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yago:Abstraction100002137 yago:Time100028270 yago:History115121406 yago:SignLanguage106875697 yago:Language106282651 dbo:Language yago:WikicatLanguagesOfFrance yago:Communication100033020 yago:Past115120823 umbel-rc:Language yago:WikicatLanguageHistories yago:Attribute100024264 yago:WikicatSignLanguages
Old French Sign Language 古法国手语 Antiga língua de sinais francesa Vieille langue des signes française
La vieille langue des signes française (VLSF) correspond à l’ancienne langue des signes française, de la même manière que l’on parle d’« ancien français », par opposition au français moderne (l’abréviation ALSF n’est pas possible, parce que déjà prise par l’Académie de la langue des signes française). Elle n'a en revanche pas de lien avec l'ancien français, qui a été parlé approximativement entre le XIe et le XIVe siècle. Les sources les plus anciennes qu'on en a datent de la fin du XVIIIe siècle. Elle a ensuite évolué pour devenir une base importante de la langue des signes française (LSF) et de nombreuses autres langues des signes, aussi bien européennes qu'américaines, africaines ou asiatiques, qui ne sont pas toutes mutuellement compréhensibles. Antiga Língua de Sinais Francesa é um termo que designa, basicamente, a língua da comunidade surda, no 18º século, em Paris, aquando da criação dos primeiros estabelecimentos de ensino para surdos. As primeiras referências a esta língua remontam ao tempo de Charles-Michel de l'Épée, educador de surdos. A Antiga Língua de Sinais Francesa não está ligada ao Francês Antigo, que foi usado de 1000 AD a 1300 AD. Old French Sign Language (French: Vieille langue des signes française, often abbreviated as VLSF) was the language of the deaf community in 18th-century Paris at the time of the establishment of the first deaf schools. The earliest records of the language are in the work of the Abbé de l'Épée, who stumbled across two sisters communicating in signs and, through them, became aware of a signing community of 200 deaf Parisians. Old French Sign Language is not related to Old French, which was spoken from roughly 1000 to 1300. 古法国手语(法语:Vieille langue des signes française,常缩写作VLSF)是18世纪巴黎聋人社区中通行的一种手语,其时建立了第一所聋人学校。古法国手语最早的记录是在修士(Charles-Michel de l'Épée)的作品中,他偶然发现一对用手势交流的姐妹,经过她们,认识了一个由200名巴黎聋人组成的手语社区。。 语言的记录实际上很稀少。埃佩觉得这种手语是美丽但落后的,因而没有记录或研究它,而是着手设计了自己独特的手语系统(“langage de signes méthodiques”),从古法国手语中借用了不少手势,并与从法语中提炼出来的怪异语素结构相结合。“古法国手语”这一术语偶尔会用于描述埃佩的“系统化手语”,因而埃佩也会被误解作这种手语的发明者。 不过埃佩的发明还是影响到了聋人社区的语言,现代法国手语可以说是从埃佩建立的聋人学校中发展起来的。受埃佩的模型启发的聋人学校开始在全世界涌现,法国手语也影响到其他很多种手语的早期演化,包括美国手语。从埃佩及其后继者们的“系统化手语”的词典[1](由修士Roch-Ambroise Cucurron Sicard出版)中,我们可以窥见许多手势在今日的手语中 注意古法国手语与古法语无关,后者的使用时间大致为1000至1300年。
dbc:Languages_attested_from_the_18th_century dbc:Extinct_sign_languages dbc:Sign_languages_of_France dbc:French_Sign_Language_family
dbr:French_language dbr:Directional_verb dbr:French_India dbr:Old_French dbr:France dbr:French_Sign_Language dbr:Paris dbr:Morpheme dbr:Pondicherry dbr:French_Sign_Language_family dbr:Abbé_de_l'Épée dbr:Language dbr:Roch-Ambroise_Cucurron_Sicard dbr:American_Sign_Language dbc:Languages_attested_from_the_18th_century dbr:Pierre_Desloges dbc:Extinct_sign_languages dbr:Deaf_community dbr:Nicaraguan_Sign_Language dbc:French_Sign_Language_family dbc:Sign_languages_of_France
wikidata:Q7084051 dbpedia-fr:Vieille_langue_des_signes_française n14:4t5No yago-res:Old_French_Sign_Language freebase:m.05wrp2 dbpedia-zh:古法国手语 dbpedia-pt:Antiga_língua_de_sinais_francesa
dbt:Short_description dbt:Languages_of_France dbt:OriginalResearch dbt:Sign_language_navigation dbt:Ref dbt:Citation_needed dbt:Use_American_English dbt:Note dbt:Ubl dbt:Expand_French
