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John Young Brown (June 28, 1835 – January 11, 1904) was a politician from the U.S. Commonwealth of Kentucky. He represented the state in the United States House of Representatives and served as its 31st governor. Brown was elected to the House of Representatives for three non-consecutive terms, each of which was marred by controversy. He was first elected in 1859, despite his own protests that he was not yet twenty-five years old; the minimum age set by the Constitution for serving in the legislature. The voters of his district elected him anyway, but he was not allowed to take his seat until the Congress' second session, after he was of legal age to serve. After moving to Henderson, Kentucky, Brown was elected from that district in 1866. On this occasion, he was denied his seat because of

Property Value
  • John Young Brown (* 28. Juni 1835 in , Hardin County, Kentucky; † 11. Januar 1904 in Henderson, Kentucky) war ein US-amerikanischer Jurist und Politiker. Von 1891 bis 1895 war er Gouverneur des Bundesstaates Kentucky. (de)
  • John Young Brown (June 28, 1835 – January 11, 1904) was a politician from the U.S. Commonwealth of Kentucky. He represented the state in the United States House of Representatives and served as its 31st governor. Brown was elected to the House of Representatives for three non-consecutive terms, each of which was marred by controversy. He was first elected in 1859, despite his own protests that he was not yet twenty-five years old; the minimum age set by the Constitution for serving in the legislature. The voters of his district elected him anyway, but he was not allowed to take his seat until the Congress' second session, after he was of legal age to serve. After moving to Henderson, Kentucky, Brown was elected from that district in 1866. On this occasion, he was denied his seat because of alleged disloyalty to the Union during the Civil War. Voters in his district refused to elect another representative, and the seat remained vacant throughout the term to which Brown was elected. After an unsuccessful gubernatorial bid in 1871, Brown was again elected to the House in 1872 and served three consecutive terms. During his final term, he was officially censured for delivering a speech excoriating Massachusetts Representative Benjamin F. Butler. The censure was later expunged from the congressional record. After his service in the House, Brown took a break from politics, but re-entered the political arena as a candidate for governor of Kentucky in 1891. He secured the Democratic nomination in a four-way primary election, then convincingly won the general election over his Republican challenger, Andrew T. Wood. Brown's administration, and the state Democratic Party, were split between gold standard supporters (including Brown) and supporters of the free coinage of silver. Brown's was also the first administration to operate under the Kentucky Constitution of 1891, and most of the legislature's time was spent adapting the state's code of laws to the new constitution. Consequently, little of significance was accomplished during Brown's term. Brown hoped the legislature would elect him to the