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Sustainable management takes the concepts from sustainability and synthesizes them with the concepts of management. Sustainability has three branches: the environment, the needs of present and future generations, and the economy. Using these branches, it creates the ability of a system to thrive by maintaining economic viability and also nourishing the needs of the present and future generations by limiting resource depletion. From this definition, sustainable management has been created to be defined as the application of sustainable practices in the categories of businesses, agriculture, society, environment, and personal life by managing them in a way that will benefit current generations and future generations.

Property Value
  • تأخذ الإدارة المستدامة المفاھیم من الاستدامة وتؤلفھا بمفاھیم الإدارة. للاستدامة ثلاثة فروع: البیئة، واحتیاجات الأجیال الحالیة والمقبلة، والاقتصاد. وباستخدام ھذه الفروع، تخلق قدرة النظام على الازدھار، بالحفاظ على مقومات البقاء الاقتصادي وتغذیة احتیاجات الأجیال الحالیة والمقبلة، بالحد من استنفاد الموارد. ومن ھذا التعریف، نشأت الإدارة المستدامة بتعریفھا أنھا تطبیق الممارسات المستدامة في فئات الأعمال التجاریة والزراعة والمجتمع والبیئة والحیاة الشخصیة، بإدارتھا بطریقة تعود بالنفع على الأجیال الحالیة والمقبلة . تُعد الإدارة المستدامة ضروریة لأنھا جزء مھم من القدرة على الحفاظ بنجاح على نوعیة الحیاة على كوكبنا. یمكن تطبیق الإدارة المستدامة على جمیع جوانب حیاتنا. مثلاً، ینبغي أن تكون ممارسات الأعمال التجاریة مستدامة لتستمر، لأنھ إذا كانت الأعمال التجاریة غیر مستدامة، فلن تكون –وفقًا لتعریف الاستدامة- قادرة على المنافسة. المجتمعات المحلیة بحاجة إلى إدارة مستدامة، لأنھ إذا أُرید للمجتمع أن یزدھر، فلا بد أن تكون الإدارة مستدامة. یجب أن تكون للغابات والموارد الطبیعیة إدارة مستدامة لتُستخدم باستمرار من جانب جیلنا وأجیالنا المقبلة. ینبغي أیضًا إدارة حیاتنا الشخصیة إدارة مستدامة. قد یكون ذلك باتخاذ قرارات تساعد على الحفاظ على محیطنا المباشر وبیئتنا، أو بإدارة سلامتنا العاطفیة والبدنیة. یمكن تطبیق الإدارة المستدامة على أشیاء كثیرة، إذ یمكن تطبیقھا مفھومًا حرفیًا وتجریدیًا. تعكس استراتیجیات المدیرین عقلیة العصر. ولما كان الأمر كذلك، فقد كانت مشكلة لتطور ممارسات الإدارة المستدامة لسببین: أولاً أن المعاییر المستدامة تتغیر باستمرار. مثلاً، أصبحت الأمور التي لا یمكن تصورھا قبل بضع سنوات ممارسات قیاسیة. وثانیًا أنه لممارسة الإدارة المستدامة، یتعین على المرء أن یكون متقدمًا، لیس على المدى القصیر فحسب، بل أیضًا على المدى الطویل. (ar)
  • Sustainable management takes the concepts from sustainability and synthesizes them with the concepts of management. Sustainability has three branches: the environment, the needs of present and future generations, and the economy. Using these branches, it creates the ability of a system to thrive by maintaining economic viability and also nourishing the needs of the present and future generations by limiting resource depletion. From this definition, sustainable management has been created to be defined as the application of sustainable practices in the categories of businesses, agriculture, society, environment, and personal life by managing them in a way that will benefit current generations and future generations. Sustainable management is needed because it is an important part of the ability to successfully maintain the quality of life on our planet. Sustainable management can be applied to all aspects of our lives. For example, the practices of a business should be sustainable if they wish to stay in businesses, because if the business is unsustainable, then by the definition of sustainability they will cease to be able to be in competition. Communities are in a need of sustainable management, because if the community is to prosper, then the management must be sustainable. Forest and natural resources need to have sustainable management if they are to be able to be continually used by our generation and future generations. Our personal lives also need to be managed sustainably. This can be by making decisions that will help sustain our immediate surroundings and environment, or it can be by managing our emotional and physical well-being. Sustainable management can be applied to many things, as it can be applied as a literal and an abstract concept. Meaning, depending on what they are applied to the meaning of what it is can change. (en)
