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Ducas, o Grego Dhuka al-Rumi Dhuka al-Rumi ذكا الأعور
ذكا الأعور أو ذكا الرومي (ت. 11 ربيع الآخر 307هـ = 10 سبتمبر 919) آخِرُ والٍ عباسي على مصر، أرسله الخليفة المقتدر لتدعيم الحكم العباسي في مصر وحمايتها من هجمات الفاطميين المتكررة للظفر بها. كان الفاطميون قد ردوا عدة مرات عن مصر كان إحداها على يد مؤنس الخادم والأخرى على يد الجيش العباسي بالتعاون مع الشعب المصري .ومع الهدوء الذي شهدته مصر في أعقاب انتصارها على جيوش الفاطميين أرسل الخليفة العباسي المقتدر ذكا الأعور فدخلها في (12 صفر 355هـ/28 سبتمبر 915 م. وقام بمتابعة عيون الفاطميين الذين يكاتبونهم واستأصلهم .ولّى ابنه مظفر بن ذكا على الإسكندرية لتحصينها.أرسل الفاطميون جيشا بقيادة إلى مصر، فسيطر على الإسكندرية فعمت الفوضى في البلاد وساد فيها الاضطراب، وأفلتت الأمور من يد مظفر بن ذكا، وهرب كثير من أهل البلاد إلى الشام، ومات عدد كبير منهم في الطريق. Ducas, o Grego (Dhuka al-Rumi) foi um grego bizantino que serviu ao Califado Abássida sob o califa Almoctadir (r. 908–932), mais notadamente como governador do Egito em 915-919. Ele foi instalado como governador em 915 pelo comandante-em-chefe abássida Munis Almuzafar como parte de seu esforço de estabilizar a situação no país e expulsar a invasão fatímida que havia tomado Alexandria. Ducas estava em Alepo naquele tempo, e chegou ao Egito no final de agosto, sucedendo Taquim, o Cazar. A primeira tentativa fatímida de capturar o Egito terminou em fracasso graças a intervenção de Munis, mas logo os fatímidas recomeçaram seus planos para um segundo assalto, começando com a captura de Barca após um cerco de 18 meses em 917. Doukas le Romain (décédé le 11 août 919), connu en arabe sous le nom de Dhuka al-Rumi, était un Grec byzantin ayant servi le califat abbasside, notamment comme gouverneur de l’Égypte en 915–919. Dhuka al-Rumi (Arabic: ذوكه الرومي, romanized: Dhūka al-Rūmī, lit. 'Doukas the Roman'; died 11 August 919) was a Byzantine Greek who served the Abbasid Caliphate as governor of Egypt in 915–919. He was installed as governor of Egypt in 915 by the Abbasid commander-in-chief Mu'nis al-Muzaffar, as part of his effort to stabilize the situation in the country and expel a Fatimid invasion that had taken Alexandria. Dhuka was in Aleppo at the time, and arrived in Egypt in late August, succeeding Takin al-Khazari. The first Fatimid attempt to capture Egypt ended in failure thanks to Mu'nis' intervention, but soon the Fatimids began to make plans for a second assault, starting with the capture of Barqa after an 18-month siege in 917. The Fatimids evidently had sympathizers in Egypt, as the Egyptia
dbc:919_deaths dbc:Byzantine_defectors dbc:10th-century_Abbasid_governors_of_Egypt dbc:10th-century_Byzantine_people dbc:Converts_to_Islam_from_Christianity dbc:Doukas_family dbc:9th-century_births dbc:Greek_Muslims
dbr:Abbasid dbr:Fatimid dbr:Aleppo dbc:Byzantine_defectors dbr:Barqa dbr:Mu'nis_al-Muzaffar dbc:919_deaths dbc:10th-century_Abbasid_governors_of_Egypt dbr:Takin_al-Khazari dbr:Nile dbr:Al-Mahdi_Billah dbr:Fustat dbc:10th-century_Byzantine_people dbc:Doukas_family dbr:Giza dbr:Fatimid_invasion_of_Egypt_(919–921) dbc:Converts_to_Islam_from_Christianity dbr:List_of_governors_of_Islamic_Egypt dbc:9th-century_births dbr:Fatimid_invasion_of_Egypt_(914–915) dbr:Al-Husayn_al-Madhara'i dbr:Abbasid_Caliphate dbr:Medieval_Egypt dbc:Greek_Muslims dbr:Alexandria dbr:Al-Qa'im_(Fatimid_caliph) dbr:Byzantine_Greeks
n5:books%3Fid=BqCdfhW3nVwC n5:books%3Fid=usUjj9OV9l0C
freebase:m.012n138j wikidata:Q19664085 dbpedia-fa:ذکا_الرومی dbpedia-pt:Ducas,_o_Grego dbpedia-ar:ذكا_الأعور yago-res:Dhuka_al-Rumi dbpedia-fr:Dhuka_al-Rumi n21:su3c
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dbr:List_of_governors_of_Islamic_Egypt dbr:Abbasid