U.S. Senate following his term as governor. Having already alienated the free silver faction of his party, he backed "Goldbug" candidate Cassius M. Clay, Jr. for the Democratic nomination in the upcoming gubernatorial election. However, the deaths of two of Brown's children ended his interest in the gubernatorial race and his own senatorial ambitions. At the Democratic nominating convention of 1899, candidate William Goebel used questionable tactics to secure the gubernatorial nomination, and a disgruntled faction of the party held a separate nominating convention, choosing Brown to oppose Goebel in the general election. Goebel was eventually declared the winner of the election, but was assassinated. Brown became the legal counsel for former Kentucky Secretary of State Caleb Powers, an accused conspirator in the assassination. Brown died in Henderson on January 11, 1904. (en)
  • John Young Brown, né le 28 juin 1835 dans le comté de Hardin et mort le 11 janvier 1904 à Henderson, est un homme politique américain. Il est le 31e gouverneur du Kentucky (1891-1895). (fr)
  • ジョン・ヤング・ブラウン(英: John Young Brown、1835年6月28日 - 1904年1月11日)は、19世紀アメリカ合衆国の政治家、弁護士であり、1891年から1895年まで第31代ケンタッキー州知事を務めた。1859年から1861年、および1873年から1877年にはケンタッキー州選出アメリカ合衆国下院議員を務めた。ブラウンは都合3回アメリカ合衆国下院議員に選ばれたが、それぞれの期に論争があって紛糾した。最初に選ばれたのが1859年だが、まだ25歳になっておらず、憲法の規定を満たしていないと抗議したにもかかわらず選出された。選挙区の有権者がブラウンを選んだが、すぐには議員になれず、次の会期である第36期になって法廷年齢に達していたので議員になれた。その後ケンタッキー州内でヘンダーソンに移転し、そこの選挙区で1866年にも選出された。このときは南北戦争の間にアメリカ合衆国に忠実でなかったとされたことで議員就任を否定された。選挙区の有権者は別の代表を選ぶことを拒否し、議席は1期を通じて空席のままになった。ブラウンは1871年に州知事選挙に出馬して落選した後、再度1872年に下院議員に選出され、連続3期を務めた。その最後の任期で、マサチューセッツ州選出の下院議員ベンジャミン・フランクリン・バトラーを批判する演説を行ったことで、公式に問責された。この問責は後に議会記録から消去された。 ブラウンは下院議員を務めた後、一次政界から離れていたが、1891年にケンタッキー州知事選挙の候補者となることで政治の世界に復帰した。4人が出馬した民主党予備選挙で指名を確保し、知事選挙では共和党の対抗馬アンドリュー・T・ウッドに対して大勝した。ブラウン政権と州の民主党は金本位制支持者(ブラウン他)と自由銀支持者の間で分裂した。1891年にケンタッキー州新憲法が制定されたばかりであり、ブラウンの政権がその下での最初の政権だったので、議会の時間は新憲法に州の法典を適用させることに費やされた。その結果、ブラウンの任期中には取り立てて重要な成果が得られなかった。 ブラウンは知事としての任期が明けた後に、議会が自分をアメリカ合衆国上院議員に選出してくれることを期待した。党の自由銀派とは既に疎遠になっていたが、次期州知事選挙で民主党候補になっていたキャシアス・M・クレイ・ジュニア、いわゆる「ゴールドバッグ」の後ろ盾を得ていた。しかし、ブラウンの子供のうち2人が死んだことで、州知事選挙に対する興味も上院議員になりたいという望みもなくなってしまった。1899年民主党指名大会では候補者のウィリアム・ゴーベルが問題の残る戦術を使って知事候補指名を確保し、これに不満を抱いた党の派閥が別の指名大会を開いて、知事選挙の対抗馬にブラウンを選んだ。選挙でゴーベルが最終的な勝利宣言を行ったが、直後に暗殺された。ブラウンはこの暗殺で共謀者として訴えられた元州務長官ケイレブ・パワーズの法廷弁護人になった。ブラウンは1904年1月11日にヘンダーソンで死んだ。 (ja)
  • John Young Brown (28 de junho de 1835 – 11 de janeiro de 1904) foi um político dos Estados Unidos e o 31º governador do estado de Kentucky, ele também representou o estado na Câmara dos representantes dos Estados Unidos. Brown foi eleito para a Câmara dos representantes para três mandatos não-consecutivos, cada qual foi marcado por controvérsias. Ele foi eleito pela primeira vez em 1859, apesar dos protestos, porque que ele ainda não possuía vinte e cinco anos de idade, a idade mínima definido pela Constituição para servir no legislativo. Os eleitores do seu distrito elegeram, mas ele não pode tomar posse até a segunda sessão do Congresso, depois de possuir idade legal para o cargo. Depois de se mudar para Henderson no Kentucky, Brown foi eleito por este distrito em 1866. Nesta ocasião, foi impedido de assumir o cargo por causa de suposta