  • O manejo florestal sustentável (MFS), é um modelo que permite a exploração racional dos produtos madeireiros e não madeireiros com técnicas de mínimo impacto ambiental sobre os elementos da natureza. Uma floresta manejada continuará oferecendo suas riquezas para as gerações futuras, pois a madeira e seus outros produtos são recursos renováveis. Uma definição mais precisa de manejo se encontra no próprio decreto que regulamentou a exploração das florestas da Bacia Amazônica (Decreto nº1.282, de 19.10.95). Neste documento, o termo manejo florestal sustentável é definido como administração de floresta para a obtenção de benefícios econômicos e sociais, respeitando-se os mecanismos de sustentação do ecossistema. Esta definição deixa claro que para ser sustentável, o manejo deve ser economicamente viável, ecologicamente correto e socialmente justo. Floresta manejada é aquela em que houve efetivamente a prescrição de uma colheita de impacto reduzido (sistema de colheita), a prescrição de tratamentos silviculturais (sistema silvicultural) e o monitoramento do impacto no remanescente florestal (sistema de monitoramento). Manejo florestal sustentável busca a administração da floresta para a obtenção de benefícios econômicos, sociais e ambientais, respeitando-se os mecanismos de sustentação do ecossistema objeto do manejo e considerando-se, cumulativa ou alternativamente, a utilização de múltiplas espécies. O manejo florestal sustentável prioriza a permanência da floresta "em pé", já que sua existência é o que garante a sobrevivência econômica da atividade florestal. Também possibilita que as populações nativas vivam dos recursos proporcionados pela própria floresta, evitando sua derrubada e contribuindo para que a floresta seja preservada, ao mesmo tempo que lhe confere um valor econômico. (pt)
  • 195205 (xsd:integer)
  • 24207 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1109939506 (xsd:integer)
  • تأخذ الإدارة المستدامة المفاھیم من الاستدامة وتؤلفھا بمفاھیم الإدارة. للاستدامة ثلاثة فروع: البیئة، واحتیاجات الأجیال الحالیة والمقبلة، والاقتصاد. وباستخدام ھذه الفروع، تخلق قدرة النظام على الازدھار، بالحفاظ على مقومات البقاء الاقتصادي وتغذیة احتیاجات الأجیال الحالیة والمقبلة، بالحد من استنفاد الموارد. ومن ھذا التعریف، نشأت الإدارة المستدامة بتعریفھا أنھا تطبیق الممارسات المستدامة في فئات الأعمال التجاریة والزراعة والمجتمع والبیئة والحیاة الشخصیة، بإدارتھا بطریقة تعود بالنفع على الأجیال الحالیة والمقبلة . (ar)
  • Sustainable management takes the concepts from sustainability and synthesizes them with the concepts of management. Sustainability has three branches: the environment, the needs of present and future generations, and the economy. Using these branches, it creates the ability of a system to thrive by maintaining economic viability and also nourishing the needs of the present and future generations by limiting resource depletion. From this definition, sustainable management has been created to be defined as the application of sustainable practices in the categories of businesses, agriculture, society, environment, and personal life by managing them in a way that will benefit current generations and future generations. (en)
  • O manejo florestal sustentável (MFS), é um modelo que permite a exploração racional dos produtos madeireiros e não madeireiros com técnicas de mínimo impacto ambiental sobre os elementos da natureza. Uma floresta manejada continuará oferecendo suas riquezas para as gerações futuras, pois a madeira e seus outros produtos são recursos renováveis. (pt)
  • إدارة مستدامة (ar)
  • Sustainable management (en)
  • Manejo sustentável (pt)
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