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yago:Manuscript106406979 yago:Group100031264 yago:Evidence106643408 yago:Indication106797169 yago:History106514093 dbo:Book yago:WrittenCommunication106349220 yago:Communication100033020 yago:WikicatMesoamericanHistoricalDocuments yago:Collection107951464 yago:Wikicat16th-centuryManuscripts yago:HistoricalDocument106515489 yago:Record106647206 yago:Abstraction100002137 yago:Writing106362953 yago:WikicatBibliothèqueNationaleDeFranceCollections yago:WikicatChronicles
Crónica Mexicayotl Crónica Mexicáyotl Crónica Mexicayotl Crónica Mexicayotl
La Crónica Mexicáyotl es una obra escrita en idioma náhuatl por Hernando de Alvarado Tezozómoc con algunas inserciones de Alonso Franco y Domingo Francisco Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin,​ en torno a 1598. La obra narra la historia del pueblo mexica desde su salida de Aztlán hasta el inicio de la Conquista de México. El autor era descendiente directo de Moctezuma Xocoyotzin y narra la genealogía de la clase gobernante. Crónica Mexicayotl è una cronaca dell'impero azteco scritta in lingua nahuatl da Fernando Alvarado Tezozómoc attorno al 1598. Partendo dal fatto che l'autore apparteneva alla linea di successione reale azteca, il manoscritto racconta la versione azteca della storia del Messico centrale. Fu scritto sia in nahuatl che in spagnolo dall'autore bilingue. Il documento nahuatl fu rinvenuto da Joaquín García Icazbalceta all'interno della collezione Boturini, in seguito spostata presso la Bibliothèque nationale de France di Parigi, e pubblicato nel 1949 in una versione tradotta da Adrián Leon. L'opera descrive la storia degli Aztechi dal primo tlatoani Acamapichtili fino alla nomina da parte degli spagnoli di "re fantoccio" dalla metà del XVI secolo. Die Crónica Mexicayotl ist ein in aztekischer Sprache abgefasstes Werk, dessen Teile von verschiedenen Autoren indianischen Autoren stammen. Das Werk gibt einen historischen Überblick über die Mexica oder Azteken von ihrem Auszug aus dem mythischen Ort Aztlán bis in die Zeit der spanischen Eroberung. The Crónica Mexicayotl is a chronicle of the history of the Aztec Empire from the early Nahua migrations to the colonial period, which was written in the Nahuatl language around the 16th century. Its authorship is debated because the earliest surviving copy is written in the hand of Chimalpahin (1579–1660), while the manuscript itself states that the author is Fernando Alvarado Tezozómoc (before 1542 – c. 1610). A description of the manuscript is included in the census of central Mexican prose writings in the Handbook of Middle American Indians.
dbc:History_of_the_Aztecs dbc:Nahuatl_literature dbc:Bibliothèque_nationale_de_France_collections
dbr:Lorenzo_Boturini dbr:Aztec_Empire dbr:Tenochtitlán dbr:Diego_Durán dbr:National_Autonomous_University_of_Mexico dbr:Instituto_Nacional_de_Antropología_e_Historia dbr:Bibliothèque_Nationale_de_France dbr:Susan_Schroeder dbr:Mexico_City dbr:Spanish_conquest_of_the_Aztec_Empire dbc:History_of_the_Aztecs dbr:Crónica_X dbr:Arthur_J._O._Anderson dbr:Fernando_Alvarado_Tezozómoc dbr:Chimalpahin dbr:Nahua_people dbr:University_of_Cambridge dbc:Bibliothèque_nationale_de_France_collections dbc:Nahuatl_literature dbr:History_of_the_Aztecs dbr:Nahuatl
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dbt:Italic_title dbt:Mexico-hist-stub dbt:Clear dbt:C. dbt:Reflist dbt:Ill
The Crónica Mexicayotl is a chronicle of the history of the Aztec Empire from the early Nahua migrations to the colonial period, which was written in the Nahuatl language around the 16th century. Its authorship is debated because the earliest surviving copy is written in the hand of Chimalpahin (1579–1660), while the manuscript itself states that the author is Fernando Alvarado Tezozómoc (before 1542 – c. 1610). A description of the manuscript is included in the census of central Mexican prose writings in the Handbook of Middle American Indians. The oldest extant version of the manuscript, written by Chimalpahin, is designated MS374 and was held at the University of Cambridge until 2013. In 2014, it was repatriated by the Mexican National Institute for Archeology and History, and is now on display at the Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City. In the 18th century, a copy of the manuscript was made by Lorenzo Boturini who published it in Tome 4 of his 1746 "Catálogo del museo histórico indiano". In the late 19th century, Boturini's manuscript was copied by father José Pichardo and Antonion León y Gama, whose manuscript is designated (MS 311); this tertiary copy is now held at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France in Paris. In 1949, working from photocopies of the tertiary manuscript MS311, Adrian León translated the Crónica Mexicayotl into Spanish and the National Autonomous University of Mexico published it with the Nahuatl and Spanish text. This version has since been published in several editions, but being based on the tertiary version it contains errors and omissions. In 1997, American ethnohistorians Susan Schroeder and Arthur J. O. Anderson translated the earliest manuscript, MS374, into English and published it as part of their book Codex Chimalpahin. A Spanish translation by Rafael Tena was published in 2013, and a German translation of the same by Berthold Riese was published in 2004. Die Crónica Mexicayotl ist ein in aztekischer Sprache abgefasstes Werk, dessen Teile von verschiedenen Autoren indianischen Autoren stammen. Das Werk gibt einen historischen Überblick über die Mexica oder Azteken von ihrem Auszug aus dem mythischen Ort Aztlán bis in die Zeit der spanischen Eroberung. Crónica Mexicayotl è una cronaca dell'impero azteco scritta in lingua nahuatl da Fernando Alvarado Tezozómoc attorno al 1598. Partendo dal fatto che l'autore apparteneva alla linea di successione reale azteca, il manoscritto racconta la versione azteca della storia del Messico centrale. Fu scritto sia in nahuatl che in spagnolo dall'autore bilingue. Il documento nahuatl fu rinvenuto da Joaquín García Icazbalceta all'interno della collezione Boturini, in seguito spostata presso la Bibliothèque nationale de France di Parigi, e pubblicato nel 1949 in una versione tradotta da Adrián Leon. L'opera descrive la storia degli Aztechi dal primo tlatoani Acamapichtili fino alla nomina da parte degli spagnoli di "re fantoccio" dalla metà del XVI secolo. La Crónica Mexicáyotl es una obra escrita en idioma náhuatl por Hernando de Alvarado Tezozómoc con algunas inserciones de Alonso Franco y Domingo Francisco Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin,​ en torno a 1598. La obra narra la historia del pueblo mexica desde su salida de Aztlán hasta el inicio de la Conquista de México. El autor era descendiente directo de Moctezuma Xocoyotzin y narra la genealogía de la clase gobernante.