Doukas le Romain (décédé le 11 août 919), connu en arabe sous le nom de Dhuka al-Rumi, était un Grec byzantin ayant servi le califat abbasside, notamment comme gouverneur de l’Égypte en 915–919. Ducas, o Grego (Dhuka al-Rumi) foi um grego bizantino que serviu ao Califado Abássida sob o califa Almoctadir (r. 908–932), mais notadamente como governador do Egito em 915-919. Ele foi instalado como governador em 915 pelo comandante-em-chefe abássida Munis Almuzafar como parte de seu esforço de estabilizar a situação no país e expulsar a invasão fatímida que havia tomado Alexandria. Ducas estava em Alepo naquele tempo, e chegou ao Egito no final de agosto, sucedendo Taquim, o Cazar. A primeira tentativa fatímida de capturar o Egito terminou em fracasso graças a intervenção de Munis, mas logo os fatímidas recomeçaram seus planos para um segundo assalto, começando com a captura de Barca após um cerco de 18 meses em 917. Embora Ducas tivesse reforçado a guarnição de Alexandria após o saque de Barca, a chegada da força expedicionária fatímida em julho de 919 pegou-o de surpresa. O governador da cidade, seu filho Almuzafar, fugiu junto com seus auxiliares e grande parte da população, deixando a cidade para ser saqueada. Os esforços de Ducas para repelir a nova invasão foram dificultados pela relutância em lutar da guarnição provincial em Fostate, fato exacerbado pelo atraso no pagamento deles, forçando-o a recrutar voluntários. Ele, no entanto, moveu-se rapidamente para a segura Gizé, através do rio Nilo em Fostate, e construiu um forte ali. Logo depois, contudo, o novo administrador fiscal do Egito, Huceine Almadarai, chegou com fundos suficientes para pagar os salários atrasados das tropas regulares. Ducas morreu em 1 de agosto, e foi sucedido por seu predecessor Taquim, que chegou para assumir o ofício em janeiro. Mais uma vez a intervenção de Munis no ano seguinte salvou Fostate e repeliu os fatímidas. ذكا الأعور أو ذكا الرومي (ت. 11 ربيع الآخر 307هـ = 10 سبتمبر 919) آخِرُ والٍ عباسي على مصر، أرسله الخليفة المقتدر لتدعيم الحكم العباسي في مصر وحمايتها من هجمات الفاطميين المتكررة للظفر بها. كان الفاطميون قد ردوا عدة مرات عن مصر كان إحداها على يد مؤنس الخادم والأخرى على يد الجيش العباسي بالتعاون مع الشعب المصري .ومع الهدوء الذي شهدته مصر في أعقاب انتصارها على جيوش الفاطميين أرسل الخليفة العباسي المقتدر ذكا الأعور فدخلها في (12 صفر 355هـ/28 سبتمبر 915 م. وقام بمتابعة عيون الفاطميين الذين يكاتبونهم واستأصلهم .ولّى ابنه مظفر بن ذكا على الإسكندرية لتحصينها.أرسل الفاطميون جيشا بقيادة إلى مصر، فسيطر على الإسكندرية فعمت الفوضى في البلاد وساد فيها الاضطراب، وأفلتت الأمور من يد مظفر بن ذكا، وهرب كثير من أهل البلاد إلى الشام، ومات عدد كبير منهم في الطريق. كان ذكا مقيما في الفسطاط يحاول حشد جنوده لملاقاة الجيش الفاطمي إلا أن العديد منهم رفضوا الخروج للقتال، فخرج بجيش محدود العدد والعُدّة إلى الجيزة محاولا تأخير العدو وإلحاق أكبر قدر من الخسائر فيه، واستنزافه حتى يصل إليه مدد الخليفة العباسي. وفي هذه الظروف توفي ذكا الأعور إثر مرض أصابه.عندما وصلت قوات العباسيين استطاعوا إلحاق الهزيمة بالفاطميين من جديد. Dhuka al-Rumi (Arabic: ذوكه الرومي, romanized: Dhūka al-Rūmī, lit. 'Doukas the Roman'; died 11 August 919) was a Byzantine Greek who served the Abbasid Caliphate as governor of Egypt in 915–919. He was installed as governor of Egypt in 915 by the Abbasid commander-in-chief Mu'nis al-Muzaffar, as part of his effort to stabilize the situation in the country and expel a Fatimid invasion that had taken Alexandria. Dhuka was in Aleppo at the time, and arrived in Egypt in late August, succeeding Takin al-Khazari. The first Fatimid attempt to capture Egypt ended in failure thanks to Mu'nis' intervention, but soon the Fatimids began to make plans for a second assault, starting with the capture of Barqa after an 18-month siege in 917. The Fatimids evidently had sympathizers in Egypt, as the Egyptians since the early 9th century had come to resent rule from Baghdad; Dhuka was forced to execute several people for corresponding with the Fatimid ruler al-Mahdi Billah and his son, al-Qa'im bi-Amr Allah. Although Dhuka had the garrison of Alexandria reinforced following the sack of Barqa, the arrival of the Fatimid expeditionary force in July 919 caught him by surprise. The city's governor, Dhuka's son Muzaffar, fled, along with his aides and many of the populace, leaving the city to be sacked. Dhuka's efforts to repel the new invasion were hampered by the reluctance of the provincial garrison at Fustat to fight, exacerbated by the habitual delays in their pay, forcing him to rely on volunteers at first. He nevertheless moved quickly to secure Giza, across the Nile from Fustat, by constructing a fort there. Soon after, however, the new fiscal administrator for Egypt, al-Husayn al-Madhara'i, arrived with sufficient funds to pay the regular troops their arrears. Dhuka died on 11 August, and was succeeded by his predecessor Takin, who arrived to take up his office in January. Once more, the intervention of Mu'nis in the next year saved Fustat and threw the Fatimids out of the country.