An Entity of Type: criminal, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

On August 28, 2003, pizza delivery man Brian Douglas Wells robbed a PNC Bank near his hometown of Erie, Pennsylvania. After being apprehended by police, Wells was murdered when an explosive collar locked to his neck detonated. A Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigation into the murder uncovered a complex plot that has been described as "one of the most complicated and bizarre crimes in the annals of the FBI".

Property Value
  • On August 28, 2003, pizza delivery man Brian Douglas Wells robbed a PNC Bank near his hometown of Erie, Pennsylvania. After being apprehended by police, Wells was murdered when an explosive collar locked to his neck detonated. A Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigation into the murder uncovered a complex plot that has been described as "one of the most complicated and bizarre crimes in the annals of the FBI". In conjunction with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP), the FBI investigation led to Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong and Kenneth Barnes being charged with the crime in 2007. The investigation determined the plot was masterminded by Diehl-Armstrong to receive an inheritance by hiring Barnes with the money from the bank robbery to kill her father. William Rothstein and Floyd Stockton were also found to have conspired in the crime, but Rothstein died before being charged and Stockton was granted immunity in exchange for testifying against Diehl-Armstrong. Diehl-Armstrong was sentenced in 2011 to life in prison, without the possibility of parole, and Barnes received a reduced sentence of 22.5 years in exchange for testifying against Diehl-Armstrong; both died in prison. Wells' involvement in the plot is a matter of controversy. Investigators concluded Wells was a willing participant in the bank robbery, but was told the bomb was fake. Wells' family said he was forced to rob the bank by the conspirators. Known as the "collar bomb" and "pizza bomber" case, the incident gained extensive media coverage, including the 2018 Netflix series Evil Genius. (en)
  • ピザ配達人爆死事件(ピザはいたつにんばくしじけん)は、2003年8月28日にアメリカ合衆国ペンシルベニア州のエリーで、ピザ配達員のブライアン・ウェルズが、銀行強盗を行った直後に首に装着された時限爆弾で殺害された事件。事件の捜査はFBIの主導で実施され、アルコール・タバコ・火器及び爆発物取締局とペンシルベニア州警察の協力を受けた。この事件は、「FBI史上でも有数の、極めて複雑怪奇な犯罪の1つ」と評されている。捜査班は、ウェルズは銀行強盗を共謀した中の1人であったが、他の共犯者からの裏切りに遭って死亡したと結論づけた。ウェルズの共犯者とされるマージョリー・ディール=アームストロングとケネス・バーンズは、武装銀行強盗およびその共謀などについて起訴された。バーンズは2008年に45年の懲役刑を宣告された。2年後の2011年、別の殺人事件ですでに服役中だったディール=アームストロングに終身刑が宣告された。彼女は収監中の2017年に乳がんで死亡した。ウェルズの遺族は、彼が共犯者であったとする当局の見解に異議を唱えており、その無実を主張している。 (ja)
  • Brian Douglas Wells (15 de novembro de 1956 — 28 de agosto de 2003) foi um estadunidense que morreu depois de se envolver em uma trama complexa que incluía assalto a banco, caça ao tesouro e um dispositivo explosivo caseiro. Wells foi morto quando um colar explosivo detonou enquanto ele estava cercado pela polícia em sua cidade natal, Erie, Pensilvânia. A coleira havia sido trancada à força no pescoço dele como parte da trama. O FBI liderou uma força-tarefa que investigou o crime, em conjunto com o ATF e a Polícia do Estado da Pensilvânia. As pessoas descreveram o caso como "um dos crimes mais complicados e bizarros dos anais do FBI". Os investigadores concluíram que Wells era um participante experiente de assaltos a bancos, mas não sabia que seus co-conspiradores pretendiam deixá-lo morrer. Em uma acusação em julho de 2007, os promotores federais alegaram que Wells estava envolvido no planejamento do assalto. Um grande júri federal indiciou os co-conspiradores de Wells, Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong e Kenneth Barnes, por acusações de assalto a banco, conspiração e posse de armas de fogo, enquanto outros co-conspiradores haviam morrido. Em 2008, o juiz distrital Sean J. McLaughlin condenou Barnes a 45 anos de prisão federal. Dois anos depois, Diehl-Armstrong foi condenada à prisão perpétua, onde morreu de câncer de mama em 2017. A família de Wells argumenta que ele não era um participante disposto, aumentando a atenção significativa que a história recebeu na mídia de massa. (pt)
