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The Battle of Focchies was a significant naval engagement that took place on 12 May 1649, in the harbour of Focchies, Smyrna between a Venetian force of nineteen warships under the command of Giacomo da Riva, and an Ottoman force of eleven warships, ten galleasses, and seventy-two galleys, with the battle resulting in a crushing victory for the Venetian fleet. The battle was an episode in the Cretan War from 1645 to 1669 between the Venetian Republic (along with its allies, the Knights of Malta, the Kingdom of France and the Papal States) and the Ottoman Empire over dominance of various territories in the Mediterranean Sea. The war was one in a series of wars between the two warring powers, which contested for control of the Adriatic and Mediterranean trade routes. The primary territory th

Property Value
  • معركة فوجة (بالتركية: Foça Deniz Muharebesi)‏ معركة بحرية وقعت بين أسطول الدولة العثمانية من جانب وأسطول جمهورية البندقية وفرسان مالطا من جانب آخر وذلك في ميناء فوجة المتواجد علي خليج سميرنا بغرب الأناضول وذلك اثناء أحداث الحرب العثمانية البندقية السادسة التي امتدت في الفترة من عام 1645 واستمرت لعام 1669 ووقعت المعركة في يوم 12 مايو 1649 وانتهت بانتصار البندقية. (ar)
  • Bitva u Fókaie či bitva ve Fókaiském zálivu, k níž došlo mezi benátským a osmanským loďstvem 12. května 1649 v přístavu Fókaie, byla velká námořní bitva krétské války (1645-1669). Benátskému loďstvu pod vedením admirála se podařilo zaskočit osmanskou flotilu kotvící v přístavu a způsobit jí těžké ztráty, když ztratilo dvě lodě (včetně jedné zabrané nepřítelem) proti šestnácti tureckým (z nichž dvě zabrala). V dalším ničení turecké flotily zabránila Benátčanům změna větru, který začal v poměrně malém přístavu hnát hořící vraky tureckých lodí proti nim, takže se museli stáhnout. Přestože šlo o velký úspěch Benátek, na zvrácení vývoje války nestačil. (cs)
  • The Battle of Focchies was a significant naval engagement that took place on 12 May 1649, in the harbour of Focchies, Smyrna between a Venetian force of nineteen warships under the command of Giacomo da Riva, and an Ottoman force of eleven warships, ten galleasses, and seventy-two galleys, with the battle resulting in a crushing victory for the Venetian fleet. The battle was an episode in the Cretan War from 1645 to 1669 between the Venetian Republic (along with its allies, the Knights of Malta, the Kingdom of France and the Papal States) and the Ottoman Empire over dominance of various territories in the Mediterranean Sea. The war was one in a series of wars between the two warring powers, which contested for control of the Adriatic and Mediterranean trade routes. The primary territory that was contested during the war was Crete, the largest and most profitable of the overseas holdings of the Venetian Republic. The battle came after a squadron of Venetian ships under the command of Giacomo da Riva, a Venetian admiral, came to the rescue of the blockading Venetian force in the Dardanelles Straits, after the blockade had run into unexpected weather conditions and many ships sunk as a result. Admiral da Riva moved to engage the Ottoman fleet, attempting to prevent them from sailing to Crete and reinforcing the Ottoman forces that were laying siege to the island. To reinforce his fleet before engaging the Ottomans, da Riva hired several English and Dutch armed merchantmen, promising to their captains that he would compensate them for any damages or casualties that they suffered. The Venetian fleet set sail towards the harbour, with the intention to destroy the Ottoman fleet while it was trapped. When the Ottomans saw that the Venetian fleet advancing, ten galleasses were placed in front of the harbour entrance to cover the other ships. The Venetians easily broke through the galleasses, and intense combat began and lasted for four hours, with the Venetian (and hired) warships engaging the Ottoman fleet, easily overwhelming them with superior firepower. The Ottomans put up a spirited defence, but could not stop the Venetians from destroying a significant portion of the fleet. Despite the overwhelming victory, it was not a complete one, and Ottoman naval forces were able to sail to Crete to bring reinforcements, with Crete falling to the Ottomans two decades later. (en)
