bush as secretary of labor in 2001 and later selected secretary of transportation by President Donald Trump. Chao also became the first Asian American woman to serve in a president’s cabinet. On January 26, 2005, Condoleezza Rice was appointed secretary of state, which is first in the United States presidential line of succession among Cabinet secretaries, which in turn makes her the highest-ranking woman in American history. On January 4, 2007, Nancy Pelosi replaced Rice as the highest-ranking woman in line when she was elected speaker of the House. On January 20, 2021, Kamala Harris overtook Pelosi and became the highest-ranking woman in the line of succession when she was inaugurated as vice president. President Joe Biden named five women as secretaries to his initial Cabinet—former U.S. Representative Marcia Fudge (D-OH) as secretary of housing and urban development, Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm as secretary of energy, U.S. Rep. Deb Haaland (D-NM) as secretary of the interior, Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo as secretary of commerce, and Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen as secretary of the treasury; exceeding by one the record set by President Barack Obama. However, including cabinet reshuffles, Obama still holds record for most appointed women to Cabinet positions with eight, the most during any presidency, surpassing George W. Bush's previous number of six. The Department of Labor has had the most women secretaries with seven. The Department of Health and Human Services has had five; the department of Commerce have had four; the departments of Education, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, State, and Transportation have had three; the departments of Energy, Homeland Security, and Justice have had two; the departments of Agriculture and Treasury have had one. The departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs are the only existing Cabinet departments that have not had women secretaries yet. Totals for this list include only women presidential appointees confirmed (if necessary) by the United States Senate to cabinet or cabinet-level positions and taking their oath of office; they do not include acting officials or nominees awaiting confirmation. (en)
  • Cette liste des femmes membres du cabinet présidentiel des États-Unis recense, par administration, toutes les femmes ayant été à la tête de l'un des départements de l'exécutif du gouvernement fédéral des États-Unis, depuis les années 1930. Elles constituent au début des exceptions au sein de la vie politique américaine. Jusqu'en 2021, le cabinet présidentiel a compté 36 femmes. Aucune femme n'est nommée à un poste de secrétaire avant le XIXe amendement de la Constitution des États-Unis, voté en 1920, qui interdit la discrimination de sexe lors des élections, et permet de facto aux femmes de participer aux élections locales et nationales. Frances Perkins est la première femme à intégrer le cabinet présidentiel, en 1933, au sein de l'administration Roosevelt : elle est alors secrétaire au Travail. Oveta Culp Hobby devient la deuxième femme, en 1953, au sein de l'administration Eisenhower, en tant que secrétaire à la Santé, à l'Éducation à la Protection sociale (ce département est scindé en deux départements distincts, en 1979). Patricia Roberts Harris est la première Afro-américaine à devenir membre du cabinet. Elizabeth Dole sert dans deux administrations différentes, à deux postes différents : la première fois comme secrétaire aux Transports en 1983 au sein de l'administration Reagan, puis une seconde fois comme secrétaire au Travail à partir de 1989 dans l'administration G.H.W. Bush. Madeleine Albright, née Tchécoslovaque, est la première Américaine non native des États-Unis, à intégrer le cabinet présidentiel, lorsqu'elle est nommée secrétaire d'État en 1997 : elle est