  • 项圈炸弹银行抢劫案于2003年8月28日发生在美国宾夕法尼亚州伊利,是1起涉及银行抢劫、寻宝游戏、土制炸弹的案件。案件始于比萨店外卖员布莱恩·威尔斯在警方的包围下,被繫在脖子上的项圈炸弹爆炸炸死。事件被电视实况转播,被民众称为“项圈炸弹”、“比萨爆炸客”案。由于案件的复杂性,美国联邦调查局、美国烟酒枪炮及爆炸物管理局、展开联合调查行动,而案件的犯案手法也是前所未闻,美国有线电视新闻网称案件是“有史以来联邦调查局碰到的最复杂最奇特的1件案子”。案件也获得大众媒体广泛报道,Netflix在2018年将案件制作成系列纪录片《》。经过调查,侦查人员发现威尔斯曾参与1起银行抢劫案,不过同犯向他谎称脖子上的炸弹是假的,而他也不知道同伙想炸死他。家人表示威尔斯并不愿意参与案件。最终,联邦大陪审团判处案件主犯玛乔丽·代尔-阿姆斯特朗、肯尼斯·巴恩斯犯有银行抢劫罪、合谋罪、持有武器罪。同案犯威廉·“比尔”·罗斯斯坦去世,比尔室友弗洛伊德·斯托克顿因作证指控代尔-阿姆斯特朗,免于起诉。2008年,美国区域法官判处巴恩斯45年联邦监禁,2年后代尔-阿姆斯特朗被判处终身监禁。 (zh)
  • 1956-11-15 (xsd:date)
  • 2003-08-28 (xsd:date)
  • 1674224 (xsd:integer)
  • 47855 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1121636100 (xsd:integer)
  • 1956-11-15 (xsd:date)
  • Brian Douglas Wells (en)
  • Warren, Pennsylvania, US (en)
  • 2003-08-28 (xsd:date)
  • Erie, Pennsylvania, US (en)
  • Wells' drivers license photo (en)
  • Brian Douglas Wells.jpg (en)
  • Brian Wells (en)
  • American (en)
  • Pizza delivery driver (en)
  • ピザ配達人爆死事件(ピザはいたつにんばくしじけん)は、2003年8月28日にアメリカ合衆国ペンシルベニア州のエリーで、ピザ配達員のブライアン・ウェルズが、銀行強盗を行った直後に首に装着された時限爆弾で殺害された事件。事件の捜査はFBIの主導で実施され、アルコール・タバコ・火器及び爆発物取締局とペンシルベニア州警察の協力を受けた。この事件は、「FBI史上でも有数の、極めて複雑怪奇な犯罪の1つ」と評されている。捜査班は、ウェルズは銀行強盗を共謀した中の1人であったが、他の共犯者からの裏切りに遭って死亡したと結論づけた。ウェルズの共犯者とされるマージョリー・ディール=アームストロングとケネス・バーンズは、武装銀行強盗およびその共謀などについて起訴された。バーンズは2008年に45年の懲役刑を宣告された。2年後の2011年、別の殺人事件ですでに服役中だったディール=アームストロングに終身刑が宣告された。彼女は収監中の2017年に乳がんで死亡した。ウェルズの遺族は、彼が共犯者であったとする当局の見解に異議を唱えており、その無実を主張している。 (ja)
  • 项圈炸弹银行抢劫案于2003年8月28日发生在美国宾夕法尼亚州伊利,是1起涉及银行抢劫、寻宝游戏、土制炸弹的案件。案件始于比萨店外卖员布莱恩·威尔斯在警方的包围下,被繫在脖子上的项圈炸弹爆炸炸死。事件被电视实况转播,被民众称为“项圈炸弹”、“比萨爆炸客”案。由于案件的复杂性,美国联邦调查局、美国烟酒枪炮及爆炸物管理局、展开联合调查行动,而案件的犯案手法也是前所未闻,美国有线电视新闻网称案件是“有史以来联邦调查局碰到的最复杂最奇特的1件案子”。案件也获得大众媒体广泛报道,Netflix在2018年将案件制作成系列纪录片《》。经过调查,侦查人员发现威尔斯曾参与1起银行抢劫案,不过同犯向他谎称脖子上的炸弹是假的,而他也不知道同伙想炸死他。家人表示威尔斯并不愿意参与案件。最终,联邦大陪审团判处案件主犯玛乔丽·代尔-阿姆斯特朗、肯尼斯·巴恩斯犯有银行抢劫罪、合谋罪、持有武器罪。同案犯威廉·“比尔”·罗斯斯坦去世,比尔室友弗洛伊德·斯托克顿因作证指控代尔-阿姆斯特朗,免于起诉。2008年,美国区域法官判处巴恩斯45年联邦监禁,2年后代尔-阿姆斯特朗被判处终身监禁。 (zh)
  • On August 28, 2003, pizza delivery man Brian Douglas Wells robbed a PNC Bank near his hometown of Erie, Pennsylvania. After being apprehended by police, Wells was murdered when an explosive collar locked to his neck detonated. A Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigation into the murder uncovered a complex plot that has been described as "one of the most complicated and bizarre crimes in the annals of the FBI". (en)
  • Brian Douglas Wells (15 de novembro de 1956 — 28 de agosto de 2003) foi um estadunidense que morreu depois de se envolver em uma trama complexa que incluía assalto a banco, caça ao tesouro e um dispositivo explosivo caseiro. Wells foi morto quando um colar explosivo detonou enquanto ele estava cercado pela polícia em sua cidade natal, Erie, Pensilvânia. A coleira havia sido trancada à força no pescoço dele como parte da trama. O FBI liderou uma força-tarefa que investigou o crime, em conjunto com o ATF e a Polícia do Estado da Pensilvânia. As pessoas descreveram o caso como "um dos crimes mais complicados e bizarros dos anais do FBI". (pt)
  • Death of Brian Wells (en)
  • ピザ配達人爆死事件 (ja)
  • Brian Douglas Wells (pt)
  • 项圈炸弹银行抢劫案 (zh)
  • Brian Wells (en)
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