  • La bataille de Focchies est livrée le 12 mai 1649 pendant la guerre de Crète ou guerre de Candie (1645-1669). Elle oppose en mer Égée, dans le port de Focchies (aujourd'hui Foça) près de Chios et de Smyrne, une flotte ottomane à une escadre vénitienne commandée par l'amiral qui remporte la victoire. (fr)
  • La battaglia di Focea fu un importante scontro navale che ebbe luogo il 12 maggio 1649, nel porto di Focea, nei pressi di Smirne, tra una forza veneziana di diciannove navi da guerra al comando di , e una forza ottomana di undici navi da guerra, dieci galeazze, e settantadue galee, con la battaglia che portò a una schiacciante vittoria per la flotta veneziana. La battaglia fu un episodio della guerra di Candia dal 1645 al 1669 tra la Repubblica di Venezia (insieme ai suoi alleati, i Cavalieri di Malta, il Regno di Francia e lo Stato Pontificio) e l'Impero Ottomano per il dominio di vari territori nel Mar Mediterraneo. La guerra fu una di una serie di guerre tra le due potenze belligeranti, che si contendevano il controllo delle adriatiche e mediterranee. Il principale territorio conteso durante la guerra fu Creta, il più vasto e redditizio dei possedimenti d'oltremare della Repubblica di Venezia. La battaglia si è svolta dopo che uno squadrone di navi veneziane al comando di Giacomo da Riva, un ammiraglio veneziano, venne in soccorso del blocco navale veneziano nello Stretto dei Dardanelli, dopo che il blocco aveva subito delle condizioni meteorologiche inaspettate e affondarono molte navi. L'ammiraglio da Riva si mosse per ingaggiare battaglia con la flotta ottomana, tentando di impedire loro di navigare verso Creta e per rinforzare le forze ottomane che stavano assediando l'isola. Per rafforzare la sua flotta prima di ingaggiare gli ottomani, da Riva assoldò diversi mercantili armati inglesi e olandesi, promettendo ai loro capitani che li avrebbe risarciti per eventuali danni o perdite subiti. La flotta veneziana salpò verso il porto, con l'intenzione di distruggere la flotta ottomana mentre era ancora intrappolata dentro. Quando gli ottomani videro che la flotta veneziana avanzava, posero dieci galeazze davanti all'imboccatura del porto per coprire le altre navi. I veneziani sfondarono facilmente le galeazze e iniziarono un intenso combattimento che durò per quattro ore, con le navi da guerra veneziane (e quelle assoldate) che ingaggiarono la flotta ottomana, travolgendole facilmente con una potenza di fuoco superiore. Gli ottomani misero in piedi una vigorosa difesa, ma non riuscirono ad impedire ai veneziani di distruggere una parte significativa della loro flotta. Nonostante la vittoria schiacciante, non fu completa e le forze navali ottomane furono in grado di salpare per Creta per portare rinforzi, con Creta che fu conquistata dagli Ottomani due decenni dopo. (it)
  • Bitwa morska pod Foça – starcie zbrojne, które miało miejsce 12 maja 1649 podczas wojny wenecko-tureckiej (1645–1669). Bitwa została stoczona koło miasta tureckiego położonego na zachodnim wybrzeżu Turcji przy wejściu do Zatoki Smyrneńskiej. Flota wenecka licząca 19 żaglowców oraz nieznaną liczbę galeas i galer pod wodzą Giacomo Rivy, pobiła tutaj flotę turecką złożoną ze 102 okrętów (11 żaglowców, 19 galeas i 72 galer). (pl)
  • 1 warship destroyed
  • 105 killed and wounded
  • Ottoman Empire
  • Venice
  • 1649-05-12 (xsd:date)
  • Venetian victory
  • 10 galleasses
  • 11 warships
  • 19 warships
  • 72 galleys
  • 982134 (xsd:integer)
  • 13209 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1065917666 (xsd:integer)
  • Battle of the combined Venetian and Dutch fleets against the Turks, Abraham Beerstraaten (en)
  • 1 (xsd:integer)
  • 2 (xsd:integer)
  • 3 (xsd:integer)
  • 9 (xsd:integer)
  • 105 (xsd:integer)
  • Unknown killed and wounded (en)
  • Ottoman Empire (en)