古法国手语(法语:Vieille langue des signes française,常缩写作VLSF)是18世纪巴黎聋人社区中通行的一种手语,其时建立了第一所聋人学校。古法国手语最早的记录是在修士(Charles-Michel de l'Épée)的作品中,他偶然发现一对用手势交流的姐妹,经过她们,认识了一个由200名巴黎聋人组成的手语社区。。 语言的记录实际上很稀少。埃佩觉得这种手语是美丽但落后的,因而没有记录或研究它,而是着手设计了自己独特的手语系统(“langage de signes méthodiques”),从古法国手语中借用了不少手势,并与从法语中提炼出来的怪异语素结构相结合。“古法国手语”这一术语偶尔会用于描述埃佩的“系统化手语”,因而埃佩也会被误解作这种手语的发明者。 不过埃佩的发明还是影响到了聋人社区的语言,现代法国手语可以说是从埃佩建立的聋人学校中发展起来的。受埃佩的模型启发的聋人学校开始在全世界涌现,法国手语也影响到其他很多种手语的早期演化,包括美国手语。从埃佩及其后继者们的“系统化手语”的词典[1](由修士Roch-Ambroise Cucurron Sicard出版)中,我们可以窥见许多手势在今日的手语中 聋人皮埃尔·德洛热(Pierre Desloges)与埃佩属于同一个时代,在可能是历史上第一部由聋人出版的书中[2] (1779),部分描述了古法国手语。其充分运用了空间语法,一个书中明确提到的语法特征是趋向动词的使用,如动词“想(做)”。 从仅存的一点描述中,现代语言学家们尚不足以重建起古法国手语的完整模样,不过对它的研究仍在进行。古法国手语的确切诞生年代和诞生方式不明。不过,现在我们拥有的证据说明,只要有足够多的聋人形成社区,手语便会自发地产生(参考尼加拉瓜手语)。考虑到巴黎在那时已经是数个世纪以来法国最大的城市(1750年有56.5万人口),法国手语可能是欧洲年代最老的手语。 注意古法国手语与古法语无关,后者的使用时间大致为1000至1300年。 Old French Sign Language (French: Vieille langue des signes française, often abbreviated as VLSF) was the language of the deaf community in 18th-century Paris at the time of the establishment of the first deaf schools. The earliest records of the language are in the work of the Abbé de l'Épée, who stumbled across two sisters communicating in signs and, through them, became aware of a signing community of 200 deaf Parisians. Records of the language they used are scant. Épée saw their signing as beautiful but primitive, and rather than studying or recording it, he set about developing his own unique sign system ("langage de signes méthodiques"), which borrowed signs from Old French Sign Language and combined them with an idiosyncratic morphemic structure which he derived from the French language. The term "Old French Sign Language" has occasionally been used to describe Épée's "systematised signs", and he has often been (erroneously) cited as the inventor of sign language. Épée, however, influenced the language of the deaf community, and modern French Sign Language can be said to have emerged in the schools that Épée established. As deaf schools inspired by Épée's model sprung up around the world, the language was to influence the development of many other sign languages, including American Sign Language. From the dictionaries of "systematised signs" that the Abbé de l'Épée and his successor, Abbé Roch-Ambroise Cucurron Sicard, published, we can see that many of the signs described have direct descendants in sign languages today. Pierre Desloges, who was deaf himself and a contemporary of the Abbe de l'Épée, partially described Old French Sign Language in what was possibly the first book ever to be published by a deaf person (1779). The language certainly used of the possibilities of a spatial grammar. One of the grammatical features noted by Desloges was the use of directional verbs, such as the verb "to want". From the few descriptions that exist, modern linguists are unable to build up a complete picture of Old French Sign Language, but ongoing research continues to uncover more pieces of the puzzle. It is not known how the language was acquired or how long the language had been developing before Épée established his school. However, evidence suggests that whenever a large enough population of deaf people exists, a sign language will spontaneously arise (cf. Nicaraguan Sign Language). As Paris had been the largest city in France for hundreds of years (and with 565,000 inhabitants in 1750), French Sign Language is a good candidate for one of the oldest sign languages in Europe. Old French Sign Language is not related to Old French, which was spoken from roughly 1000 to 1300. Antiga Língua de Sinais Francesa é um termo que designa, basicamente, a língua da comunidade surda, no 18º século, em Paris, aquando da criação dos primeiros estabelecimentos de ensino para surdos. As primeiras referências a esta língua remontam ao tempo de Charles-Michel de l'Épée, educador de surdos. A Antiga Língua de Sinais Francesa não está ligada ao Francês Antigo, que foi usado de 1000 AD a 1300 AD. La vieille langue des signes française (VLSF) correspond à l’ancienne langue des signes française, de la même manière que l’on parle d’« ancien français », par opposition au français moderne (l’abréviation ALSF n’est pas possible, parce que déjà prise par l’Académie de la langue des signes française). Elle n'a en revanche pas de lien avec l'ancien français, qui a été parlé approximativement entre le XIe et le XIVe siècle. Les sources les plus anciennes qu'on en a datent de la fin du XVIIIe siècle. Elle a ensuite évolué pour devenir une base importante de la langue des signes française (LSF) et de nombreuses autres langues des signes, aussi bien européennes qu'américaines, africaines ou asiatiques, qui ne sont pas toutes mutuellement compréhensibles.