alors la première femme à atteindre une telle place (la quatrième), dans l'ordre de succession présidentielle des États-Unis. En 2006, Nancy Pelosi, présidente de la Chambre des représentants, atteint la troisième place dans cet ordre de succession, devançant alors Condoleezza Rice, qui est secrétaire d'État. Lors de ses deux mandats, le président George W. Bush aura nommé sept femmes, soit plus que n'importe quel autre président américain dans l'Histoire. En 2019, l'administration présidentielle compte deux femmes, en 2021, cinq. Cette année-là, Kamala Harris devient la première femme vice-présidente. Le département du Travail est celui qui compte dans son histoire le plus grand nombre de femmes secrétaires, avec un nombre de sept. Il est suivi par le département de la Santé et des Services sociaux et celui du Commerce, qui en ont compté quatre, puis de ceux de l'Éducation, des Transports, du Logement et de l'Intérieur, qui en ont compté trois. Actuellement, deux départements n'ont jamais eu de femmes à leur tête : la Défense et les Anciens combattants. (fr)
  • Ao longo de sua história, o Gabinete dos Estados Unidos já possui 31 mulheres nomeadas a diversos de seus cargos. Nenhuma mulher, no entanto, assumiu um cargo no gabinete presidencial estadunidense antes da ratificação da "XIX Emenda" à Constituição dos Estados Unidos, que garantiu o voto feminino em todos os estados do país, em 1920. Frances Perkins foi a primeira mulher a servir em um gabinete presidencial dos Estados Unidos, tendo sido nomeada Secretária do Trabalho pelo Presidente Franklin Roosevelt. A segunda mulher a integrar o governo federal foi ao assumir o Departamento de Saúde, Educação e Bem-Estar em 1953. Em 1979, este departamento foi subdividido nos departamentos de Educação e Saúde e Serviços Humanos. , que havia servido como Secretária de Saúde antes do desmembramento do departamento e como Secretária de Habitação em 1977, tornou-se a primeira mulher a liderar a pasta de Saúde e Serviços Humanos em 1979. Harris também foi a primeira a servir numa presidência dos Estados Unidos. Elizabeth Dole, que havia sido Senadora pela Carolina do Norte, foi a primeira mulher a assumir dois departamentos distintos em duas administrações. Foi indicada por Ronald Reagan ao Departamento dos Transportes em 1983 e foi Secretária do Trabalho durante a presidência de George H. W. Bush. A checo-estadunidense Madeleine Albright tornou-se a primeira mulher nascida no exterior a servir no gabinete presidencial estadunidense quando de sua nomeação como Secretária de Estado em 1997. Em 2005, Condoleezza Rice também seria indicada ao cargo pelo presidente George W. Bush. Em 2009, Barack Obama nomeou quatro mulheres para seu gabinete presidencial: Janet Napolitano como Secretária de Segurança Interna, Hillary Clinton como Secretária de Estado, como Secretária do Trabalho e como Secretária de Saúde e Serviços Humanos. Clinton tornou-se a única ex-Primeira-dama dos Estados Unidos a servir num gabinete de governo, sendo igualmente a terceira mulher na história a liderar o Departamento de Estado. Por sua vez, Napolitano tornou-se a primeira mulher a dirigir o Departamento de Segurança Interna. (pt)
  • 美国内阁历史上共有36名女性部長。1920年的美国宪法第十九修正案禁止任何公民因其性别因素而被剥夺选举权,而在那之前,没有女性曾经担任过内阁职务 。 弗朗西丝·珀金斯是史上第一位女性内阁閣员,于1933年由总统富兰克林·D·罗斯福指派担任劳工部长。是第二位女性閣员,于1953年出任为新建立的美国卫生、教育及福利部部长。該部门于1979年分為教育部和卫生及公共服务部。在部门拆分前曾为该部部长,并在1977年担任住房和城市发展部部长,于1979年成为第一位女性卫生及公共服务部部长。同时,哈里斯还是内阁中的首位非裔美国女性。 前北卡罗来纳州参议员伊丽莎白·多尔是首位在两任政府中担任两个不同内阁职位的女性。1983年,总统罗纳德·里根任命其为运输部长,在里根继任者乔治·H·W·布什任内则为劳工部长。出生于捷克斯洛伐克的马德琳·奥尔布赖特于1997年上任国务卿,由此也成为第一位出生于国外的女性内阁閣员。这一任命同时也使她成为当时排位最高的女性阁员。2005年康多莉扎·赖斯出任国务卿,由此也成为历史上在美国总统继任顺序中排位最高的女性。2006年及2019年,南希·裴洛西兩次当选众议院议长,取代赖斯成为继任顺序中排位最高的女性。而在2021年,副总统賀錦麗取代裴洛西,成为美國史上總統繼任順序中排位最高的女性。 2009年,总统贝拉克·奥巴马任命四名女性为阁员——前亚利桑那州州长珍妮特·纳波利塔诺擔任国土安全部长,前第一夫人及纽约州参议员希拉里·克林顿擔任国务卿,前加利福尼亚州众议员希尔达·索利斯擔任劳工部长,前凯瑟琳·西贝利厄斯擔任卫生及公共服务部长。克林顿是首位入閣的前第一夫人,以及第三位女性国务卿。纳波利塔诺是首位女性国土安全部长。奥巴马在其任内任命八名女性部長,为历史上最多。 2021年,總統乔·拜登的任期內共有5位女性部長,包括前联邦储备系统主席珍妮特·耶伦出任首位女性财政部长、前密西根州州長珍妮弗·格兰霍姆出任能源部長以及前羅德島州州長吉娜·雷蒙多出任商務部長、前眾議員玛西亚·福吉出任住房和城市发展部長以及前眾議員德布·哈兰德出任內政部長,哈蘭德成為美國史上首位原住民部長。 劳工部女性部长的数量最多,为七名。卫生及公共服务部有五名,商务部有四名,国务院、內政部、运输部、住房及城市发展部及教育部有三名,司法部、能源部及國土安全部各有两名。已废止的美国卫生、教育及福利部亦曾有两名女性部长。在现今的内阁部门中,国防部及退伍军人事务部未曾有过女性担任部长。 (zh)