  • Venice (en)
  • Mehmed Pasha (en)
  • Giacomo da Riva (en)
  • Battle of Focchies (en)
  • 1649-05-12 (xsd:date)
  • 300 (xsd:integer)
  • the Cretan War (1645–1669) (en)
  • Off Focchies, Mediterranean Sea (en)
  • Venetian victory (en)
  • 10 (xsd:integer)
  • 11 (xsd:integer)
  • 19 (xsd:integer)
  • 72 (xsd:integer)
  • 38.6675 26.7581
  • معركة فوجة (بالتركية: Foça Deniz Muharebesi)‏ معركة بحرية وقعت بين أسطول الدولة العثمانية من جانب وأسطول جمهورية البندقية وفرسان مالطا من جانب آخر وذلك في ميناء فوجة المتواجد علي خليج سميرنا بغرب الأناضول وذلك اثناء أحداث الحرب العثمانية البندقية السادسة التي امتدت في الفترة من عام 1645 واستمرت لعام 1669 ووقعت المعركة في يوم 12 مايو 1649 وانتهت بانتصار البندقية. (ar)
  • Bitva u Fókaie či bitva ve Fókaiském zálivu, k níž došlo mezi benátským a osmanským loďstvem 12. května 1649 v přístavu Fókaie, byla velká námořní bitva krétské války (1645-1669). Benátskému loďstvu pod vedením admirála se podařilo zaskočit osmanskou flotilu kotvící v přístavu a způsobit jí těžké ztráty, když ztratilo dvě lodě (včetně jedné zabrané nepřítelem) proti šestnácti tureckým (z nichž dvě zabrala). V dalším ničení turecké flotily zabránila Benátčanům změna větru, který začal v poměrně malém přístavu hnát hořící vraky tureckých lodí proti nim, takže se museli stáhnout. Přestože šlo o velký úspěch Benátek, na zvrácení vývoje války nestačil. (cs)
  • La bataille de Focchies est livrée le 12 mai 1649 pendant la guerre de Crète ou guerre de Candie (1645-1669). Elle oppose en mer Égée, dans le port de Focchies (aujourd'hui Foça) près de Chios et de Smyrne, une flotte ottomane à une escadre vénitienne commandée par l'amiral qui remporte la victoire. (fr)
  • Bitwa morska pod Foça – starcie zbrojne, które miało miejsce 12 maja 1649 podczas wojny wenecko-tureckiej (1645–1669). Bitwa została stoczona koło miasta tureckiego położonego na zachodnim wybrzeżu Turcji przy wejściu do Zatoki Smyrneńskiej. Flota wenecka licząca 19 żaglowców oraz nieznaną liczbę galeas i galer pod wodzą Giacomo Rivy, pobiła tutaj flotę turecką złożoną ze 102 okrętów (11 żaglowców, 19 galeas i 72 galer). (pl)
  • The Battle of Focchies was a significant naval engagement that took place on 12 May 1649, in the harbour of Focchies, Smyrna between a Venetian force of nineteen warships under the command of Giacomo da Riva, and an Ottoman force of eleven warships, ten galleasses, and seventy-two galleys, with the battle resulting in a crushing victory for the Venetian fleet. The battle was an episode in the Cretan War from 1645 to 1669 between the Venetian Republic (along with its allies, the Knights of Malta, the Kingdom of France and the Papal States) and the Ottoman Empire over dominance of various territories in the Mediterranean Sea. The war was one in a series of wars between the two warring powers, which contested for control of the Adriatic and Mediterranean trade routes. The primary territory th (en)
  • La battaglia di Focea fu un importante scontro navale che ebbe luogo il 12 maggio 1649, nel porto di Focea, nei pressi di Smirne, tra una forza veneziana di diciannove navi da guerra al comando di , e una forza ottomana di undici navi da guerra, dieci galeazze, e settantadue galee, con la battaglia che portò a una schiacciante vittoria per la flotta veneziana. La battaglia fu un episodio della guerra di Candia dal 1645 al 1669 tra la Repubblica di Venezia (insieme ai suoi alleati, i Cavalieri di Malta, il Regno di Francia e lo Stato Pontificio) e l'Impero Ottomano per il dominio di vari territori nel Mar Mediterraneo. La guerra fu una di una serie di guerre tra le due potenze belligeranti, che si contendevano il controllo delle adriatiche e mediterranee. Il principale territorio conteso d (it)
  • Battle of Focchies (en)
  • معركة فوجة (ar)
  • Bitva u Fókaie (cs)
  • Battaglia di Focea (it)
  • Bataille de Focchies (fr)
  • Bitwa morska pod Foça (pl)
  • POINT(26.758100509644 38.667499542236)
  • 38.667500 (xsd:float)
  • 26.758101 (xsd:float)
  • Battle of Focchies (en)
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