deslealdade à União durante a Guerra Civil. Os eleitores de seu distrito se recusaram eleger outro representante, então o cargo permaneceu vago para o período que Brown foi eleito. Após uma tentativa mal sucedida para governador em 1871, Brown foi novamente eleito para a câmara em 1872 em três mandatos consecutivos. Durante seu período final, ele foi oficialmente censurado por ter feito um duro discurso contra o representante de Massachusetts Benjamin F. Butler. A censura foi mais tarde suprimida do registro congressional. Após o mandato na câmara, Brown fez uma pausa na política, mas retornou para a cena política como candidato a governador de Kentucky em 1891. Ele garantiu a indicação democrata em uma eleição primária de quatro candidatos e, em seguida, convincentemente, venceu as eleições gerais sobre seu adversário republicano, Andrew T. Wood. A administração de Brown e a do Partido Democrata no estado foram divididas, de um lado os apoiantes do padrão-ouro (rigor monetário), incluindo Brown, de outro lado os defensores da "livre cunhagem de prata" (emissão de moedas de pouco valor). Brown também foi o primeiro governador que exerceu sob a constituição de Kentucky de 1891. Ele passou a maior parte do tempo do mandato adaptando o código de leis do estado para nova Constituição. Por conseguinte, pouco de significativo foi feito durante o mandato de Brown. Brown esperava ser eleito para o Senado após seu mandato como governador. Ele já havia alienado a "facção da prata livre" de seu partido, apoiou o candidato do "padrão ouro" Cassius M. Clay Jr. para a indicação democrata na próxima eleição para governador. No entanto, as mortes de dois dos filhos de Brown terminaram seu interesse na eleição para governador e suas próprias ambições senatoriais. Na Convenção de nomeação democrata de 1899, o candidato William Goebel usou táticas questionáveis para garantir a nomeação para governador e uma facção descontente do Partido realizou uma Convenção de nomeação separada, escolhendo Brown como oponente de Goebel na eleição geral. Goebel, eventualmente, foi declarado vencedor da eleição, mas foi assassinado. Brown se tornou o assessor legal do secretário de estado de Kentucky Caleb Powers, um conspirador acusado no assassinato. Brown morreu em Henderson em 11 de janeiro de 1904. (pt)
  • John Young Brown, född 28 juni 1835 i Hardin County, Kentucky, död 11 januari 1904 i Henderson, Kentucky, var en amerikansk politiker (demokrat). Han var ledamot av USA:s representanthus 1859–1861 och 1873–1877. Han var guvernör i Kentucky 1891–1895. Brown utexaminerades 1855 från och studerade sedan juridik. Mellan 1859 och 1861 representerade han Kentuckys femte distrikt i representanthuset men deltog inte i praktiken i kongressens arbete innan han sommaren 1860 fyllde 25 år, det vill säga den ålder som konstitutionen kräver av en ledamot av representanthuset. Brown hade själv protesterat mot sin nominering i och med att han inte var tillräckligt gammal. I kongressvalet 1866 valdes Brown igen in i representanthuset men tilläts inte tillträda den gången, eftersom han inte bedömdes vara lojal mot unionen. Mandatet förklarades vakant i stället. Brown gjorde sedan comeback i kongressvalet 