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  • Hillary Clinton wearing a dark jacket over an orange blouse. The United States flag is in the background. (en)
  • Madeline Albright wearing a dark blouse and coat, with an eagle badge on her left shoulder (en)
  • Condoleezza Rice wearing a dark blue jacket over a patterned blouse. The United States flag is in the background. (en)
  • Kamala Harris is the highest-ranking woman to serve in a Cabinet as Vice President of the United States. (en)
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  • Madeleine Albright , Condoleezza Rice , and Hillary Clinton are the highest-ranking women to lead the Federal Executive Department; each held the post of Secretary of State. (en)
  • Kamala Harris Vice Presidential Portrait.jpg (en)
  • Hillary Clinton official Secretary of State portrait crop.jpg (en)
  • Condoleezza Rice cropped.jpg (en)
  • Albrightmadeleine.jpg (en)
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  • The Cabinet of the United States, which is the principal advisory body to the president of the United States, has had 38 permanent female members serving as vice president or head of one of the federal executive departments and 31 women as cabinet-level officials, which can differ under each president. Of that number, one woman was elected vice president, three were appointed to the helm of the different departments, and four served both as Cabinet and Cabinet-rank officeholders. No woman held a Cabinet position before the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920, which prohibits states and the federal government from denying any citizen the right to vote because of that citizen's sex. (en)
  • Cette liste des femmes membres du cabinet présidentiel des États-Unis recense, par administration, toutes les femmes ayant été à la tête de l'un des départements de l'exécutif du gouvernement fédéral des États-Unis, depuis les années 1930. Elles constituent au début des exceptions au sein de la vie politique américaine. Jusqu'en 2021, le cabinet présidentiel a compté 36 femmes. Aucune femme n'est nommée à un poste de secrétaire avant le XIXe amendement de la Constitution des États-Unis, voté en 1920, qui interdit la discrimination de sexe lors des élections, et permet de facto aux femmes de participer aux élections locales et nationales. (fr)
  • Ao longo de sua história, o Gabinete dos Estados Unidos já possui 31 mulheres nomeadas a diversos de seus cargos. Nenhuma mulher, no entanto, assumiu um cargo no gabinete presidencial estadunidense antes da ratificação da "XIX Emenda" à Constituição dos Estados Unidos, que garantiu o voto feminino em todos os estados do país, em 1920. (pt)
  • 美国内阁历史上共有36名女性部長。1920年的美国宪法第十九修正案禁止任何公民因其性别因素而被剥夺选举权,而在那之前,没有女性曾经担任过内阁职务 。 弗朗西丝·珀金斯是史上第一位女性内阁閣员,于1933年由总统富兰克林·D·罗斯福指派担任劳工部长。是第二位女性閣员,于1953年出任为新建立的美国卫生、教育及福利部部长。該部门于1979年分為教育部和卫生及公共服务部。在部门拆分前曾为该部部长,并在1977年担任住房和城市发展部部长,于1979年成为第一位女性卫生及公共服务部部长。同时,哈里斯还是内阁中的首位非裔美国女性。 前北卡罗来纳州参议员伊丽莎白·多尔是首位在两任政府中担任两个不同内阁职位的女性。1983年,总统罗纳德·里根任命其为运输部长,在里根继任者乔治·H·W·布什任内则为劳工部长。出生于捷克斯洛伐克的马德琳·奥尔布赖特于1997年上任国务卿,由此也成为第一位出生于国外的女性内阁閣员。这一任命同时也使她成为当时排位最高的女性阁员。2005年康多莉扎·赖斯出任国务卿,由此也成为历史上在美国总统继任顺序中排位最高的女性。2006年及2019年,南希·裴洛西兩次当选众议院议长,取代赖斯成为继任顺序中排位最高的女性。而在2021年,副总统賀錦麗取代裴洛西,成为美國史上總統繼任順序中排位最高的女性。 (zh)
  • Liste des femmes membres du cabinet présidentiel des États-Unis (fr)
  • List of female United States Cabinet members (en)
  • Lista de mulheres nomeadas ao Gabinete dos Estados Unidos (pt)
  • 美國女性內閣閣員列表 (zh)
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