1872 med omval år 1874. I februari 1875 tillrättavisade kongressen honom för ett språkbruk opassande för en parlamentariker. Brown hade kritiserat republikanen Benjamin F. Butler i häftiga ordalag. Butler förespråkade medborgerliga rättigheter för svarta, något som Brown var emot. Brown efterträdde 1891 Simon Bolivar Buckner som Kentuckys guvernör och efterträddes 1895 av William O'Connell Bradley. Under Browns tid som guvernör var lynchningar ofta förekommande i Kentucky. Presbyterianen Brown avled 1904 och gravsattes på Fernwood Cemetery i Henderson. (sv)
  • 约翰·扬·布朗(英語:John Young Brown,1835年6月28日-1904年1月11日)是美国肯塔基州政治家,该州联邦众议员和第31任州长。布朗先后五次当选联邦众议员,其中1859年首度当选时还因未满25岁,低于宪法规定的众议员年龄下限表示抗议,但选民仍然坚持把票投给他。当选后布朗并未上任,而是在之后的一年国会会期才开始就职,这时他已经达到了法定年龄。之后布朗搬到了肯塔基州的亨德森,并于1866年在选区胜出,但这次他的职位却因在美国内战期间没有对联邦尽忠而遭到剥夺。他所在选区的选民拒绝再选出另一位代表,结果这个议席就在布朗当选的整个任期里一直保持着空缺状态。1871年,布朗参选州长但没有成功,然后又于1872年再度当选联邦众议员并连续获得两度连任。布朗在最后一次国会任期期间曾发表演说谴责马萨诸塞州联邦众议员,他因此受到了国会的官方谴责。不过,这次谴责之后从国会的记录中被消除掉了。 离开众议院后,布朗暂时离开了政治,但又于1891年作为肯塔基州州长候选人身份再入政坛。他首先是在民主党初选中战胜其他三位候选人赢得提名,然后在普选中以较大幅度优势打败共和党候选人安德鲁·T·伍德(Andrew T. Wood)。布朗领导的行政部门和肯塔基州的民主党人因货币问题出现分裂,包括布朗在内的一派支持金本位,另一派则提倡运动。布朗的任期也是生效后的第一个州长任期,大部分州议员都忙于将原有的州法律加以更改以适应新宪法,这也导致布朗在任期间作为相当有限。 布朗曾希望州议会在州长任期结束后选派自己担任联邦参议员。对于即将举行的新任州长选举,已经与党派内支持自由铸造银币一派疏远的布朗选择支持来自的候选人,然而这时两个孩子的死让布朗对州长选举和担任参议员都失去了兴趣。在1899年的民主党提名大会上,候选人威廉·格贝尔虽然获得了州长候选人提名,但其采取的策略受到了质疑,同时党内不满的派别另外举行了提名大会,选择布朗作为候选人在普选中对抗格贝尔。格贝尔最终赢得了选举,但马上就遭到刺杀。有指控称是这场暗杀的幕后主使,他聘请了布朗担任自己的法律顾问。1904年1月11日,约翰·杨·布朗在亨德森逝世,享壽68岁。 (zh)
  • 1835-06-28 (xsd:date)
  • John Young Brown (en)
  • 1904-01-11 (xsd:date)
  • Signature of Kentucky governor John Young Brown (1835–1904).png
  • 5026007 (xsd:integer)
  • 37727 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1109233253 (xsd:integer)
  • 1835-06-28 (xsd:date)
  • John Young Brown (en)
  • Claysville, Kentucky, U.S. (en)
  • 36 (xsd:integer)
  • 1904-01-11 (xsd:date)
  • Henderson, Kentucky, U.S. (en)
  • Centre College (en)
  • John Brown (en)
  • 31 (xsd:integer)
  • Signature of Kentucky governor John Young Brown .png (en)
  • Lucie Barbee (en)
  • Rebecca Hart Dixon (en)
  • 1861-03-03 (xsd:date)
  • 1877-03-03 (xsd:date)
  • 1895-12-10 (xsd:date)
  • 1860-12-03 (xsd:date)
  • 1873-03-04 (xsd:date)
  • 1891-09-02 (xsd:date)
  • dbr:Governor_of_Kentucky
  • Member of the U.S. House of Representatives (en)
  • Democratic nominee for Governor of Kentucky (en)
  • from Kentucky's 2nd congressional district (en)
  • from Kentucky's 5th congressional district (en)
  • 1859 (xsd:integer)
  • 1873 (xsd:integer)
  • 1891 (xsd:integer)
  • John Young Brown (* 28. Juni 1835 in , Hardin County, Kentucky; † 11. Januar 1904 in Henderson, Kentucky) war ein US-amerikanischer Jurist und Politiker. Von 1891 bis 1895 war er Gouverneur des Bundesstaates Kentucky. (de)
  • John Young Brown, né le 28 juin 1835 dans le comté de Hardin et mort le 11 janvier 1904 à Henderson, est un homme politique américain. Il est le 31e gouverneur du Kentucky (1891-1895). (fr)
  • John Young Brown (June 28, 1835 – January 11, 1904) was a politician from the U.S. Commonwealth of Kentucky. He represented the state in the United States House of Representatives and served as its 31st governor. Brown was elected to the House of Representatives for three non-consecutive terms, each of which was marred by controversy. He was first elected in 1859, despite his own protests that he was not yet twenty-five years old; the minimum age set by the Constitution for serving in the legislature. The voters of his district elected him anyway, but he was not allowed to take his seat until the Congress' second session, after he was of legal age to serve. After moving to Henderson, Kentucky, Brown was elected from that district in 1866. On this occasion, he was denied his seat because of (en)
  • ジョン・ヤング・ブラウン(英: John Young Brown、1835年6月28日 - 1904年1月11日)は、19世紀アメリカ合衆国の政治家、弁護士であり、1891年から1895年まで第31代ケンタッキー州知事を務めた。1859年から1861年、および1873年から1877年にはケンタッキー州選出アメリカ合衆国下院議員を務めた。ブラウンは都合3回アメリカ合衆国下院議員に選ばれたが、それぞれの期に論争があって紛糾した。最初に選ばれたのが1859年だが、まだ25歳になっておらず、憲法の規定を満たしていないと抗議したにもかかわらず選出された。選挙区の有権者がブラウンを選んだが、すぐには議員になれず、次の会期である第36期になって法廷年齢に達していたので議員になれた。その後ケンタッキー州内でヘンダーソンに移転し、そこの選挙区で1866年にも選出された。このときは南北戦争の間にアメリカ合衆国に忠実でなかったとされたことで議員就任を否定された。選挙区の有権者は別の代表を選ぶことを拒否し、議席は1期を通じて空席のままになった。ブラウンは1871年に州知事選挙に出馬して落選した後、再度1872年に下院議員に選出され、連続3期を務めた。その最後の任期で、マサチューセッツ州選出の下院議員ベンジャミン・フランクリン・バトラーを批判する演説を行ったことで、公式に問責された。この問責は後に議会記録から消去された。 (ja)
  • John Young Brown, född 28 juni 1835 i Hardin County, Kentucky, död 11 januari 1904 i Henderson, Kentucky, var en amerikansk politiker (demokrat). Han var ledamot av USA:s representanthus 1859–1861 och 1873–1877. Han var guvernör i Kentucky 1891–1895. Brown efterträdde 1891 Simon Bolivar Buckner som Kentuckys guvernör och efterträddes 1895 av William O'Connell Bradley. Under Browns tid som guvernör var lynchningar ofta förekommande i Kentucky. Presbyterianen Brown avled 1904 och gravsattes på Fernwood Cemetery i Henderson. (sv)
  • John Young Brown (28 de junho de 1835 – 11 de janeiro de 1904) foi um político dos Estados Unidos e o 31º governador do estado de Kentucky, ele também representou o estado na Câmara dos representantes dos Estados Unidos. Brown foi eleito para a Câmara dos representantes para três mandatos não-consecutivos, cada qual foi marcado por controvérsias. Ele foi eleito pela primeira vez em 1859, apesar dos protestos, porque que ele ainda não possuía vinte e cinco anos de idade, a idade mínima definido pela Constituição para servir no legislativo. Os eleitores do seu distrito elegeram, mas ele não pode tomar posse até a segunda sessão do Congresso, depois de possuir idade legal para o cargo. Depois de se mudar para Henderson no Kentucky, Brown foi eleito por este distrito em 1866. Nesta ocasião, fo (pt)
  • 约翰·扬·布朗(英語:John Young Brown,1835年6月28日-1904年1月11日)是美国肯塔基州政治家,该州联邦众议员和第31任州长。布朗先后五次当选联邦众议员,其中1859年首度当选时还因未满25岁,低于宪法规定的众议员年龄下限表示抗议,但选民仍然坚持把票投给他。当选后布朗并未上任,而是在之后的一年国会会期才开始就职,这时他已经达到了法定年龄。之后布朗搬到了肯塔基州的亨德森,并于1866年在选区胜出,但这次他的职位却因在美国内战期间没有对联邦尽忠而遭到剥夺。他所在选区的选民拒绝再选出另一位代表,结果这个议席就在布朗当选的整个任期里一直保持着空缺状态。1871年,布朗参选州长但没有成功,然后又于1872年再度当选联邦众议员并连续获得两度连任。布朗在最后一次国会任期期间曾发表演说谴责马萨诸塞州联邦众议员,他因此受到了国会的官方谴责。不过,这次谴责之后从国会的记录中被消除掉了。 (zh)
  • John Young Brown (Politiker) (de)
  • John Y. Brown (fr)
  • John Y. Brown (politician, born 1835) (en)
  • ジョン・Y・ブラウン (ja)
  • John Y. Brown (1835-1904) (pt)
  • John Y. Brown (1835–1904) (sv)
  • 约翰·杨·布朗 (zh)
  • John Brown (en)
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